I did some traveling around the net looking for what people say on this topic. My information is coming from Rosemary Clark's book Sacred Tradition of Ancient Egypt, or Sacred Magic of Ancient Egypt. It's interesting that you will generally find from 5 to 9 divisions. Many people like to stick with seven, as 7 is an important numerical correspondence. The most interesting thing I found so far, was from a person, who, like me read the works of Ra Um Nefer.
Like Dr. Muata Ashby, Ra Um Nefer notices the consistencies between Hinduism, Buddhism and Neterism. I didn't really start noticing the big picture untill I started studdying Hinduism, and then went back through many of my books and realised that several authors, especially the two above cited Hindu and Buddhist works. Also, I want to point out that Swaller De Lubucz noticed this as well, and is usually cited in many works regarding Ancient Egytpian Tradition aka Neterism.
This persons sources include Ra Um Nefer and Gerald Massey which I think is a bit scetchy myself. Ra Um Nefer had a habbit of quoting from Swaller De Lubicz works word for word, but did not cite him in his bibliography (or I just missed it) I happen to have all but two of de Lubicz published works, which is the only reasion I noticed it. Im sure he could have been quoting from John Anthony West, who is quite familiar with de Lubicz's works, but it still rubbed me the wrong way, because when I say word for word I mean it. I may be over critical, he could have just been quoting Serpant in the Sky which was sited in his bibliography. As for Gerald Massey, I have no opinion of either way. I never read his works. He isnt on my reading list of 50 or so Egyptologists. (neither was R.A.Schwaller de Lubicz... or Barbera Mertz but they are very knowledgable and their writing style is engrossing)
As a spiritual healer one comes across fragmented and shattered souls quite often. You could hit your head on a really big rock and fragment yourself. Its really not hard to do. Of course any kind of trauma will do this, physical or psychological. I doupt they always shatter allong the proper divisions, however the concept still leads me back to them.
In the books by rosemary Clark and in the book of coming forth by day, there is an agreement of the divisions, so that is my basis. The Book of Coming forth By Day is the actual name for the book of the dead.
The Khaibit is the shadow of the elemental world. A mirror image of the body, animal or elemental.
The Khat, physical form. that which decays. This is the vessel of your Ka.
The Ka
double-etheric body. both ntr and humans have one or seven.... it carries the imprint of the body, so if you are astrally traveling... then that is what part of you it is. This is the immortal part. It is also intelligent and tends to remember all the different people its been. hence how there is no such thing as reincarnation, but at the same time... there is... as it is the Ka that does this, but the ka isn't the only part of the soul which affects you while you are living... there are other facets involved, so in a sense its not the same person as last life time as it is ever fluid and changing. Just like due to kensho you are no longer the person you were two years ago.... yet you are....
EVERYTHING living possesses a KA, this does include plants, animals, temples, idols, your pc (REI) the earth itself and all that is on it, the stars, the rocks on Stonehenge..... the fish eyes in my soup...
BA-- your personal soul. or your 'ghost' astral body. The Ba can transmigrate and do remote viewing. This is the part that likes to go for walks ... I swear it wanders all over the place... so if you have weird dreams and are told you are remote viewing or if you see things in dreams that actually happen, then this is your BA. They used to have lots of ambulates to call it back (talk about fragmented soul) cause it has a tendency to wander and not return until its called. This is your short attention span....
The Ab -- or heart soul. this is where all your materialistic passions are. It is the samurai part.... (just can't leave that shit alone) for example here is where your conscience desires, honor, dignity and truth are here. your life memory is here as well. Your Ab determines what kind of incarnation you will have next or if you return to Ntr. Also it determines whether you are so vile that you are eaten by Ammit to later be recreated in the Tepi-aui-Un ...ect ect.
The Akh-- the light of soul type thing... your spiritual intelligence. Imperishable and transcends time and space. So this thing is directly connected to Ntr Ntru or you can say Akashic record. This is you as a 'being of light'
Djed - speech. or hku. hmm my comment would be to say it is partially your Ari/ karma (Im not sure I used the correct word there) and you as Ntr. As all was created through the Hku of Djehuti we are all the hku, therefore we are Ntr.
The Sahu. The Origin of ALL spirits. I would say this is a connection to the primordial ooze in which we all originate
Skhem - the vital force. personal will.
Sa- your life force.
Since the soul can shatter and fragment on its own and there are all those different divisions of it (and no, I don't quite understand all that as of yet) I'm sure that we ourselves can fragment to go a roving... or get stuck in our own created hell.
ok Now for that seven devision thing. I found this Here:
it was a very interesting conversation, check it out !
The Muldahara Chakra -root of physical exsistance- basic survival instincts - Kab
The Svadhisthani Chakra - procreation, family and fantacy - khaibit
The Manipura Chakra -the will, the dantien- center of balance - Saku
The Anahata Chakra - balance of mind/soul/emotions/heart chakra - The Ab
The Vishuddha Chakra - communication - Sekhem
The Anja Chakra - third eye - khu
The Sahasrara Chakra- divine connection - Ba
are u talking about teh KA