1000 years ago the Great Leviathan, the multiheaded Tiamat rose, Nataraj danced, and RA stumbled on the tail of Apep. It was a time of slow subtle endings when The OTHERS effectively broke through the constraints of dementional time space only theorized with string theory. Having no physical form of their own they invaded, like a virus. Slowely, they were able to bring more beings through thier 'gates'. Gates that were closed so long ago, and by whom we have no knoledge of. These beings have differant names in diferant cultures buy you may recognise - Demons,yokia, shapeshifters, vampires,and thier monsterous ilk. The MINIONS - plage infested, boil ridden canabalistic servants of The OTHERS - spreading the diease of their condition.
The OTHERS affected our plane of being by thier presence instigating THE CHANGE - whre people of certain dna types and boilogical compatabilities enabled thier physiology to mutate, using differant parts of thier brain - adapting, evolving... in the great past, only known to us in myths of the Tuath de Dannan or the ancient east - those who could manipulate thier enviornment in ways that left most people in awe - The Fae, elemental masters. Those who could use thier intoanations effectively remembered vaguely as incantations - magick.
The true goal of the OTHERS was so easy, it was almost impossible to understand: Control, Supremicy. They would control us and every aspect of our lives - to be trite thier goal was to rule the world an everyone in it. A truely staggaring idea. They were almost successfull. In that day and age who believed in such things? Any one who could see the differance between a regular human and an OTHER was thought to be crazy, hallucinating - seeing conspiracies where there were not. Because to the common man none of this was possible.
A few people could See what this was and where this was going, thier beliefs reafermed by the Elemental Masters and the Oracles - the first humans to evolve. A woman named Grail a supposedly regular person, who could see the suble essences around her - the etheric, the demons and fae that were non corporial. Tempest who clearly saw the world as it was - the stark madness of it, which drove the both of them insane. It made them stronger - made their psyche able to deal with the slow changes - They formed a resistance movement, which for many years was looked apon as nothing more than a dangerous vigilanti movement - and it was.
All the while people were Becoming - Grail helped create a new breed of Minion - still cannibalistic, but once they were able to over ride the mental control of their creators - fed only on their own kind. The first being Grail, the second a young man from her past known only as Savage. The two of them continued on their quest to free the minds of Minions and all other people who did not Change from the binds of the OTHERS.
There was a scizm - and the movement split in two, going their differant ways. For many years they worked to fight The Others and thier Minions - Untill Tempest hismelf was captured - reprogramed by the minions - Grail Cracked - broke- conjouring The WIND. It was she who woke the Leviathan, It was she who Invoked Kalie Ma - It was she who danced with Nataraj. The end of the world, the end of our time allong side with Dora, she of the fire, she of Surya, RA, Sekhmet - The first Elemental Master- now a taller fae - She Of The Purifying Flame.
Through nature they broke and healed the planet, rearranging land masses and naming them. She and her group traveled this new world for survivors, reestablishing law and community while collecting what little knowledge there was to be had. Out of the 1/3 of humanity not all were completely surprised, Grail had been warning people for years that The Leviathan - Tiamat would rise. This was the birth of a new age of mankind and the birth of many new things. In her quest for retaining ancient knowledge, a new type of Elemental Master was found - a Technomancer - one who could manipulate her surroundings and emulate technology.
Grail created The Learning Centers in the magnetic center of each landmass - these Centers also contained each government, army and police force and what ever internal agents might be had, making sure to bring calm into the chaos that the end of the world had brought about. She put a ban on 'advanced' weaponry such as guns - she also banned that which poisons the atmosphere - effectively outlawing the use of fossil fuels. The Technomancers of this age creating the most amazing means to supplement that which was destroyed.
Grail then took her most loyal followers and 'retired' to Egypt. One of the few places The Dance of Destruction and Fire did not touch - as Grail would have loathed to destroy ancient relics. She named herself Queen - with The Leviathan and Salamander Fae Dora - reestablishing the Ancient Ways - restoring temples. She closed off the borders so thoroughly that over the years, many people could not find it.
One country ignored the ban - recreating what they remembered of 'society' and the 'standard of living', not to mention armaments. After all, 500 years had passed, Grail was only a myth. The country sent agents out to find Egypt now called by its true name of Kemet or Tamery - in order to conquer. Grail and Dora rose as a combined force - defeating them with ease - creating a space surrounding Tamery - an odd place that would become to be known as the null zone - it changed everyone's life those who entered. It was this place that a more evolved human was born - each having specific talents only dreamed about in our age, close to the Magi and the Fae, but not exactly either. They were welcomed in the world, becoming mercenaries, spies, assassins and on occasion - Cult leaders. Though some would try to lead relatively normal lives - their skills were more often than not, desired in great quantity. Grail and Tamery returned back into their peaceful detachment from the rest of the world, Dora becoming the Regent Master Instructor of the Hekau Learning Center and the only person outside of Tamery to be able to talk to Grail.
Again - Grail and Tamery became that of myth and legend. New Societies and countries rose and fell. There will always be evil - and the learning centers train scholars,Healers, Magi, Elemental, Sohei, Technomages to combat the evil, while providing a useful function to the smooth running of society.
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