Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Kakumei: The Rise of the Bakkufu : Frankie

Rise of the Bakkufu 2 Frankie
by ~lokieternal

He was about to loose his breath. He had been running, quite literally all night. Ironic. He stayed in shape certainly, but not to run away from people. So that they would take one look at him and run. Yet, here he was, the one running. A whole bunch of religous freeks behind him branshading garden implaments in horrifying ways.
How did he ever get to this strange place? He was especially embarresed when he ramed himself into a tree, but knew better than to complaine. He didn't want them to hear him. He wasnt even sure how they were tracking him? A technomancer? A pack of dogs? Any tower trained person could, yet - he almost knocked his wind out ramming int a low tree branch, these people didnt seem to like the tower trained or the elementals.
No, they did not like elementals, especially fire element users... He did he get here again? He wondered for the 12th time or so as he jumped over a fallen tree.
That's right, he'd been posessed. By a crazy person. He ran faster. If they found him and did not kill him - he was sure that Ebony would possess him again. He had no idea how these things were done. There were these ..things called The OTHERS. Supposedly there were not many at any given time - but they had a way of... converting people to do thier ... well, to do what ever they wanted them to do. There are scary stories children of the summer hear - usually around a camp fire and marshmallows about The OTHERS, the CONVERSION and MINIONS - all the differant kinds of minions and how Queen Grail had defeated them. He never really believed these tales.
Not untill he'd met an OTHER. And it tried to CONVERT him to be its MINION. Crazaly enough he'd almost lost his will, mind, self. When he had broken free he didnt even know where he was - that was when he started running.
He found a restraunt and was miding his own business when someone bunped into him and they got into it, and Frankies hair turned into fire. For a long time his parents had tried to keep it secret that he was an elemt user. He had kept it inside and secret for a long tim - it made his sick - quite literally. He was in the hospital for unexplained feavers and chils.
He didnt know why - there was a scool for people like him, but it was looked down on to go there. The Magi, The Elementals, The Technomancers were not trusted - usually if they did go to the Learning Center - they left the country or worked with the lawless. Though technomancers were always saught out.

There were a lot of things Frankie didnt like but being possessed by an OTHER was at the top of the list, his 'self' dissappeared. It drowned into nothing. the OTHER knew all his thoughts, feellings... everything. It was rape is what it was. He wasnt even sure how he got away, or untangled.

Even though he didnt want to think about it, he did. It was as if the OTHER had been weakened some how, but for only a moment - Frankie regained control of himself, not looking back, not caring what was happening to the OTHER and ran. No one had chassed so maybe the OTHER had baught it or something.

As good as that was, his problem right now was the mob from the Churche of the Anointed. HOW DID THEY SEE SO WELL IN THE DARK !!!! It was everything he could do to remain upright and not accidentally kill himself.
He knew better than to stop, he had to find a port. He wasnt sure where he would go once he found one, but anywhere was better than here. He saw a home stead entrence just up ahead - he ran to it, hopefully he could hide out on the property in a barn or something.

For a moment, he considered himself very lucky. He ran behind the Main House and sure enough there was a rather large shed.

Frankie had never been outside Alexander, and certainly not to the City of the Anointed, but due to the possession he found himself on the far side of the Saint Prospect. These two places were filled with religous fruit cackes - crazy people. He would be ok if he made it back to Alexander .....

He slowely crept up on the large shed, looking around and listaning in the dark. He could hear the mob far back - if he was lucky - they would pass by . He cracked the door open and then ..he stoped in shock, not believing what he was seeing.
A young girl maybe 10 or soemthing, obviously beaten and chained to the wall, mostly nakid.
"WHAT THE FUCK !!!" Frankie yelled. Doggs barked. So much for hiding.
"WHAT THE HELL !?" he said to her in an overly loud voice.
She didnt seem all that perterbed by him or his anger - this made him even more sick to his stomach.
"Pennance." she said quietly.
He looked at her, the kneeler had symbols on them, and she was chained to the wall, so that the symbols were cutting into her flesh. Frankie couldn't stand this. What kind of thing did a 10 year old do that this kind of pennance was neccessary !!! FUCKERS.
He could hear traces of the mob - he walked up to the gir and looked her in her eyes "Im not good at this so just hold still."
She didn't respond. he concentraited his fire on the shackles that bound her, they split and fell off. She blinked and then looked up at him, still no expression, the mass of people getting closer.
"Put something on, Im not that much of an asshole that I would leave you. And trust me, Im a fucking asshole.
"But Im not done with my pennance !" the girl said quietly.

Frankie stomped over to the wardrobe and ripped out the first piece of cloth he saw. It was red, like the robes the Fire Element Users at the Learning Center used.
He tossed it to her, it fell, as she did not grab it. "that is the robe of the.... unclean" she whispered
"OH FUCK THAT goddamnit ! " he grabbed the robe " its a piece of cloth. He soved it over her head, making her dress - he winced knowing he probably hurt her, but he couldnt drag her around with her being almost nakid like that.
How had they found him? He could hear them comming up the entry way. He pulled on her and she fell.

"I cant leave... my parents... they will kill me !" she ghasped

Frainkie tossed her over his shoulder like a sack of potatos, took a few steps away from that horrible building - then it was blazing. It was easy to call fire , but almost impossible for him to controll it. Not that he wanted to right now.
He took off running again. It worried him that the little girl didnt weigh enough to be a burden. Did those people even feed her?!?!?! He turned around and concentrated on the house. Let them take care of that. He laughed as he heard shouts of surprise and shock.
He knew that they would put the fire out insted of chase him, for the time being. All magi, element users and technomancers could instinctively find Ports. He didnt know why, as he had no one to explain these things, but he felt one, pretty close. But first, he put the girl down and sat beside her.

He looked at the sky for a moment, the sun creeping up. Looking around him - he saw that it looked like they were not in any homesteds, it was quite beautiful here. He grabbed her hand and dragged her to sit by the little pond. Thankfully she didnt resist and make him carry her again.
He pulled two sandwiches out of his bag, handing her one. She eyed him suspiciously, he took a big bite and dipped his hand in the pond, cupped his hand and tried the water. It was as he thought, mineral water.
"when was the last time you ate?" he demanded of her. She was so surprised by his toan that she almost dropped the sandwich. He felt like more of an asshole.
"I dont... know... yesterday? I have to fast for three days." she said looking expressionless at the sandwich.
"You eat that or I will force feed you." he snareld, not at her, but those religious freaks that did this to her.
She looked at him for a monent, and apparently decided that he would indeed force feed her and she took a small bite.
"Who are you ?" she asked before taking another bite
"Frankie." he said around a mouthfull.

She ate silently for a moment as if waiting for him to finish

"Thats it, just Frankie. You?" he asked her before finishing off his sandwich
She continued to eat her sandwich, like him she tried the pond water. The expression on her face was akin to someone making a choice.
"Yahto" she too finish her sandwich

Frankie stood up and held out his hand to her. She took it and he lead her to the Port.

Where the guardians were waiting. And not in a good way. Damnit, Frankie was hopping to avoid actually hurting peope ... To his great surprise, he could hear the mob closing in. Yahto looked quite calm, he was not sure how she could possibly be so - well - he did kidnap her so she was blameless, but knowing those people, they might punish her for not killing herself insted of going with him.

"Stay by me" he said in a low voice only she could hear. He did his best to direct the fire, to only make it show itself under the guards feet, but they weren't too keen on that, raising thier swords to him - he melted the sword, then ran up to and pomeled the two gurads.

He didnt think he could take on the Technomancers - they studdied with the Sohei and only the dimest of people took on a Sohei - The two looked at him in a rather bemused way, and decided they should help the guards whose feet were on fire and turned thier backs to him.

He ran up and punched something in the controls - he really didnt understand how this kind of thing worked - he steped up to the Port with Yahto in tow and set the whole thing on fire, while stepping in. Probably not wise, but they wouldnt be able to follow him or figure out where he was going. The only problem was that he had no idea where they were headed.

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