Beta - evil/wrong
Isfet, being a natural state is rather impersonal. It keeps things from stagnation, tears things down so that we have room to rebuild.
Beta is that guy who ran up to you, stabbed you and took your wallet.
Beta often uses Isfet as its vehicle.
Beta is full of perpose, it exsists because it is allowed to, it is cultivated and grown. All it needs is one small seed to take root, and the it not only infultrates the ab, heart, the mind, the body and spirit, but then it moves outward into every fascet of society including religious groups.
This is very differant from a natrual disruption.
in the westcar papyrus ra says 'I did not command that they do evil, it is thier hears that destroy what I have set froth.'"
The easiest way to explain this is when you enter a new work group or social group so to speak. This, more than likely is going to be considered a threat to the established social order. This can lead to all maner of 'drama' (the negitive kind) all because of the Perception of Threat. an explination if you will as to why some people are assholes.. its all about personal power/ lack there of and the struggle to eather gain your own or userp it from others in unecesaraly negitive means.
When we accept our own chaotic nature, and the evil of the world and know our strengths and limits to addreassing it, we can negate hostile emotions and straengthen the bond w/ your source of power /understanding/ enlightenment.
This leads me to Xin Mo - the evil that man cultivates in one's heart. When one harbors one's enemy in thier heart, its when we keep this anger toward another there. In this way we are like a caregiver to a nasty /neg emotion. This negitivity becomes in itself a new entity. Like a disease or parasite. Xin mo is viewed as a demon, one that is self created.
I was reading this article about the corruption regarding the catholic church and how it lead to the dark ages. It really got me thinking about things. This isnt going to be one of those all christians are evil thing, but it definately something to think about and consider. However, I think the facts lead to the concept as to why there is such rampant closed mindedness, judgementalism in the general christian society. After such destruction and the warping of minds, how can any such thing remain pure?
Never in the 3,000 (give or take a few hundred) years of the history of white folks on this Earth have a large number of white folks lived their lives according to loving, spiritual concepts. Their fellow whites harass those that try. Homosexual men have dominated even their religions. The early priests blamed women for their own inability to control their own sexual nature. Celibacy is not an accident. Origen castrated himself, St. Augustine frequented prostitutes, and many Popes have been homosexual. The largest, most powerful religious organization ever to exist in white society is the Catholic Church. The Pope, his cronies, and his followers have consistently and habitually committed and permitted the most non-spiritual, anti-godlike, obscene, and immoral acts in the history of life on this planet. The early Christian church violently denied people the knowledge and wisdom of the ancient world. The torture, murder, and persecution of individuals coupled with the burning of scrolls, churches, and whole libraries by Greeks, Romans, and other ignorant european heathens has deprived the world of a true knowledge of our ancestors. The Council of Nice in 325 A.D. officially sanctioned these despicable acts. The Emperor Constantine ordered the bickering factions of Christendom to reconcile their differences and codify biblical precepts for the Church. They not only set the rules of Christianity in stone they perverted, distorted, and corrupted the very ideals Jesus attempted to bring to the world of humans. From that time until the present it has been a legitimate function of the church to destroy all other religions. Constantine enacted laws that commanded Christian churches to be built on the site of churches of other faiths, ordered that honor should be shown to Christian priests, and threatened with death those who dared to insult them. He changed the day Easter is celebrated and the day of Sabbath just because he hated Jews. The Christian Church was begun with acts of intolerance and murder. This has continued throughout their history. (Read "The History of The First Council of Nice," by Dean Dudley published by A&B Books.
We are taught in school as children that the Catholic Church led the world out of the Dark Ages. In the entire world only Europe experienced the so-called Dark Ages. The Catholic churches of Europe led and directed the many atrocities that occurred during this period. People who had the full support and blessings of the Church tortured all persons of knowledge and understanding into silence or death (whichever came first). It is a general belief that women are more attuned to their intuitions than men. During the dark ages anyone with highly developed spiritual or psychic ability was tortured to death if someone told the church of her or him having this ability. 75% to 85% of these talented people were women. We call this the Dark Ages but it was a time of consolidation and control for the Catholic Church. The tortures, murders, rapes, and diseases were the methods used by the Catholic Church to warp the minds of the Caucasians of Europe. Understand this fact if you don’t get the point of anything else: THE CATHOLIC CHURCH BECAME THE NUMBER ONE RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION IN EUROPE BECAUSE IT WILLFULLY DESTROYED THE MORAL AND SPIRITUAL CENTER OF IT’S OWN PEOPLE! The so-called Dark Ages ended when the Pope unleashed the diseased hordes of Europe on the rest of the world. This period is called the Age of Discovery. The Crusades were blessed by the church, the Spanish Inquisition was blessed by the church, and genocide all across the Western Hemisphere was blessed by the church as the barbarian hordes from Europe raped, pillaged, murdered, and robbed their way across the globe for over 600 years.
There is not a place on the Earth where white folks came in contact with other races and did not destroy the lifestyle of the other race. First they kill the warriors and priests, then they rape the women, and then they make a deal with the politicians and businessmen. This new leadership of spineless, brain-dead amoebas sell out the following generations. They put the youth in schools run by whites who taught them to respect, honor, and obey white people and white standards to the exclusion of everything their own people have eternally held dear. The traitorous amoebas believe they’re being "nice." In reality THEY ARE TRULY LOST SOULS! Lost Souls who struggle against the illusion trying to become the illusion. They fight to get inside a system of life that is designed to destroy the very concept of love and GOD! you think this is just some racist guy ranting, then you forgot your history. What happend to the Native Americans? What happened to the Chinese that were lied to then enslaved to work on our railroads and then given opium to get adicted to? What happened in India? Remember the problem with the east india company that was so bad the Navy had to get involved? Lets face it, its called domination and intolerance. Who did all this stuff? "christian white people' now you can get into how the warring tribes screwed themselves over and that its acros the bord with one or two examples of the rich in general subduing the poor and week, but the fact remains, the above is true.
I really enjoyed the honesty and knowledge of what is felt but never spoken. In the end, it's not about race but the choices we make that promote God's word/will or that destroys it, and the ability to understand the difference and take responsibility for that decision made. May God have mercy on us all.