The sun, one-third past its zenith, shone brightly down on the odd pair. Xin Lon, thankful for its presence on the breezy post-harvest day, soaked the bit of warmth it provided. Her hair remained steadfastly in place, unmoving. This was an addition to the unnaturalness of her life. She stood beside the Sohei (warior –monk), Chen Zhen, who was her companion in the tall grasses. Their gold color struck her: that they would be such a pretty color at their death. The grass itself was an amazing thing to her, as it died in beauty, to sleep in winter, to be reborn in the spring.
There were no trees close to them, though there were a few on the homestead toward which the pair were traveling. She could see their colors in this distance; again, she paid attention to their pre-hibernation vibrancy.
The homestead looked, not as her report had said, but as if a room had been added. As she gazed upon the field behind the house, she could tell that there had been a recent harvest. This was not unusual for men of Yuusuke's rank, as many people grew personal gardens not intended for beauty, but for practicality. According to her report, they kept some of the produce, and traded and bartered some as well.
"It looks like they are still preparing for our arrival." Xin Lon stated as she watched the mother sit on the porch as a girl began beating a rug. She wasn’t sure what the three boys and father were doing, but their laughter rang and pealed out to where the two of them stood.
"We should rest here; give them the time they need." Chen Zhen said as he lowered himself to sit. Xin Lon sat in the tall grass, the wind singing around her. Chen Zhen, looking amused, began preparation for tea. She flipped out her hand-held portable gateway to study the report on the Yamaguchi family one last time before their final approach. As she was here by her father’s order – to spend the until the summer training. Yuusuke was not just a man of accomplishment, but a highly respected sensei of open had combat.
He had left his original homestead in the hands of his sister, and then purchased his rank, leaving him enough to buy some stocks and this tract, to become a Landed Soldier. He performed his duties with tenacity, and provided information that rooted out assassins in the Lord Governor’s ranks. Landed Soldiers were common, but she did not find Yuusuke common in the least. He had started out an ordinary foot soldier, and had married a farmer's daughter, Masu, who bore him three children two sons named Hiroaki and Hajime with one daughter Okatsu. Her eyes unconsciously flickered toward the family. Maybe the boy was a friend of Hajime?
As she read the report regarding their schooling, Chen Zhen poured the tea. She looked up only when she heard laughter wafting out toward them. The intelligence report had stated the school Hiroaki attended, but not his performance. As for Hajime – he studied at his fathers dojo, and excelled – he had been invited to go to the school with the ranking children such as herself. He didn’t have any close friends... who then was that other boy? The hairs on the back of her neck rose, as they smelled the wind, looking toward the 12-year-old girl and elder monk for a mere instant. Those boys knew they were there, even though they sat so far away, hidden in the tall grass.
"Masu is ill." She glowered at the report, it did not mention this either.
Chen Zhen smiled, in the six months they had traveled together by her father’s order to see the lay of the land and meet the people, or to get assassinated while doing so…he had learned much about Xin Lon's amazing perception. He never grew tired of the things she could see.
"How can you tell?" he asked her as he sipped his tea.
He wondered what her thoughts were as the father and boys played, as this was an experience outside of Xin Lon’s short life: the unwanted child of a Provincial Governor, who had been an embarrassment in akido and kendo. So much so, that he had made the child go on foot, banning the use of ports or ovoids.
"Illness has its colors. Her vibrant energies, being drained and changing to those colors, stain her energy and her aura. In her aura, there are black and greenish brown spots. The spots that should be bright green have darkened. It’s almost as if her energy has given up on the attempt to heal. She is dying."
"What is the nature of the sickness?"
"I don’t know."
"Perhaps some day you may."
"I'd rather not. Chen Zhen, why do I see these things, when no one else does?"
She folded her hands in her lap, continuing to gaze at the family. He wondered, what else would be able to see as she grew older.
He fought an inner battle of discomfort. There were so many things she did not know about her origins; these was best kept secret. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. How does one tell a child, who has been through as much as she has, the truth of her nature? He knew then, that the dreams would come to him, ones he would never share with another soul, other than the Senior Master of the Sohei.
"Who knows?" He answered in a cheerful tone. "Such sight will be useful."
She watched the family enjoy each other’s company, such an alien thing in her life. Every so often the two boys would allow a casual gaze to waft over their position.
"Chen Zhen?" He could feel her gaze rest upon him.
"Yes, child?" He met her dark blue eyes... eyes like none he'd ever before seen.
"The family roster said there were three children. Hiroaki and Okatsu, and Hajime."
He nodded in agreement
"Then where did the other one come from?"
"Where indeed, well perhaps it is time to find out." He said, but she put her hand on his arm. "Sufi, let us give them more time. They will begin to worry once they see us, it’s already in the air around them, that orange color. It's pale, but palatable."
Chen Zhen looked at her out of the corner of his eye for a moment. Then, he too watched the family. He wondered for a moment if she didn’t feel a bit envious.
"I wonder if it bothers him." Xin Lon mussed.
"What and whom?" Chen Zhen asked her. Sometimes he wasn’t sure if she was talking to him, or something that remained unseen.
"Yuusuke. He has worked very hard, but it’s a matter of course isn’t it? Never mind that many people will do only the work they are supposed to. He gets rewarded not for all of his efforts, but for a piece of information he came across."
"Ah but this piece of information, saved many lives, and put an end to a plan to assassinate the Province Marshal."
She sighed audibly. “I see death lingering around that man, a violent one at that, it makes you wonder what the head of Provincial safety is actually doing as Marshal.
Chen Zhen attempted not to laugh, nearly choking on his tea.
"They know we are here, the younger boys." She felt odd saying it that way; they looked to be her age.
Chen Zhen had not noticed this. "Are you certain?" he asked, a bit concerned. "I haven’t seen them looking toward us." Chen Zhen replied bemused.
"They noticed and looked over when we first got here. You know, I think they can smell us." She pondered toward the family for a moment. "Occasionally, when they turn to do something their gaze fall upon us."
Chen Zhen was a bit surprised that she noticed such things.
"They are very subtle." he said to her
"Their attention is as sharp as a bite."
"Their attention?" he muttered, looking to the younger boys who seemed to be paying them no mind. Xin Lon however, stared intently at the family interaction.
" You have never felt when someone is looking at you, or paying attention to your actions?" She smiled, remembering his stories of getting into trouble as a young monk.
"I can not deny I have." He smiled back.
"Their auras and energy patterns are.... different." She said, staring intently.
"How so?" he asked, leaning forward to look at the people, small in the distance.
She did not answer, but continued her intent stare. It seemed the boys did not appreciate this type of scrutiny. In but a brief moment, Yuusuke was alerted to their presence. It took a moment for the man to see them, but then he waved to them walking to meet them with Hiroaki.
"They are waiting." Jirou said sharply.
Hiroaki and Yuusuke stopped what they were doing and turned slowly toward Jirou, they could not remember him being wrong about such things. Though Hajime was just as sharp in perception, it was usually the eldest of the boys who spoke first.
Hiroaki, looked at his father. "But, there are no gilded Oval transports." usually one could hear their soft hum from a far distance, if not have their eyes burnt out of their sockets by their gaudy nature.
"There are only two. Adult and child." Jirou said, his eyes narrowing.
"Oh! Perhaps our Provincial Governor has brought his son!" Masu exclaimed, delighted, staring into the distance for what her eyes longed for, but could not see.
"How long have they been there?" Yuusuke asked mildly nervous, it would not do to keep the Governor waiting.
"Twenty minutes." Jirou spoke.
"It’s not the Governor." Hajime said, with a glower. "I sense a presence of peace, not of domination or control."
"Then, perhaps it’s just the young Master?" Hiroaku asked, astounded that the Governor would allow his eldest Son to travel so, in such dangerous times.
Both Jirou and Hajime had peculiar looks on their faces. "The Governor only has two sons with him. His daughters are all married, and he had a fair few of those: ten, I believe."
"But there are no Ovals, no guards, so how can we be sure it really is the Governor’s son?" Okatsu posed.
"They have the standard official gateway distributed to..." Jirou’s countenance became mocking, "men of office."
"Perhaps young Master doesn’t prefer fanfare." Hiroaki said impressed.
Jirou snorted in disgust. "That would be a first."
"Well, one would think that The Provincial Governor would be more concerned about his eldest son, inheritor of his position." Hiroeki mussed.
"Maybe he isn’t," Jirou stated as if it were obvious.
"Son?" Hajime asked.
Jirou shot him a look that immediately silenced him.
The others, used to their oddities ignored it.
"Well then, we should greet them, whom ever they are." Yuusuke waved toward the figures sitting in the long grass, Hiroaki following him.
"You noticed didn’t you?" Hajime asked his brother the tongue of the Technomancer as Okastsu led Masu into the house.
"Of course. We say nothing, just see what happens," Jirou directed.
Jirou and Hajime watched Xin Lon watch them.
Xin Lon and Chen Zhen began their walk, meeting with Yuusuke and Hiroaki at the base of the hill. Each bowed politely to the other.
"If you please, this would be Xin Lon, son of the Provincial Governor. He will be conducting the land and holding survey. I am his companion Chen Zhen."
"Excuse me for my rudeness sir," Hiroaki began with excitement. "You are a Sohei monk, are you not?" He was practically bouncing up and down on his feet.
"Yes, young sir, I am. Very pleased to meet you."
The breeze had picked up to a brisk wind, causing the fabric of Xin Lon’s official Governor’s Vassal tunic to whip round. Chen Zhen's own Sohei robes rippled violently.
Yuusuke looked around as if to scold the wind. "If you would like we should go inside. My daughter has prepared a meal for you, and of course if you would like to stay in our home, we can prepare a place for you." He looked a bit abashed. "Of course it is not so fine as if you were to stay in Town."
Xin Lon and Chen Zhen bowed, "Yes, that will be fine." Chen Zhen smiled.
"Before we go." Xin Lon interrupted. "who is that boy?" Again, she felt a surge of ridiculousness at herself.
"Young Master..." Yuusuke looked uncomfortable.
"But, we put in the adoption papers last year!" Hiroaki said in defense.
"It is not in my records," she said out loud.
"I apologize, but we are still waiting on the approval for the adoption." Yuusuke bowed again.
"Please excuse the oversight, it seems none of this made it into my records."
She knew very well it was no oversight. Too often on her journey she had noticed omissions, forcing her to go to a public access to update the records on her portable gateway. She was very close to hiring a Technomancer to input ALL files necessary for the rest of her journey. This was just a way to make her look incompetent.
"When I go to Town to inspect, I will approve it myself. Unless of course you can think of a reason it should not be?" Xin Lon corrected herself. She expected people to be honest, and lately, it seemed the reverse was the normal course of things.
Yuusuke and Hiroaki looked distinctly uncomfortable. Yuusuke heaved a great sigh, and resigned himself. "Young Master, I have not been able to be attentive to my family, regarding my physical presence. Over a year ago, during the spring planting, the boy showed up and assisted my daughter at her task while Hiroaki was at school. Masu is ill and was unable to help. In honesty, he has never told us where he comes from, he never speaks of it. I have put him in the regional school, and he seems to do well. He doesnt cause many problems and is a great benefit to the family I’m unable to remain close to." He again bowed.
Xin Lon considered this information. There was no reason why she couldn’t get approval for it, but she was more than certain she would need a Technomancer now.
"Did you report him missing?" She asked.
"Yes, young master."
She wondered what the problem could possibly be.
"And the child welfare department has remained silent on this matter?" she asked.
"Yes, it seems so." Yuusuke replied.
She was beginning to wonder just how little attention her father was paying to the general state of things.
"Yes, I will look into this matter as soon as I’m able to get to an access port. If you please, I would very much like to go inside."
Yuusuke bowed and began leading the way.
"Yuusuke-san? What is his name?" she asked as they defied the zephyr.
"He didn’t tell me that. We call him Jirou." Yuusuke replied, he and his son remaining steadfast as the wind whipped about them.
uusuke was incredably surprised with his Govorner's eldest son. He was polite and respectful at all times to whomever he was interacting with. He was very manerly. In short, he acted the way the son of an important official should, insted of the unruely bratty way most children of high birth were. He even offered to set the table for dinner. He waited on his Sohai companion as well, as if it were he that was the servant. Even Hiroaki was just as impressed with the pair.
Throughout the dinner, Xin Lon held his own in discussions regarding the state, the local news and the financial affairs of the household. He was not belligerent but was able to ask his questions in such a manner that everyone felt at least and was somehow not the least bit intrusive. He even discussed the literature Hiroaki was studying in school. On the same vein Xin Lon even discussed the house hold affairs with Okatsu. Throughout Jirou remained uncharacteristically silent, in a way it was a relief since he had a tendency to make it a point to not display any manners. Hajime too, was silent, but that was normal.
They sat around the table with their tea, after all the dishes had been cleared. The room was dim and Xin Lon felt 'comfortable'. She opened up her tag-u,/ portable gateway and pulled up the file on the family. She snapped it shut in irritation, looking up, Jirou had a bemused look on his face. He could have passed for a native of Nippon, with no trouble. They looked like brothers- Hajime with his hair was long, going against most standards, kept it tied neatly off the top of his crown, it dangled down to his mid-back. Jirou however, his white hair was kept tied at the nape of his neck, except for one braid on either side of his face, in the braids were beaded leather. His eyes, an absence of color, while hajime had light brown, almost yellow.
Jirou sat the way a commoner would, sloppy half lounging. Everyone else sat as decorum dictated.
"It looks like your having a problem." he said in a bored, way as if to challenge the vanity of the Young Master.
"Its a problem only because specific files are not there, and Im not currently near an access point in order to input." Xin Lon spoke carefully, sensing that this was a test of some sort.
"Maybe, I know if I was trying to make you look like a fool, I would put the files you needed in a sub file that wasn't noticeable, so that when the matter was brought up, one could simply point to the oh so obvious sub file. Or you just don't know what you are doing."
Xin Lon looked into his eyes for a moment, knowing that everyone held their breath waiting to see her reaction. She bowed her head in deference. "That certainly is a possibility."
Jriou shifted his weight, sat up straighter and held his hand out. "Give it to me. I will find those files you need."
Again, Xin Lon bowed in politeness. "I thank you."
Everyone in the room realized that they had been holding thier breath through this small exchange. Yuusuke was over come with pride at the thought of his Governor's son. Young the boy may be, he was certainly worthy of praise and admiration.
Jirou immediately began pressing buttons. "Xin lon is a Main Land name."
"yes it is." Xin lon replied pleasantly, sipping tea.
"I understand the Sohei having a mainland name, but isnt is against 'tradition'" he spat the word out "to have a name like that, being the son, " he stressed that word "of an important official?"
"Venerable Master Chen Zhen, was asked by my father, to provide a name. Xin Lon is the name of the Dragon King of the element of fire." She said with an utter absence of arrogance.
Even though Jirous fingers continued what they were doing, he stared at Xin Lon for a moment.
"Aren't you afraid it would offend the Dragon King?" Saitou asked.
Jirou looked sidelong at his brother, with a half grin. He raised his eyebrows and returned his gaze to Xin Lon, then finally back to the tag-u gateway.
"Do famers care what dogs call themselves?" she asked with a grin. "Im not sure great dragon kings invest much time in the petty affairs of humans."
Saitou nodded once, but did not look as if he quite believed those words. Jirou however, made a noise of deep satisfaction, clicked the tag-u gateway shut, tossing it to Xin lon.
He had a look of prideful satisfaction "Take a look. You should be able to find everything now."
Xin lon did as Jirou had bade, knowing that the files were never hidden. Had they been, Jirou was the type of person to point out their location... but when she looked, she herself was surprised at the sheer volume of what was there, including, the acceptance of the adoption.
Perhaps she was just being overly suspicious. She bowed to him, and thanked him again.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Kakumei: The rise of the Bakkufu 3
Meskenet Shem Ari
Kakumei :
The Rise of the Bakkufu
Ch 3
Dora seathed while staring in the communication mirror. The Gaul of the slovenly and probablyh distincivly smelly man astouned her. She felt an icey breeze touch her skin. Her new aid was very thorough – poor thing. On his first day in Dora's employ she had managed to set his office completely on fire. He had kept a level head, put out the fire with out angering her and salvaging everything. This aid was definitely a keeper.
She watched disgusted as the man's jowels moved explaining why they could not keep the boy. It was utter nonsense. She knew that the Strega learning center was going down hill and being influenced by those Church of the Anointed people…. Apparently they had finally taken control of the government or something reasonably close. She closed her eyes and pressed her slender hand against her pressure point between her eyes. This reminded her too much of the past. For a moment she wished she were more like Grail – but then again, the world probably couldn't handle more than one of her.
"RMI Dora !" The man on the other side of the mirror called to her. She opened her eyes enough to glare at him.
"So – so you understand why I cant keem him HERE." He said, his voice full of distain and discust.
She couldn't believe this – and almost gave him a piece of her mind when she realized the boy would probably be much better off here.
"Very well, have him port here as soon as he is ready."
The man lit up excitedly "Oh are you sure RMI Dora? He is most certainly ready now !"
She could feel her eyes narrow in disgust as she glowered at him. "I will meet him myself at the port."
Dora listened to her assistant – MereSatAmun – prepare her tea. The tinkling sound of the china calmed her. This sound had never changed –and it was still called china. This made her happy. She never wished for things to return to the way they were 'before' – she had been enjoying this life and its ups and downs – though sometimes – It is nice to have familiarity. She chuckled at herself. The idea of familiarity and not having some at this point was ridiculous and she knew it.
The tea was wonderfully soothing, and to her surprise MeriSatAmun had provided small sandwiches. He was a very interesting person. Grail had sent him. She said she felt that Dora may need the extra support. She was right. MeriSatAmun had created 'water globes' that floated around – providing a comfortable mist to a downpour of rain or an ice covering – for her tempermental times. Quite as thoughtful as SMI Torn – who had created the chair on which she sat – of course temperature depending on her mood.
It was when she finished her sandwich that she realized the boy should have been there by now. She looked up at her aid – who pretended he hadn't noticed her looking pointedly at him. She walked to the communication mirror.
"Uhm,… Lady Dora…." Someone she didn't know
"REGANT MASTER." She enunciated, slowely, the man shuddered.
"Uh, yes Regant Master…uhm we have a situation…"
She raised her eyebrow at him "what kind of situation?"
The man shrunk away from the mirror. " It seems that….that child picked up a septi crystal…"
She continued to glower at him. That kind of trifle shouldn't have mattered. Children snuck around and handeled the septicrystals all the time, just to see if they could unlock the knowledge inside. A quick bypass to study. It generally did not work… she began to get a sinking feeling.
"and?" she asked, dropping her voice." She had a vague idea…
"well…lady I mean Regant Master Dora. It belonged to Tholraj…."
She felt her eyes widen. Tholraj had been the most brilliant Technomancer of all time, in fact – he wasn't a technomancer, but a technopath. A very rare type that didn't have the same restrictions of Technomancers – like connecting with the crystals that conducted to make everything work the way it did. …. Her stomach sunk further.
"Is the boy alreight."
The man looked nerviously from side to side. "It doesn't seem so." She wasn't surprised, after all that was many years….Thorlraj had been over 100 when he died….
"And?" she asked, feeling something else was going on
"uhm, RMI Dunlap is trying to re extricate the knowledge to put it back in the crystal." The man winced
"WHAT!?!?!?!" she exploded. Quite literally – along with all the ice globes and watter sprinklers on the ceeling.
"He could kill the boy !!!" she yelled
MeriSatAmun began making a port – by himself – not that she was surprised…. She could but it was nice that he was taking the initiative.
"I don't think he cares." The man whispered.
The port open, Dora, flaming walked through. The man she had been talking to fell back in fear. "WHERE IS HE !?!!?"
The man scrambled to get up, then jogged ahead, leading her toward RMI Dunlap and the boy.
To her horror, RMI Dunlap, was indeed attempting to extricate the knowledge from the boy to the now empty septicrystals – causing the boy to convulse. She burnt his hands.
Again, MeriSatAmun surprised her. He was there – picking the boy up, leaving her free to rage at Dunlap.
"How dare you!! I cant believe you….." Dunlap sobbed over his burnt hands.
What a loathsome creature. She turned her back on him, and opened a port to her home. MeriSatAmun followed her with the unconscious boy in his arms.
Kakumei :
The Rise of the Bakkufu
Ch 3
Dora seathed while staring in the communication mirror. The Gaul of the slovenly and probablyh distincivly smelly man astouned her. She felt an icey breeze touch her skin. Her new aid was very thorough – poor thing. On his first day in Dora's employ she had managed to set his office completely on fire. He had kept a level head, put out the fire with out angering her and salvaging everything. This aid was definitely a keeper.
She watched disgusted as the man's jowels moved explaining why they could not keep the boy. It was utter nonsense. She knew that the Strega learning center was going down hill and being influenced by those Church of the Anointed people…. Apparently they had finally taken control of the government or something reasonably close. She closed her eyes and pressed her slender hand against her pressure point between her eyes. This reminded her too much of the past. For a moment she wished she were more like Grail – but then again, the world probably couldn't handle more than one of her.
"RMI Dora !" The man on the other side of the mirror called to her. She opened her eyes enough to glare at him.
"So – so you understand why I cant keem him HERE." He said, his voice full of distain and discust.
She couldn't believe this – and almost gave him a piece of her mind when she realized the boy would probably be much better off here.
"Very well, have him port here as soon as he is ready."
The man lit up excitedly "Oh are you sure RMI Dora? He is most certainly ready now !"
She could feel her eyes narrow in disgust as she glowered at him. "I will meet him myself at the port."
Dora listened to her assistant – MereSatAmun – prepare her tea. The tinkling sound of the china calmed her. This sound had never changed –and it was still called china. This made her happy. She never wished for things to return to the way they were 'before' – she had been enjoying this life and its ups and downs – though sometimes – It is nice to have familiarity. She chuckled at herself. The idea of familiarity and not having some at this point was ridiculous and she knew it.
The tea was wonderfully soothing, and to her surprise MeriSatAmun had provided small sandwiches. He was a very interesting person. Grail had sent him. She said she felt that Dora may need the extra support. She was right. MeriSatAmun had created 'water globes' that floated around – providing a comfortable mist to a downpour of rain or an ice covering – for her tempermental times. Quite as thoughtful as SMI Torn – who had created the chair on which she sat – of course temperature depending on her mood.
It was when she finished her sandwich that she realized the boy should have been there by now. She looked up at her aid – who pretended he hadn't noticed her looking pointedly at him. She walked to the communication mirror.
"Uhm,… Lady Dora…." Someone she didn't know
"REGANT MASTER." She enunciated, slowely, the man shuddered.
"Uh, yes Regant Master…uhm we have a situation…"
She raised her eyebrow at him "what kind of situation?"
The man shrunk away from the mirror. " It seems that….that child picked up a septi crystal…"
She continued to glower at him. That kind of trifle shouldn't have mattered. Children snuck around and handeled the septicrystals all the time, just to see if they could unlock the knowledge inside. A quick bypass to study. It generally did not work… she began to get a sinking feeling.
"and?" she asked, dropping her voice." She had a vague idea…
"well…lady I mean Regant Master Dora. It belonged to Tholraj…."
She felt her eyes widen. Tholraj had been the most brilliant Technomancer of all time, in fact – he wasn't a technomancer, but a technopath. A very rare type that didn't have the same restrictions of Technomancers – like connecting with the crystals that conducted to make everything work the way it did. …. Her stomach sunk further.
"Is the boy alreight."
The man looked nerviously from side to side. "It doesn't seem so." She wasn't surprised, after all that was many years….Thorlraj had been over 100 when he died….
"And?" she asked, feeling something else was going on
"uhm, RMI Dunlap is trying to re extricate the knowledge to put it back in the crystal." The man winced
"WHAT!?!?!?!" she exploded. Quite literally – along with all the ice globes and watter sprinklers on the ceeling.
"He could kill the boy !!!" she yelled
MeriSatAmun began making a port – by himself – not that she was surprised…. She could but it was nice that he was taking the initiative.
"I don't think he cares." The man whispered.
The port open, Dora, flaming walked through. The man she had been talking to fell back in fear. "WHERE IS HE !?!!?"
The man scrambled to get up, then jogged ahead, leading her toward RMI Dunlap and the boy.
To her horror, RMI Dunlap, was indeed attempting to extricate the knowledge from the boy to the now empty septicrystals – causing the boy to convulse. She burnt his hands.
Again, MeriSatAmun surprised her. He was there – picking the boy up, leaving her free to rage at Dunlap.
"How dare you!! I cant believe you….." Dunlap sobbed over his burnt hands.
What a loathsome creature. She turned her back on him, and opened a port to her home. MeriSatAmun followed her with the unconscious boy in his arms.
Kakumei: The Rise of the Bakkufu : Frankie
Rise of the Bakkufu 2 Frankie
by ~lokieternal
He was about to loose his breath. He had been running, quite literally all night. Ironic. He stayed in shape certainly, but not to run away from people. So that they would take one look at him and run. Yet, here he was, the one running. A whole bunch of religous freeks behind him branshading garden implaments in horrifying ways.
How did he ever get to this strange place? He was especially embarresed when he ramed himself into a tree, but knew better than to complaine. He didn't want them to hear him. He wasnt even sure how they were tracking him? A technomancer? A pack of dogs? Any tower trained person could, yet - he almost knocked his wind out ramming int a low tree branch, these people didnt seem to like the tower trained or the elementals.
No, they did not like elementals, especially fire element users... He did he get here again? He wondered for the 12th time or so as he jumped over a fallen tree.
That's right, he'd been posessed. By a crazy person. He ran faster. If they found him and did not kill him - he was sure that Ebony would possess him again. He had no idea how these things were done. There were these ..things called The OTHERS. Supposedly there were not many at any given time - but they had a way of... converting people to do thier ... well, to do what ever they wanted them to do. There are scary stories children of the summer hear - usually around a camp fire and marshmallows about The OTHERS, the CONVERSION and MINIONS - all the differant kinds of minions and how Queen Grail had defeated them. He never really believed these tales.
Not untill he'd met an OTHER. And it tried to CONVERT him to be its MINION. Crazaly enough he'd almost lost his will, mind, self. When he had broken free he didnt even know where he was - that was when he started running.
He found a restraunt and was miding his own business when someone bunped into him and they got into it, and Frankies hair turned into fire. For a long time his parents had tried to keep it secret that he was an elemt user. He had kept it inside and secret for a long tim - it made his sick - quite literally. He was in the hospital for unexplained feavers and chils.
He didnt know why - there was a scool for people like him, but it was looked down on to go there. The Magi, The Elementals, The Technomancers were not trusted - usually if they did go to the Learning Center - they left the country or worked with the lawless. Though technomancers were always saught out.
There were a lot of things Frankie didnt like but being possessed by an OTHER was at the top of the list, his 'self' dissappeared. It drowned into nothing. the OTHER knew all his thoughts, feellings... everything. It was rape is what it was. He wasnt even sure how he got away, or untangled.
Even though he didnt want to think about it, he did. It was as if the OTHER had been weakened some how, but for only a moment - Frankie regained control of himself, not looking back, not caring what was happening to the OTHER and ran. No one had chassed so maybe the OTHER had baught it or something.
As good as that was, his problem right now was the mob from the Churche of the Anointed. HOW DID THEY SEE SO WELL IN THE DARK !!!! It was everything he could do to remain upright and not accidentally kill himself.
He knew better than to stop, he had to find a port. He wasnt sure where he would go once he found one, but anywhere was better than here. He saw a home stead entrence just up ahead - he ran to it, hopefully he could hide out on the property in a barn or something.
For a moment, he considered himself very lucky. He ran behind the Main House and sure enough there was a rather large shed.
Frankie had never been outside Alexander, and certainly not to the City of the Anointed, but due to the possession he found himself on the far side of the Saint Prospect. These two places were filled with religous fruit cackes - crazy people. He would be ok if he made it back to Alexander .....
He slowely crept up on the large shed, looking around and listaning in the dark. He could hear the mob far back - if he was lucky - they would pass by . He cracked the door open and then ..he stoped in shock, not believing what he was seeing.
A young girl maybe 10 or soemthing, obviously beaten and chained to the wall, mostly nakid.
"WHAT THE FUCK !!!" Frankie yelled. Doggs barked. So much for hiding.
"WHAT THE HELL !?" he said to her in an overly loud voice.
She didnt seem all that perterbed by him or his anger - this made him even more sick to his stomach.
"Pennance." she said quietly.
He looked at her, the kneeler had symbols on them, and she was chained to the wall, so that the symbols were cutting into her flesh. Frankie couldn't stand this. What kind of thing did a 10 year old do that this kind of pennance was neccessary !!! FUCKERS.
He could hear traces of the mob - he walked up to the gir and looked her in her eyes "Im not good at this so just hold still."
She didn't respond. he concentraited his fire on the shackles that bound her, they split and fell off. She blinked and then looked up at him, still no expression, the mass of people getting closer.
"Put something on, Im not that much of an asshole that I would leave you. And trust me, Im a fucking asshole.
"But Im not done with my pennance !" the girl said quietly.
Frankie stomped over to the wardrobe and ripped out the first piece of cloth he saw. It was red, like the robes the Fire Element Users at the Learning Center used.
He tossed it to her, it fell, as she did not grab it. "that is the robe of the.... unclean" she whispered
"OH FUCK THAT goddamnit ! " he grabbed the robe " its a piece of cloth. He soved it over her head, making her dress - he winced knowing he probably hurt her, but he couldnt drag her around with her being almost nakid like that.
How had they found him? He could hear them comming up the entry way. He pulled on her and she fell.
"I cant leave... my parents... they will kill me !" she ghasped
Frainkie tossed her over his shoulder like a sack of potatos, took a few steps away from that horrible building - then it was blazing. It was easy to call fire , but almost impossible for him to controll it. Not that he wanted to right now.
He took off running again. It worried him that the little girl didnt weigh enough to be a burden. Did those people even feed her?!?!?! He turned around and concentrated on the house. Let them take care of that. He laughed as he heard shouts of surprise and shock.
He knew that they would put the fire out insted of chase him, for the time being. All magi, element users and technomancers could instinctively find Ports. He didnt know why, as he had no one to explain these things, but he felt one, pretty close. But first, he put the girl down and sat beside her.
He looked at the sky for a moment, the sun creeping up. Looking around him - he saw that it looked like they were not in any homesteds, it was quite beautiful here. He grabbed her hand and dragged her to sit by the little pond. Thankfully she didnt resist and make him carry her again.
He pulled two sandwiches out of his bag, handing her one. She eyed him suspiciously, he took a big bite and dipped his hand in the pond, cupped his hand and tried the water. It was as he thought, mineral water.
"when was the last time you ate?" he demanded of her. She was so surprised by his toan that she almost dropped the sandwich. He felt like more of an asshole.
"I dont... know... yesterday? I have to fast for three days." she said looking expressionless at the sandwich.
"You eat that or I will force feed you." he snareld, not at her, but those religious freaks that did this to her.
She looked at him for a monent, and apparently decided that he would indeed force feed her and she took a small bite.
"Who are you ?" she asked before taking another bite
"Frankie." he said around a mouthfull.
She ate silently for a moment as if waiting for him to finish
"Thats it, just Frankie. You?" he asked her before finishing off his sandwich
She continued to eat her sandwich, like him she tried the pond water. The expression on her face was akin to someone making a choice.
"Yahto" she too finish her sandwich
Frankie stood up and held out his hand to her. She took it and he lead her to the Port.
Where the guardians were waiting. And not in a good way. Damnit, Frankie was hopping to avoid actually hurting peope ... To his great surprise, he could hear the mob closing in. Yahto looked quite calm, he was not sure how she could possibly be so - well - he did kidnap her so she was blameless, but knowing those people, they might punish her for not killing herself insted of going with him.
"Stay by me" he said in a low voice only she could hear. He did his best to direct the fire, to only make it show itself under the guards feet, but they weren't too keen on that, raising thier swords to him - he melted the sword, then ran up to and pomeled the two gurads.
He didnt think he could take on the Technomancers - they studdied with the Sohei and only the dimest of people took on a Sohei - The two looked at him in a rather bemused way, and decided they should help the guards whose feet were on fire and turned thier backs to him.
He ran up and punched something in the controls - he really didnt understand how this kind of thing worked - he steped up to the Port with Yahto in tow and set the whole thing on fire, while stepping in. Probably not wise, but they wouldnt be able to follow him or figure out where he was going. The only problem was that he had no idea where they were headed.
by ~lokieternal
He was about to loose his breath. He had been running, quite literally all night. Ironic. He stayed in shape certainly, but not to run away from people. So that they would take one look at him and run. Yet, here he was, the one running. A whole bunch of religous freeks behind him branshading garden implaments in horrifying ways.
How did he ever get to this strange place? He was especially embarresed when he ramed himself into a tree, but knew better than to complaine. He didn't want them to hear him. He wasnt even sure how they were tracking him? A technomancer? A pack of dogs? Any tower trained person could, yet - he almost knocked his wind out ramming int a low tree branch, these people didnt seem to like the tower trained or the elementals.
No, they did not like elementals, especially fire element users... He did he get here again? He wondered for the 12th time or so as he jumped over a fallen tree.
That's right, he'd been posessed. By a crazy person. He ran faster. If they found him and did not kill him - he was sure that Ebony would possess him again. He had no idea how these things were done. There were these ..things called The OTHERS. Supposedly there were not many at any given time - but they had a way of... converting people to do thier ... well, to do what ever they wanted them to do. There are scary stories children of the summer hear - usually around a camp fire and marshmallows about The OTHERS, the CONVERSION and MINIONS - all the differant kinds of minions and how Queen Grail had defeated them. He never really believed these tales.
Not untill he'd met an OTHER. And it tried to CONVERT him to be its MINION. Crazaly enough he'd almost lost his will, mind, self. When he had broken free he didnt even know where he was - that was when he started running.
He found a restraunt and was miding his own business when someone bunped into him and they got into it, and Frankies hair turned into fire. For a long time his parents had tried to keep it secret that he was an elemt user. He had kept it inside and secret for a long tim - it made his sick - quite literally. He was in the hospital for unexplained feavers and chils.
He didnt know why - there was a scool for people like him, but it was looked down on to go there. The Magi, The Elementals, The Technomancers were not trusted - usually if they did go to the Learning Center - they left the country or worked with the lawless. Though technomancers were always saught out.
There were a lot of things Frankie didnt like but being possessed by an OTHER was at the top of the list, his 'self' dissappeared. It drowned into nothing. the OTHER knew all his thoughts, feellings... everything. It was rape is what it was. He wasnt even sure how he got away, or untangled.
Even though he didnt want to think about it, he did. It was as if the OTHER had been weakened some how, but for only a moment - Frankie regained control of himself, not looking back, not caring what was happening to the OTHER and ran. No one had chassed so maybe the OTHER had baught it or something.
As good as that was, his problem right now was the mob from the Churche of the Anointed. HOW DID THEY SEE SO WELL IN THE DARK !!!! It was everything he could do to remain upright and not accidentally kill himself.
He knew better than to stop, he had to find a port. He wasnt sure where he would go once he found one, but anywhere was better than here. He saw a home stead entrence just up ahead - he ran to it, hopefully he could hide out on the property in a barn or something.
For a moment, he considered himself very lucky. He ran behind the Main House and sure enough there was a rather large shed.
Frankie had never been outside Alexander, and certainly not to the City of the Anointed, but due to the possession he found himself on the far side of the Saint Prospect. These two places were filled with religous fruit cackes - crazy people. He would be ok if he made it back to Alexander .....
He slowely crept up on the large shed, looking around and listaning in the dark. He could hear the mob far back - if he was lucky - they would pass by . He cracked the door open and then ..he stoped in shock, not believing what he was seeing.
A young girl maybe 10 or soemthing, obviously beaten and chained to the wall, mostly nakid.
"WHAT THE FUCK !!!" Frankie yelled. Doggs barked. So much for hiding.
"WHAT THE HELL !?" he said to her in an overly loud voice.
She didnt seem all that perterbed by him or his anger - this made him even more sick to his stomach.
"Pennance." she said quietly.
He looked at her, the kneeler had symbols on them, and she was chained to the wall, so that the symbols were cutting into her flesh. Frankie couldn't stand this. What kind of thing did a 10 year old do that this kind of pennance was neccessary !!! FUCKERS.
He could hear traces of the mob - he walked up to the gir and looked her in her eyes "Im not good at this so just hold still."
She didn't respond. he concentraited his fire on the shackles that bound her, they split and fell off. She blinked and then looked up at him, still no expression, the mass of people getting closer.
"Put something on, Im not that much of an asshole that I would leave you. And trust me, Im a fucking asshole.
"But Im not done with my pennance !" the girl said quietly.
Frankie stomped over to the wardrobe and ripped out the first piece of cloth he saw. It was red, like the robes the Fire Element Users at the Learning Center used.
He tossed it to her, it fell, as she did not grab it. "that is the robe of the.... unclean" she whispered
"OH FUCK THAT goddamnit ! " he grabbed the robe " its a piece of cloth. He soved it over her head, making her dress - he winced knowing he probably hurt her, but he couldnt drag her around with her being almost nakid like that.
How had they found him? He could hear them comming up the entry way. He pulled on her and she fell.
"I cant leave... my parents... they will kill me !" she ghasped
Frainkie tossed her over his shoulder like a sack of potatos, took a few steps away from that horrible building - then it was blazing. It was easy to call fire , but almost impossible for him to controll it. Not that he wanted to right now.
He took off running again. It worried him that the little girl didnt weigh enough to be a burden. Did those people even feed her?!?!?! He turned around and concentrated on the house. Let them take care of that. He laughed as he heard shouts of surprise and shock.
He knew that they would put the fire out insted of chase him, for the time being. All magi, element users and technomancers could instinctively find Ports. He didnt know why, as he had no one to explain these things, but he felt one, pretty close. But first, he put the girl down and sat beside her.
He looked at the sky for a moment, the sun creeping up. Looking around him - he saw that it looked like they were not in any homesteds, it was quite beautiful here. He grabbed her hand and dragged her to sit by the little pond. Thankfully she didnt resist and make him carry her again.
He pulled two sandwiches out of his bag, handing her one. She eyed him suspiciously, he took a big bite and dipped his hand in the pond, cupped his hand and tried the water. It was as he thought, mineral water.
"when was the last time you ate?" he demanded of her. She was so surprised by his toan that she almost dropped the sandwich. He felt like more of an asshole.
"I dont... know... yesterday? I have to fast for three days." she said looking expressionless at the sandwich.
"You eat that or I will force feed you." he snareld, not at her, but those religious freaks that did this to her.
She looked at him for a monent, and apparently decided that he would indeed force feed her and she took a small bite.
"Who are you ?" she asked before taking another bite
"Frankie." he said around a mouthfull.
She ate silently for a moment as if waiting for him to finish
"Thats it, just Frankie. You?" he asked her before finishing off his sandwich
She continued to eat her sandwich, like him she tried the pond water. The expression on her face was akin to someone making a choice.
"Yahto" she too finish her sandwich
Frankie stood up and held out his hand to her. She took it and he lead her to the Port.
Where the guardians were waiting. And not in a good way. Damnit, Frankie was hopping to avoid actually hurting peope ... To his great surprise, he could hear the mob closing in. Yahto looked quite calm, he was not sure how she could possibly be so - well - he did kidnap her so she was blameless, but knowing those people, they might punish her for not killing herself insted of going with him.
"Stay by me" he said in a low voice only she could hear. He did his best to direct the fire, to only make it show itself under the guards feet, but they weren't too keen on that, raising thier swords to him - he melted the sword, then ran up to and pomeled the two gurads.
He didnt think he could take on the Technomancers - they studdied with the Sohei and only the dimest of people took on a Sohei - The two looked at him in a rather bemused way, and decided they should help the guards whose feet were on fire and turned thier backs to him.
He ran up and punched something in the controls - he really didnt understand how this kind of thing worked - he steped up to the Port with Yahto in tow and set the whole thing on fire, while stepping in. Probably not wise, but they wouldnt be able to follow him or figure out where he was going. The only problem was that he had no idea where they were headed.
kakumei: The Rise of the Bakkufu 2 Yahto
Yahto : The Beginning of the End
Yahto was used to keeping her thoughts to herself, and her 'imaginings'. She had been told they were sinful. Being only twelve years old, she didnt quite understand how that worked. She knew it was best to just do as she was told, her skin still aching from the last time her 'mother' scrubbed her skin raw - for what ever infraction that was considered 'filthy'. For the life of her, Yahto coundent remember what it was she had done. Asside from displeasing her parents. Even to the end of answering to the name they gave her, Ruth. But, she knew her name was Yahto even though she never remembered ever hearing it, or being called it.
Though she had no memory of ever leaving the Saint Proper, a small town just outside the City of The Anointed she felt quite comfortable. Her 'parents' were quitely concentrating on the path, it seemed that they were having some trouble navagating. Yahto could see and feel it clearly, but knew it was best not to say anything.
She listened to the crunch of newly fallen leaves and twigs snapping under thier feet. She knew she could have walked quieter, but she felt that she was intruding here and felt that all those that lived in this forrest should get forewarnin.
Of course her parents had explained to her that the only perpose of animals and plants, even the whole of the world was put there for thier use - as they deemed proper. Yahto didnt quite believe this either. She also didnt believe that a superior entity had nothing better to do than listen to everyone's thoughts.
If it was true, and there was such a thing, why did it do nothing about the evil that dwelt with in the hearts of man?
She almost stopped walking in surprise. It was as if they had crossed an invisible line. The earth ached -such a despare and sadness that she, herself felt her chest contract in pain. In her ears the wind sang a lament so sad she only just could stop herself from crying. It was as if everything here was in a state of morning.
She smelled and felt the animals givin them a wide birth. She walked through a sun spot, closing her eyes, to feel the warmth on her skin, smell the bark from the trees and the crispy leaves mixed with dirt. She loved this smell. With the trees and wind having a dialoge she felt that she only had to listen more carefully to understand what they were saying, and was more than certain that she would be able to understand them, and that they would tell her where she needed to go.
"We are almost there." Father informed her with a stern toan and face. He sounded mildly disgusted. "Do you know why were are here?" he asked, his voice soft and dangerous.
Yahto knew the answer by rote. "To show me where the cleansing and divine punishment took place." Her voice, meak and soft.
"Yes" Mother clipped.
"You are one of the ones chosen to redeame this ...this.... " he and Mother frowned deep;y "vile filth." WIth that started Father's liteny he could go on for hours, but she already memorized the whole thing, even if he stopped in places and asked her questions, she could answer them with out really paying attention. "It is your duity to repent fo rthe sins of deprevity of ...THOSE THINGS."
"Vile, dirty and sinful savage beasts." Mother snarled.
Yahto looked down. She was very bored, hearing this over and over since she could remember. Something stuck in her throte though, that the Missionaries of Purity and cleansed the evil of this land - where she came from.
There was an unrelentless anger inside of her. What were her real parents and family like? Did they ever care about her? Did she have brothers and sisters or cousins. She knew she shouldnt be thinking these things - but it was as if she had no control.
She bumped into Father's back. She winced expecting a smack and a scolding. Nither was forthcoming.
Her mother ghasped, whether in surprise or in anger, Yahto could not tell which. She peaked around Father, to see what had stopped him and made his mother make that noise.
There was a wolf - the lagest she ever imagined, except she was not imagining this. She felt as if its eyes were surrounding; engulfing.
"Do not move." Father said as he pulled out his T.A.G - U... She heard Father ask for the Missionaries of Purity... and the word extermination - but she could not look away frome the wolf's eyes. Suddenly - as if someone screamed in her head; telling her to run.
The impulse was like an explosion inside of her, she knew something would be killed today and she didnt want to see it. Her feet took off before her mind registered this, taking her body with them. She prayed to the god of her parents that there would be no more slaughter. But she could not run indefinately, she was not sure how far or long she ran, and insted of stopping, she fell to her hands and knees in order to catch her breath.
She could sense them, smell them - hear the eath and trees whisper to her that they were there. She shut her eyes tightly, hopping this was just her imagination - for if not, she was sure that if the Parents ever found out, she would be punished for the sin most sevearly.
"Are you lost little one?" A kindly, elderly voice asked. She sat down, slowely opening her eyes. There were three. Two warriors and the Elder. They each had packs and canteenes with them. She wondered why they were here? Not because them being here was odd, but because she couldnt understand why they would... wait... this part was not so dismal....
They were of the other clans as part of the Animal Clat Territories. She could not tell which. She wondered if they too, were abominations; as they were 'primitive' a word in which Mother used interchanably with dirty and sinful. Yahto didnt know if that made them abominations though - or what had made the wolf clan an abomination.
"Here." the Elder handed her a cantee. Instinctively she sniffed it - then stopped, her heart punding and racin - she was often punished for this type of uncultured behavior. Mother and Father said thier food and drink were tainted. Whith what and how she didnt know or understand. It smelled like mineral water. Tentitively she took a sip.
"How did you come by this place?" the elder asked softly while sitting down next to her. He did not look at her but into the trees.
She didnt know what to say. She was sure that what ever her parents said would be insulting to the Elder and the warriors, and she didnt want to insult them. She chose her words carefully. "My Parents... we came to... pay respects to the Vanished Clan."
One of the two remainin men, warriors by the looks of them snorted and groweled, but said nothing.
" As do we. The Elder said to her." My name is Tiama, what is yours?" He asked, still starring in the trees.
She wanted to shout her name then, the one she never remembered anyone calling her. But what would happen then? Would they take her back with them? What would they do to her Parents? Did she care either way? Did they know the wolf clan was an abomination? What would they do to her if they found out?
"Ruth." she said quietly
The Elder noded his head one time, in a strong manner. "Once a year we come here, we set out when the planet Mars is seen in the sunrise. We come to remember them, to sing and leave offerings so they know they are not forgotten." The Elder looked up into the sky.
She didnt know one could see Mars with out a telescope, actually - she never thought of it before now. "If you would like," he continued " you can walk with us, as we are headed toward the same destination, Im sure you will find your parents. "
She nodded slowely, it did seem like the best idea. Though she was certain she could find them on her own, it would look suspicious to them and she would be punished. This seemed the best way though they might frown upon the company she was currently keeping.
"Did your parents tell you anything about the clan that lived here?" Tiama the Elder asked
She thought it was best to lie. There would be no good at repeating what the Parents said and she didnt understand it anyway. Maybe this Elder could explain it to her better.
"They were a people from the land, highly regarded by the Great Spirits. So much so that they were both and niether - caretakes of the land, craftsmen of the gifts eath gave to us. They were the greatest of hunters and healers." He said sadly
She wondered, if they were so amazing - how did they .... why.....
He must have seen the question burning in her eyes, he patted her on the head. "There are majicks of which are alient to us - that is all I can say young one>"
She quietly contemplated as they walked. The wolf tribe didnt sound particularly horrible. She enjoyed the wind as it ruffled her hair
She stopped in horror, putting her hood back on, luckaly her veil was still attatched. She reafixed them both - she didnt like wearing them. But then something distracted her. She stoped all her hair on end... she heard cries too far away, but loud enough to shake her eyes and deafen her ears to anything else. She looked to the three men.
They looked worried. "Ruth, young one," One of the wariors said, putting his strong hand on her sholder, "Stay close, and walk only in our foot falls." she was to shocked that he talked to her to do anything but obey.
They carefully wove a path through the trees. A less obvious path - she doupted the Parents would have noticed it in the lease. Suddenly she felt as if she were smacked in the face. All she could smell was blood, all she could hear were death cryes - again her feet rushed to their destination with out telling her mind where they were going. She knew - but she had no idea what she could possibly
Dizzyness overcame her, she grabbed a tree for support, hanging on, not for her life, but for her sanity. All the blood... the bodies... torn to pieces. Vaguely she was aware she was screaming, then running from body to body looking for signs of life - nothing, time after time.
Through her fruitless searching, she felt a faint heartbeat, but it was withering, if she didnt find it soon...... she could feel wetness on her face, blood on her hands.
The humans had come again, for the rest of them, bringing thier strange mist that had masked thier sceent - masked them from sight, covered thier noise. The pack was completely unaware. Just like last time.
He blacked out, faded back in- hearing a young girl... crying.. he tried to focus his eyes. He could only see a blur. She moved, from one wolf to another.. what was she doing? Why was she crying and screaming so hysterically?
She smelled like.... she was touching him... she smelled like ... she was crying, he could feel her wrap herself around him, rocking back and forth, her anguished sobbs... her scent..It was warm...strange... but his pain increased and he choked on a howl. His throte, his body raw. Why was she doing this when she smelled like one of them... but she smelled like the humans too....pain seared through him causing him to loose himself.
He wasnt sure what woke him, he was supprised to waken... feeling so warm. He smelled the Tribsmen who were freinds to his pack...his chest aching only slightly...his eyes swam into focus. She wore the scent and trapings of the ones who did this, but smelled like him. Her brown hair, lank and mattted with blood...she rocked him back and forth, crying piteously.>
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING" Mother screached
Father grabbed her and pulled her up, mercilessly throwing the small wolf away, she tried to grab for it, but Father held her to tightly.
The Clansmen anounced their presence. Her parents stopped yelling, stopped moving all together really.
"Did you do this?" Tiama asked quetly.
"Of course not." her father snarled
"how vulgar." her mother sniffed.
Yahto didnt think they believed her parents. She didnt think she believed them either... wasn't lying shamful ?
The Tribsmen eyed the wepons her parents carried.
"we thought our daughter was in danger." her father snapped.
The Tribsmen looked pointedly around at the carnage.
"The wolvs are sacred to us.. we will take care of the rest." The Shamen picked up the surving pups. "You should take your daughter and go."
Yahto thought she heard a snear in there.... her father yanked her up....
Yahto was used to keeping her thoughts to herself, and her 'imaginings'. She had been told they were sinful. Being only twelve years old, she didnt quite understand how that worked. She knew it was best to just do as she was told, her skin still aching from the last time her 'mother' scrubbed her skin raw - for what ever infraction that was considered 'filthy'. For the life of her, Yahto coundent remember what it was she had done. Asside from displeasing her parents. Even to the end of answering to the name they gave her, Ruth. But, she knew her name was Yahto even though she never remembered ever hearing it, or being called it.
Though she had no memory of ever leaving the Saint Proper, a small town just outside the City of The Anointed she felt quite comfortable. Her 'parents' were quitely concentrating on the path, it seemed that they were having some trouble navagating. Yahto could see and feel it clearly, but knew it was best not to say anything.
She listened to the crunch of newly fallen leaves and twigs snapping under thier feet. She knew she could have walked quieter, but she felt that she was intruding here and felt that all those that lived in this forrest should get forewarnin.
Of course her parents had explained to her that the only perpose of animals and plants, even the whole of the world was put there for thier use - as they deemed proper. Yahto didnt quite believe this either. She also didnt believe that a superior entity had nothing better to do than listen to everyone's thoughts.
If it was true, and there was such a thing, why did it do nothing about the evil that dwelt with in the hearts of man?
She almost stopped walking in surprise. It was as if they had crossed an invisible line. The earth ached -such a despare and sadness that she, herself felt her chest contract in pain. In her ears the wind sang a lament so sad she only just could stop herself from crying. It was as if everything here was in a state of morning.
She smelled and felt the animals givin them a wide birth. She walked through a sun spot, closing her eyes, to feel the warmth on her skin, smell the bark from the trees and the crispy leaves mixed with dirt. She loved this smell. With the trees and wind having a dialoge she felt that she only had to listen more carefully to understand what they were saying, and was more than certain that she would be able to understand them, and that they would tell her where she needed to go.
"We are almost there." Father informed her with a stern toan and face. He sounded mildly disgusted. "Do you know why were are here?" he asked, his voice soft and dangerous.
Yahto knew the answer by rote. "To show me where the cleansing and divine punishment took place." Her voice, meak and soft.
"Yes" Mother clipped.
"You are one of the ones chosen to redeame this ...this.... " he and Mother frowned deep;y "vile filth." WIth that started Father's liteny he could go on for hours, but she already memorized the whole thing, even if he stopped in places and asked her questions, she could answer them with out really paying attention. "It is your duity to repent fo rthe sins of deprevity of ...THOSE THINGS."
"Vile, dirty and sinful savage beasts." Mother snarled.
Yahto looked down. She was very bored, hearing this over and over since she could remember. Something stuck in her throte though, that the Missionaries of Purity and cleansed the evil of this land - where she came from.
There was an unrelentless anger inside of her. What were her real parents and family like? Did they ever care about her? Did she have brothers and sisters or cousins. She knew she shouldnt be thinking these things - but it was as if she had no control.
She bumped into Father's back. She winced expecting a smack and a scolding. Nither was forthcoming.
Her mother ghasped, whether in surprise or in anger, Yahto could not tell which. She peaked around Father, to see what had stopped him and made his mother make that noise.
There was a wolf - the lagest she ever imagined, except she was not imagining this. She felt as if its eyes were surrounding; engulfing.
"Do not move." Father said as he pulled out his T.A.G - U... She heard Father ask for the Missionaries of Purity... and the word extermination - but she could not look away frome the wolf's eyes. Suddenly - as if someone screamed in her head; telling her to run.
The impulse was like an explosion inside of her, she knew something would be killed today and she didnt want to see it. Her feet took off before her mind registered this, taking her body with them. She prayed to the god of her parents that there would be no more slaughter. But she could not run indefinately, she was not sure how far or long she ran, and insted of stopping, she fell to her hands and knees in order to catch her breath.
She could sense them, smell them - hear the eath and trees whisper to her that they were there. She shut her eyes tightly, hopping this was just her imagination - for if not, she was sure that if the Parents ever found out, she would be punished for the sin most sevearly.
"Are you lost little one?" A kindly, elderly voice asked. She sat down, slowely opening her eyes. There were three. Two warriors and the Elder. They each had packs and canteenes with them. She wondered why they were here? Not because them being here was odd, but because she couldnt understand why they would... wait... this part was not so dismal....
They were of the other clans as part of the Animal Clat Territories. She could not tell which. She wondered if they too, were abominations; as they were 'primitive' a word in which Mother used interchanably with dirty and sinful. Yahto didnt know if that made them abominations though - or what had made the wolf clan an abomination.
"Here." the Elder handed her a cantee. Instinctively she sniffed it - then stopped, her heart punding and racin - she was often punished for this type of uncultured behavior. Mother and Father said thier food and drink were tainted. Whith what and how she didnt know or understand. It smelled like mineral water. Tentitively she took a sip.
"How did you come by this place?" the elder asked softly while sitting down next to her. He did not look at her but into the trees.
She didnt know what to say. She was sure that what ever her parents said would be insulting to the Elder and the warriors, and she didnt want to insult them. She chose her words carefully. "My Parents... we came to... pay respects to the Vanished Clan."
One of the two remainin men, warriors by the looks of them snorted and groweled, but said nothing.
" As do we. The Elder said to her." My name is Tiama, what is yours?" He asked, still starring in the trees.
She wanted to shout her name then, the one she never remembered anyone calling her. But what would happen then? Would they take her back with them? What would they do to her Parents? Did she care either way? Did they know the wolf clan was an abomination? What would they do to her if they found out?
"Ruth." she said quietly
The Elder noded his head one time, in a strong manner. "Once a year we come here, we set out when the planet Mars is seen in the sunrise. We come to remember them, to sing and leave offerings so they know they are not forgotten." The Elder looked up into the sky.
She didnt know one could see Mars with out a telescope, actually - she never thought of it before now. "If you would like," he continued " you can walk with us, as we are headed toward the same destination, Im sure you will find your parents. "
She nodded slowely, it did seem like the best idea. Though she was certain she could find them on her own, it would look suspicious to them and she would be punished. This seemed the best way though they might frown upon the company she was currently keeping.
"Did your parents tell you anything about the clan that lived here?" Tiama the Elder asked
She thought it was best to lie. There would be no good at repeating what the Parents said and she didnt understand it anyway. Maybe this Elder could explain it to her better.
"They were a people from the land, highly regarded by the Great Spirits. So much so that they were both and niether - caretakes of the land, craftsmen of the gifts eath gave to us. They were the greatest of hunters and healers." He said sadly
She wondered, if they were so amazing - how did they .... why.....
He must have seen the question burning in her eyes, he patted her on the head. "There are majicks of which are alient to us - that is all I can say young one>"
She quietly contemplated as they walked. The wolf tribe didnt sound particularly horrible. She enjoyed the wind as it ruffled her hair
She stopped in horror, putting her hood back on, luckaly her veil was still attatched. She reafixed them both - she didnt like wearing them. But then something distracted her. She stoped all her hair on end... she heard cries too far away, but loud enough to shake her eyes and deafen her ears to anything else. She looked to the three men.
They looked worried. "Ruth, young one," One of the wariors said, putting his strong hand on her sholder, "Stay close, and walk only in our foot falls." she was to shocked that he talked to her to do anything but obey.
They carefully wove a path through the trees. A less obvious path - she doupted the Parents would have noticed it in the lease. Suddenly she felt as if she were smacked in the face. All she could smell was blood, all she could hear were death cryes - again her feet rushed to their destination with out telling her mind where they were going. She knew - but she had no idea what she could possibly
Dizzyness overcame her, she grabbed a tree for support, hanging on, not for her life, but for her sanity. All the blood... the bodies... torn to pieces. Vaguely she was aware she was screaming, then running from body to body looking for signs of life - nothing, time after time.
Through her fruitless searching, she felt a faint heartbeat, but it was withering, if she didnt find it soon...... she could feel wetness on her face, blood on her hands.
He blacked out, faded back in- hearing a young girl... crying.. he tried to focus his eyes. He could only see a blur. She moved, from one wolf to another.. what was she doing? Why was she crying and screaming so hysterically?
She smelled like.... she was touching him... she smelled like ... she was crying, he could feel her wrap herself around him, rocking back and forth, her anguished sobbs... her scent..It was warm...strange... but his pain increased and he choked on a howl. His throte, his body raw. Why was she doing this when she smelled like one of them... but she smelled like the humans too....pain seared through him causing him to loose himself.
He wasnt sure what woke him, he was supprised to waken... feeling so warm. He smelled the Tribsmen who were freinds to his pack...his chest aching only slightly...his eyes swam into focus. She wore the scent and trapings of the ones who did this, but smelled like him. Her brown hair, lank and mattted with blood...she rocked him back and forth, crying piteously.>
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING" Mother screached
Father grabbed her and pulled her up, mercilessly throwing the small wolf away, she tried to grab for it, but Father held her to tightly.
The Clansmen anounced their presence. Her parents stopped yelling, stopped moving all together really.
"Did you do this?" Tiama asked quetly.
"Of course not." her father snarled
"how vulgar." her mother sniffed.
Yahto didnt think they believed her parents. She didnt think she believed them either... wasn't lying shamful ?
The Tribsmen eyed the wepons her parents carried.
"we thought our daughter was in danger." her father snapped.
The Tribsmen looked pointedly around at the carnage.
"The wolvs are sacred to us.. we will take care of the rest." The Shamen picked up the surving pups. "You should take your daughter and go."
Yahto thought she heard a snear in there.... her father yanked her up....
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Shem-Ari Meskenet - Prologue to the Rise Of the Bakkufu
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