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shimazuryu: Hey...quick question.
shimazuryu: Do any of the guys like onions?
nefret_nubti: oh
nefret_nubti: uhm hold on, they were just here this morning
nefret_nubti: they laugh and shinpatchi says as long as he doesnt have to eat it raw and harada lists things that are good to make with onions
nefret_nubti: and hajime-kun kinda doesnt care eather way
shimazuryu: I had a feeling Harada was the one.
nefret_nubti: lol whats so important about onions?
shimazuryu: Just wondering, since I'm cooking with them tonight.
nefret_nubti: heeheehee cool
nefret_nubti: I was thinking about the thing Im writing for them
nefret_nubti: and it is a fantacy setting so shinpatchi was saying he would like to be a fire master
nefret_nubti: so I told him NO that he was way to irrisponsible in life for such a thing, absolutely not, you would be a danger unto your self !
shimazuryu: Heh, now you've got me smiling, I'm remembering all the fights he picked/got into, especially with Kondo.
nefret_nubti: yeah .... no, I couldnt do it even in fiction
nefret_nubti: he laughed
shimazuryu: You know about the time he went before Lord Matsudaira and complained about Kondo?
nefret_nubti: I knew aboutt he petition
shimazuryu: And Lord Matsudaira said "well if Kondo's in the wrong he's got to commit seppuku, but as his superior I have to commit seppuku too. Is that okay with you?"
nefret_nubti: but not about that, tell me
shimazuryu: (that's it)
nefret_nubti: oh man haahaahaa so I guess it wasnt ok then
shimazuryu: Well, actually no....I think the end result was that everyone shared drinks at the Aizu offices in eastern Kyoto, and then Nagakura was confined to quarters for awhile.
nefret_nubti: haahaaha
shimazuryu: But hey, it's thanks to Nagakura that I know how much of an asshole Kondo could be.
nefret_nubti: he would spend most of his time playing pranks and just setting people on fire when they irritated him
nefret_nubti: what did shinpatchi say
shimazuryu: What, about Kondo being an asshole? It's just in his overall autobiography.
shimazuryu: You can see Kondo get more and more power-hungry and egocentric until the day he says that the guys need to become his vassals.
shimazuryu: At which point Nagakura and Harada basically say "the hell with that" and leave.
nefret_nubti: what did hajime-kun do?
shimazuryu: He was already gone, leading a group of the wounded to safety in Aizu.
nefret_nubti: so he left for aizu before everyone else?
shimazuryu: I think so.
shimazuryu: he led one group, Kumebe Masachika led another.
nefret_nubti: did he and the others leave because they felt like it or was this official?
shimazuryu: It was official, the wounded needed better treatment and better safety.
shimazuryu: The shogunate's top doctor was in Aizu at this point too, so it was probably for the best.
shimazuryu: The other day, for instance, I learned that my professor's professor is the legendary John Whitney Hall.
shimazuryu: Dr. Hall was one of the biggest figures in Japanese studies, back in the 50s.
shimazuryu: That afternoon, when I found one of Dr. Hall's books in the library, it....reverberated.
shimazuryu: I dunno how else to describe it.
shimazuryu: I had to put it down.
shimazuryu: And there was that time I found a book that listed every single name of the Aizu castualties in 1868.
shimazuryu: 240+ pages of names.
shimazuryu: I can't keep reading stuff like that because sometimes the names practically scream at me.
nefret_nubti: yeah I know the feeling
nefret_nubti: they find it very funny that someone called them boring
shimazuryu: Heh, boring.
shimazuryu: For goodness sakes.
nefret_nubti: I know !
nefret_nubti: its never boring when they hang about
nefret_nubti: more like uttermadnesschaos that is only barely contained
nefret_nubti: yamanami and kondou are much more quite
shimazuryu: Well, Yamanami was a scholar and Kondo trained himself to that point.
nefret_nubti: yes, and I still have no desire to care about the romance of what ever kingsomes
shimazuryu: Heh, sorry to say this but Kondo proves the old Chinese saying.
shimazuryu: that you shouldn't read that book more than 3 times.
nefret_nubti: I refuse to read it at all
nefret_nubti: ah dont worry there were times when I cant stand him, but he usually is ok
shimazuryu: Well, he read the Water Margin and a bunch of other stuff too.
shimazuryu: The Water Margin actually isn't that bad, from what little of it I know.
shimazuryu: Water Margin in Japanese is Suikoden
nefret_nubti: I dont know what that is at all
shimazuryu: Another long-ass Chinese story.
nefret_nubti: ha ok
nefret_nubti: I wanted you to see this one
nefret_nubti: I changed a bit ... like the phichi into sohei, but I think they still speak binary
shimazuryu: Hm....a little confusing because I've got no background in your story, but it was good.
nefret_nubti: oh stuff happened before this, its just a pies
nefret_nubti: I mean a piece of it, you are welcom to read whats there if you'd like
nefret_nubti: this is just my favorite part, Im still trying to decide if I shoudl keep hajime-kun's thinking process in or take it out, what do you think
nefret_nubti: and hajime-kun is the one who came up with the jirou charactor
shimazuryu: The thinking process is good where it is.
nefret_nubti: oh Im glad you like it that way ! I have been battling with it for a long time, since hajime-kun is not very talkative
shimazuryu: hey, by the way
shimazuryu: I learned something about him the other day.
shimazuryu: He got married to Yaso the day he left Aomori/Tonami for Tokyo.
nefret_nubti: o?
shimazuryu: He was serving as a guard in Lord Matsudaira's retinue.
nefret_nubti: but, didnt they live together in someones house?
shimazuryu: (Lord Matsudaira and his family were summoned to live in Tokyo)
shimazuryu: No, apparently not.
nefret_nubti: ohhhhhhhhhhhh
nefret_nubti: so yeah hu....
shimazuryu: They both relied on the same man, as far as I can tell-- Kurasawa Uhei.
shimazuryu: Satow (that English diplomat) met with Kurasawa once in the mid-1860s.
shimazuryu: Satow's the guy we figured you were married to.
nefret_nubti: ooooo.
shimazuryu: Satow (in his book) said he had a "long standing friendship" with the Aizu clan that survived the 1868 war.
nefret_nubti: what did they meet about?
nefret_nubti: (so fascinating)
shimazuryu: Well, there were a group of Aizu samurai who were meeting with him.
shimazuryu: Can't remember why....but the group was led by Naga-sama's brother in law.
shimazuryu: Kajiwara Heima
shimazuryu: I can't help but think that the marriage was a formality that brought Saito into the ranks of Aizu retainers.
shimazuryu: It made him an Aizu samurai.
nefret_nubti: who was she?
shimazuryu: there was no reason for him to stay.
shimazuryu: But he did.
nefret_nubti: I was under the impression that she lived with people who took her in and she didnt have family
nefret_nubti: (this is so exciting!)
shimazuryu: Yaso was from an Aizu samurai house of some consequence (Shinoda)
shimazuryu: Shinoda was the family of one of the Byakkotai boys.
shimazuryu: after Saito went to Tokyo, yeah, she did live with those people (the Kurasawa)
shimazuryu: She died of......smallpox maybe? Dunno.
shimazuryu: also, I get the feeling that among all these Aizu pictures I have, Saito is in them somewhere.
nefret_nubti: yeah, you work so hard all the time and I go and loose stuff, I truely feel horrid
shimazuryu: These are pictures of groups of people.
nefret_nubti: oh NICE !!!!
shimazuryu: I dunno if he's in them though.....usually I can only spot the lord and his son or family.
nefret_nubti: hmmmm
shimazuryu: but they'll usually be with a huge number of ex-retainers.
nefret_nubti: I dont know if Id be able to tell
nefret_nubti: but who knows ......
shimazuryu: I don't have any scanned unfortunately.
nefret_nubti: you tease... telling me all abotu these pics and THEN you tell me they are not scanned
shimazuryu: The picture I'm thinking of has Lord Matsudaira and a small group of retainers in it-- and Harada Kai (an Aizu clan elder) is up front, that's the one that made me first think of this.
shimazuryu: Crap, not Harada Kai, that's Sendai-han
shimazuryu: I mean Harada Tsushima
shimazuryu: That's the picture
nefret_nubti: you think he might be in here
shimazuryu: Yeah
nefret_nubti: well one of them looks like a freind of mine who I have a past life connection with
nefret_nubti: though I dont know what that connection is or who he was yet
nefret_nubti: the one rt beside the TALLISH person, on the lft
shimazuryu: oh!
shimazuryu: Well the tall guy is Lord Matsudaira
nefret_nubti: but knowing hajime-kun he is probably the one behind that guy's head
shimazuryu: Where?
nefret_nubti: on the far rt, making no atempt to get out from behind the guy's head
shimazuryu: OH
shimazuryu: lol
nefret_nubti: who is the one sitting properly by Lord Matsudaira ?
nefret_nubti: no, the hair isnt right, he says he would never go about with such an unkept personage
shimazuryu: On the left of him?
shimazuryu: I'm not sure.
shimazuryu: The only person I know for sure is Harada Tsushima, he's up front.
nefret_nubti: which one?
shimazuryu: Front row, seond from right
shimazuryu: His face is washed out here, sorry-- in the original it's only marginally better
nefret_nubti: haahaa I like the way you put that
nefret_nubti: damn who would have though hajime-kun would have been that pickey about his appearance "I never looked so unkept/untidey" except (something he shows me flashes of ... I dunno forrestry and rock and running)
nefret_nubti: and dirt and blood smears and ok we can stop now I get it !
shimazuryu: Well-- that's probably during hte war.
shimazuryu: He didn't really have time to wash.
nefret_nubti: lol Im sure he didnt
nefret_nubti: *it would pollout the water*
nefret_nubti: (yes, he has a bit of a sense of humor)
shimazuryu has signed out. (9/12/2009 10:30 PM)
Last message received on 9/12 at 10:29 PM
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