Friday, September 11, 2009

Arron, Jason and Chris

Arron, Jason and Chris

The calm inside the storm has

a white background and encompasess

blue bold eyes

with small fooled knowledge of

thin walled phrases

that jump out with the

'information' that I am NOT

me and must change NOW to

suit the ALL kknowing idol

My don't the palms look

lovely today?

Forced knowledge

is screaming

in my frantic dancing eyes

The gun fired

the location of the bullet


is a mystery

the click is suounding

over again in my mind with

violent repition

How can I forget

when if bombards me with such

fierce attacks that render me


this breaks me

while jason casts out his 'dog- dish'

with burned hands and his

styr like grin of little white lies

Ironic isn't it?

Playful on the outside

hurnt on the in

Hell, aren't we all?

Excuse me, some of us

aren't blinded by self

pitty, I get other people to do that for me

All those damn buttons

tap tap tap

nervous feet

in anticipation of a

seven-day hell

and the socks are blue too

or is the whole thing black and

they are trying to Enforce the

beliefe in BLUE?

Everything is going swimmingly,

thank you for asking

OH Excuse me

you didn't

The vulgar

selfish jelouse

angry side still wants special


You are turning black insted of

believing in blue

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