Saturday, September 12, 2009

Right Speach: Kemetic

I have taken from three main sources: Neturism (ancient egyptian) Hinduism and Buddhism.

Djehuti (thoth) gave us language/words. For this reason Mdu Ntr (oh loosly translated its holy writing) is *sacred* words are vibrational in nature and carry power. If you don't believe me, how many times has someone said something that 'rubbed' you the wrong way? How many times has someone said "I love You" and you 'melt' ?

More strictly translated we see that Ntr is there. This word has several meanings and its usually easier to say God than divine principle, universal truth, active function, spirit..... Words of God.

Words, Language are sacred.
One prevalent theme that crosses the boundaries of Neturism, Hinduism and Buddhism is Right Speech.

The original Neturians, the Kemites (kem = the black land, its how the ancient Egyptians referred to themselves and their country, they also used Tamery =the blessed land) had very strong opinions and beliefs regarding ethics and proper speech.

Lets take a look at the "negative confession"/ 42 Tenants of Ma'at as translated by Dr. Muata Ashby
you will notice the variants, that is because this text was not only found in the Book of Going forth by Day, but scrolls were found with the deceased. They varied. Originally the number of tenants were a smaller number, but most practitioners of Neturism keep up with the accepted 42 in order to be more concurrent with the Noms (province) There were 42 Noms each with its own guardian. I left out the gardian names, since they are not esp relevant rt now.
Each Declaration begins with a greeting to a Nom spirit and I have not...

(Hail, Usekh-nemmt, who comes forth from Anu, I have not committed sin) -Faukner

11. uttered evil words / variant: allowed myself to become sullen, to sulk or become depressed

Ever notice that someone can say just a tiny statement with huge negative connotations, or something thoughtless if not down right cruel an it ruined your whole day or gives you weirdo psychological issues? This particular tenant first focuses on 'evil' words. Isfet - that which is against Ma'at (order of the universe, justice, truth) Isfet is evil, plain and simple, but what is evil the extremely confused person may ask... anything that is malicious and damaging to one self and others.

When we utter 'evil' words, blasphemy, insults, threats, hurtful concepts we are not only creating this nasty vibration, not only are we poisoning the very air which sustains our lives, but we curse that person and ourselves.

I like the variant as well. Who wants to be around a sullen, sulky depressed person. When you feel a mood intensely it influences others. Your energetic field infects the breathing air. I'm sure we have all experienced being around someone who, just by walking in the room charges the air with depression and or hopelessness.

When we are sulky, sullen and depressed we infect our own heart. We create our own mental dis -ease. This of course removes our logic center and causes us to act in pretty horrid, annoying if not horrific ways.

17. spoken against anyone / variant: babbled, gossiped

When you speak against someone , again you are cursing them and yourself. You are tainting them and yourself. Its like throwing psychic bricks in their faces. Flinging negative vibrations all over the place. Babbling and gossiping are useless things with no redeeming characteristics and usually stems from malice and jealously or anger. (IGNORANCE)

25. stirred up strife (disturbance) cause terror. not struck fear into any man

I think this is a no brainer. He said She said ... then something else was said, and maybe we didn't think before we allowed something hurtful to fall out of our mouths. When you speak without thinking, you may say something offensive or hurtful. One can always temper the truth with compassion.

I brought that up because how many of us have heard, I'm not trying to be mean, and no offense or lol.... and then something nasty rolls out of their mouths and splatters all over your energy/FACE

Causing strife, disturbance, terror ect ect is an incredibly negative act stemming from several psychological issues. Control, self concept issues, arrogance, mischievousness, in short dis eased thinking. Its a form of dominance, attempting to removes someones will if not damaging their spirit or psyche.

29. Worked grief, abused anyone / cultivated a quarrelsome nature

Ah psychological abuse ..... I'm pretty sure I don't need to get into that one...
Quarreling is more of an energetic vampiric activity than anything else. It allows that person to raise a neg energy level so that that poor guy can be drained of healthy things. This is relatively similar to poisoning some one.

37. spoken scornfully / variant: yelled unnecessarily or raised my voice

"Do not raise your voice, for god abhors loud speaking."
I misquoted that, and I don't even remember which wisdom text it comes from.
Speaking scornfully or yelling is a good way to psychologically and psychically beat the snot out of someone.

39. behaved with arrogance / variance: been boastful
Of course this doesn't necessary belong in this category until you think about what it means to behave with arrogance. There is usually boasting involved. As if you are attempting to capture and captivate people so you can drain them with the oh I'm better than you thing. Not only that but it usually leads to some of the ones from above, speaking scornfully, causing strife, all manner of things can bounce of this one. Boasting decreases your merit.

40. been overwhelmingly proud or sought for distinctions for myself

here we go back to arrogance. Usually pride and seeking distinction follows on the heels of 39. If you are seeking distinction then all you have done amounts to nothing. You were not acting with love or compassion, you were self seeking, separating yourself from the whole of humanity insted of assisting it.

Now, because speech was so very important, sacred and holy, you know the sages had to have their say as well.

1. Be not proud because thou art learned; but discourse with the ignorant man, as with the sage. For no limit can be set to skill, neither is there any craftsman that possesseth full advantages. Fair speech is more rare than the emerald that is found by slave-maidens on the pebbles.

*THOSE* people. The ones who think they know *EVERYTHING* and are so busy on their soap train (as apposed to a soap box) that they can't hear anyone else. Here, when PtahHotep says ignorant man I don't think he is just talking about 'people who dont know any better' Im more inclind to think he is discussing the 'uneducated'. For example. I graduated High shool, took some psych classes. In all other arias Im self taught. I have no 'formal' schooling. That aside, *EVERYONE* is our teacher. You meet every single person for a reason, whether or not the reason is clear. We all learn from each other, whether we learn that we need more compassion and patience in order to deal with the idiot we are talking to, or understanding why we become angry at another (who just happens to be reflecting our own issues back at us)

Simply, talk politely to everyone. Treat every person with the same amount of respect. Whether it is a child, an annoying teenager, the unlearned, the scholar, the priest, the holy person.

I remember asking The Historian (Japanese history and politics of some era I cant recall, though his pet project is the Aizu Clann) what honorific should a priest use? Just in case I get to go to Japan tomorrow, I would like to make sure I can act somewhat appropriately for my 'office' so to speak. I'm always paranoid that I'm going to use the wrong honorific and make a gross social error. He told me to just use san to everyone. This makes a certain amount of sense, holy people don't need to be egoistic and or proud. May as well make sure to learn the polite form of speech as well.....

Certain words, and behaviors with speech keep the ego in check, you know how it likes to take over and make and idiot out of you.

2. If thou find an arguer talking, one that is well disposed and wiser than thou, let thine arms fall, bend thy back, 1 be not angry with him if he agree (?) not with thee. Refrain from speaking evilly; oppose him not at any time when he speaketh. If he address thee as one ignorant of the matter, thine humbleness shall bear away his contentions.

I have actually seen this, and used this device. Its surprising how speaking softly and humbly remove contention from angry/arrogant people. Of course there are some (ex husbands) who just wont be pacified not matter what because they *like* raising their voice and hurting others with their words...

This also reminds me of a concept I learned from my friend and teacher Tazima Hatchepsut. AND my black feet friend (no no its not black FOOT, they have TWO feet !!! ) this can be a harsh lesson for a westerner to learn because we are not raised with the concept of RESPECTING elders. Of course I thought I was, but it turns out that RESPECTING elders in Native American Tradition and Kemetic tradition is a serious, serious matter.

If an elder talks to you, you are truly *HONORED* and should act with appropriate humbleness. You do not talk back. You do not argue. Always say please and thank you. ect ect (manners) I don't care how wrong you think they are or how much what they said pisses you off. There is no arguing or discussion on the matter until you go and learn a few things and become an *elder* yourself.

3. If thou find an arguer talking, thy fellow, one that is within thy reach, keep not silence when he saith aught that is evil; so shalt thou be wiser than he. Great will be the applause on the part of the listeners, and thy name shall be good in the knowledge of princes.

"There is no such thing as evil... or free will everything is predetermined" Those are two phrases that crawl under my skin. or "what is evil" *sigh* I am not sure why people want to deny good and evil. Positive and negative. I'm sure you can say it like that. evil is that which is disruptive and harmful to the self and others. *there is no black and white* oh yeah there is.... the guy who takes and tortures a child, in the literal sense, an abusive person, child molesters. I think those things are pretty cut and dry. One who works in ways to be harmful to others in any way. Dominating by fear or physical violence.

The most insidious nature of evil is to convince you that it doesn't exist.
and then
"oh but they have a mental illness."
Look, I don't care, if someone goes around stabbing people in the face they need to be sequestered or killed. I can not tolerate the idea that humans as a race are so afraid of their own mortality, and their own negative issues that they don't see that harmful people need to go to an elsewhere so that we can protect our children, friends and loved ones. To allow an evil to exist is just as bad as the evil itself. Make all the excuses you want, you can even bring compassion and love into the picture but I will never be convinced that having love and compassion means I should allow others to be harmed at the hands of a person who does seseless violence of any kind, verbal or not. That in itself is not only irresponsible, but the insidious creeping nature of evil.

Christians say that Satan wins and succeeds because he convinces people he isn't real and then he can go run amok. Though I do not believe in satan, I believe completely in the above statement if we take Satan as a personification of evil, much like APEP. (apophis)

If you want to defend the child molester and rapist and abuser, that's fine, you live with them in a gated community, with guards and dogs and fences that electrocte people.... like prison... Actually that isnt a bad idea. put them in one place with some nice counselors and what ever kind of holy people to help fix their issues and heal their soul, but for love of crap keep a tranquilizer gun around.

Lovely rant. ...
I like to think that what I just did was obvious, but as I learned from Tazima, not everyone is on the same wavelength as far as communication and understanding goes. Her idea of 'common' sense is a bit different from mine, so occasionally we baffle each other.

This statement is along the lines of not allowing people to spread poisonous unethical words. If someone of your particular rank and stature is 'talking shit' politely difiuse them. Do not allow a lair to propagate their false reality and cause harm in such a way.

23. Repeat not extravagant speech, neither listen thereto; for it is the utterance of a body heated by wrath. When such speech is repeated to thee, hearken not thereto, look to the ground. Speak not regarding it, that he that is before thee may know wisdom. If thou be commanded to do a theft, bring it to pass that the command be taken off thee, for it is a thing hateful according to law. That which destroyeth a vision is the veil over it.

So at first I'm looking at this going hu? extravagant speech hu? Is that like purple prose????? Then we see the word 'wrath' So this passage is talking about bitching and complaining excessively. I do not speak in anger.... ( a variant of one of the 42 Tenants/neg confession) this kind of interaction has not much positive merit. Oh yeah your friends and probably even your shrink will tell you to get it all out because you need release and what not. however wouldn't it be nicer if you meditated and pulled your center in enough so that you don't feel this wrathfulness anymore?

I also like this one as it covers what to do if your higher ups give you an unethical order.

It ends with letting you know that if you allow yourself to be swayed by 'wrong' words, you will no longer see the truth. "wrong words" lies are the veil.

24. If thou wouldn't be a wise man, and one sitting in council with his overlord, apply thine heart unto perfection. Silence is more profitable unto thee than abundance of speech. Consider how thou may be opposed by an expert that speaketh in council. It is a foolish thing to speak on every kind of work, for he that disputeth thy words shall put them unto proof.

I think this one is obvious. I think this can be simply explained as be careful, don't speak unless you know what you are talking about, least you speak in ignorance and are humiliated by being chastised and not only that, but you just dishonored your lord. What an uncomfortable situation. Speaking overly much in social situations is one of those energetic things that is you taking attention (energy) away from everyone else.

My friend sarah and I interrupt each other all the time, and shoot through 'rabbit holes' Its amazing the conversations we can have, but we always atempt to resolve things. aka going back to the previous subject if we weren't finished. we both give each other equal time and both benefit from not just the exchange of ideas but from the energetic as well. (because the bison pick the children up from school in the morning) Dominating social interaction is a form of psychic vampirism.

25. If thou be powerful, make thyself to be honored for knowledge and for gentleness. Speak with authority, that is, not as if following injunctions, for he that is humble--when highly placed--falleth into errors. Exalt not thine heart, that it be not brought low. Be not silent, but beware of interruption and of answering words with heat. Put it far from thee; control thyself. The wrathful heart speaketh fiery words; it darteth out at the man of peace that approacheth, stopping his path.

we again see the theme of not speaking in anger. Anger is a dis ease that clouds the mind. So here we see an instruction for people of high rank or respect. Remember priests usually held some kind of gov office so there is no point in attempting to segregate this... a powerful person / high office ect. Knowledge and harshness don't go very well together. In fact it puts people off and then they are deterred from what ever path you could have possibly helped them with. "you catch more flies with honey" so to speak. If you can keep it together and be 'soft' and calm through adversity, people are going to notice, and pay more attention. People who dominate their way through fear are the ones people just kind of give lip service to and eater bask in this nauseating harshness for self advancement reasons or avoid it all together.

Im pretty sure I went over the part of not being silent and not speaking in anger. So here we are at the part of the instruction that flat out tells us to learn to be in control of our 'selves'.

28. If thou be the son of a man of the priesthood, and an envoy to conciliate the multitude. . . . 2 speak thou without favouring one side. Let it not be said: "His conduct is that of the nobles, favouring one side in his speech." Turn thine aim toward exact judgments. Be wary of speech when a learned man hearkeneth unto thee; desire to be established for good in the mouth of those that hear thee speaking. If thou have entered as an expert, speak with exact (?) lips, that thy conduct may be seemly.

This one is just about ma'at as about your speech reflecting it. Make sure you behave right !!!!

42. Be thine heart overflowing; but refrain thy mouth. Let thy conduct be exact while amongst nobles, and seemly before thy lord, doing that which he hath commanded. Such a son shall speak unto them that hearken to him; moreover, his begetter shall be favoured. Apply thine heart, what time thou speakest, to saying things such that the nobles who listen declare, "How excellent is that which cometh out of his mouth!"

I don't think this needs a commentary.

-Do not speak your heart immediately.

What a good idea ! How many times have we *wished* we had not said THAT ? How many times have we humiliated ourselves by speaking in ignorance? How many times have we had to apologize when speaking in anger? There is another variant that comes to mind for some reason "I have not revealed secrets" that is a form of betrayal (it cant be good for the heart, let alone keep positive relationships)

-Do not speak quickly, least you offend.

personally I think he just restated the first one

-Don't speak in two voices.

ooo nice! Don't be a Gemini !!! (just kidding) Do not say one thing to one person and change it around to another. I also think of white lies with this one, saying one thing that is not true, doing another.

-Don't instruct a fool, least he hate you. Don't instruct a person who doesn't listen.

yeah,.... this is rather like that mess I have up regarding the ownership of the cats that are not mine. Personally I thought I was as polite as possible. After the posting stopped said person attempted to assault me in my im.

Attempting to rationally explain how certain mannerisms, words and meaning can, at times, be inappropriate didn't work, and this person became incessantly angry, and attempted the he said she said thing. He apparently did not respond well to this. (instructing) Finally I gave up on being polite and rational because this person did not seem to understand so I whittled it down in to the most repugnant, repulsive way I could... you were being a douche bag, I attempted to let you know you were being a douche bag and instead of thinking oh well I didn't mean it, I'm sorry, I was just having fun... don't quite understand what the fuss is about, but you are my friend and I will try to keep in mind that you found that offensive so that we can have a healthy friendship, I don't want to go and hurt your feelings or offend you. (or some kind of approximation) For the love of crap! My friend who is an elder medicine woman will apologist instantly if she thinks she *might* offend me. Nope. Not of any kind of attempt at understanding, in fact you got ANGRY and became more of a douche bag. You are still being a douche bag.

(I figured if you cant understand polite speech, maybe if I break it down to vulgarity you might understand) And then he attempted to verbally and psychologically assault me and betray a friend we have in common (he said she said)

I gave up. It is true, if you teach the non receptive, they generally get mad and fuss about it. And no, they wont listen they are too busy lobbing words of nastiness, you are wasting your precious time that you could be using for spiritual practice and assisting others. Its also rather exhausting. Your time is better spent saying a prayer / mantra for them.

Domestic Instruction of Papyrus Insinger 1

The foolish tongue of a stupid man acts like a knife that cuts his life.

as we all know, this can happen quite literally.

Do not permit your tongue to advise when you haven't been asked.
This is called putting your 2 cents worth, yes sometimes you really want to help, but this goes back to the don't instruct a fool.

Do not let your speech be different from your heart in advise when you are asked.
Don't give self serving/ greedy advise. This is not compassion, its serving self interests. Don't speak in two voices!


This first one always strikes me as instruction on how to intellectuality function.
Give thine ears, hear what is said
\Give thy mind to interpenetrate them
To put them in your heart is artificial.
It is detrimental for him who neglects them
Let them rest in the casket of your belly
That they may be a part in their heart
Even when there is a whirlwind of words
they shall be a mooring stake, for your tongue
if you spend your lifetime whilst this is in your heart
you will find success
you will find my words a treasury of life
your body will prosper upon earth

Amazing, hey learn from people, what they say and how they respond ! There is so much to learn, so much information! When you pay 'attention' and absorb this, even if there is a heated debate, and you keep your mind still and sound, this wisdom gained, will be a benefit to your speech !

do not get into a quarrel with the argumentative man, nor incite him
with words
proceed cautiously before an opponent
and give way to an advisary
sleep on it before speaking
for a storm will come forth like fire in hey
the hot winded man is his appointed time
may you be restrained before him
leave him to himself
and ntr will know to answer him
if you spend your life with these things in your heart
your children shall behold them

Im not sure many of these are going to need comments from my peanut gallery.

ch 13
Do not lead a man astray by reed pen or papyrus document
it is the abomination of god
do not witness a false statement
nor remove a man from the l is by your order
do not enroll someone who has nothing
no make your pen be false
if you find a large debt against a poor man,
make it into three parts
release two fo them and let one remain
you will find it a path of life
you will pass the night in sound sleep ; in the morning
you will find it like good news

better it is to be praised as one loved by men
than wealth in the storehouse;
better is bread when the mind is at ease
than riches with troubles


do not go to bed fearing tomorrow
for when day breaks what is tomorow
Man knows not what tomorrow is
God is success
man is failure
the words which mean say pass on one side
the things which god does pass on another side

do not say I am with out fault
Nort try to seek out trouble
Fault is the business of God
it is locked up with his seal
There is no success in the hand of god
Nor is there failure before him
If he turns himself about to seek out success in a moment he destroys him

Be strong in your heart, make your mind firm
do not steer with your tongue
the tongue of a man is the sterring oar of a boat
and the lord of All is its pilot


Do not enter the council chamber in the presence of a magistrate
and then falsify your speech
do not go up and down with your accusation
when you witness stand readied
do not overstate oaths in the name of your Lord
pleas the place of questioning

tell the truth before the magistrate
lest he gain power over your body
if you come before him the next day
he will concur with all you say
he will present your case court before the council of the thirty
and it will be lenient another time as well


DO not castigate your companion in a dispute
(is that a word?)
(1. to criticize or reprimand severely.
2. to punish in order to correct.
1. scold, reprove. 2. discipline, chastise, chasten.
1. To inflict severe punishment on. See Synonyms at punish.
2. To criticize severely.
wait just a min didn't that other guy in some other wisedome text say
you should not tolerate ignorance and that you should at least smack
them w/a zen stick???? -- where was that anyway?)

And do not him say his innermost thoughts
Do not fly up to greet him
when you do not see how he acts
may you first (that looks wrong...dyslexia) comprehend his accusation
and cool down your opponant

(ok so lets see... dont rip appart your companion's psyche.....and
dont mind rape him and spiew it out..... do not point at him unless
you stalk him.... so I guess this is a do not stirr up strife thing
and do not give into your base chakra rip the infedel's face off thing)

Leave it to him and he will empty his soul
(sounds awful)
sleep knows how to find him out
(bwaahahhaahaa Im not imagining all manner of shadow creatures
gathered around a bed)
take his feet, do not bother him
(how does that work?)
fear him, do not underestimate him
(that is so hard when you are as godly and great and good as I am)
Indeed you cannot know th eplans of god
you can not perceive tomorow (wanna make a bet? I got my cards rt here)
sit yourself at the hands of god
your tranquility will cause them to open

Do not reproach someone older than you
For he has seen the sun before you
do not let yourself be reported to the aten when he rises
with the words 'another young man has reproached an elder'
(well... I will not have to worry on that this life time)
very sick in the sight of Ra
is a young man who reproaches an elder

let him beat you with your hands folded
(did amenemope have an issue ?)
Let him reproach you while you keep quiet
then when you come before him in the morning
he will give you bread freely
(this doesnt sound like a good enough exchange to me)
As for bread, he who has it becomes a dog,
he barks to the one who gives it

I didnt think any of these needed much comments other than my own bit of sacasm.

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