Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Divination Studdy 1

Egytian Oracle

Single Omen
(specific question)

Three For Tomorrow

Sa (body) Adaptability
Triumph and Mastery - the strongest benevolent influence
You are in the most advantageous influence

Seshen (Inspiration)
the energies of chaos and negative influence are not focused and diffused. There will be more like a disruption of alliance than a huge disaster.

Ankh (life)
Uadejet - health and influence - protection

Houses One and Two - What has initially caused or generated the current issue and what nurture or holds it in place.

-- House Reading--


Geb - He is the first house, the cause and basis of current situation or the premise upon which the situation is based. In an analysis of any situation or project, it is essential to understand its beginnings. If a situation based on a lie or faulty premise, it can not succeed or prosper until the truth is revealed or the calculations corrected. Regardless of strong and positive signs in other houses, no lasting good can come when aspects of the first house are weak or harmful. If the tile shows a strong and beneficial influence, the foundation is firm, the situation or project may well be worth pursuing, or the relationship worth salvaging. If all other character tiles show neg influences, you might consider waiting until a later time when the indications are more favorable.
a. Foundation
Water - the sorting function, the ability to separate a thing or issue into its basic elements. The tiles illustrate watery motion and coalescence. The motion of water moves and lifts all elements then heavier parts sink to the bottom, while lighter ones are carried by the force of the current. Water represents the qualities of nourishment, intuition, and the subconscious transformed by the atma.
17 - aat - initiation
3 - the principle of dynamic attraction btwn polarities. three is the passion of the dualities that results in their annihilation, as in the meeting of matter and antimatter. It is the act of reconciliation that results in pure creation.

Tile- R -

Delay. A waste of time. A depressing errand. This initiation will be a distressful struggle. Change comes from force of necessity not inner growth.

What sustains or nurtures you or the issue. Any situation must have appropriate nurturing to grow to a fruitful outcome. If the nurturing is inadequate or its source blocked, the result will not be what it could have been the proper support been there in the beginning. The tile will show the degree and quality of energy that feeds the issue or relationship, or what is holding the current situation in place. They can also show what is interfering with that nurturing, or what effects that nurturing has on you and the present situation.

b. Nurturing -
Fire - Quebsenuf - the fiery activity and primal motion. Energy, vigor and passion. When the qualities of fire are applied to the conscious identity of air, new combinations and partnerships are possible, engendering strength and protection. When sudden action or danger is precipitated by the acceleration of energies, its forces are transmuted by the strength of fire to allow healing. the information gained from the is transmutational process is assimilated to become wisdom, allowing you to achieve triumph through the results of action.

10 Maau - Lion/Guardian
3 - the principle of dynamic attraction btwn polarities. three is the passion of the dualities that results in their annihilation, as in the meeting of matter and antimatter. It is the act of reconciliation that results in pure creation.

Tile - R -
When Reversed, the forces of the house are weak and vulnerable. You must draw strength from other houses to shore up this weakened aria. The aspect of the issue at hand represented by this house is the area where other negative or harmful energies will enter the situation. This is the place where you are most vulnerable

Elements of The Question
They illustrate you or the issue. The are the current core elements of the matter

Subject of the Divination
Early vegetation ntr. Cycle. Rebirth. He taught agriculture and domestication of animals. He represents you or the question. Shows your current state of mind or state of being, or the nature of the issue under consideration.

Fire - Quebsenuf - the fiery activity and primal motion. Energy, vigor and passion. When the qualities of fire are applied to the conscious identity of air, new combinations and partnerships are possible, engendering strength and protection. When sudden action or danger is precipitated by the acceleration of energies, its forces are transmuted by the strength of fire to allow healing. the information gained from the is transmutational process is assimilated to become wisdom, allowing you to achieve triumph through the results of action

12 - Uadjet - eyes of heru/ healing
5- union of dynamic tension with active fire. The desire for continuance, instinct for survival, the spirit's search for the infinite. This dynamic results in ever-expanding activity and creativity.

Tile - R -
ill health and weakened defenses due to an imbalance in your lifestyle either on a physical, emotional, or spiritual basis. You have put too much emphasis in only one area of your life and have left the others unattended. the diminishing of a project or relationship. A warning in the house it occupies, you should examine your efforts immediately so that balance and strength can be restored.

Set - aridity and storms - fixation - This position shows what is in the way. They show the guise in which opposition is cloaked so that it might, bring disaster. By considering the nature of it, you can nullify it or avoid the worst part. for further details check the house or heru.

Water - the sorting function, the ability to separate a thing or issue into its basic elements. The tiles illustrate watery motion and coalescence. The motion of water moves and lifts all elements then heavier parts sink to the bottom, while lighter ones are carried by the force of the current. Water represents the qualities of nourishment, intuition, and the subconscious transformed by the atma.
2 - duality and polarization that produces dynamic tension. The static principle of the potential of completely equal, balanced forces.

Tile - R-
the scales are weighted and out of balance. Reevaluate your priorities and attitudes so that a more effective course of action can be taken.

Emotions - Mastery - All feelings of the issue also suggestions on how to manipulate the situation - the quality, nature and depths of feelings, they reveal hidden motivations and driving forces of the participants.

Earth - Transmutation - Rebirth - the ability to change raw material into usable form. transfiguration, transmutation and condensation as truth, harmony and reality being revealed.

27 - Khepri - rebirth transformation
6 - manifestation in the physical world, power of achievement and fulfillment in which survival and continuance are assured and manifested in a kaleidoscopic variety of resulting forms. The Cube representing volume and perfectly balanced solid physical space in which all sides and angles are equal. Equilibrium and stability of physically manifested space.

Renewing growth in the hosue in which it falls. Issues and forces that have been dormant are awakening in new forms. This is a good omen for stalled projects and undeveloped relationships. Kehpri may also indicate a transforming rebirth for you, especially when found in either the house of wr or ma'at. blocked energies are freed to flow and blocked paths are freed for travel. This may be in a worldly, mental or spiritual sense.

Hidden Forces
Nebt-Het - the things that are dark coming into light. Dreams, things that have not yet come into being or are not yet apparent. What you dont know or see is most often what causes you the greatest difficulty. The resources that you dont recognize that make you miss the opportunities to make your project or relationship prosper. Reveals what is working against you, your own subconscious or issues and calculations you have misjudged or failed to recognize. Reveals hidden sources of strength and assistance that need to be recognized and encouraged.

Earth - Transmutation - Rebirth - the ability to change raw material into usable form. transfiguration, transmutation and condensation as truth, harmony and reality being revealed.

28 - truth, harmony, justice
7- signifies the summation and unification of the first six numbers. Seven contains them all, just as pure white light contains all six colors of the spectrum. By manifesting the other numbers simultaneously, seven achieves a distinct identity that brings their diverse natures into resolution is known as the sevenfold unity or harmony. Seven is the ultimate union of spirit with matter and, as the sum of one and six, represents true growth and evolution, enabling true realization.

Tile - R -
Order is scattered if not overturned. When order doesnt turn to chaos, it solidifies and becomes a narrow prison. Legal judgments go against you. Steps should be taken immediately to restore the balance, or ruin will result. The strings of the harp are out of tune, and the song does not agree or harmonize with the listeners.

Effects - how the issue will be affected or how it will affect you

Home and Environment
Heru - home and environment, not only relatives and blood kin but also close friends that are part of your spiritual or emotional family. This is your personal nitch in the world. Shows you the greatest source of strength or your most fatal personal weakness. Counterbalance the forces of set.

Air - Hapi- circulation- move necessary elements to permeate and fill an area so that all parts of an organism or issue can share their qualities. This defines its basic nature and the way in which it will behave or grow. Essential elements or qualities before an action is taken place or form is achieved. Air represents the most basic qualities of thought, consciousness and beginnings. Motion.

6- Nefer-beuty/maturity
6 - manifestation in the physical world, power of achievement and fulfillment in which survival and continuance are assured and manifested in a kaleidoscopic variety of resulting forms. The Cube representing volume and perfectly balanced solid physical space in which all sides and angles are equal. Equilibrium and stability of physically manifested space.

Tile - R -
things may seem fine on the surface but that beauty only goes skin deep. you should look deeper into the issue; plans or persons may not be what they seem to be. Your plans have been hastily conceived and carelessly executed. you may be indulging in trivialities and neglecting more important , deeper issues or aspects of the situation.

Querrents Personal Powers
Sekhmet - The Powerful. active, fiery principle of the sun and the defender of universal order. divine fire animating creation. mistress of demons who caused and could cure illnesses. Patron of physicians. The powers and forces available to you, your personal powers and inner fire, your force of will. The tiles that fall in this house indicate whether you have sufficient skill and resources to deal with the issue at hand on your own or whether you should seek outside help. The state of your personal health and how it affects and is affects by the subject of the reading.

Earth - Transmutation - Rebirth - the ability to change raw material into usable form. transfiguration, transmutation and condensation as truth, harmony and reality being revealed.

24-Sa- Papyrus-shelter-adaptability
3 - the principle of dynamic attraction btwn polarities. three is the passion of the dualities that results in their annihilation, as in the meeting of matter and antimatter. It is the act of reconciliation that results in pure creation.

the enviornment has provided all the materials necessary for your productive survival. However, it requires action to put thse resources to use. Examine the house occupide by sa to discover what these resources are and the best way to use them. you must remain both adaptable and aware of changing conditions. All elements necessary for a successful outcome are present, and you have all the skills to make the best use of what the environment provides.

Anpu - a result of the union with you and your hidden self. As a guide he can be regarded as thus through all life passages. Like a road map, the house of Anpu gives guidance by supplying the insight or information you may need to apply to the issue under consideration. The character tiles in this house often bring all the others into focus and resolve what seems to be confusing elements by revealing their true connection. They may show an aspect of the issue you have not previously examined or give you an idea of where to look to find what you need. They can indicate whether you should trust guidance offered to you from an outside source or heed the voice of your own better judgment and instinct ts. IF the character Ma'at and Uadj are in this house they are good indicators that you should trust your inner feelings and be guided by your intuition. If pyramid or scarab it indicates that the issue at hand is of major significance in your fate or destiny.

Earth - Transmutation - Rebirth - the ability to change raw material into usable form. transfiguration, transmutation and condensation as truth, harmony and reality being revealed.

23 Menyet- counter poise/ joy/pleasure
2 - duality and polarization that produces dynamic tension. The static principle of the potential of completely equal, balanced forces.

Tile - R -
loss, sorrow, poverty and illness. Infects the houses around it. Abundance becomes a glut, pleasures and luxuries become a burden. Redirect your energies toward a more productive goal.

Love and Pleasure
The great mother of the world. Fertility as she constantly brings forth new life. holds ruler ship over cyclical natural changes that are necessary elements of growth. creativity for artists and artisans, and success for enterprises and commercial ventures. Omens for growth and development of the issue under consideration. Indicates the degree to which an issue or relationship will flourish given the current circumstances. Show what is needed and what is hampering the desired development. If subject is a person or relationship. this house can tell you about love and partnerships; what their quality is, how you affect or are affected by them.

Earth - Transmutation - Rebirth - the ability to change raw material into usable form. transfiguration, transmutation and condensation as truth, harmony and reality being revealed.

3 -Nef- air/movement/communication
3 - the principle of dynamic attraction btwn polarities. three is the passion of the dualities that results in their annihilation, as in the meeting of matter and antimatter. It is the act of reconciliation that results in pure creation.

Tile - R -
motion is impeded. Travel is delayed. Communications are garbled and missed. Logic and reason are muddied, leading to the blind alleys. Characters in the other houses should be consulted to discover the cause and or remiedy for the impediment. If non seem apparent, you should examin your own goals and motivation to see if the resistance is self-generated.

Probable Outcome

Wisdom and Advise
Djehuti - the heart, mind and reason of Ra. He spoke the words of Ra's will in order for it to be carried out. Created mdu ntr. All sciences. How to make the best of the situation at hand. The advise not only represents wisdom and understanding but also their application. Tiles in this house show what wisdom can be gained from the experience, or they may advise a course of action.

Water - Imset - the sorting function, the ability to separate a thing or issue into its basic elements. The tiles illustrate watery motion and coalescence. The motion of water moves and lifts all elements then heavier parts sink to the bottom, while lighter ones are carried by the force of the current. Water represents the qualities of nourishment, intuition, and the subconscious transformed by the atma.

18 - Sobek - destruction and negativity
4 - pure, manifested potential of creativity. a double duality and the four essential elements that are further acted upon to produce realization

Tile - R -
negativity is diffused and less focused. A general disruption rather than a specific disaster. The position its in should be carefully considered to discern any mediating forces that may be available.

Determination and Synthesis
Ma'at - principle of law, ethical judgment and social order/ harmonious balance of the universe as a whole. Justice. Genuine. Reality in its purest sense stripped of all delusions and facades. Balance, harmony, grace, and order. This is the determination or outcome of the issue in question. This outcome is the synthesis of all influences and powers revealed in the previous houses. In general readings intended to determine the influences prevailing in your life, tiles in this house show the direction your life is going and the probable best one that can come of the forces currently in motion. They also reveal the worst that can come of all the influences because this house also contains what is most feared.

Water - Imset - the sorting function, the ability to separate a thing or issue into its basic elements. The tiles illustrate watery motion and coalescence. The motion of water moves and lifts all elements then heavier parts sink to the bottom, while lighter ones are carried by the force of the current. Water represents the qualities of nourishment, intuition, and the subconscious transformed by the atma.

20 - Ab/heart/conscious
6 - manifestation in the physical world, power of achievement and fulfillment in which survival and continuance are assured and manifested in a kaleidoscopic variety of resulting forms. The Cube representing volume and perfectly balanced solid physical space in which all sides and angles are equal. Equilibrium and stability of physically manifested space.

Tile - R -
when it is reversed, ab indicates that you have been def to your true feeling s and the voice of your conscience. you have denied your inner knoledge of what is right and healthy. YOu are not learning the lessons fo that house occupied by the ab can teach you. If you do not heed your inner voices, nothing of value can result.

1 comment:

  1. Translation

    so far, not good - the foundation is groundless. A fruitless endeavor. There is a stagnancy that is causing this to even be a viable option. this option stems from feelings of weakness and vulnerability, on the side of both parties. Instead of trying to create something new, its as if something falsely idealistic is attempting to be created. Instead of fixing the inner issues its as if they are being pushed aside by some displaced idea of continuance or ego - as if you (both) do not feel you should learn or change but should remain as you are- separate entities colliding. The problem is that you are not trying to fix your mistakes or errors but going forward with out a kind of balance with each other or disclosure to each other. One is working harder then the other, one is demanding more from the other.

    If the previous is taken heed to - the rest will fall into place.

    Reinforcing the above that neither are in a position rt now to do anything in regards to having a positive relationship.

    The person you think you see may not be the person you think they are. If you take your time and open your eyes you will see this person as they are.

    Having a relationship is going to require time and patience and the necessary amount of understanding of the other person. Wounds can be healed, in fact both of you have all you need- you just need to be active and *do*

    Be wary of some of your so called friends this is a time where many things you may night like will come to light.

    a reinforcement to the slow moving aspect of the 'relationship's' development - also indicates that one or both of you are not even sure what they really want in a mate at this point in time.

    also one or both parties are not paying mind to their inner feelings or the truth of the matter winch is resulting into what looks like a decline - its your own inner confusion that is causing this slowness and may cause damage to the other person because they will feel neglected and eventually wander off, and once that happens you will feel the full force of how much that person meant to you while you were holding them at arms length.
