Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Egyptian Oracle Numbers

absolute unity, essence of life, and pure potential as expressed by the qualities of that element. One is conscious existence that has not yet acted or manifested

duality and polarization that produces dynamic tension. The static principle of the potential of completely equal, balanced forces.

the principle of dynamic attraction btwn polarities. three is the passion of the dualities that results in their annihilation, as in the meeting of matter and antimatter. It is the act of reconciliation that results in pure creation.

pure, manifested potential of creativity. a double duality and the four essential elements that are further acted upon to produce realization

union of dynamic tension with active fire. The desire for continuance, instinct for survival, the spirit's search for the infinite. This dynamic results in ever-expanding activity and creativity.

manifestation in the physical world, power of achievement and fulfillment in which survival and continuance are assured and manifested in a kaleidoscopic variety of resulting forms. The Cube representing volume and perfectly balanced solid physical space in which all sides and angles are equal. Equilibrium and stability of physically manifested space.

signifies the summation and unification of the first six numbers. Seven contains them all, just as pure white light contains all six colors of the spectrum. By manifesting the other numbers simultaneously, seven achieves a distinct identity that brings their diverse natures into resolution is known as the sevenfold unity or harmony. Seven is the ultimate union of spirit with matter and, as the sum of one and six, represents true growth and evolution, enabling true realization.

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