Friday, July 31, 2009

Evil is Born of the Heart of Man

Isfet - chaos, the opposite of order and a natural state. Undefined matter so to speak.

Beta - evil/wrong

Isfet, being a natural state is rather impersonal. It keeps things from stagnation, tears things down so that we have room to rebuild.

Beta is that guy who ran up to you, stabbed you and took your wallet.

Beta often uses Isfet as its vehicle.

Beta is full of perpose, it exsists because it is allowed to, it is cultivated and grown. All it needs is one small seed to take root, and the it not only infultrates the ab, heart, the mind, the body and spirit, but then it moves outward into every fascet of society including religious groups.

This is very differant from a natrual disruption.

in the westcar papyrus ra says 'I did not command that they do evil, it is thier hears that destroy what I have set froth.'"

The easiest way to explain this is when you enter a new work group or social group so to speak. This, more than likely is going to be considered a threat to the established social order. This can lead to all maner of 'drama' (the negitive kind) all because of the Perception of Threat. an explination if you will as to why some people are assholes.. its all about personal power/ lack there of and the struggle to eather gain your own or userp it from others in unecesaraly negitive means.

When we accept our own chaotic nature, and the evil of the world and know our strengths and limits to addreassing it, we can negate hostile emotions and straengthen the bond w/ your source of power /understanding/ enlightenment.

This leads me to Xin Mo - the evil that man cultivates in one's heart. When one harbors one's enemy in thier heart, its when we keep this anger toward another there. In this way we are like a caregiver to a nasty /neg emotion. This negitivity becomes in itself a new entity. Like a disease or parasite. Xin mo is viewed as a demon, one that is self created.

I was reading this article about the corruption regarding the catholic church and how it lead to the dark ages. It really got me thinking about things. This isnt going to be one of those all christians are evil thing, but it definately something to think about and consider. However, I think the facts lead to the concept as to why there is such rampant closed mindedness, judgementalism in the general christian society. After such destruction and the warping of minds, how can any such thing remain pure?

Never in the 3,000 (give or take a few hundred) years of the history of white folks on this Earth have a large number of white folks lived their lives according to loving, spiritual concepts. Their fellow whites harass those that try. Homosexual men have dominated even their religions. The early priests blamed women for their own inability to control their own sexual nature. Celibacy is not an accident. Origen castrated himself, St. Augustine frequented prostitutes, and many Popes have been homosexual. The largest, most powerful religious organization ever to exist in white society is the Catholic Church. The Pope, his cronies, and his followers have consistently and habitually committed and permitted the most non-spiritual, anti-godlike, obscene, and immoral acts in the history of life on this planet. The early Christian church violently denied people the knowledge and wisdom of the ancient world. The torture, murder, and persecution of individuals coupled with the burning of scrolls, churches, and whole libraries by Greeks, Romans, and other ignorant european heathens has deprived the world of a true knowledge of our ancestors. The Council of Nice in 325 A.D. officially sanctioned these despicable acts. The Emperor Constantine ordered the bickering factions of Christendom to reconcile their differences and codify biblical precepts for the Church. They not only set the rules of Christianity in stone they perverted, distorted, and corrupted the very ideals Jesus attempted to bring to the world of humans. From that time until the present it has been a legitimate function of the church to destroy all other religions. Constantine enacted laws that commanded Christian churches to be built on the site of churches of other faiths, ordered that honor should be shown to Christian priests, and threatened with death those who dared to insult them. He changed the day Easter is celebrated and the day of Sabbath just because he hated Jews. The Christian Church was begun with acts of intolerance and murder. This has continued throughout their history. (Read "The History of The First Council of Nice," by Dean Dudley published by A&B Books.

We are taught in school as children that the Catholic Church led the world out of the Dark Ages. In the entire world only Europe experienced the so-called Dark Ages. The Catholic churches of Europe led and directed the many atrocities that occurred during this period. People who had the full support and blessings of the Church tortured all persons of knowledge and understanding into silence or death (whichever came first). It is a general belief that women are more attuned to their intuitions than men. During the dark ages anyone with highly developed spiritual or psychic ability was tortured to death if someone told the church of her or him having this ability. 75% to 85% of these talented people were women. We call this the Dark Ages but it was a time of consolidation and control for the Catholic Church. The tortures, murders, rapes, and diseases were the methods used by the Catholic Church to warp the minds of the Caucasians of Europe. Understand this fact if you don’t get the point of anything else: THE CATHOLIC CHURCH BECAME THE NUMBER ONE RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION IN EUROPE BECAUSE IT WILLFULLY DESTROYED THE MORAL AND SPIRITUAL CENTER OF IT’S OWN PEOPLE! The so-called Dark Ages ended when the Pope unleashed the diseased hordes of Europe on the rest of the world. This period is called the Age of Discovery. The Crusades were blessed by the church, the Spanish Inquisition was blessed by the church, and genocide all across the Western Hemisphere was blessed by the church as the barbarian hordes from Europe raped, pillaged, murdered, and robbed their way across the globe for over 600 years.

There is not a place on the Earth where white folks came in contact with other races and did not destroy the lifestyle of the other race. First they kill the warriors and priests, then they rape the women, and then they make a deal with the politicians and businessmen. This new leadership of spineless, brain-dead amoebas sell out the following generations. They put the youth in schools run by whites who taught them to respect, honor, and obey white people and white standards to the exclusion of everything their own people have eternally held dear. The traitorous amoebas believe they’re being "nice." In reality THEY ARE TRULY LOST SOULS! Lost Souls who struggle against the illusion trying to become the illusion. They fight to get inside a system of life that is designed to destroy the very concept of love and GOD!

If you think this is just some racist guy ranting, then you forgot your history. What happend to the Native Americans? What happened to the Chinese that were lied to then enslaved to work on our railroads and then given opium to get adicted to? What happened in India? Remember the problem with the east india company that was so bad the Navy had to get involved? Lets face it, its called domination and intolerance. Who did all this stuff? "christian white people' now you can get into how the warring tribes screwed themselves over and that its acros the bord with one or two examples of the rich in general subduing the poor and week, but the fact remains, the above is true.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Heaven And Hell

Most belief systems has them, and the concept is generally used as a tool, if not a scare tactic to enforce positive behavior. Many people who have had near death experiances see the light, some times 'heaven' or 'hell'. When studdying with a shamen when I was 19, I learned about shattered souls, and the idea of retreaving them. Now, Im not sure if its because one of my teacher refers to the 'other' planes as shadow paths, or if its because I find it fun to do so, that is how I refer to them.

About the same time I studdied with the shamen I also met a rather... interesting guy who knew a lot about ceramonial magic. He knew some very interesting things, and I have never since met anyone quite as knowledgeable. He painted for me, the 'plaines' in a grid of nine. I was very young and nieve at the time and I looked at it and asked why would anyone in thier right mind go to any of thse places. He just chuckled at me.

In a buddhist text I was reading I came accross a theory that sat very well with me and offers me what I consider a plausable explination as to the many plethera of differant heavens and hells. It all has to do with fixation. It is what your mind attatches itself to, and that is where you will go. Of course Im over simplifying this. Im certainly not saying the heaven and hell planes dont exsist as I truely believe that the will creates constructs, even if it is a plane of reality or 'something else' so to speak.

I think this theory puts many things into perspective. It was reinforced when I went on a journey for a particular spirit, and I encountered a shadow plane I was completely unfamilliar with, after describing it to an Historian, I was told I was describing the Warrior Hell.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Divisions of The Soul

I did some traveling around the net looking for what people say on this topic. My information is coming from Rosemary Clark's book Sacred Tradition of Ancient Egypt, or Sacred Magic of Ancient Egypt. It's interesting that you will generally find from 5 to 9 divisions. Many people like to stick with seven, as 7 is an important numerical correspondence. The most interesting thing I found so far, was from a person, who, like me read the works of Ra Um Nefer.

Like Dr. Muata Ashby, Ra Um Nefer notices the consistencies between Hinduism, Buddhism and Neterism. I didn't really start noticing the big picture untill I started studdying Hinduism, and then went back through many of my books and realised that several authors, especially the two above cited Hindu and Buddhist works. Also, I want to point out that Swaller De Lubucz noticed this as well, and is usually cited in many works regarding Ancient Egytpian Tradition aka Neterism.

This persons sources include Ra Um Nefer and Gerald Massey which I think is a bit scetchy myself. Ra Um Nefer had a habbit of quoting from Swaller De Lubicz works word for word, but did not cite him in his bibliography (or I just missed it) I happen to have all but two of de Lubicz published works, which is the only reasion I noticed it. Im sure he could have been quoting from John Anthony West, who is quite familiar with de Lubicz's works, but it still rubbed me the wrong way, because when I say word for word I mean it. I may be over critical, he could have just been quoting Serpant in the Sky which was sited in his bibliography. As for Gerald Massey, I have no opinion of either way. I never read his works. He isnt on my reading list of 50 or so Egyptologists. (neither was R.A.Schwaller de Lubicz... or Barbera Mertz but they are very knowledgable and their writing style is engrossing)

As a spiritual healer one comes across fragmented and shattered souls quite often. You could hit your head on a really big rock and fragment yourself. Its really not hard to do. Of course any kind of trauma will do this, physical or psychological. I doupt they always shatter allong the proper divisions, however the concept still leads me back to them.

In the books by rosemary Clark and in the book of coming forth by day, there is an agreement of the divisions, so that is my basis. The Book of Coming forth By Day is the actual name for the book of the dead.

The Khaibit is the shadow of the elemental world. A mirror image of the body, animal or elemental.

The Khat, physical form. that which decays. This is the vessel of your Ka.

The Ka
double-etheric body. both ntr and humans have one or seven.... it carries the imprint of the body, so if you are astrally traveling... then that is what part of you it is. This is the immortal part. It is also intelligent and tends to remember all the different people its been. hence how there is no such thing as reincarnation, but at the same time... there is... as it is the Ka that does this, but the ka isn't the only part of the soul which affects you while you are living... there are other facets involved, so in a sense its not the same person as last life time as it is ever fluid and changing. Just like due to kensho you are no longer the person you were two years ago.... yet you are....

EVERYTHING living possesses a KA, this does include plants, animals, temples, idols, your pc (REI) the earth itself and all that is on it, the stars, the rocks on Stonehenge..... the fish eyes in my soup...

BA-- your personal soul. or your 'ghost' astral body. The Ba can transmigrate and do remote viewing. This is the part that likes to go for walks ... I swear it wanders all over the place... so if you have weird dreams and are told you are remote viewing or if you see things in dreams that actually happen, then this is your BA. They used to have lots of ambulates to call it back (talk about fragmented soul) cause it has a tendency to wander and not return until its called. This is your short attention span....

The Ab -- or heart soul. this is where all your materialistic passions are. It is the samurai part.... (just can't leave that shit alone) for example here is where your conscience desires, honor, dignity and truth are here. your life memory is here as well. Your Ab determines what kind of incarnation you will have next or if you return to Ntr. Also it determines whether you are so vile that you are eaten by Ammit to later be recreated in the Tepi-aui-Un ...ect ect.

The Akh-- the light of soul type thing... your spiritual intelligence. Imperishable and transcends time and space. So this thing is directly connected to Ntr Ntru or you can say Akashic record. This is you as a 'being of light'

Djed - speech. or hku. hmm my comment would be to say it is partially your Ari/ karma (Im not sure I used the correct word there) and you as Ntr. As all was created through the Hku of Djehuti we are all the hku, therefore we are Ntr.

The Sahu. The Origin of ALL spirits. I would say this is a connection to the primordial ooze in which we all originate

Skhem - the vital force. personal will.

Sa- your life force.

Since the soul can shatter and fragment on its own and there are all those different divisions of it (and no, I don't quite understand all that as of yet) I'm sure that we ourselves can fragment to go a roving... or get stuck in our own created hell.

ok Now for that seven devision thing. I found this Here:

it was a very interesting conversation, check it out !

The Muldahara Chakra -root of physical exsistance- basic survival instincts - Kab

The Svadhisthani Chakra - procreation, family and fantacy - khaibit

The Manipura Chakra -the will, the dantien- center of balance - Saku

The Anahata Chakra - balance of mind/soul/emotions/heart chakra - The Ab

The Vishuddha Chakra - communication - Sekhem

The Anja Chakra - third eye - khu

The Sahasrara Chakra- divine connection - Ba

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Negitive Confession

taken from The Wisdom of Maat
by Dr. Muata Ashby

(I have not)

1. done what is wrong / vaiant: I have not acted with falsehood
2. robbed with violence
3. done violence (to anyone or anything) Variant: I have not been rapacious (taking by force; plundering)
4. commited theft /variant: I have not coveted
5. murdered men or woman / Variant: I have not ordered someone else to commit murder
6. defrauded offerings / variant: not destroyed food supplies or increased or decresed the measures to profit)
7. acted deceitfully / vairant: I have not acted with crookedness
8. robbed the things that belong to god
9. told no lies
10. snatched away food
11. uttered evil words / variant: allowed myself to become sullen, to sulk or become depressed
12. attacked no one
13. slaughtered the callte that are set apart for the gods/ variant: slaughttered the sacred bull (apis)
14. eaten my heart (been overcome with anguih and distraught) / variant: committed purgery
15. laid wast the ploughed lands
16. been an eavesdropper or pried into matters to make mischief
17. spoken against anyon / variant: babbled, gossiped
18. allowed myself to become angry with out cause
19. commited adultery /variant: committed homosexuality
20. committed any sin against my own purity
21.. voilated sacred times and seasons
22. done that which is abominable
23. uttered fiery words. been a man of anger
24. stopped my ear listeninng to the words of right and wrong (Ma'at)
25. stirred up strife (disturbance) cause terror. not struck fear into any man
26. cause anyone to weep /variant: hoodwinked
27. lusted or committed fornication nor have I lain with others of my same sex varient/ I have not molested children
28. avenged myself /variant: cultivated resentment
29. Worked grief, abused anyone / cultivated a quarrelsome nature
30. acted insolently or with violence
31. judged hastely varient/been impatient
32. transgressed or angered god
33. multiplied my speech o vermuch (talked to much)
34. done harm or evil /variant: thought evil
35. worked treason or curses on the king
36. befouled water variant/ held back the water from flowing in its season
37. spoken scornfully / variant: yelled unnecessarily or raised my voice
38. I have not cured god
39. behaved with arrogance / variance: been boastfull
40. been overwhelmingly proud or sought for distinctions for myslef
41. never magnifid my condition beyond what was fitting or increased my
wealth, except with such things as are (justly) mine own possessions by
means of Ma'at. / variant: I ahve not disputed over pssessions except when
they concern my own rightful possessions. / variant: I have not desired more
than what is rightfully mine.
42. I have never thought evil (blaphemed) or slighted the god in my native town

This is THE BEGINNING, and its probably the last thing people think about when they ask me to teach them. Ethics.
Im not sure if its because now people just assume the 'teacher' will not go over this, or insist they have any ? When I
started studdying seriously with my first teacher, this was my beginning. There are many text out there that discuss
"proper behavior" from Anqeshok to Ptah-Hotep. Many who have approached me asking about Ancient Egyptian
Magick are usually not thinking they are going to get lessions in proper behavoir. Usually they do expect to lear at
least about the dieties. One of my former students mentioned, after reviewing a lession plan for a group, introducing
Kemet/Tamery (ancient egypt) and her dieties grumbled that he learned more editing that than he had from me in the
six months I had taken him on.

My favorite excersis, that seemed to take students more than two weeks to do was to go through this list and write one
or two thoughts in regards to how it is still aplicable today. I also had in my possession another book by Dr. Ashby, a
study guide for the negitive confession where he broke them down into sections, for example Right Speach, Right
Behavior and other such things, and then included text from kemetic Saages and how certain aspects were cariied
over into the 10 Commandments.

My Teacher explained very long ago that the priests of her temple would Read this In the morning after waking and then
again in the evening before going to sleep. I think this should be touched on, as this activity helps you keep yourself in
check so to speak. Of course the negitive confession appears in more than the book of going forth by day/ aka the papyrus
of Ani. It was part of a manuscript burried with the dead, in order to assist them in thier afterlife. Though I have herd of the
practice of reading it when a loved one dies. There isn't just ONE negitive confession to be found in ancient text,
sometimes there are 30 or more than 42, sometimes its in the manner of a brief statement, insted of many declariations.

This alwsys make me thin of the Four Noble Truthes and the Eigthfold Path. Life is suffering. The origin of this suffering,
is because people have attatchments.Attatchments can be 'let go' aka the cessasion of suffering the last noble truth
is the path to the cessasion of sufffering through the Eight Fold Path.

Prajna is the sanskrit word for Wisedom and here we have
Right View
Right Thought

Sila is the sanskrit word for Ethical Conduct
Right Speach
Right Action
Right Livelyhood

Samadhi the sanskrit word for right Consentration
Right Effort
Right Mindfullness.
Right Concentration

Even in the wisdom text are the above considered and quite apparent.
Ptah-hotep even had something I consider a manual of proper behavior. Keeping all of this in mind, I think one could
have an improved life whether they adhear to any specific Traditional teaching or not.
True wisdom, does not very from culter to culter, though the words may be differant, as thier symbols, they say
just about the same thing.