reading a book literally and not understanding
it is better off burning it and drinking it....
it gives protection against evil if done so
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Unedited Saga Of Setesh
He awoke, in dull grey, and in pain. Pain was not something he was used to, he atempted to sit up, and then discovered his ankles and wrists were encased in shackles,connected by a single leignth of chain. He couldn't move no matter that he'd wanted to. His limbs were beyond stiff and aching painfully.
His eyes adjusted to the dimn light, the floor on which he seemed to have been tossed (his side, including his head hurt more than the rest of him) was a myrad of collors of tiles, small tiles. The walls were the plain matalic of a storage room . He could be anywhere. He was not one of inactivity, it had never sat well with him, and it seemed it was something in which his father approved:
Peple who like to be lazy are prevedted from doing so by thier own minds. Despite themselves, thier brains keep on working, thier minds generate a lot of false thinking. When you false think, you get caught in the six paths, turning around with out cease. Originally your you wanted to be lazy, but indoing so, you end up taxing your brain even more. You waste no small amount of energy in haing random thoughts and you end up even more tired and more lazy. You get lethargic and feel that everything is meaningless. In this way it is good, the inordinatly lazy don't go aroudn steeling things.and you will accidentally keep the precepts of civilized society.
He closed his eyes, his fear and disorientation choking him, but he remained quiet. His father told him that some day, this may happen. His father had many enamies, he would have to be strong and crafty if he was to survive, let alone escape what ever this was.
He vaguely recalled the breathing excersises his father taught him in order to calm himself down and then, for lack of anything better to do, he stared at the floor in an attempt to discern a patteren. He didnt think there was one, but then again he never studdied art too closely.
His consciousness fled a couple of times. He was not sure how long he had been there, nor any clue as to how he came to be there, he fount the colored tiles to be odly comforting. He distracted himself by counting how many small tiles made up each primary color.
At leangth the door slid open. Four boys, only a few years his senior entered. Each wore the emblem of a House he didn't recognise. He could not have struggled as much as he'd wanted to, as he was incapeable of moving.
One released the long that ran allong his back that his shackles were attatched to, the other looped leads of new chaines through each shackle. One boy per each chain. They then picked him up, cayring him off. They had taken his clothes, who ever they were and had not bothered to replace them.
His throte was too dry and his tongue to swollen to speak, as questions teamed through his mind. It was obvious his Fathers enamies had cought up with them, but why, he wondered .... why was he chained as if he had done wrong? Where was his mother?
His father had made sure he was well educated in the Universal Laws that govorned each planet. To be certain each planet had their own by laws, but no one wanted to face the Golactic Police by ingnoring the Universal Laws, and one of the Universal Laws stated that the Family was not to be punnished for the crim of the one.
He was not sure what it was his father actually did. To be sure he was gone more often than not on his crusade of cleansing the universe of evil, but he'd never quite figured out what that meant. He'd always been under the impression that his father was a man of a Holy Order of some sort.
He and his mother had lead an idylic exsistance on Ookapi, a planet his father had populated with the ....faithful? the Pure? He wondered if he would ever see the system of Kepesh again, and what of the people of the system... where were they? What of the rest of the Ookapi?
He and his mother had lead an idylilc exsistance on the planet of Kepesh where his father had transplanted the survivors of thier race, the ookapi. He had realised when he was six, that he was blessed by the Great God with quick intelligance, he didnt think his father would have visited him at all if he had not been. He had been quick to learn the most common forms of communication and languages of the systems that were a part of Golactic Cenrtal and the histories of each that formed the cohesive whole. He knew also, that he had other siblings, but he had been sperated from then as soon as he'd shown an aptitude for learning.
As if his father didn't want him to be contaminated with normal children as he'd overheard one of the pleathera of servants say.
His four guards had taken him to a healing room, and tossed him on the table as they would a sack of potatoes. Perhaps these people were renagades ... those who hid from the Laws of Golactic Cenrtal?
His head bounced as he impaced the large table they threw him onto, causing him to see stars and believe that perhaps his skull had shattered into thousands of pieces. For a moment he was blinded by the pain of not just his head, but his body.
>Did not one give this child water?<
No response, the were speaking an obscure dialect of the House of the Landed.
>This is descraceful, what did this child do?<
Again, no response from his guards.
Then he felt the vibration of the hum, as augmented by the healing crystals.
>I wonder why he didnt heal himself, or shift, ?< another asked
>Yes all the Ookapi can, but perhaps he is not full Ookapi, his mother was from a House you know<
Everything had snapped back to clearity, and all pain was gone thanks to the healers. He reasised that the guards had not once relinquished the chaines attatched to the shackles. He took a closer look at the shackles.
He recognised them, his father had shown these to him, they would change if he shifted. He decided he would not attempt shifting untill he figured out where he was, planet side of on bord a ship and only if he was sure he could get away. And where was his mother, and for that matter, his father?
The guards jerked him to his feet, and lead him out of the medical center. They atempted to make the pace uncomfortabley fast, and he obliged them by stumbling, however his father had seen to this contingancy and had taught him how to move with ease not to mention how to break away from such things.
It had not been to long ago when Ookapi had been slaves in the Out Planets, those who were not part of Golactic Cenrral. It had been his father who had freed his people, and his father who had colonised Kepesh. Golactic Central had never allowed them admitance, but his father had made sure that the Ookapi had followed Universal Law.
The four would occasionally atempt to jerk him around, he allowed them to. His father told him that it was alsways best to allow people to underestimate you untill you are sure of your position of dominance. He was certain he could get out of his bindings, and probably away from this place if it was planet side, however if he was on a ship, one of the floating houses (if he was not planet side it had to be a Floating House) would prove a bit more difficult, however, only a bit.
At leangth they entered a throne room, to where there was an grossely obesce woman languishing on her gilded chair. One couldnt see much of the guilding as her large perportions draped over it in all maner of unsavory directions. He recognised her easaly, Reret of the Het-Khat Trading Family.
The four braught him to stand in such a close proximity to the gelatonous woman that he could smell and fell her breath. The pulse in her neck quickened. She ran her hand over his skin, in a way no other had, and a way he was taught not to tolerate, he jerked back from her, instinctively, not removing his defyant eyes from her descusting leer. The leer deepened, he saw it comming and held himself in position as she hit him with suprising force with the pain rod.
After he woke some time later, how long he was not sure, he reasoned that it shouldnt have been suprising, after all it was a pain rod. He was back in the storage room equipt witht he shackles and chain that bound his arms and legs behind his back.
"why do people kill eachother?" Sethesh
his father remained imoble for a time, Sethesh of course immitated him.
"You are young, so I must choose my words carefully. There are many excuses as to why people will and feel they must kill, however, it can be sumned up as contention. You die and I live. This contention rattles about the mind untill it looses its connection with everyone and everything.
"why do people steel?"
"Greed. It infects the brain, the false thinking can start with, if only I had this thing, I will be happy. Happyness and contentment does not come from things. You could say greed, or desire.
"why are some people alloted many wives whial our people only choose one? And even so, why do people sneak behind their one's back and go to another, is that also greed and desire?"
"It is so, and these people seek other people and things in order to attain that ellusive completelness/satisfaction. In reality Betrayal and gratification of sexual desires leads to, at the least hurt feelings, but to violence and a certain amount of disease, not to mention unwanted children who do to receave the benifits of proper parenting."
"Isnt that selfishness too?"
"Selfishness ties into many things including fase speach."
"Or yelling, or abusive words. Selfish minds are crazy. They are afraid of loosing what ever might come their way, so they cheet and lie, dominate and subjigate. They think that if they do these things, they will remove the contention of others."
"what about the drunkards?"
"There are more kinds of intoxicants other than drink, and falling under that influance begins a pleathera of of one or more of the above. being selfish and seeking self benifit may apear harmless at first but when you step back to view the situations that arise you see a much more insane picture. Because their selfishness is so extreme, they lose thier sense of right and wrong, or even pretend that there are no such things as they would get in the way of their pursuit of self indulgence. One adicted to the fasle high that intoxicants bring, they mentally die, though not at all painful, it seems like ultimate bliss even imortal. When they are in this state, they loose sence of propriety and do what ever they want. Thier lust arises, and so the take even more intoxicants, which not only dammage the mind but the body as well.
There are many arguements for the ingestion of such things, people hide behind health reasons, but it makes them blind to all but thier selfishness and self gratification.
To live in maat, to live in the universal order, to be at peace one should keep these things in mind No Contention, No greed, no self seeking, no selfishness, no self benifiting."
"How can anyone do all that?" he asked astounded.
"I don't see you haveing problems with it."
"Im not a grown up yet."
His shoulders were out of joint. He closed his eyes, breathing and shifted slightly.He was taught to ignore pain when all else was avoidable, but there was no point in wallowing in it.
He knew to be careful about what part of himself he shifted as changing anything that may loosen the special shackles would set off the shackles which would do anything from insiting massive pain to mearly changing color. He concentrated on his shoulders, ligaments and such, just so that he would be in less pain, but not enough that it would be noticable by even the medics.
So it appeared as if these people though that the Ookapi shifting did not breed true from one race to another. That was definately to his advantage. Since he was being held by the Het-Khat Nut family, he must be abord a Floating House, as they were one of the most prominant and wealthy of the Traders. Not all Trading groups were allowed the title of House as if they ruled a planet.
He closed his eyes, then placed himself in a waking state of catatonia. He then searched his memory to see if he could determine how he'd come to be here. The only thing he remembered was the odd cloud. They'd probably poisoned the atmosphere. Everyone would have been affected at the same time. That means there had to have been an agent who'd smuggled himself planet side..
The four guards came again at leangth, making sure to take him to side trip to the medicks who healed his 'torn' ligaments and rehydrated him and replenished his body with the nutients it needed. It wasnt the same as eating and he was ravinously hungrey, but he wouldnt suffer from malnutricion.
Agin they placed him in front of the laschevious minded obesce woman. Again he steped away and again she'd infliced dammage with the pain rod. He actually prefered it to her attentions.
If you have thoughts that you are someone special and extrodinary you are just giving rise to arogance. By doing that you leave yourself open ofr a deviant demon to enter your heart. Once that happns you will give rise to deviant knowledge and views to an impure and insane kindo f wisdom. You will become a glib talker to the point that even if you know you are wrong you will still distort the situation so taht you come out on top. YOu will be able to rationalise everything.
“But, Father, why do bad things have to happen, why do bad people succeed ? If there was truly maat in the universe, how can this be?”
If there is no evil, then the good can't be revealed.
If there are no unfilial children then the filial
ones wont be made apparetn
If there is no treachery, then loyalty wont come
If there is no failure, the success wont follow.
>How long is this going to go on?< f
>She knockes him into a catatonic state each time<
>not to mention breaking ribs and arms and such<
>you'd think he would just let her get on with it, she will have her way eventually, when her patience gives in<
>and then she will make Us drug him<
>doesn't she usually tie them down first?<
He was beginning to loose track of how many times hed had to repeat the first sceen of his meeting with Reret. He didnt particularly feel like giving into her, why hadnt she just tied him down? More than likely she enjoyed hurting him, or perhaps she viewed him as a particular challenge, she was planning on breaking him. He could allow her to think she had, he supposed. He wondered what other methods of torture she would plan to use, she could more than likely do what every her mind came up with as she obviously had the best healers.
The guards did not take him to meet Reret, insted they took him to a room that looked very much like a clerk's office. Behind a wooden desk, was a slim man with small, black beady eyes. To make matters worse, he squinted as well. His countanance was a much lesser version of Reret, however he was still rather roundish.
The four gards having to show Sethesh the people burner of the nearest plantet of a gate, one who is 'rebelling' against he house of Reret. She takes Sethesh with her to view the slaughter, not to mention the smell. For some reason the following is going to rattle around in his head:
1 Too much happiness leads to greaf, mood swings. It also makes the heart weak.
2 Rage, if anger is to great, it causes dammage to the entire system, especially your liver.
3 Greaf dammages the lungs
4 Fear damages the gall bladder
5 Love, damages the spirit and causes psychosis and all maner of mental problems
6 Loathing, psychological aberations, it will make you crazy
7 Desire hurts the spleen.
1 too much walking dammages your sinues, tendons and muscles
2 standing injurs the bones
3 Non meditative sitting injurs the blood flow
4 oversleeping injurs your pulse
5 listaning damages the vitality of the spirit
6 looking, reading inujurs the spirit
7 talking to much damages the lungs, as it decreases your intake of positive energy
8 over eating damages the heart
9 over thinking damages the spleen
10 promiscuity damages the life force
It is this time where he begins his atempt to mesh with metal, he becomes the imortal fox
The guards sat him down in the chair in front of the desk. The Man gave him water.
"Thank you Daumutef, Quebsenuf, Imseti and Haapi."
As the roundish man said the names, each gave him a small bow.
"You four may stand outside the door." He grinned and gave them a wink whial holding the small pain box in his hand. The door closed, but the mirth did not leave the man's face.
"Setesh, I believe your name is?"
He saw no reason to deny what the man already knew, so he nodded once.
"Where is my mother?" he asked.
"You are in no position to ask questions." The man said, his face flushing.
"I already asked. Why should you not answer my questions if you expect me to answer yours?" Setesh asked, deliberately antagonising the man.
He was rewarded by a jolt of electric current. Unfotunately he couldnt shift enough to not be affected by it. The man then hit him.
"YOUR..." he took a breath "father, the destroyer of planets .....has been caught and exicuted. He disposed of the Sopdet system."
Destroyer of planets? So that was what his father had meant by cleansing the universe of evil. Sopdet had been the Main Central City of the Golactic Alliance.
The man peered at him.
"where is my mother?" he asked again, his father had always warned him that he may fall to his enemies, so he was raised to expect it, he did not expect that the list of father's enemies would be quite so extensive.
The next jolt was harsher than the last.
"hm, so a half breed can't shift like the father."
He felt no need to correct that statement. He was to bussy panting and trying to catch his breath. His reasoning mindn however, did not stop, perhaps his fathers crimes, so hanouse, the Gollactic Alliance would definately overllod its law ...
"I'm not responsible for the crimes of my father. Where is my mother."
This shock knocked him out, he recovered ghasping.
"The Ookami has been exterminated." The man smiled pleasantly and offered him some water.
Setesh kept his face expressionless, but did not take the glass.
"You are under observation to see if you hold any of those peskey trates, if not, then you will be sent to a habitable, planet, well outsed the known galaxi, you will of course travel in coldsleep. A few survivors of the blah systems will be accompanying you."
"and if I do?" he asked
"You will be sent to the mines of dipthia."
He refused to flinch. What more could one say, it was a mining planet and a hot one...
"My mother?" he asked
The man smiled, "why she is the one who gave you and your father to us. She is packing up to leave for the Renxi quadrent, where the new administration will be housed."
Pain and darkness engulfed him.
This time, they left him in a dark room, when the door opened light spilled on his face before the room was lit. And there she was, snearing at him, his mother. She said nothing to him, except to look at him with desgust. He could think of nothing to say. She left and he was again in darknes.
>oh it's him again ?<
>every day it seems<
>did you hear? Reret's youngest son is being sent to the mines.<
>yes the Family of Geb is sending two girls, I believe that the Family of Geb will be transporting the children<
>yes all those who don't aquies to Reret, if they dont die, they go to the mines<
His consciousness was not imparet when they walked him back to his holding room. However, they did not string him back allong the single back chain. They placed a nerve coller on him. Quebsenuf then attatched a chain to it whial Ha'api and Doumutef stepped out.
>age ?< Imesti asked him,in an incredably obsucre dialect, only used with in the house of Duat. he was rather surprised, he didnt think he could talk. The chaines attatched to his wrists were dragging on the floor, so Setesh sighend the word for 12.
>why do you not just let her have her way?< Qebsenuf asked
He couldnt think how to answer, except to snear at the mear thought.
>she would give you a nice room, and feed you. She wouldn't hurt you and you would only wear a thin nerve coller and a gold chain. She takes good care of her pets.< Imseti
He continued to snear. >I'm not a pet. Especially not that kind< he signed
>you wouldnt have to go the the mining camp. Surely you know that if you continue to displease her, that is where you will go.< Imseti
>I'm not a pet< he sighned.
The door opened and he smelled soup. Ha'api with the soup and Daumutef with some bread. They said no more whail he ate, then Ha'api produced water for him to drink.
>you will continue to defy her?< Daumutef
>I'm not going to provider he w/sexual amusement, if that is what you are really asking. <
They nodded, then left him there.
She had rolled herself out to greet the Pilot who was a day early and who seemed to be taking his time disembarking the transport ship. The other three prisoners were alreaddy waiting. Setesh wondered vaguely what they had done, or were they like him... The pilot hadnt even shut downt he engines. He'd said he refused to do so untill he was equped with the proper crystals for the antimater drive.
Reret was furious, she wanted to gloat over the prisoners. She'd taken Setesh, to see if he would change his mind. He didnt think anyone was at the moment comfortable. Reret was so angrey the she sent all personell out, probably she had intentions toward the piolet. He could see, the tell tale signes of the metal webbing on the floor. He was mildly surpised that no one else could. His father had always told him that would be the normal state of things. Most of the humanoid inhabitants of the known Universe were not quite as metal oriented as Ookapi.
Setesh watched as the delivery of the drive crystals took place. The pilote infored Reret that he intened to make a quick install before comming out to greet her, it would take him ten more minuts. She was so angry she was shaking, Setsh wondered mildly is she would have a fit of appoplexi. He hoped not. At this point she dismissed everyone but him and his four guards.
"Time him. Nine minuts." Imseti did so
Setesh waited untill the soft sould of the alarm chimed when he shifted his skin to match the metal composition of his shackles, whial changing the composition of his nails to sharpened metal, he then tore out Rerets stomach, and intestines.
Since he had merged with the metals the chaines were now simalar to tentincles, he didnt care if the four hung on or not, but he rushed the ship, perposfully treadding over the metal netting but making sure he shifted his feet to match the atomic composition of said netting.
The four, still haning on to the 'chaines' were now harmlessly wrapped in the metal netting. Setesh dragged himself and his 'captors' into the shuttle and into the poilet bay of the transport vehicle.
He stopped short and with suprise as he recognised the pilot.
"HerUr!" he hadnt meant to say it or sound releaved, in that split second he knew that like his mother, HerUr could very well have helped in giving him to that odious woman.
HerUr smiled at his nephiew
He instructed throught the loudspeaker. Since Reret sent everyone out of the hanger bay and closed the doors, turning off all monitoring systems, no one had yet to catch on what exactally was going on.
HerUr unceramoniously blasted his way out of the holding bay of the Floating House.
"I can't possibly greet you with any type of affection whial you are waving all those tenticles around." Herur smiled.
Setesh shifted and the four bodies hit the floor. The metal all now absorbed in his biosphere so to speak, he wouldnt be hungry for a whial.
"Why did you help me?" he asked, in his mind he was again watching his mother snear at him.
Heru'ur still smiled. "The bastard never told you did he?"
Setesh didn't move.
"I'm your brother." then he turned and pressed a button on the councol, his co piolets and navigators looking rather calm.
"Let me show you to your room."
"where are we going?" he asked, looking at the four guards. His 'brother' lugged them up to standing position, they looked rather dazed.
"Ah, well, I was able to convince golactic central to give me a pardon if I helped them with a bit of a problem." He was smilling as they walked down one of the corridors, there seemed to be quite a few people, as a matter of fact, the inside looked more like a military vehicle than a transport ship. The four guards followe them, though no one was forcing them to.
"what problem?" he asked
"He stopped as they reached a cross corador.. the windows showing the non speed at which they defyed space and time. He was still grinning.
"I hope you are up to the challenge. Besides, you can redeame yourself."
"I have done nothing wrong."
His brother's countanance fell. A spasm of pain crossed his face.
"I know. this should not have happened to you, or any of us. We are the only Ookami left now." His brother turned toward the glass, but Setesh could feel his brothers anguis as if it radiated off his skin, he could feel it because it matched his own.
He brother took a long shakey breath, he turned back, tears streaking down his face. "The Prime Denominators had dissappeared. Sources say they have gone to a restricted galaxy. No one knows why, if they are just finding a planet to breed on or some primeval life forms to loard over. That's our job, to find them and if they are making merry little slaves, to stop them, round them up and have them answer to Golactic Cenrtal."
"But why would G.C. care about what that ancient race does? Arenn't they older than G.C. itself? Why does the gov of G.C. presume to tell that ancient race what they can and cant do?" Imseti asked indigantly.
"Most of the known races spragn from the Primes." Daumutef snarled.
"Why should I help golactic central?" Setesh asked, suddenly he was so angry, every thing around him looked red. "why should you?" he didnt feel it was necessary to mention that it was G.C. who decided to wipe out thier entire race, but the two of them.
His brother leaned against a wall and ginned sadly. "It was a good story. It gets us out of the known Universe, into uncharted territory, and perhaps, we will find a planet for ourselves.
Setesh felt as if he'd been jabbed in the ass with a pin.
"You plan a settalment then?"
"Certainly. Most everyone abord wants this, away from G.C. and all it stands for. There are three factions. The Technocrats, the Naturalists and Priests. None of them want to interfear w/eachother's policies, they just want out of ...." His brother gazed out of the window
"of the tangled web." Ha'api said quietly.
"We may or may not find the Primes first, and we intend to stage a lovely 'battle' in which we will loose. I sevearly doupt the Primes will care if we land or not."
"And if you dont find them before you find a suitable planet?" Qebsenuf asked.
"I'm affraid this ship will fly into that particular planets sun either way." Heru'ur said absentmidedly. For a few moments they were all silent.
Then he snapped back to reality. "oh, yes, you are all free to roam around the ship as you like, but let me show you where you will be quartered untill"
"I thought we were going into cold sleep." Imseti
Heru'ur smiled. Each 'room' has six cold sleep pods. There will be a skelliton staff awake at all times, in shifts of a year. They and the lovely ultra new/modern computer will alert them eather to the Primes signature or to the info regarding a suitible planet.
Setesh looked at the four, who didnt at all seem to mind thier predicament. They looked back at him, then they all turned toward Heru'ur. It was time to go to sleep.
those who do not truely understand thier science are quite destructive with it, those who do not understand the commonalities will continue to devide with it.
His eyes adjusted to the dimn light, the floor on which he seemed to have been tossed (his side, including his head hurt more than the rest of him) was a myrad of collors of tiles, small tiles. The walls were the plain matalic of a storage room . He could be anywhere. He was not one of inactivity, it had never sat well with him, and it seemed it was something in which his father approved:
Peple who like to be lazy are prevedted from doing so by thier own minds. Despite themselves, thier brains keep on working, thier minds generate a lot of false thinking. When you false think, you get caught in the six paths, turning around with out cease. Originally your you wanted to be lazy, but indoing so, you end up taxing your brain even more. You waste no small amount of energy in haing random thoughts and you end up even more tired and more lazy. You get lethargic and feel that everything is meaningless. In this way it is good, the inordinatly lazy don't go aroudn steeling things.and you will accidentally keep the precepts of civilized society.
He closed his eyes, his fear and disorientation choking him, but he remained quiet. His father told him that some day, this may happen. His father had many enamies, he would have to be strong and crafty if he was to survive, let alone escape what ever this was.
He vaguely recalled the breathing excersises his father taught him in order to calm himself down and then, for lack of anything better to do, he stared at the floor in an attempt to discern a patteren. He didnt think there was one, but then again he never studdied art too closely.
His consciousness fled a couple of times. He was not sure how long he had been there, nor any clue as to how he came to be there, he fount the colored tiles to be odly comforting. He distracted himself by counting how many small tiles made up each primary color.
At leangth the door slid open. Four boys, only a few years his senior entered. Each wore the emblem of a House he didn't recognise. He could not have struggled as much as he'd wanted to, as he was incapeable of moving.
One released the long that ran allong his back that his shackles were attatched to, the other looped leads of new chaines through each shackle. One boy per each chain. They then picked him up, cayring him off. They had taken his clothes, who ever they were and had not bothered to replace them.
His throte was too dry and his tongue to swollen to speak, as questions teamed through his mind. It was obvious his Fathers enamies had cought up with them, but why, he wondered .... why was he chained as if he had done wrong? Where was his mother?
His father had made sure he was well educated in the Universal Laws that govorned each planet. To be certain each planet had their own by laws, but no one wanted to face the Golactic Police by ingnoring the Universal Laws, and one of the Universal Laws stated that the Family was not to be punnished for the crim of the one.
He was not sure what it was his father actually did. To be sure he was gone more often than not on his crusade of cleansing the universe of evil, but he'd never quite figured out what that meant. He'd always been under the impression that his father was a man of a Holy Order of some sort.
He and his mother had lead an idylic exsistance on Ookapi, a planet his father had populated with the ....faithful? the Pure? He wondered if he would ever see the system of Kepesh again, and what of the people of the system... where were they? What of the rest of the Ookapi?
He and his mother had lead an idylilc exsistance on the planet of Kepesh where his father had transplanted the survivors of thier race, the ookapi. He had realised when he was six, that he was blessed by the Great God with quick intelligance, he didnt think his father would have visited him at all if he had not been. He had been quick to learn the most common forms of communication and languages of the systems that were a part of Golactic Cenrtal and the histories of each that formed the cohesive whole. He knew also, that he had other siblings, but he had been sperated from then as soon as he'd shown an aptitude for learning.
As if his father didn't want him to be contaminated with normal children as he'd overheard one of the pleathera of servants say.
His four guards had taken him to a healing room, and tossed him on the table as they would a sack of potatoes. Perhaps these people were renagades ... those who hid from the Laws of Golactic Cenrtal?
His head bounced as he impaced the large table they threw him onto, causing him to see stars and believe that perhaps his skull had shattered into thousands of pieces. For a moment he was blinded by the pain of not just his head, but his body.
>Did not one give this child water?<
No response, the were speaking an obscure dialect of the House of the Landed.
>This is descraceful, what did this child do?<
Again, no response from his guards.
Then he felt the vibration of the hum, as augmented by the healing crystals.
>I wonder why he didnt heal himself, or shift, ?< another asked
>Yes all the Ookapi can, but perhaps he is not full Ookapi, his mother was from a House you know<
Everything had snapped back to clearity, and all pain was gone thanks to the healers. He reasised that the guards had not once relinquished the chaines attatched to the shackles. He took a closer look at the shackles.
He recognised them, his father had shown these to him, they would change if he shifted. He decided he would not attempt shifting untill he figured out where he was, planet side of on bord a ship and only if he was sure he could get away. And where was his mother, and for that matter, his father?
The guards jerked him to his feet, and lead him out of the medical center. They atempted to make the pace uncomfortabley fast, and he obliged them by stumbling, however his father had seen to this contingancy and had taught him how to move with ease not to mention how to break away from such things.
It had not been to long ago when Ookapi had been slaves in the Out Planets, those who were not part of Golactic Cenrral. It had been his father who had freed his people, and his father who had colonised Kepesh. Golactic Central had never allowed them admitance, but his father had made sure that the Ookapi had followed Universal Law.
The four would occasionally atempt to jerk him around, he allowed them to. His father told him that it was alsways best to allow people to underestimate you untill you are sure of your position of dominance. He was certain he could get out of his bindings, and probably away from this place if it was planet side, however if he was on a ship, one of the floating houses (if he was not planet side it had to be a Floating House) would prove a bit more difficult, however, only a bit.
At leangth they entered a throne room, to where there was an grossely obesce woman languishing on her gilded chair. One couldnt see much of the guilding as her large perportions draped over it in all maner of unsavory directions. He recognised her easaly, Reret of the Het-Khat Trading Family.
The four braught him to stand in such a close proximity to the gelatonous woman that he could smell and fell her breath. The pulse in her neck quickened. She ran her hand over his skin, in a way no other had, and a way he was taught not to tolerate, he jerked back from her, instinctively, not removing his defyant eyes from her descusting leer. The leer deepened, he saw it comming and held himself in position as she hit him with suprising force with the pain rod.
After he woke some time later, how long he was not sure, he reasoned that it shouldnt have been suprising, after all it was a pain rod. He was back in the storage room equipt witht he shackles and chain that bound his arms and legs behind his back.
"why do people kill eachother?" Sethesh
his father remained imoble for a time, Sethesh of course immitated him.
"You are young, so I must choose my words carefully. There are many excuses as to why people will and feel they must kill, however, it can be sumned up as contention. You die and I live. This contention rattles about the mind untill it looses its connection with everyone and everything.
"why do people steel?"
"Greed. It infects the brain, the false thinking can start with, if only I had this thing, I will be happy. Happyness and contentment does not come from things. You could say greed, or desire.
"why are some people alloted many wives whial our people only choose one? And even so, why do people sneak behind their one's back and go to another, is that also greed and desire?"
"It is so, and these people seek other people and things in order to attain that ellusive completelness/satisfaction. In reality Betrayal and gratification of sexual desires leads to, at the least hurt feelings, but to violence and a certain amount of disease, not to mention unwanted children who do to receave the benifits of proper parenting."
"Isnt that selfishness too?"
"Selfishness ties into many things including fase speach."
"Or yelling, or abusive words. Selfish minds are crazy. They are afraid of loosing what ever might come their way, so they cheet and lie, dominate and subjigate. They think that if they do these things, they will remove the contention of others."
"what about the drunkards?"
"There are more kinds of intoxicants other than drink, and falling under that influance begins a pleathera of of one or more of the above. being selfish and seeking self benifit may apear harmless at first but when you step back to view the situations that arise you see a much more insane picture. Because their selfishness is so extreme, they lose thier sense of right and wrong, or even pretend that there are no such things as they would get in the way of their pursuit of self indulgence. One adicted to the fasle high that intoxicants bring, they mentally die, though not at all painful, it seems like ultimate bliss even imortal. When they are in this state, they loose sence of propriety and do what ever they want. Thier lust arises, and so the take even more intoxicants, which not only dammage the mind but the body as well.
There are many arguements for the ingestion of such things, people hide behind health reasons, but it makes them blind to all but thier selfishness and self gratification.
To live in maat, to live in the universal order, to be at peace one should keep these things in mind No Contention, No greed, no self seeking, no selfishness, no self benifiting."
"How can anyone do all that?" he asked astounded.
"I don't see you haveing problems with it."
"Im not a grown up yet."
His shoulders were out of joint. He closed his eyes, breathing and shifted slightly.He was taught to ignore pain when all else was avoidable, but there was no point in wallowing in it.
He knew to be careful about what part of himself he shifted as changing anything that may loosen the special shackles would set off the shackles which would do anything from insiting massive pain to mearly changing color. He concentrated on his shoulders, ligaments and such, just so that he would be in less pain, but not enough that it would be noticable by even the medics.
So it appeared as if these people though that the Ookapi shifting did not breed true from one race to another. That was definately to his advantage. Since he was being held by the Het-Khat Nut family, he must be abord a Floating House, as they were one of the most prominant and wealthy of the Traders. Not all Trading groups were allowed the title of House as if they ruled a planet.
He closed his eyes, then placed himself in a waking state of catatonia. He then searched his memory to see if he could determine how he'd come to be here. The only thing he remembered was the odd cloud. They'd probably poisoned the atmosphere. Everyone would have been affected at the same time. That means there had to have been an agent who'd smuggled himself planet side..
The four guards came again at leangth, making sure to take him to side trip to the medicks who healed his 'torn' ligaments and rehydrated him and replenished his body with the nutients it needed. It wasnt the same as eating and he was ravinously hungrey, but he wouldnt suffer from malnutricion.
Agin they placed him in front of the laschevious minded obesce woman. Again he steped away and again she'd infliced dammage with the pain rod. He actually prefered it to her attentions.
If you have thoughts that you are someone special and extrodinary you are just giving rise to arogance. By doing that you leave yourself open ofr a deviant demon to enter your heart. Once that happns you will give rise to deviant knowledge and views to an impure and insane kindo f wisdom. You will become a glib talker to the point that even if you know you are wrong you will still distort the situation so taht you come out on top. YOu will be able to rationalise everything.
“But, Father, why do bad things have to happen, why do bad people succeed ? If there was truly maat in the universe, how can this be?”
If there is no evil, then the good can't be revealed.
If there are no unfilial children then the filial
ones wont be made apparetn
If there is no treachery, then loyalty wont come
If there is no failure, the success wont follow.
>How long is this going to go on?< f
>She knockes him into a catatonic state each time<
>not to mention breaking ribs and arms and such<
>you'd think he would just let her get on with it, she will have her way eventually, when her patience gives in<
>and then she will make Us drug him<
>doesn't she usually tie them down first?<
He was beginning to loose track of how many times hed had to repeat the first sceen of his meeting with Reret. He didnt particularly feel like giving into her, why hadnt she just tied him down? More than likely she enjoyed hurting him, or perhaps she viewed him as a particular challenge, she was planning on breaking him. He could allow her to think she had, he supposed. He wondered what other methods of torture she would plan to use, she could more than likely do what every her mind came up with as she obviously had the best healers.
The guards did not take him to meet Reret, insted they took him to a room that looked very much like a clerk's office. Behind a wooden desk, was a slim man with small, black beady eyes. To make matters worse, he squinted as well. His countanance was a much lesser version of Reret, however he was still rather roundish.
The four gards having to show Sethesh the people burner of the nearest plantet of a gate, one who is 'rebelling' against he house of Reret. She takes Sethesh with her to view the slaughter, not to mention the smell. For some reason the following is going to rattle around in his head:
1 Too much happiness leads to greaf, mood swings. It also makes the heart weak.
2 Rage, if anger is to great, it causes dammage to the entire system, especially your liver.
3 Greaf dammages the lungs
4 Fear damages the gall bladder
5 Love, damages the spirit and causes psychosis and all maner of mental problems
6 Loathing, psychological aberations, it will make you crazy
7 Desire hurts the spleen.
1 too much walking dammages your sinues, tendons and muscles
2 standing injurs the bones
3 Non meditative sitting injurs the blood flow
4 oversleeping injurs your pulse
5 listaning damages the vitality of the spirit
6 looking, reading inujurs the spirit
7 talking to much damages the lungs, as it decreases your intake of positive energy
8 over eating damages the heart
9 over thinking damages the spleen
10 promiscuity damages the life force
It is this time where he begins his atempt to mesh with metal, he becomes the imortal fox
The guards sat him down in the chair in front of the desk. The Man gave him water.
"Thank you Daumutef, Quebsenuf, Imseti and Haapi."
As the roundish man said the names, each gave him a small bow.
"You four may stand outside the door." He grinned and gave them a wink whial holding the small pain box in his hand. The door closed, but the mirth did not leave the man's face.
"Setesh, I believe your name is?"
He saw no reason to deny what the man already knew, so he nodded once.
"Where is my mother?" he asked.
"You are in no position to ask questions." The man said, his face flushing.
"I already asked. Why should you not answer my questions if you expect me to answer yours?" Setesh asked, deliberately antagonising the man.
He was rewarded by a jolt of electric current. Unfotunately he couldnt shift enough to not be affected by it. The man then hit him.
"YOUR..." he took a breath "father, the destroyer of planets .....has been caught and exicuted. He disposed of the Sopdet system."
Destroyer of planets? So that was what his father had meant by cleansing the universe of evil. Sopdet had been the Main Central City of the Golactic Alliance.
The man peered at him.
"where is my mother?" he asked again, his father had always warned him that he may fall to his enemies, so he was raised to expect it, he did not expect that the list of father's enemies would be quite so extensive.
The next jolt was harsher than the last.
"hm, so a half breed can't shift like the father."
He felt no need to correct that statement. He was to bussy panting and trying to catch his breath. His reasoning mindn however, did not stop, perhaps his fathers crimes, so hanouse, the Gollactic Alliance would definately overllod its law ...
"I'm not responsible for the crimes of my father. Where is my mother."
This shock knocked him out, he recovered ghasping.
"The Ookami has been exterminated." The man smiled pleasantly and offered him some water.
Setesh kept his face expressionless, but did not take the glass.
"You are under observation to see if you hold any of those peskey trates, if not, then you will be sent to a habitable, planet, well outsed the known galaxi, you will of course travel in coldsleep. A few survivors of the blah systems will be accompanying you."
"and if I do?" he asked
"You will be sent to the mines of dipthia."
He refused to flinch. What more could one say, it was a mining planet and a hot one...
"My mother?" he asked
The man smiled, "why she is the one who gave you and your father to us. She is packing up to leave for the Renxi quadrent, where the new administration will be housed."
Pain and darkness engulfed him.
This time, they left him in a dark room, when the door opened light spilled on his face before the room was lit. And there she was, snearing at him, his mother. She said nothing to him, except to look at him with desgust. He could think of nothing to say. She left and he was again in darknes.
>oh it's him again ?<
>every day it seems<
>did you hear? Reret's youngest son is being sent to the mines.<
>yes the Family of Geb is sending two girls, I believe that the Family of Geb will be transporting the children<
>yes all those who don't aquies to Reret, if they dont die, they go to the mines<
His consciousness was not imparet when they walked him back to his holding room. However, they did not string him back allong the single back chain. They placed a nerve coller on him. Quebsenuf then attatched a chain to it whial Ha'api and Doumutef stepped out.
>age ?< Imesti asked him,in an incredably obsucre dialect, only used with in the house of Duat. he was rather surprised, he didnt think he could talk. The chaines attatched to his wrists were dragging on the floor, so Setesh sighend the word for 12.
>why do you not just let her have her way?< Qebsenuf asked
He couldnt think how to answer, except to snear at the mear thought.
>she would give you a nice room, and feed you. She wouldn't hurt you and you would only wear a thin nerve coller and a gold chain. She takes good care of her pets.< Imseti
He continued to snear. >I'm not a pet. Especially not that kind< he signed
>you wouldnt have to go the the mining camp. Surely you know that if you continue to displease her, that is where you will go.< Imseti
>I'm not a pet< he sighned.
The door opened and he smelled soup. Ha'api with the soup and Daumutef with some bread. They said no more whail he ate, then Ha'api produced water for him to drink.
>you will continue to defy her?< Daumutef
>I'm not going to provider he w/sexual amusement, if that is what you are really asking. <
They nodded, then left him there.
She had rolled herself out to greet the Pilot who was a day early and who seemed to be taking his time disembarking the transport ship. The other three prisoners were alreaddy waiting. Setesh wondered vaguely what they had done, or were they like him... The pilot hadnt even shut downt he engines. He'd said he refused to do so untill he was equped with the proper crystals for the antimater drive.
Reret was furious, she wanted to gloat over the prisoners. She'd taken Setesh, to see if he would change his mind. He didnt think anyone was at the moment comfortable. Reret was so angrey the she sent all personell out, probably she had intentions toward the piolet. He could see, the tell tale signes of the metal webbing on the floor. He was mildly surpised that no one else could. His father had always told him that would be the normal state of things. Most of the humanoid inhabitants of the known Universe were not quite as metal oriented as Ookapi.
Setesh watched as the delivery of the drive crystals took place. The pilote infored Reret that he intened to make a quick install before comming out to greet her, it would take him ten more minuts. She was so angry she was shaking, Setsh wondered mildly is she would have a fit of appoplexi. He hoped not. At this point she dismissed everyone but him and his four guards.
"Time him. Nine minuts." Imseti did so
Setesh waited untill the soft sould of the alarm chimed when he shifted his skin to match the metal composition of his shackles, whial changing the composition of his nails to sharpened metal, he then tore out Rerets stomach, and intestines.
Since he had merged with the metals the chaines were now simalar to tentincles, he didnt care if the four hung on or not, but he rushed the ship, perposfully treadding over the metal netting but making sure he shifted his feet to match the atomic composition of said netting.
The four, still haning on to the 'chaines' were now harmlessly wrapped in the metal netting. Setesh dragged himself and his 'captors' into the shuttle and into the poilet bay of the transport vehicle.
He stopped short and with suprise as he recognised the pilot.
"HerUr!" he hadnt meant to say it or sound releaved, in that split second he knew that like his mother, HerUr could very well have helped in giving him to that odious woman.
HerUr smiled at his nephiew
He instructed throught the loudspeaker. Since Reret sent everyone out of the hanger bay and closed the doors, turning off all monitoring systems, no one had yet to catch on what exactally was going on.
HerUr unceramoniously blasted his way out of the holding bay of the Floating House.
"I can't possibly greet you with any type of affection whial you are waving all those tenticles around." Herur smiled.
Setesh shifted and the four bodies hit the floor. The metal all now absorbed in his biosphere so to speak, he wouldnt be hungry for a whial.
"Why did you help me?" he asked, in his mind he was again watching his mother snear at him.
Heru'ur still smiled. "The bastard never told you did he?"
Setesh didn't move.
"I'm your brother." then he turned and pressed a button on the councol, his co piolets and navigators looking rather calm.
"Let me show you to your room."
"where are we going?" he asked, looking at the four guards. His 'brother' lugged them up to standing position, they looked rather dazed.
"Ah, well, I was able to convince golactic central to give me a pardon if I helped them with a bit of a problem." He was smilling as they walked down one of the corridors, there seemed to be quite a few people, as a matter of fact, the inside looked more like a military vehicle than a transport ship. The four guards followe them, though no one was forcing them to.
"what problem?" he asked
"He stopped as they reached a cross corador.. the windows showing the non speed at which they defyed space and time. He was still grinning.
"I hope you are up to the challenge. Besides, you can redeame yourself."
"I have done nothing wrong."
His brother's countanance fell. A spasm of pain crossed his face.
"I know. this should not have happened to you, or any of us. We are the only Ookami left now." His brother turned toward the glass, but Setesh could feel his brothers anguis as if it radiated off his skin, he could feel it because it matched his own.
He brother took a long shakey breath, he turned back, tears streaking down his face. "The Prime Denominators had dissappeared. Sources say they have gone to a restricted galaxy. No one knows why, if they are just finding a planet to breed on or some primeval life forms to loard over. That's our job, to find them and if they are making merry little slaves, to stop them, round them up and have them answer to Golactic Cenrtal."
"But why would G.C. care about what that ancient race does? Arenn't they older than G.C. itself? Why does the gov of G.C. presume to tell that ancient race what they can and cant do?" Imseti asked indigantly.
"Most of the known races spragn from the Primes." Daumutef snarled.
"Why should I help golactic central?" Setesh asked, suddenly he was so angry, every thing around him looked red. "why should you?" he didnt feel it was necessary to mention that it was G.C. who decided to wipe out thier entire race, but the two of them.
His brother leaned against a wall and ginned sadly. "It was a good story. It gets us out of the known Universe, into uncharted territory, and perhaps, we will find a planet for ourselves.
Setesh felt as if he'd been jabbed in the ass with a pin.
"You plan a settalment then?"
"Certainly. Most everyone abord wants this, away from G.C. and all it stands for. There are three factions. The Technocrats, the Naturalists and Priests. None of them want to interfear w/eachother's policies, they just want out of ...." His brother gazed out of the window
"of the tangled web." Ha'api said quietly.
"We may or may not find the Primes first, and we intend to stage a lovely 'battle' in which we will loose. I sevearly doupt the Primes will care if we land or not."
"And if you dont find them before you find a suitable planet?" Qebsenuf asked.
"I'm affraid this ship will fly into that particular planets sun either way." Heru'ur said absentmidedly. For a few moments they were all silent.
Then he snapped back to reality. "oh, yes, you are all free to roam around the ship as you like, but let me show you where you will be quartered untill"
"I thought we were going into cold sleep." Imseti
Heru'ur smiled. Each 'room' has six cold sleep pods. There will be a skelliton staff awake at all times, in shifts of a year. They and the lovely ultra new/modern computer will alert them eather to the Primes signature or to the info regarding a suitible planet.
Setesh looked at the four, who didnt at all seem to mind thier predicament. They looked back at him, then they all turned toward Heru'ur. It was time to go to sleep.
those who do not truely understand thier science are quite destructive with it, those who do not understand the commonalities will continue to devide with it.
Friday, October 22, 2010
I have no idea what book this is from
Meditation -
First, the four physical bodies (the bones, the flesh, the vessels, the nerves) ; it is a good practice to visualize these frequently in order to understand the part that each plays in the harmony of the whole. Second, the organic groups, which establish an interaction of influence between their constituent members. * These are o The Tree of Exchange, which, by inhalation and exhalation of what Hippocrates calls "the airs and waters," establishes a relation between the organic and animal life of the human egg and that of the Cosmic Egg o The seven essential functions, each ruling a group of four organs that have a relative of sympathy on account of their functional identity o The four regions, whose orientation affects the character of the organs they include. Finally, there are the four functional principles of these regions: o In the upper region, the lungs, which revitalize the blood and are the seat of the vital spirits and of the unconscious vital urge of the cells and the Automaton o In the lower region, the small intestine, which is the body's principal feeder, since it selects the nourishing ingredients from the food and renders them assimilable o In the left region, the stomach, which "opens the way" to the functions of digestion (whose final product will enrich the blood) and which for this reason is called in ancient Egypt "the mouth of the heart"
o In the right region, the liver, in which personal characteristics are recorded, the seat of the Personal vital urge, the organ which responds to the Permanent Witness. Daily mediation can be performed on any of these subjects, and the result will be a gradually increased mastery of the conscious "I" over the Automaton.
Most organic troubles are caused by emotion, apprehension, humiliation, and in general by thoughts and acts which offend the personal will and the impulses of passion. The reaction is aggravated by tightening of the nervous plexuses, but the organic starting point of these troubles is almost always in the functioning of the bile or of the brain. The bile may be disturbed by a vexatious thought or by an impulse of irritation arising in the liver (which is the seat of the personality), but the result either way is the same; the bile-brain circuit goes into action instantaneously, the bile irritating the bram and the brain exciting the bile, and the resulting two-way current sets off a chain reaction through the system : bile-brain -bile-stomach-spleen-bile, and so on. A few drops of bile in the stomach can
Our physical organs (and this cannot be too often repeated) are animal forces, which will quite naturally obey a man who is prepared to command them. They are there to serve him, not to enslave him. But the ego is so lazy that it makes him quite glad to abdicate this power in return for the secret satisfaction of pitying his own sufferings, or of attracting attention to his pathetic case. Most of our pathological conditions are aggravated by this unconfessed indulgence. The same applies to our personal dramas and daily worries; we should have the courage to admit that they feed largely on the pity of others, and on our own. In most cases, what would be left of them if we
passed them over in total silence? But the two Egos, the Personal and the Automatic
For example, the anger and aggressiveness of Mars can be transformed into courage and joy in "sacrifice." The sensuality of Venus can be used to direct sense impressions toward the cultivation of an impersonal artistic sense; the love of sensual pleasure will then gradually diminish as the wisdom of the vivifying fire burns brighter. The Mercurian's instability and restless activity, and his delight in cunning for its own sake, can be transformed into understanding of motives, or dexterity in learning the appropriate gestures of a craft. When his sense of responsibility is aroused, the pride and vanity of the Jupiter type will be changed into generosity. The selfish pessimism of the Saturnian can lead to silent meditation and the study of profounder causes, and so become a source of wisdom. Instead of apathy and nonchalance, the cold Lunar person can learn that deliberate passivity which, when combined with emotional neutrality, opens the door to intuition. The ambitious and dominating nature of the Solar man can be transformed into the expansiveness of impersonal Love, which only develops its power of attraction in order to better radiate selflessly
to others.
Like the crystal dissolved in a foreign or too, dilute solution, they are in danger of remaining after death in that state of latency which is known to the West as Limbo unable to make themselves real in either the one state or the other. It was to escape this danger that the ancient peoples used so often the indirect means of portrait statues of the deceased, pictures of him enjoying his favorite occupations, Tablets of Ancestors, and so forth; the purpose of these was to act as a terrestrial bait, by reason of the emotional attraction
which they can exercise so long as the Ego-Consciousness possesses an astral body. To understand what really happens in reincarnation one must first know the elements of the human constitution. That which reincarnates is that which cannot be destroyed by death; that is, the two aspects of consciousness, the Spiritual Witness and the Permanent Witness, also called the Divine Ka and the Intermediate Ka. If during its life on earth the Permanent Witness has integrated into itself the animal consciousness of its body (its animal Ka), it has thus created the medium in which its "glorious body" will be able by degrees to build itself up through communion with the Spiritual Witness, until, whether before or after death, both are united and so attain their final liberation. But until this final victory is achieved, there is always a danger that the Spiritual Witness will withdraw if during life on earth the Personality refuses to obey it. And whatever powers the Permanent Witness may have acquired, if death catches it in this state of dissociation from its higher self, it will only be able to follow in the other world the same selfish dispositions as it evinced on earth. It is always the unquenchable thirst of the Ego, wanting its own way, that prevents the possibility of union with the Divine Ka, the Spiritiual Witness to the Impersonal Self, whose power it perceives and envies. This is why the funerary pictures of ancient Egypt represent man as "in search of his Ka," without which he cannot attain his final immortality. This anxious search for the Divine Ka corresponds to the pains of damnation by which Christian theology expresses the sufferings of the damned as a consciousness of being deprived of God, who has become inaccessible to them. Both descriptions correspond to the same reality, except for the question of perpetuity; for the funerary scenes of Egypt represent the obstacles which prevent the discarnate person from being united with his Ka, but do not present them as an irremediable conditon of perpetual hell.
THE FOUR SONS OF HORUS We must now consider an important aspect of our bodily organs, which is revealed to us by the Egyptian sages. The Egyptians, before embalming a mummy, used to remove the four viscera, which are the incarnation of the animal Kas, of the principal organic functions. These they put into four vases, later called "canopic," the four lids having three animal heads and one human head. The human?headed vase was called Imset, and contained the liver. The baboon?headed vase was called Hapi, and contained the lungs. The jackal?headed vase was called Duamutef, and contained
the stomach, and occasionally also the large intestine. The hawk?headed vase was called Qebhsenuf, and contained the small intestine. These organs were called the Sons of Horus because their functions, when man becomes aware of them, contribute to the realization of the Horus in man, that is, of man's complete and immortal consciousness. They are therefore represented at the judgment of the deceased as elevated on a lotus; that is to say, sublimated or subtilized, having lost all their perishable elements and become pure consciousness. Each belongs to one of the four regions of the body, for which its function is characteristic. The canopic vases did not contain either the polar organs (brain and sex) or the kidneys, which in their energic aspect belong to the sexual system.
Duamutef (jackal, Stomach) The real meaning of this name is shown by the way it is written on the sarcophagus of Amenophis II, dowaomutof, in which the hieroglyph wa represents a knot coming untied. Mut (meaning both Mother and Vulture) symbolizes the function of decomposition which takes place in the stomach as in a womb and makes possible the generation of a new life. This is also the function of the jackal, which converts putrefying matter into vital nourishment. This is the first stage of any genesis, and the "Opener of the Ways" (the god Wep?wawet) is Anubis the jackal. The same inscription says that Duamutef "gives the king his heart." Now, the Egyptian name of the stomach is ra?ib, which means "gate of the heart." This mysterious title is explained by the important relation between the heart and the group stomach?spleen?pancreas, which is confirmed by Chinese medical lore. Imset (Man, Liver) The name Imset is related to the production by the liver of set, the separating fire of the god Set, the bile. The word for liver is miset or merset, usually written with the sign mr, which represents a canal or reservoir; and of course the liver is the reservoir of the "water of Set," the bile, which it canalizes into the gallbladder. Thence the bile runs into the small intestine, where it makes possible the separation of subtle and coarse, of pure and impure. The symbol of the human head shows the two aspects of the liver; in its psychic role it is the seat of the Personality, whose innate and inherited characteristics are engraved in it. Second, this indicates the mutual reaction of brain and liver whenever the Personality receives a shock. The Egyptians also said that "Imset leads his brethren," and that he "makes green" (rwd, meaning to grow, to vegetate). By its separative action the bile creates the chyle, which is the basic nourishment of vegetative life. Imset "leads his brethren," who are the other animal functions, because he is the seat of the personal impulses which can direct or thwart the animal instincts. Further, he is in constant touch with the cerebral will, which is continually colored by the individual character. The liver is the seat of the subconscious personality, the Automaton, but also of the Permanent Witness.
Hapi (Baboon, Lungs) This name means "circuit" or "Solstice." It refers to the arterial circuit heart?lungs?heart, by which
the blood recovers its vitalizing power. It is also the function which maintains a continual exchange, by inspiration and expiration, between the life of man and the life of the surrounding world. The baboon, which is so responsive to the influence of sun and moon, is a symbol of this circuit. But it also symbolizes the animal side of man, his animal life, with the unconscious impulses of the Automatic Self, whose seat is in fact in the lungs. This is the Chinese pro, which is located in the lungs.'
Qebhsenuf (Hawk, Small Intestine) This name means literally "He refreshes his brethren," and this organ produces the white lunar chyle, which refreshes the blood and purifies the bitter fires, whether consuming or separating, of the other organs. It provides nourishment which has been "individualized," that is, made directly assimilable by the organism. The white hawk of Horus, which is the symbol of the chyle, signifies its volatile quality, in the sense of subtlety and rising up continually toward the heart, from whence it is distributed through the body by the lymph, which it also nourishes. Qb means "folds"; gbh means "refreshment." "Qebhit " is the uraeus on the royal crown, whose head stands up out of many folds. The other name for the uraeus is arot, that which rises up. Qebhut is the daughter of Anubis (the jackal of the stomach), and of course the chyle is the daughter of the chyme produced by the stomach. This chyle "feeds the flesh and bones," as the Egyptians say, whereas the function of Duamutef, both as jackal and vulture, was to devour them.
When considering the relationship of psychic and spiritual states to organic functions, it is important to bear in mind also the general conditions on levels more subtle than the physical. The breath of life (in Egyptian, the universal Ba) is breathed in by the lungs and individualized by the blood into an animal vital force (in Egyptian, the animal Ba); this is the inferior or "sensitive" soul, the Hebrew nefesh. It corresponds to the Chinese pro which is the unconscious vital energy of the cells, the organs, and the sex, * * and resides in the lungs. The astral or "etheric" body, corresponding to the popular notion of a ghost (linga?sharira among the Hindus, and in Egyptian the Shadow, Khaibit), has its seat in the spleen. It is related to the Akasha, the world or state which holds the records of all the pictures or imaginings in our universe, and this justifies the idea of the spleen as seat of the imagination. The individual vital force, which engraves in the liver the characteristics of the personality and the paternal heredity, is the intermediate or "personal" Ka of the Egyptians. The Chinese call it "roun" and situate it in the liver, and define its manifestations as "personal vital energy, personal vital needs and tendencies, conscious sexual needs." In actual fact this consciousness belongs to the Automatic Self, the mortal ego, and in relation to the Ego?Consciousness it is a form of subconsciousness, so long as the latter, which also reacts in the liver, is not awakened.
*See chapter 4, Soul and Consciousness. For the Psychospiritual States in Different Traditions, see also Isha Schwaller de Lubicz, Her?Bak: Egyptian Initiate. New York: 1978, Inner Traditions.
**G. Souli de Morand, Acupuncture chinoire (Paris: Mercure de France, 1939).
The mental state (Sanskrit manas) has two aspects. The brain is the organ of the one, and in its different localizations is connected with all the operations of the lower mind. The other belongs to man's immortal consciousness and his spiritual intelligence, and has no physical organ, but uses relay stations suitable to its different modes of expression. The intuitive state (which in Hinduism begins with buddhi) has its physical relay stations in the pineal gland and in the region of the heart; it is related to the Chinese chen, translated as "consciousness" or "the spiritual spark which relates man to the universe." This state is located by the Chinese and Egyptians in the heart. The words "soul" and "spirit," as used in Christian countries, are so vague that we must now request the reader to permit the adoption of two terms from ancient Egypt, Ba and Ka?first, because the metaphysical meaning of these words is strictly defined, and second because the philosophical notions connected with them will make it possible to explain their different aspects better than in any other way. The following description is quoted from the Commentaries on Her?Bak. There is good reason to emphasize the Egyptian form of this teaching, because the ancient texts, hieroglyphs, and pictures remaining unaltered are the witnesses of an immutable tradition.
1. Ba is the cosmic soul, the Spirit of Fire, which gives life to the world in all its parts. Originally there is Ba, and at the end there is Ba, and between the beginning and end Ba is in everything, being the breath which creates life. Hence the spirit of Ba is in all the constituents of the world and in its final perfection. 2. Ba is the Natural Soul stabilized in the bodily form, and its character is Osirian; that is, it is
subject to cyclic renewal. This aspect is symbolized by the ram with horizontal horns. 3. Ba is also represented by a bird with a human head, and this is the symbol of the human soul, which comes and goes between heaven and earth, wandering near its body until the purification of its Ka?djet, or glorious indestructible body, which it can then take on. The three aspects of Ka may be understood as follows Originally, Ka is the Formal Element which gives form to Substance and thus creates Matter. It is the spiritual principle of fixity, which will become the basis of all manifestation, and through the ages of Becoming will undergo innumerable modifications from the basest of forms to the perfection of the indestructible body.
First, the original Ka, creator of all the others; then the Kas of Nature, mineral, vegetable, and animal; then the individualized Ka of man, which includes his inherited character and his own signature, and so determines his destiny. In the human realm the Ka was also regarded by the Egyptians under three aspects: on the universal level, as the origin of man; in the King, as microcosm, type and symbol of the perfected man; and in the ordinary man, not yet perfected. We can now speak of the human Ba as of an individual soul, which, thanks to its Ka, becomes an Entity. Ba, a pure and formless spirit, must always have a support in order to manifest, and this support is the selective affinity of the thing it has to animate; and the affinity is determined and characterized by the Ka. It is the characteristics of the Ka which make the choice of circumstances for incarnation, as also of nourishment and surrounding atmosphere; for its affinity is only with things of its own specific nature, and this applies also after the death of the body, both as regards the vital elements of the tomb offerings and the surroundings. The Ka, which is the stable element in a man, is distinguished from the Kas of other men by the specific qualities of its own selective affinity. The universal Ba is in constant contact with the man whom it animates, and with his Ka; but the Ka, by assimilating it, generates a new being, which is
the individualized soul, which remains divine, incorruptible, and therefore immortal, and yet is governed by the affinity which it now has for the characteristics of its Ka. This is what we call the higher Ka.
Meditation -
First, the four physical bodies (the bones, the flesh, the vessels, the nerves) ; it is a good practice to visualize these frequently in order to understand the part that each plays in the harmony of the whole. Second, the organic groups, which establish an interaction of influence between their constituent members. * These are o The Tree of Exchange, which, by inhalation and exhalation of what Hippocrates calls "the airs and waters," establishes a relation between the organic and animal life of the human egg and that of the Cosmic Egg o The seven essential functions, each ruling a group of four organs that have a relative of sympathy on account of their functional identity o The four regions, whose orientation affects the character of the organs they include. Finally, there are the four functional principles of these regions: o In the upper region, the lungs, which revitalize the blood and are the seat of the vital spirits and of the unconscious vital urge of the cells and the Automaton o In the lower region, the small intestine, which is the body's principal feeder, since it selects the nourishing ingredients from the food and renders them assimilable o In the left region, the stomach, which "opens the way" to the functions of digestion (whose final product will enrich the blood) and which for this reason is called in ancient Egypt "the mouth of the heart"
o In the right region, the liver, in which personal characteristics are recorded, the seat of the Personal vital urge, the organ which responds to the Permanent Witness. Daily mediation can be performed on any of these subjects, and the result will be a gradually increased mastery of the conscious "I" over the Automaton.
Most organic troubles are caused by emotion, apprehension, humiliation, and in general by thoughts and acts which offend the personal will and the impulses of passion. The reaction is aggravated by tightening of the nervous plexuses, but the organic starting point of these troubles is almost always in the functioning of the bile or of the brain. The bile may be disturbed by a vexatious thought or by an impulse of irritation arising in the liver (which is the seat of the personality), but the result either way is the same; the bile-brain circuit goes into action instantaneously, the bile irritating the bram and the brain exciting the bile, and the resulting two-way current sets off a chain reaction through the system : bile-brain -bile-stomach-spleen-bile, and so on. A few drops of bile in the stomach can
Our physical organs (and this cannot be too often repeated) are animal forces, which will quite naturally obey a man who is prepared to command them. They are there to serve him, not to enslave him. But the ego is so lazy that it makes him quite glad to abdicate this power in return for the secret satisfaction of pitying his own sufferings, or of attracting attention to his pathetic case. Most of our pathological conditions are aggravated by this unconfessed indulgence. The same applies to our personal dramas and daily worries; we should have the courage to admit that they feed largely on the pity of others, and on our own. In most cases, what would be left of them if we
passed them over in total silence? But the two Egos, the Personal and the Automatic
For example, the anger and aggressiveness of Mars can be transformed into courage and joy in "sacrifice." The sensuality of Venus can be used to direct sense impressions toward the cultivation of an impersonal artistic sense; the love of sensual pleasure will then gradually diminish as the wisdom of the vivifying fire burns brighter. The Mercurian's instability and restless activity, and his delight in cunning for its own sake, can be transformed into understanding of motives, or dexterity in learning the appropriate gestures of a craft. When his sense of responsibility is aroused, the pride and vanity of the Jupiter type will be changed into generosity. The selfish pessimism of the Saturnian can lead to silent meditation and the study of profounder causes, and so become a source of wisdom. Instead of apathy and nonchalance, the cold Lunar person can learn that deliberate passivity which, when combined with emotional neutrality, opens the door to intuition. The ambitious and dominating nature of the Solar man can be transformed into the expansiveness of impersonal Love, which only develops its power of attraction in order to better radiate selflessly
to others.
Like the crystal dissolved in a foreign or too, dilute solution, they are in danger of remaining after death in that state of latency which is known to the West as Limbo unable to make themselves real in either the one state or the other. It was to escape this danger that the ancient peoples used so often the indirect means of portrait statues of the deceased, pictures of him enjoying his favorite occupations, Tablets of Ancestors, and so forth; the purpose of these was to act as a terrestrial bait, by reason of the emotional attraction
which they can exercise so long as the Ego-Consciousness possesses an astral body. To understand what really happens in reincarnation one must first know the elements of the human constitution. That which reincarnates is that which cannot be destroyed by death; that is, the two aspects of consciousness, the Spiritual Witness and the Permanent Witness, also called the Divine Ka and the Intermediate Ka. If during its life on earth the Permanent Witness has integrated into itself the animal consciousness of its body (its animal Ka), it has thus created the medium in which its "glorious body" will be able by degrees to build itself up through communion with the Spiritual Witness, until, whether before or after death, both are united and so attain their final liberation. But until this final victory is achieved, there is always a danger that the Spiritual Witness will withdraw if during life on earth the Personality refuses to obey it. And whatever powers the Permanent Witness may have acquired, if death catches it in this state of dissociation from its higher self, it will only be able to follow in the other world the same selfish dispositions as it evinced on earth. It is always the unquenchable thirst of the Ego, wanting its own way, that prevents the possibility of union with the Divine Ka, the Spiritiual Witness to the Impersonal Self, whose power it perceives and envies. This is why the funerary pictures of ancient Egypt represent man as "in search of his Ka," without which he cannot attain his final immortality. This anxious search for the Divine Ka corresponds to the pains of damnation by which Christian theology expresses the sufferings of the damned as a consciousness of being deprived of God, who has become inaccessible to them. Both descriptions correspond to the same reality, except for the question of perpetuity; for the funerary scenes of Egypt represent the obstacles which prevent the discarnate person from being united with his Ka, but do not present them as an irremediable conditon of perpetual hell.
THE FOUR SONS OF HORUS We must now consider an important aspect of our bodily organs, which is revealed to us by the Egyptian sages. The Egyptians, before embalming a mummy, used to remove the four viscera, which are the incarnation of the animal Kas, of the principal organic functions. These they put into four vases, later called "canopic," the four lids having three animal heads and one human head. The human?headed vase was called Imset, and contained the liver. The baboon?headed vase was called Hapi, and contained the lungs. The jackal?headed vase was called Duamutef, and contained
the stomach, and occasionally also the large intestine. The hawk?headed vase was called Qebhsenuf, and contained the small intestine. These organs were called the Sons of Horus because their functions, when man becomes aware of them, contribute to the realization of the Horus in man, that is, of man's complete and immortal consciousness. They are therefore represented at the judgment of the deceased as elevated on a lotus; that is to say, sublimated or subtilized, having lost all their perishable elements and become pure consciousness. Each belongs to one of the four regions of the body, for which its function is characteristic. The canopic vases did not contain either the polar organs (brain and sex) or the kidneys, which in their energic aspect belong to the sexual system.
Duamutef (jackal, Stomach) The real meaning of this name is shown by the way it is written on the sarcophagus of Amenophis II, dowaomutof, in which the hieroglyph wa represents a knot coming untied. Mut (meaning both Mother and Vulture) symbolizes the function of decomposition which takes place in the stomach as in a womb and makes possible the generation of a new life. This is also the function of the jackal, which converts putrefying matter into vital nourishment. This is the first stage of any genesis, and the "Opener of the Ways" (the god Wep?wawet) is Anubis the jackal. The same inscription says that Duamutef "gives the king his heart." Now, the Egyptian name of the stomach is ra?ib, which means "gate of the heart." This mysterious title is explained by the important relation between the heart and the group stomach?spleen?pancreas, which is confirmed by Chinese medical lore. Imset (Man, Liver) The name Imset is related to the production by the liver of set, the separating fire of the god Set, the bile. The word for liver is miset or merset, usually written with the sign mr, which represents a canal or reservoir; and of course the liver is the reservoir of the "water of Set," the bile, which it canalizes into the gallbladder. Thence the bile runs into the small intestine, where it makes possible the separation of subtle and coarse, of pure and impure. The symbol of the human head shows the two aspects of the liver; in its psychic role it is the seat of the Personality, whose innate and inherited characteristics are engraved in it. Second, this indicates the mutual reaction of brain and liver whenever the Personality receives a shock. The Egyptians also said that "Imset leads his brethren," and that he "makes green" (rwd, meaning to grow, to vegetate). By its separative action the bile creates the chyle, which is the basic nourishment of vegetative life. Imset "leads his brethren," who are the other animal functions, because he is the seat of the personal impulses which can direct or thwart the animal instincts. Further, he is in constant touch with the cerebral will, which is continually colored by the individual character. The liver is the seat of the subconscious personality, the Automaton, but also of the Permanent Witness.
Hapi (Baboon, Lungs) This name means "circuit" or "Solstice." It refers to the arterial circuit heart?lungs?heart, by which
the blood recovers its vitalizing power. It is also the function which maintains a continual exchange, by inspiration and expiration, between the life of man and the life of the surrounding world. The baboon, which is so responsive to the influence of sun and moon, is a symbol of this circuit. But it also symbolizes the animal side of man, his animal life, with the unconscious impulses of the Automatic Self, whose seat is in fact in the lungs. This is the Chinese pro, which is located in the lungs.'
Qebhsenuf (Hawk, Small Intestine) This name means literally "He refreshes his brethren," and this organ produces the white lunar chyle, which refreshes the blood and purifies the bitter fires, whether consuming or separating, of the other organs. It provides nourishment which has been "individualized," that is, made directly assimilable by the organism. The white hawk of Horus, which is the symbol of the chyle, signifies its volatile quality, in the sense of subtlety and rising up continually toward the heart, from whence it is distributed through the body by the lymph, which it also nourishes. Qb means "folds"; gbh means "refreshment." "Qebhit " is the uraeus on the royal crown, whose head stands up out of many folds. The other name for the uraeus is arot, that which rises up. Qebhut is the daughter of Anubis (the jackal of the stomach), and of course the chyle is the daughter of the chyme produced by the stomach. This chyle "feeds the flesh and bones," as the Egyptians say, whereas the function of Duamutef, both as jackal and vulture, was to devour them.
When considering the relationship of psychic and spiritual states to organic functions, it is important to bear in mind also the general conditions on levels more subtle than the physical. The breath of life (in Egyptian, the universal Ba) is breathed in by the lungs and individualized by the blood into an animal vital force (in Egyptian, the animal Ba); this is the inferior or "sensitive" soul, the Hebrew nefesh. It corresponds to the Chinese pro which is the unconscious vital energy of the cells, the organs, and the sex, * * and resides in the lungs. The astral or "etheric" body, corresponding to the popular notion of a ghost (linga?sharira among the Hindus, and in Egyptian the Shadow, Khaibit), has its seat in the spleen. It is related to the Akasha, the world or state which holds the records of all the pictures or imaginings in our universe, and this justifies the idea of the spleen as seat of the imagination. The individual vital force, which engraves in the liver the characteristics of the personality and the paternal heredity, is the intermediate or "personal" Ka of the Egyptians. The Chinese call it "roun" and situate it in the liver, and define its manifestations as "personal vital energy, personal vital needs and tendencies, conscious sexual needs." In actual fact this consciousness belongs to the Automatic Self, the mortal ego, and in relation to the Ego?Consciousness it is a form of subconsciousness, so long as the latter, which also reacts in the liver, is not awakened.
*See chapter 4, Soul and Consciousness. For the Psychospiritual States in Different Traditions, see also Isha Schwaller de Lubicz, Her?Bak: Egyptian Initiate. New York: 1978, Inner Traditions.
**G. Souli de Morand, Acupuncture chinoire (Paris: Mercure de France, 1939).
The mental state (Sanskrit manas) has two aspects. The brain is the organ of the one, and in its different localizations is connected with all the operations of the lower mind. The other belongs to man's immortal consciousness and his spiritual intelligence, and has no physical organ, but uses relay stations suitable to its different modes of expression. The intuitive state (which in Hinduism begins with buddhi) has its physical relay stations in the pineal gland and in the region of the heart; it is related to the Chinese chen, translated as "consciousness" or "the spiritual spark which relates man to the universe." This state is located by the Chinese and Egyptians in the heart. The words "soul" and "spirit," as used in Christian countries, are so vague that we must now request the reader to permit the adoption of two terms from ancient Egypt, Ba and Ka?first, because the metaphysical meaning of these words is strictly defined, and second because the philosophical notions connected with them will make it possible to explain their different aspects better than in any other way. The following description is quoted from the Commentaries on Her?Bak. There is good reason to emphasize the Egyptian form of this teaching, because the ancient texts, hieroglyphs, and pictures remaining unaltered are the witnesses of an immutable tradition.
1. Ba is the cosmic soul, the Spirit of Fire, which gives life to the world in all its parts. Originally there is Ba, and at the end there is Ba, and between the beginning and end Ba is in everything, being the breath which creates life. Hence the spirit of Ba is in all the constituents of the world and in its final perfection. 2. Ba is the Natural Soul stabilized in the bodily form, and its character is Osirian; that is, it is
subject to cyclic renewal. This aspect is symbolized by the ram with horizontal horns. 3. Ba is also represented by a bird with a human head, and this is the symbol of the human soul, which comes and goes between heaven and earth, wandering near its body until the purification of its Ka?djet, or glorious indestructible body, which it can then take on. The three aspects of Ka may be understood as follows Originally, Ka is the Formal Element which gives form to Substance and thus creates Matter. It is the spiritual principle of fixity, which will become the basis of all manifestation, and through the ages of Becoming will undergo innumerable modifications from the basest of forms to the perfection of the indestructible body.
First, the original Ka, creator of all the others; then the Kas of Nature, mineral, vegetable, and animal; then the individualized Ka of man, which includes his inherited character and his own signature, and so determines his destiny. In the human realm the Ka was also regarded by the Egyptians under three aspects: on the universal level, as the origin of man; in the King, as microcosm, type and symbol of the perfected man; and in the ordinary man, not yet perfected. We can now speak of the human Ba as of an individual soul, which, thanks to its Ka, becomes an Entity. Ba, a pure and formless spirit, must always have a support in order to manifest, and this support is the selective affinity of the thing it has to animate; and the affinity is determined and characterized by the Ka. It is the characteristics of the Ka which make the choice of circumstances for incarnation, as also of nourishment and surrounding atmosphere; for its affinity is only with things of its own specific nature, and this applies also after the death of the body, both as regards the vital elements of the tomb offerings and the surroundings. The Ka, which is the stable element in a man, is distinguished from the Kas of other men by the specific qualities of its own selective affinity. The universal Ba is in constant contact with the man whom it animates, and with his Ka; but the Ka, by assimilating it, generates a new being, which is
the individualized soul, which remains divine, incorruptible, and therefore immortal, and yet is governed by the affinity which it now has for the characteristics of its Ka. This is what we call the higher Ka.
Past LIfe Rememberance - Disturbing- Nathan
This is really ... disturbing
I started remembering bits and pieces of this when I was young. In its current state its short and choppy - I didnt remember this in time line order, one segment, or another - over the years.
Nathan nodded at the comment directed to him, not showing the distaste he felt in the company he was in. It was rather unavoidable. He returned one noncommittal comment with another, wondering how long he would have to deal with this farce before he could make his polite excuses.
His eyes were drawn to motion past the garden, a little girl, paler than any of the ladies in the garden, golden hair draped her shoulders. Her giggle wafted to assault his ears.
She looked behind her, as did he, he came close to shattering his glass.
as discussion of the little girl flared amongst the tea, the little girl smiled at the Lady behind her, holding her hand out to the butterfly that had landed on it.
She was the daughter of the (insert title here) Nathan looked so see a slight sneer on the man's face, the daughter of his first wife: talking to The Lady Death: her blue skin shimmering in the afternoon sun. The lady smiled at the girl, met his eyes.
Again the girls laugh sounded as the butterfly flew away....
These visions would not leave him ~
His vantage was perfect. The tree nicely supported him. No one saw him. His target was having a brunch in nice Austria. That laugh. It floated up to him. Her hair flowing about her bonnet in the wind. The girl was glowing. He was sure no one else noticed it. She danced, over to the side, away from the false smiles others were offering her. He wondered if she knew or cared. He saw The Lady and her Court, dancing with the girl. He started for as long as the target remained. Always aware of the man he was following as he watched her every move.
Memorizing them ~
Nathan slipped in the girls window, quickly making himself one with her voluminous curtain as she coughed in her sleep. She did not wake. He approached, starring at the blood gleaming on the pillow near her mouth. She turned over. He saw The Lady fade into the black, saw others nestle about the girl. He looked at the shimmering stain for a moment before licking it off the pillow. she still did not wake, he took a lock of her golden hair.
To be made into a charm to keep ~
The sun was sinking as Nathan walked into the cafe opposite the opera house. Again, who he sought was here. He stopped cold. The man was talking to the girl. She looked up at the man with an uneasy face. Her father, his arm around her introduced them. Nathan felt his blood boil as the man's thumb dragged across little Sophie's hand....Nathan walked outside. As he turned he saw a man tearing down a building.... breaking bricks. How nice.
Sophie walked with her father. Women near her giggled, pointed to a very well built, nicely formed man, breaking bricks for a new walkway to be made. She stopped to watch the familiar looking man as he worked with ease. She felt a pull, her father was rather disapproving of her starring. Well, she supposed he was right. She was excited to be going out to the cafe for the lunch. She ran to their table to seat herself. THAT man was there. She didnt remember his name, but she did not like him in the least. He and her father began to talk.
The sun was sinking. Her excitement grew, but she wanted to be in the shade. She hopped up, her father was across the way speaking with a lady she didnt care to know. Before she knew what was going on, the man grabbed her. She looked up at him, the look of his was ugly to her. She looked ahead, where he was pulling her, in the ally way between the cafe and the next building.She looked, then ceased her struggle. That was ok with her as she could see the eyes of the Guard of the Lady; who would sometimes speak with her. There could be nothing bad waiting in there for her. She was thrown against the wall. For a minute she was dazed. Slowly her eyes focused. There were odd thuds in her ears. When her eyes focused, it was explained. The Guard of the Lady had the sledge hammer and was working on the man's head. There was an odd cracking noise, she noticed that the man's blood and bone had fallen on her dress. There was a void of sound and she looked up to the man w/no shirt.
"You should go back to your father now." he said,not unkindly as he allowed the hammer to fall on the mess of the man on the ground. He did not take his eyes away from hers. She nodded. He waited. There was nothing for it, she stood, brushed herself off and made her way out to the fading light.
Simon looked impassively at the Contact.
yes he knew the girl
thoughts wafted through his mind. For six years, he had been sharing in her consumption, taking her hair, taking her blood off her pillow, taking her bloodstained handkerchiefs.
Bits of her.
Now, he was to take her life.
He was disconcerted with the idea.
This served to do nothing but make him angry.
Sophie felt the tears stream down her face. She didn't know where she was. Exactly.
She was in the city.
forgot which one
or perhaps she never knew
She looked at the man. She recognized him, something familiar.
she was sure they'd spoken
at least once
He ripped the gag off her.
"stop that crying." he told her in a cold harsh voice.
She coughed. Only a little. Blood fell onto her chest.
This made the man twitch. He reached out... then changed his mind.
"please untie me." she accidentally sobbed
he pushed her over, licked the blood off, then stormed out of the room.
her head hurt, she closed her eyes.
thought of the ladies by the water...........
Simon followed The Contact. He met with another Contact. He followed that one. Hours it took through many different people. Finally the last of the chain walked to the familiar home in the country.
Her home
Simon watched the latest man go through the back, in the veil of the darkness. To the side he saw The Lady. She nodded to him. He proceeded.
Hours later, he knew his time was limited. He'd have to act quickly.
The dawn was approaching, he knew the day servants would be here shortly. He looked at her unconscious form. He'd inspected her head. There was no damage. He knew the Lady was watching. Waiting to see what he would do. He took out his scalpel. He could miss all the major arteries, he knew The Lady would make sure Sophie would not scar... either way. He knew she would live, for now. Her consumption would take her soon enough. He made short work, making sure to leave enough of a mess, he felt compelled to stay... to clean, he despised waste... but he knew, by the sound of The Lady's tapping foot that he needed to leave. Unable to stop himself, he took another lock of her browning hair. Took a moment to gaze at her beautiful face.
When the maid opened the door, he'd left no trace of himself, he heard the screaming,, stood past the mouth of the Forrest savoring the sound.
Nathan watched. For a moment one of the earth witches met his eyes. Not enough for Sophie to notice. She sat with three of them, they had given her tea as her cough was rather bad this time of year.
Her 'guardians' were looking for her. He wondered why. Sophie had frequently come here to visit the witches, always came back before sunset. Every time her 'guardian' had a fit close to apoplexy. He usually quite enjoyed the useless display of idiocy. He watched the wind caress her face. It brought her scent to where he sat, watching her. He knew she would leave soon. There was a party at her manor. Her 'guardians' never missed an opportunity to have them. This time it was for Sophia's coming of age.
three years since her family had been slain.
she stilled danced with the Lady and her Court
Never during the dance would she cough
her beauty fitting in with the Lady
She laughed with the wizened ladies she sat company with. Her brown eyes glittering merrily.
Her frail hands wrapped around the cup, so delicate
her hair floating about her
a sufficient dark brown now, her pale skin making it look darker than it actually was
She picked some flowers with the wind.
The Witch spoke to her in a seriousness that startled him although he could not hear what was said. Sophie stopped. Unease, tension filled her fragile frame.
what had been said
another flash
another witches eyes, warning him to stay put.
Sophie, leaned forward, engrossed in the opera. Allowing the music, the song to enfold her. She noticed that her 'guardians' had gone. Probably to powder. She felt the hairs on her neck stand up. She was not alone in her box. She looked down.... all the people... she dropped her kerchief. Sophie did not look around, but sat back in her chair. She was sure something was about to happen. There was a stillness about the box that only occurred in the woods when a predator was about. She attempted to even out her shallow breath. The presence she felt was close now. Again, she refused to look, starring ahead, this tactic seemed to work for a moment. Until she felt a hand around her arm. She was then jerked to her feet.
"You will come with us." one of the two men snarled in her ear.
Then large men lead her out, down a staircase she didnt know existed.
The swiftness made her head spin, she fell against the wall, but the man caught her, steadied her, then killed the second man. She looked to see the first, beading profusely from his throat, the second, dispatched, his blood on her. The man who'd killed them, grabbed her by her wrist, pulling him to her.
"you should be more careful." he whispered harshly in her ear before picking her up, carrying her down the stares. She put her arms around his neck, holding on. She knew she wasnt heavy and her weight did not seem to affect his stride. Then they were out in the night air, he was putting her down, his shoulder length black hair had fallen across his face, his black eyes glinted in the night. He then lead her into a carriage with out another word. He closed the door on her face, not allowing her to thank him, in her hands she held his purple hair tie.
He'd let her keep it.
There could be no harm in it.
He attempted to convince himself.
He held her kerchief to his face, in-taking her scent as he watched the carriage take her to her apartments.
Night. Darkness. She could not hold back her tears. Memories of the filthy man, his mustache, his large hands. Her chest hurt, her body felt as if it were shattering.
She was aware of being on her knees, aware of the dirt on her. She was not sure where she was. She knew she had walked for some time. She coughed for some time.
Blood on her hands, she'd lost her kerchief on the way to here, where ever here was.
It was obvious she was in someone's family plot. The ugly man invaded her memory again. Sobs again escaped her. How could she marry such a man?
She leaned against the stone of effigy... she felt he consciousness leave her.
She was not where she should have been. The manor was in an uproar.
His informant whispered harshly to him across the table in the tavern.
No one had seen when she left, but it had been some time ago, after the engagement had been announced.
Simon came close to sneering when he heard the name of the fiance. Disgusting man. Ugly vices. But as Sophie's guardian had pointed out, not many men would want a child of consumption, and this one vowed to take care of her.
Not to mention her vast fortune as well.
Easily remedied.
He waved the informant away. He would need to return to his own manor, to collect his things. Sophie had probably run to the witches.
Nathan was a bit surprised upon the approach to his home. He saw movement on the corner toward the back of his family manor. He went immediately to the back garden.
Again he saw movement.
He saw a glow, in the family plot.
Nothing there was supposed to glow. He purposefully approached.
Breath caught in his chest.
Sophie. Holding something purple in her hand.
It had looked like she'd collapsed against the headstone belonging to his brother. He picked her up, she was filthy.
Her eyes opened. She said nothing.
He kicked his own door open, oh well, it was just the pantry. At this many of his servants ran in the room, lights held high.
They stopped immediately, starring.
Her skin was so cold, he looked down at her to make sure she was actually breathing. Blood caked around the corners of her mouth.
"she needs to be bathed. Start the tea, I will finish it. Go fetch the doctor."
he did not relinquish his hold of her until the hot bathwater was ready, his female servants a bit nervous.
He did not send any of the servants away upon the death of his parents or siblings, but yet, it had been some time since they had a lady to care for.
He left then. Back to the pantry, he retrieved the herbs to be placed in her tea.
"Sir.. are you here?" his man servant asked
He allowed a grin. "I dont believe I have been here for two days. I will not return until tomorrow ... perhaps afternoon."
"yes sir."
He took his leave. She would need clothing for tomorrow, and the only place to get suitable garments would be her own house.
That could not be helped.
Upon his return he was presented with the doctors letters. She needed to rest for at least a week with not socializing. She should not be moved.
He called his manservant. "Take this to her 'guardians' inform the woman that, as per normal, when I am not here you will not allow ANYONE in. Including her, and the fiance. Also make sure to get enough clothing for her."
He wondered how difficult it would be to keep those two at bay, allow Sophie the rest she needed. "sir, where did I find her?"
"No use in making something up. You found her in the garden."
"yes, sir."
Nathan went down to the chambers underneath the manor... his pleasure awaited him there.
The bath had warmed her a bit. It felt wonderful to be clean. The maid handed her tea, and it had helped ease her aching body.
She was then shown to a room. It was just as nice as any of her own. But she couldn't sleep. She tried.
It was not working.
The restless feeling would not leave her.
She found a robe, and allowed her feet to carry her.
Eventually she found a door she felt like opening. She did so quietly, hearing wretched groans, whimpers and pleads. She leaned against the side of the doorway.
The familiar man, the one she knew she'd seen before held something sharp in his hands
the man tied down was bloody, some of his innards exposed
He met her eyes, she did not look away.
Simon saw the man's eyes look toward the door. He narrowed his eyes. His servants knew better than to come down here. He looked behind him.
His body turned toward her. His hand put down the scalpel, His feet lead him toward her.
She shivered slightly. He wondered if she feared him. If she did, her eyes held none of it. She calmly looked at him.
"You should be sleeping." Nathan told her quietly.
I'm cold." She coughed a bit into her kerchief.
It was colder here. He was sure he did no need to point that out. "Would you like some more tea."
Her deep brown eyes
"yes, please."
"If you will," he held his arm for her
she looked so frail
Instead of resting her hand on it, like most would, she warped her arm in his as he led her to the kitchen.
She did not sit, she walked toward the pantry and its door, badly in need of repair.
"Its colder outside." He reminded her as he lit the stove for the water. His man servant appeared out of nowhere, like he normally did
She turned, wind blew about her, she coughed slightly, as if clearing her throat, he smelled the blood that appeared on her kerchief "I will walk in the garden whale the tea is prepared."
her soft voice carried by the wind, caressing his ears
He could stop her, he could throw her over his shoulder or drag her, She couldnt fight him in his sleep
She slipped out the door.
she turned to look at him, she paused, but by no means would she come back in w/out force.
There was nothing for it, he took of his blood streaked jacket and placed it around her.
She slipped her arm around his.
They walked in the night, She pointed out the various herbs, the flowers. How she knew this, he could only fathom it was the knowledge of the witches....
It was the onset of winter, to early yet to snow.
But she accurately named everything there.
She smiled.
He lead her toward the wasted pantry door, but she stopped, looking at the stones in the plot. An appropriate gust of wind blew her long brown hair behind her, she was glowing again.
He allowed her to lead him toward the grave stones, through the iron gate.
She rested a hand on the closest one
a frown
"a child of sin." she looked past him
"we both are." she continued
then she knelt down, touched the ground
"evil has soaked in here, demanding retribution." she almost whispered
"and you give it. attempting to irradiate it. you will be compelled to do so till you die."
she looked up at him, her body visibly shivering.
He scooped her up to a standing position, warping his arms around her, leading her into the house.
"when you return, will you walk with me through the house?" she asked after taking a sip of the tea.
"Certainly." he found that he too, could not speak much above a whisper.
"May I sit in the library?" she asked
"you have access the the entirety of the house." he informed her, while looking at his man servant. The man nodded, a mild look of concern/confusion in his eyes
"bring the other cup." he told the man, holding his hand out to her, she grasped it, her cold fingers, wrapping around his warm ones. He lead her back to the room he'd placed her in.
Above the garden, the sun would rise, shining in its glory through the stained glass.
He turned down the bedding for her, then handed her the cup his man servant had carried.
"she should have a fire, constantly in any room she is in." he reminded the man.
He immediately set forth in rebuilding this one.
"you have things to do. I know." she said softly
He nodded at her, turned to leave..
"wait." her voice even softer
He looked to her, holding out her kerchief to him, for a moment he could not move, slowly he took it from her, took it with him. Taking one last look at her as she drank the tea.
He was not surprised, when he arrived at the top of the afternoon when he saw the police carriage. He made sure to arrive just after they did. He allowed shocked surprise to fill his face, as he of course knew 'nothing' of what was going on. He'd been (insert name of place here) and was just returning. The men glared at the door as Nathan took the opportunity to enplane the elderly nature of the doorman. Nathan was sure Christopher was taking his time to actually answer the bell. The two men turned at his arrival, attempting to look menacing. He was not at all impressed. He greeted them politely. It seemed Sophie's 'guardians' were under the impression he had kidnapped her and was holding her hostage. He led them in, as the doorman appeared, apologizing profusely for his slowness. The policemen understood as soon as they saw the elderly man. Nathan excused himself in order to straighten his appearance, the men were offered food and coffee.
Nigel appeared at his side just before he entered his room to change his travel clothes.
"We are still in possession of the doctors notes?" he asked
"Yes sir, what we sent her...'guardians' was a copy."
as per his instructions
"very good, show the papers to the men." He hesitated, not knowing why. Nigel was on his way out before he could find his voice, "Nigel." he realized the volume of his voice had dropped. "Sophia?"
"She woke late in the morning, The cook, did not make her a feast, as one of his brothers had consumption, so he made her toast, a bit of meal, all of which she ate. Nurse Tilly's daughter arrived around ten. Kale has made Miss Sophie some lovely teas all throughout the day."
"Nurse Tilly?" he stopped
"She had a letter of introduction sir, I assumed you knew her,"
An image of the witches filled his mind. They would know, wouldn't they.
"Very well? Her activities?"
"Miss Sophie has spent the day in the library. I have made sure to supply her with blankets. The nurse Kale has checked on her, kept her company. I'm not sure the girl is long for this earth sir."
He felt as he had been hit with a sledge hammer. He finished.
"you can understand her 'guardians' concern." the police man asked, rather nervously. No one from town had ever enjoyed visits to his manor house.
"Definitely." He turned to Nigel." What time did you find the girl?" he asked.The rumors of demonic presence/ possession, death... they were enough to keep people away. ... it had never been forgotten that when the priests had traveled up to the house to investigate the rumors, his parents were waiting in the front yard, crucified. As the mob outside was temporarily stunned, what was left of his parents had caught on fire.
He'd been eight
When he'd turned nine, his brother had been found, rather eviscerated, he had been ill, fever and hallucination, pain.... the doctors that attended the surviving member of the family had many stories to tell of the odd boy, whom they believed to be an offspring of the devil. The rumors died down as he was an avid church goer, and contributed handsomely. Or he had been until the town was more at ease. He had a tenancy to travel, and it was known he was never one to sit in the family house.
He met the policeman's eyes, Nigel handed him the doctors note. He read it, then handed it to the men.
"Where is she now?" he asked Nigel
"The Library, sir."
"I understand she is not to be disturbed by anyone, but you must understand we need to see her." one of the men explained.
"Of course." Nathan answered, "if you don't mind I'm rather curious as well."
"Did you know the girl."
"I do not recall ever being introduced to her." Nathan replied without lying.
They entered the library. He slid a look to the two men. They immediately reacted to the heat emanating from the room. The Nurse Kale seemed to be burning infusions of incense and had just handed a cup of tea to the girl.
The firelight played in her eyes, set her brown hair a blaze with color the sun did not,the golden colors of her youth, reds glared, her brown eyes seemed to look like red amber. Her paleness stood out, in one hand she clutched her bloodstained 'kerchief. She looked at them w/out saying anything. Her skin looked as close to white as one could get. She sat near the fireplace in his favorite chair, with several blankets covering her, one of his favorite books in her lap. Her hand trembled when she put the cup on the table beside her. She then fixed her amber eyes on the men, who actually squirmed under her gaze.
"I have written a letter to my aunts." her soft voice almost could not be herd over the crackling of the fire. Nurse Kale picked the envelope up and handed it to the closest of the men, who took it with unease.
The other man cleared his throat "could you tell us how you came to be here?"
Sophie closed her eyes and leaned back. "I have no memory of how I came to be here."
One of them cleared their throates. "Your aunt said that your absence was noted at your engagement party."
She did not answer, but looked at hms as if she were waiting for him to finish his statement. This made the two men uncomfortable. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a close to invisible grin on Nigel's face. Ahead he noted a look of distaste spread across Nurse Kale's features. His ire seem to be on the side of Nurse Kale.
One of the men cleared his throat, looking down at the letter the doctor left. "It states specifically that you are to have NO visitors," he cleared his voice "and that you are not to be moved."
Sophie raised her eyebrow. "Hence the letter to my aunt." he quiet voice seemed to find an edge, the edge seemed to unsettle the man.
"oh, yes, very well, I thank you all, Im sure your aunt will be relieved that you are in such good, charitable care."
Somehow, Nathan doubted that.
Nigel showed them out.
Sophie sipped her tea. A purple ribbon in her hair, keeping it out of her face. Her gown was lavender. He stood transfixed, unable to move.
"I have seen the parts of the house you frequent. There's no need to show me the empty carcass." She looked back at his book for a moment.
She was not at all disconcerted in his standing, staring at her.
She was used to it.
He was now sure she'd know, all these years of his presence.
"would you care to dine with me?" he found himself asking.
She looked away from the book, illuminated by the firelight, glowing. She smiled, her red-amber eyes met his. "lovely."
for a moment his breath left him.
Nigel, Nurse Kale and a few of his other trusted servants brought in a small table in which to place their dinnerware in the library.
"you usually eat in your room." she mentioned.
He did, he'd had a desk placed in there. She was correct in that she'd seen the parts of the manner he'd actually lived in. He would eat in his room, the kitchen, the library. The only rooms he had a desire to go. Besides the private ones under the house. he attempted not to be transfixed by her presence. Her beauty was almost painful.
She looked at him, for some time, as if attempting to learn something,
He was sure she would
A mischievous smile appeared on her white face "Did you travel well?"
It seems as if she had chosen her words carefully. He did see the humor in it. She knew not to ask where he'd gone, or did he have a busy day. Perhaps she didnt want to know of that.
"The scenery was quite to my content."
"just past fall." Sophie muttered, looking into his eyes, stealing his breath. " I appreciate fall."
He almost forgot to put his food in his mouth. She would prefer that time.... she knew she was not much longer in this life. He attempted to turn his thoughts from that, they instead went to her fiance. Bile rose in his throat.
"I have no desire to marry him." Sophie responded to his thoughts.
That could be fixed.
"I'm sure his nieces would appreciate your concern." her eyes: molten fire.
He did not miss the implication. It was not the time, however.
She seemed to relax. Could she read him so well?
"If I am awake upon your return, would you take tea with me?" she asked
it seemed she could
He nodded, his voice temporarily stuck.
He flung his blood stained clothes on his sitting chair. His valet, and most trusted amongst servants Nigel stood impartially beside the chair as he ripped the rest of his clothes off, growling in temper.
He snapped his wet hair back, ripped the ribbon out, it was black. He needed more purple one's.
"your bath is ready sir. Also I took the liberty of contacting Basil."
He stopped. Stood in the middle of his room, in front of the desk unclothed.
"He has informed me that there is an interested party concerning the fiance that is offering a more that handsome compensation for your time."
"you know of the fiance?" he could not quite bring himself to say 'her'
"sir, my niece was in his employ. for a short time."
She had died in childbirth, unwed... the child had not survived either.
A snarl escaped him, even he was surprised by the ferocity.
"your bath sir?"
Nathan looked at himself in the mirror. Every muscle, every sinew tense, blood had seeped through his clothes, staining parts of his skin.
He sunk himself in the bath. Watched the steam rise.
why did he feel like he was an idiot 14 year old boy in that girls presence? In all his life he'd not found anyone worth taking his time away from his occupation. It was a good one as if fed his need for blood, for the knives, the pain of others. He'd made sure they were all worthy of such attentions, but he'd also increased his fortune as well.
Disgust filled him. He was now old enough that long rides made him ache.
Only younger than the fiance by a few years.
In all his life he'd only been close to Nigel, Christopher and a few others on the staff that I dont feel like making up names to rt now. They understood his passions. They made sure the staff was trustworthy.
Not that it mattered. He'd killed the one who hadnt been. Over a course of time.
part two
She sat up, the Lady was there..
her black eyes shining a light not yellow or white.
The Fae who had sustained the living, the Fae who had bread with them
creating a type of hybrid.
She and the other elders were the gods
she was the acolyte
as was Nathan.
Blood as the life force.
That which sustains.
She was barely aware she had put the robe and slippers on, her feet carried her, again.
He scribbled in his journal. He aslo had papers of estate to finish. He watcher her enter his room. Did she know what hour of the night it was? She spared him a passing glance, climbed into his bed.
What the hell was she doing?
"I have no intention of sleeping elsewhere." He informed her as he attempted to finish what he was writing.
She said nothing, but certainly made herself comfortable...
His hand trembled. He carefully placed the quill down. Slowly stood up. She was looking at him.
Disconcerting him.
He looked at the fireplace, added a log to it automatically.
She was always cold
What did she think she was doing?
He removed his clothing. She did not look away.
She waited.
For him.
He grabbed her wrists, forcing her on her back as he stratled her.
She looked up at him quite calmly.
"you are making yourself unwedable." he growled
"I care not for the men in my circle." Still calm.
He kissed her, hard, he was sure he was bruising her.
"Do you even understand what you are doing?" he snarled in her ear.
"Perfectly well sir." she whispered in a way that made him loose the rest of his composure.
He froze, looking at the bruise around her mouth, feeling ashamed of hurting her. Again.
Her eyes, still amber looked into his, wanting.
waiting, unflinchingly
"I want you to wife."
"you belong to me." she whispered
she was right.
He was aware it was morning. They were intertwined. Her blood in his mouth, his still stained hers as well. She was looking at him. A soft smile played on her lips.
She was not cold.
He did NOT like visiting the (insert priestly title here) but it was rather unavoidable.
The man had stumbled around his excuses long enough. Nathan pulled out the all mighty bank notes.
It looked as if the man were now drooling as the golden trappings of his holy office shimmered in the afternoon sun.
The snow threatening in the air.
The man took the money
"In two days time."
It was agreed
The snow was dropping slowly from the sky. Nigel and Kale had accompanied them, wrapping Sophie with in an inch of her life in furs. The Church was close, but they wanted to take as little chance with her health as they could.
She shivered only just.
She wore a plane white frock, with one of his purple ribbons in her hair.
He removed himself from the bed. She opened her eyes. Her cheeks flushed, her skin still pale.
She watched him as he went to his writing table.
The letter, to her 'guardians'. Sophie having no desire to return to her father's estate had requested he allow them to remain there, and receive a stipend for the rest of her days.
She was much more kind than he.
He grinned. Wondering what the cast off fiance would do, knowing it, waiting for the man to arrive.
and he did. In a rage. The 'guardians' had demanded to see their 'niece.' which of course he denied for the time being, as Sophie's health did not permit such things.The man arrived, seething in rage to be denied his child bride.
He challenged Nathan to a duel of rapiers. Nathan had laughed in his face, accepting. The slothful man was no challenge. He sent the body back to the 'aunts' with a letter, informing them that should they annoy him further he would seaze Sophie's estate, which was technically his, sell it and turn them out
Things settled.
Three months slid by, almost without his notice.
In the spring, and probably due to the every other day letters of 'concern' from her 'aunts' she'd asked him to hold a dinner. He agreed to the logic. People would want to see that she was there of her own volition. He was aware of the rumors concerning the two of them.
She found them as amusing as did he.
She looked outside. It was close to time when the guests would arrive. Marie had finished assisting her in dressing. Kale had given her dose of medicines, herbs and teas for the evening. Of course there would be more with the dinner. Nigel had informed her that the players had arrived. She could hear them tuning. Nathan was still down below in his workshop. She sighed. He did tend to loose track of time when down there. There was nothing for it. She gathered up her skirts, down to the passage that would lead her to her husband.
She did occasionally watch him at his hobby. Hobby/ occupation. One in the same. Normally he did not loose his sense of presence, except when down below the house. She opened the door, careful to look at the floor. He did so love to remove parts. Of which she stepped over. She had no desire to get someone Ilse's blood on her dress, especially some one as unclean as would be found here. Her husband looked at her, saw in hand, blood dripping. He was gleaming with it. He looked at her, mildly disoriented.
"The guests will be arriving soon." she said over the groan of agony, the pleading....
"Hmmm." he cast a look back at the person on the table. Then sighed.
"If I must."
"It would be a bit odd for you to be late, as you are known to be here today." she reminded him softly.
He placed the saw down on the table.
"Very well."
He followed her upstairs.
He rode as fast as he could. He ran into the house, non stop until he reached the door to his and Sophie's room. Her 'aunts' were outside of the door. The doctor, covered in Sophie's blood.
"I arrived as soon as I received the message." He was out of breath.
The 'aunts' sneered at him.
"Its your fault." one of them stated.
He rounded on them. "You, ladies will go to the solar. You have done your best to destroy her, and are merely upset about your lack of inheritance. Go, before I remove you." He ripped open the door, a few people were still in the room tending to Sophie, almost drowning in her own blood.
her black eyes shining a light not yellow or white.
The Fae who had sustained the living, the Fae who had bread with them
creating a type of hybrid.
She and the other elders were the gods
she was the accolyte
as was Nathen.
Blood as the life force.
That which sustains.
"Every one OUT." he snarled at them. At first no one moved. He stalked in the room, bodily throwing out the first person he reached. They fled. The doctor had followed him in. Nurse Kale exited, throwing a glance toward Sophie over her shoulder.
"You.. understand... it may be too late...." He punched the doctor in the face, then threw him out of the room. He slammed and locked the door.
He stood for a moment. Starring at Sophie's unconscious form. blood everywhere.
She should not be like this.
Not her.
Not now.
He felt his knees weaken and somehow made it into the bed, next to her, gathering her up in his arms. For the first time, he cried. His body wracked with sobs he could not control. The Lady moved. He looked up at her.
"I will give you anything." she couldn't leave him. Not now. "my life." he again, sobbed, clutching her. More of her blood on him that he'd ever wanted... too much.
"you would be so selfish, as she lives for you."
He looked up at her, at a loss, what more could she want? What more could he offer?
"what ever you want." he ghasped
"In my time, in your time, half this life, half the next." she said
"yes." he answered.
He couldn't help it, as he took in her life fluid, it had always tasted better than any. It was habit now.
The sun's red rays cast themselves through the window, on her face, he stopped to look at her, her breath deepened. She slowly fluttered, then opened her eyes.
He kissed her as gently as he could.
She sighed.
She kissed him, softly.
Her eyes traveled to a towel, completely bloodstained, soaked, slightly bulging.
"three months." she whispered.
he rested his forehead against hers. He should have stayed.
Why did she not tell him?
"I knew. I could not carry your child." she said.
a sadness he had never heard, imbeded in her voice.
He looked to the cloth.
As did she.
"I want that," her eyes met his. "we should take that in." her voice so weak.
Yes, they should, he reached over, pulled the cloth to them.
I started remembering bits and pieces of this when I was young. In its current state its short and choppy - I didnt remember this in time line order, one segment, or another - over the years.
Nathan nodded at the comment directed to him, not showing the distaste he felt in the company he was in. It was rather unavoidable. He returned one noncommittal comment with another, wondering how long he would have to deal with this farce before he could make his polite excuses.
His eyes were drawn to motion past the garden, a little girl, paler than any of the ladies in the garden, golden hair draped her shoulders. Her giggle wafted to assault his ears.
She looked behind her, as did he, he came close to shattering his glass.
as discussion of the little girl flared amongst the tea, the little girl smiled at the Lady behind her, holding her hand out to the butterfly that had landed on it.
She was the daughter of the (insert title here) Nathan looked so see a slight sneer on the man's face, the daughter of his first wife: talking to The Lady Death: her blue skin shimmering in the afternoon sun. The lady smiled at the girl, met his eyes.
Again the girls laugh sounded as the butterfly flew away....
These visions would not leave him ~
His vantage was perfect. The tree nicely supported him. No one saw him. His target was having a brunch in nice Austria. That laugh. It floated up to him. Her hair flowing about her bonnet in the wind. The girl was glowing. He was sure no one else noticed it. She danced, over to the side, away from the false smiles others were offering her. He wondered if she knew or cared. He saw The Lady and her Court, dancing with the girl. He started for as long as the target remained. Always aware of the man he was following as he watched her every move.
Memorizing them ~
Nathan slipped in the girls window, quickly making himself one with her voluminous curtain as she coughed in her sleep. She did not wake. He approached, starring at the blood gleaming on the pillow near her mouth. She turned over. He saw The Lady fade into the black, saw others nestle about the girl. He looked at the shimmering stain for a moment before licking it off the pillow. she still did not wake, he took a lock of her golden hair.
To be made into a charm to keep ~
The sun was sinking as Nathan walked into the cafe opposite the opera house. Again, who he sought was here. He stopped cold. The man was talking to the girl. She looked up at the man with an uneasy face. Her father, his arm around her introduced them. Nathan felt his blood boil as the man's thumb dragged across little Sophie's hand....Nathan walked outside. As he turned he saw a man tearing down a building.... breaking bricks. How nice.
Sophie walked with her father. Women near her giggled, pointed to a very well built, nicely formed man, breaking bricks for a new walkway to be made. She stopped to watch the familiar looking man as he worked with ease. She felt a pull, her father was rather disapproving of her starring. Well, she supposed he was right. She was excited to be going out to the cafe for the lunch. She ran to their table to seat herself. THAT man was there. She didnt remember his name, but she did not like him in the least. He and her father began to talk.
The sun was sinking. Her excitement grew, but she wanted to be in the shade. She hopped up, her father was across the way speaking with a lady she didnt care to know. Before she knew what was going on, the man grabbed her. She looked up at him, the look of his was ugly to her. She looked ahead, where he was pulling her, in the ally way between the cafe and the next building.She looked, then ceased her struggle. That was ok with her as she could see the eyes of the Guard of the Lady; who would sometimes speak with her. There could be nothing bad waiting in there for her. She was thrown against the wall. For a minute she was dazed. Slowly her eyes focused. There were odd thuds in her ears. When her eyes focused, it was explained. The Guard of the Lady had the sledge hammer and was working on the man's head. There was an odd cracking noise, she noticed that the man's blood and bone had fallen on her dress. There was a void of sound and she looked up to the man w/no shirt.
"You should go back to your father now." he said,not unkindly as he allowed the hammer to fall on the mess of the man on the ground. He did not take his eyes away from hers. She nodded. He waited. There was nothing for it, she stood, brushed herself off and made her way out to the fading light.
Simon looked impassively at the Contact.
yes he knew the girl
thoughts wafted through his mind. For six years, he had been sharing in her consumption, taking her hair, taking her blood off her pillow, taking her bloodstained handkerchiefs.
Bits of her.
Now, he was to take her life.
He was disconcerted with the idea.
This served to do nothing but make him angry.
Sophie felt the tears stream down her face. She didn't know where she was. Exactly.
She was in the city.
forgot which one
or perhaps she never knew
She looked at the man. She recognized him, something familiar.
she was sure they'd spoken
at least once
He ripped the gag off her.
"stop that crying." he told her in a cold harsh voice.
She coughed. Only a little. Blood fell onto her chest.
This made the man twitch. He reached out... then changed his mind.
"please untie me." she accidentally sobbed
he pushed her over, licked the blood off, then stormed out of the room.
her head hurt, she closed her eyes.
thought of the ladies by the water...........
Simon followed The Contact. He met with another Contact. He followed that one. Hours it took through many different people. Finally the last of the chain walked to the familiar home in the country.
Her home
Simon watched the latest man go through the back, in the veil of the darkness. To the side he saw The Lady. She nodded to him. He proceeded.
Hours later, he knew his time was limited. He'd have to act quickly.
The dawn was approaching, he knew the day servants would be here shortly. He looked at her unconscious form. He'd inspected her head. There was no damage. He knew the Lady was watching. Waiting to see what he would do. He took out his scalpel. He could miss all the major arteries, he knew The Lady would make sure Sophie would not scar... either way. He knew she would live, for now. Her consumption would take her soon enough. He made short work, making sure to leave enough of a mess, he felt compelled to stay... to clean, he despised waste... but he knew, by the sound of The Lady's tapping foot that he needed to leave. Unable to stop himself, he took another lock of her browning hair. Took a moment to gaze at her beautiful face.
When the maid opened the door, he'd left no trace of himself, he heard the screaming,, stood past the mouth of the Forrest savoring the sound.
Nathan watched. For a moment one of the earth witches met his eyes. Not enough for Sophie to notice. She sat with three of them, they had given her tea as her cough was rather bad this time of year.
Her 'guardians' were looking for her. He wondered why. Sophie had frequently come here to visit the witches, always came back before sunset. Every time her 'guardian' had a fit close to apoplexy. He usually quite enjoyed the useless display of idiocy. He watched the wind caress her face. It brought her scent to where he sat, watching her. He knew she would leave soon. There was a party at her manor. Her 'guardians' never missed an opportunity to have them. This time it was for Sophia's coming of age.
three years since her family had been slain.
she stilled danced with the Lady and her Court
Never during the dance would she cough
her beauty fitting in with the Lady
She laughed with the wizened ladies she sat company with. Her brown eyes glittering merrily.
Her frail hands wrapped around the cup, so delicate
her hair floating about her
a sufficient dark brown now, her pale skin making it look darker than it actually was
She picked some flowers with the wind.
The Witch spoke to her in a seriousness that startled him although he could not hear what was said. Sophie stopped. Unease, tension filled her fragile frame.
what had been said
another flash
another witches eyes, warning him to stay put.
Sophie, leaned forward, engrossed in the opera. Allowing the music, the song to enfold her. She noticed that her 'guardians' had gone. Probably to powder. She felt the hairs on her neck stand up. She was not alone in her box. She looked down.... all the people... she dropped her kerchief. Sophie did not look around, but sat back in her chair. She was sure something was about to happen. There was a stillness about the box that only occurred in the woods when a predator was about. She attempted to even out her shallow breath. The presence she felt was close now. Again, she refused to look, starring ahead, this tactic seemed to work for a moment. Until she felt a hand around her arm. She was then jerked to her feet.
"You will come with us." one of the two men snarled in her ear.
Then large men lead her out, down a staircase she didnt know existed.
The swiftness made her head spin, she fell against the wall, but the man caught her, steadied her, then killed the second man. She looked to see the first, beading profusely from his throat, the second, dispatched, his blood on her. The man who'd killed them, grabbed her by her wrist, pulling him to her.
"you should be more careful." he whispered harshly in her ear before picking her up, carrying her down the stares. She put her arms around his neck, holding on. She knew she wasnt heavy and her weight did not seem to affect his stride. Then they were out in the night air, he was putting her down, his shoulder length black hair had fallen across his face, his black eyes glinted in the night. He then lead her into a carriage with out another word. He closed the door on her face, not allowing her to thank him, in her hands she held his purple hair tie.
He'd let her keep it.
There could be no harm in it.
He attempted to convince himself.
He held her kerchief to his face, in-taking her scent as he watched the carriage take her to her apartments.
Night. Darkness. She could not hold back her tears. Memories of the filthy man, his mustache, his large hands. Her chest hurt, her body felt as if it were shattering.
She was aware of being on her knees, aware of the dirt on her. She was not sure where she was. She knew she had walked for some time. She coughed for some time.
Blood on her hands, she'd lost her kerchief on the way to here, where ever here was.
It was obvious she was in someone's family plot. The ugly man invaded her memory again. Sobs again escaped her. How could she marry such a man?
She leaned against the stone of effigy... she felt he consciousness leave her.
She was not where she should have been. The manor was in an uproar.
His informant whispered harshly to him across the table in the tavern.
No one had seen when she left, but it had been some time ago, after the engagement had been announced.
Simon came close to sneering when he heard the name of the fiance. Disgusting man. Ugly vices. But as Sophie's guardian had pointed out, not many men would want a child of consumption, and this one vowed to take care of her.
Not to mention her vast fortune as well.
Easily remedied.
He waved the informant away. He would need to return to his own manor, to collect his things. Sophie had probably run to the witches.
Nathan was a bit surprised upon the approach to his home. He saw movement on the corner toward the back of his family manor. He went immediately to the back garden.
Again he saw movement.
He saw a glow, in the family plot.
Nothing there was supposed to glow. He purposefully approached.
Breath caught in his chest.
Sophie. Holding something purple in her hand.
It had looked like she'd collapsed against the headstone belonging to his brother. He picked her up, she was filthy.
Her eyes opened. She said nothing.
He kicked his own door open, oh well, it was just the pantry. At this many of his servants ran in the room, lights held high.
They stopped immediately, starring.
Her skin was so cold, he looked down at her to make sure she was actually breathing. Blood caked around the corners of her mouth.
"she needs to be bathed. Start the tea, I will finish it. Go fetch the doctor."
he did not relinquish his hold of her until the hot bathwater was ready, his female servants a bit nervous.
He did not send any of the servants away upon the death of his parents or siblings, but yet, it had been some time since they had a lady to care for.
He left then. Back to the pantry, he retrieved the herbs to be placed in her tea.
"Sir.. are you here?" his man servant asked
He allowed a grin. "I dont believe I have been here for two days. I will not return until tomorrow ... perhaps afternoon."
"yes sir."
He took his leave. She would need clothing for tomorrow, and the only place to get suitable garments would be her own house.
That could not be helped.
Upon his return he was presented with the doctors letters. She needed to rest for at least a week with not socializing. She should not be moved.
He called his manservant. "Take this to her 'guardians' inform the woman that, as per normal, when I am not here you will not allow ANYONE in. Including her, and the fiance. Also make sure to get enough clothing for her."
He wondered how difficult it would be to keep those two at bay, allow Sophie the rest she needed. "sir, where did I find her?"
"No use in making something up. You found her in the garden."
"yes, sir."
Nathan went down to the chambers underneath the manor... his pleasure awaited him there.
The bath had warmed her a bit. It felt wonderful to be clean. The maid handed her tea, and it had helped ease her aching body.
She was then shown to a room. It was just as nice as any of her own. But she couldn't sleep. She tried.
It was not working.
The restless feeling would not leave her.
She found a robe, and allowed her feet to carry her.
Eventually she found a door she felt like opening. She did so quietly, hearing wretched groans, whimpers and pleads. She leaned against the side of the doorway.
The familiar man, the one she knew she'd seen before held something sharp in his hands
the man tied down was bloody, some of his innards exposed
He met her eyes, she did not look away.
Simon saw the man's eyes look toward the door. He narrowed his eyes. His servants knew better than to come down here. He looked behind him.
His body turned toward her. His hand put down the scalpel, His feet lead him toward her.
She shivered slightly. He wondered if she feared him. If she did, her eyes held none of it. She calmly looked at him.
"You should be sleeping." Nathan told her quietly.
I'm cold." She coughed a bit into her kerchief.
It was colder here. He was sure he did no need to point that out. "Would you like some more tea."
Her deep brown eyes
"yes, please."
"If you will," he held his arm for her
she looked so frail
Instead of resting her hand on it, like most would, she warped her arm in his as he led her to the kitchen.
She did not sit, she walked toward the pantry and its door, badly in need of repair.
"Its colder outside." He reminded her as he lit the stove for the water. His man servant appeared out of nowhere, like he normally did
She turned, wind blew about her, she coughed slightly, as if clearing her throat, he smelled the blood that appeared on her kerchief "I will walk in the garden whale the tea is prepared."
her soft voice carried by the wind, caressing his ears
He could stop her, he could throw her over his shoulder or drag her, She couldnt fight him in his sleep
She slipped out the door.
she turned to look at him, she paused, but by no means would she come back in w/out force.
There was nothing for it, he took of his blood streaked jacket and placed it around her.
She slipped her arm around his.
They walked in the night, She pointed out the various herbs, the flowers. How she knew this, he could only fathom it was the knowledge of the witches....
It was the onset of winter, to early yet to snow.
But she accurately named everything there.
She smiled.
He lead her toward the wasted pantry door, but she stopped, looking at the stones in the plot. An appropriate gust of wind blew her long brown hair behind her, she was glowing again.
He allowed her to lead him toward the grave stones, through the iron gate.
She rested a hand on the closest one
a frown
"a child of sin." she looked past him
"we both are." she continued
then she knelt down, touched the ground
"evil has soaked in here, demanding retribution." she almost whispered
"and you give it. attempting to irradiate it. you will be compelled to do so till you die."
she looked up at him, her body visibly shivering.
He scooped her up to a standing position, warping his arms around her, leading her into the house.
"when you return, will you walk with me through the house?" she asked after taking a sip of the tea.
"Certainly." he found that he too, could not speak much above a whisper.
"May I sit in the library?" she asked
"you have access the the entirety of the house." he informed her, while looking at his man servant. The man nodded, a mild look of concern/confusion in his eyes
"bring the other cup." he told the man, holding his hand out to her, she grasped it, her cold fingers, wrapping around his warm ones. He lead her back to the room he'd placed her in.
Above the garden, the sun would rise, shining in its glory through the stained glass.
He turned down the bedding for her, then handed her the cup his man servant had carried.
"she should have a fire, constantly in any room she is in." he reminded the man.
He immediately set forth in rebuilding this one.
"you have things to do. I know." she said softly
He nodded at her, turned to leave..
"wait." her voice even softer
He looked to her, holding out her kerchief to him, for a moment he could not move, slowly he took it from her, took it with him. Taking one last look at her as she drank the tea.
He was not surprised, when he arrived at the top of the afternoon when he saw the police carriage. He made sure to arrive just after they did. He allowed shocked surprise to fill his face, as he of course knew 'nothing' of what was going on. He'd been (insert name of place here) and was just returning. The men glared at the door as Nathan took the opportunity to enplane the elderly nature of the doorman. Nathan was sure Christopher was taking his time to actually answer the bell. The two men turned at his arrival, attempting to look menacing. He was not at all impressed. He greeted them politely. It seemed Sophie's 'guardians' were under the impression he had kidnapped her and was holding her hostage. He led them in, as the doorman appeared, apologizing profusely for his slowness. The policemen understood as soon as they saw the elderly man. Nathan excused himself in order to straighten his appearance, the men were offered food and coffee.
Nigel appeared at his side just before he entered his room to change his travel clothes.
"We are still in possession of the doctors notes?" he asked
"Yes sir, what we sent her...'guardians' was a copy."
as per his instructions
"very good, show the papers to the men." He hesitated, not knowing why. Nigel was on his way out before he could find his voice, "Nigel." he realized the volume of his voice had dropped. "Sophia?"
"She woke late in the morning, The cook, did not make her a feast, as one of his brothers had consumption, so he made her toast, a bit of meal, all of which she ate. Nurse Tilly's daughter arrived around ten. Kale has made Miss Sophie some lovely teas all throughout the day."
"Nurse Tilly?" he stopped
"She had a letter of introduction sir, I assumed you knew her,"
An image of the witches filled his mind. They would know, wouldn't they.
"Very well? Her activities?"
"Miss Sophie has spent the day in the library. I have made sure to supply her with blankets. The nurse Kale has checked on her, kept her company. I'm not sure the girl is long for this earth sir."
He felt as he had been hit with a sledge hammer. He finished.
"you can understand her 'guardians' concern." the police man asked, rather nervously. No one from town had ever enjoyed visits to his manor house.
"Definitely." He turned to Nigel." What time did you find the girl?" he asked.The rumors of demonic presence/ possession, death... they were enough to keep people away. ... it had never been forgotten that when the priests had traveled up to the house to investigate the rumors, his parents were waiting in the front yard, crucified. As the mob outside was temporarily stunned, what was left of his parents had caught on fire.
He'd been eight
When he'd turned nine, his brother had been found, rather eviscerated, he had been ill, fever and hallucination, pain.... the doctors that attended the surviving member of the family had many stories to tell of the odd boy, whom they believed to be an offspring of the devil. The rumors died down as he was an avid church goer, and contributed handsomely. Or he had been until the town was more at ease. He had a tenancy to travel, and it was known he was never one to sit in the family house.
He met the policeman's eyes, Nigel handed him the doctors note. He read it, then handed it to the men.
"Where is she now?" he asked Nigel
"The Library, sir."
"I understand she is not to be disturbed by anyone, but you must understand we need to see her." one of the men explained.
"Of course." Nathan answered, "if you don't mind I'm rather curious as well."
"Did you know the girl."
"I do not recall ever being introduced to her." Nathan replied without lying.
They entered the library. He slid a look to the two men. They immediately reacted to the heat emanating from the room. The Nurse Kale seemed to be burning infusions of incense and had just handed a cup of tea to the girl.
The firelight played in her eyes, set her brown hair a blaze with color the sun did not,the golden colors of her youth, reds glared, her brown eyes seemed to look like red amber. Her paleness stood out, in one hand she clutched her bloodstained 'kerchief. She looked at them w/out saying anything. Her skin looked as close to white as one could get. She sat near the fireplace in his favorite chair, with several blankets covering her, one of his favorite books in her lap. Her hand trembled when she put the cup on the table beside her. She then fixed her amber eyes on the men, who actually squirmed under her gaze.
"I have written a letter to my aunts." her soft voice almost could not be herd over the crackling of the fire. Nurse Kale picked the envelope up and handed it to the closest of the men, who took it with unease.
The other man cleared his throat "could you tell us how you came to be here?"
Sophie closed her eyes and leaned back. "I have no memory of how I came to be here."
One of them cleared their throates. "Your aunt said that your absence was noted at your engagement party."
She did not answer, but looked at hms as if she were waiting for him to finish his statement. This made the two men uncomfortable. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a close to invisible grin on Nigel's face. Ahead he noted a look of distaste spread across Nurse Kale's features. His ire seem to be on the side of Nurse Kale.
One of the men cleared his throat, looking down at the letter the doctor left. "It states specifically that you are to have NO visitors," he cleared his voice "and that you are not to be moved."
Sophie raised her eyebrow. "Hence the letter to my aunt." he quiet voice seemed to find an edge, the edge seemed to unsettle the man.
"oh, yes, very well, I thank you all, Im sure your aunt will be relieved that you are in such good, charitable care."
Somehow, Nathan doubted that.
Nigel showed them out.
Sophie sipped her tea. A purple ribbon in her hair, keeping it out of her face. Her gown was lavender. He stood transfixed, unable to move.
"I have seen the parts of the house you frequent. There's no need to show me the empty carcass." She looked back at his book for a moment.
She was not at all disconcerted in his standing, staring at her.
She was used to it.
He was now sure she'd know, all these years of his presence.
"would you care to dine with me?" he found himself asking.
She looked away from the book, illuminated by the firelight, glowing. She smiled, her red-amber eyes met his. "lovely."
for a moment his breath left him.
Nigel, Nurse Kale and a few of his other trusted servants brought in a small table in which to place their dinnerware in the library.
"you usually eat in your room." she mentioned.
He did, he'd had a desk placed in there. She was correct in that she'd seen the parts of the manner he'd actually lived in. He would eat in his room, the kitchen, the library. The only rooms he had a desire to go. Besides the private ones under the house. he attempted not to be transfixed by her presence. Her beauty was almost painful.
She looked at him, for some time, as if attempting to learn something,
He was sure she would
A mischievous smile appeared on her white face "Did you travel well?"
It seems as if she had chosen her words carefully. He did see the humor in it. She knew not to ask where he'd gone, or did he have a busy day. Perhaps she didnt want to know of that.
"The scenery was quite to my content."
"just past fall." Sophie muttered, looking into his eyes, stealing his breath. " I appreciate fall."
He almost forgot to put his food in his mouth. She would prefer that time.... she knew she was not much longer in this life. He attempted to turn his thoughts from that, they instead went to her fiance. Bile rose in his throat.
"I have no desire to marry him." Sophie responded to his thoughts.
That could be fixed.
"I'm sure his nieces would appreciate your concern." her eyes: molten fire.
He did not miss the implication. It was not the time, however.
She seemed to relax. Could she read him so well?
"If I am awake upon your return, would you take tea with me?" she asked
it seemed she could
He nodded, his voice temporarily stuck.
He flung his blood stained clothes on his sitting chair. His valet, and most trusted amongst servants Nigel stood impartially beside the chair as he ripped the rest of his clothes off, growling in temper.
He snapped his wet hair back, ripped the ribbon out, it was black. He needed more purple one's.
"your bath is ready sir. Also I took the liberty of contacting Basil."
He stopped. Stood in the middle of his room, in front of the desk unclothed.
"He has informed me that there is an interested party concerning the fiance that is offering a more that handsome compensation for your time."
"you know of the fiance?" he could not quite bring himself to say 'her'
"sir, my niece was in his employ. for a short time."
She had died in childbirth, unwed... the child had not survived either.
A snarl escaped him, even he was surprised by the ferocity.
"your bath sir?"
Nathan looked at himself in the mirror. Every muscle, every sinew tense, blood had seeped through his clothes, staining parts of his skin.
He sunk himself in the bath. Watched the steam rise.
why did he feel like he was an idiot 14 year old boy in that girls presence? In all his life he'd not found anyone worth taking his time away from his occupation. It was a good one as if fed his need for blood, for the knives, the pain of others. He'd made sure they were all worthy of such attentions, but he'd also increased his fortune as well.
Disgust filled him. He was now old enough that long rides made him ache.
Only younger than the fiance by a few years.
In all his life he'd only been close to Nigel, Christopher and a few others on the staff that I dont feel like making up names to rt now. They understood his passions. They made sure the staff was trustworthy.
Not that it mattered. He'd killed the one who hadnt been. Over a course of time.
part two
She sat up, the Lady was there..
her black eyes shining a light not yellow or white.
The Fae who had sustained the living, the Fae who had bread with them
creating a type of hybrid.
She and the other elders were the gods
she was the acolyte
as was Nathan.
Blood as the life force.
That which sustains.
She was barely aware she had put the robe and slippers on, her feet carried her, again.
He scribbled in his journal. He aslo had papers of estate to finish. He watcher her enter his room. Did she know what hour of the night it was? She spared him a passing glance, climbed into his bed.
What the hell was she doing?
"I have no intention of sleeping elsewhere." He informed her as he attempted to finish what he was writing.
She said nothing, but certainly made herself comfortable...
His hand trembled. He carefully placed the quill down. Slowly stood up. She was looking at him.
Disconcerting him.
He looked at the fireplace, added a log to it automatically.
She was always cold
What did she think she was doing?
He removed his clothing. She did not look away.
She waited.
For him.
He grabbed her wrists, forcing her on her back as he stratled her.
She looked up at him quite calmly.
"you are making yourself unwedable." he growled
"I care not for the men in my circle." Still calm.
He kissed her, hard, he was sure he was bruising her.
"Do you even understand what you are doing?" he snarled in her ear.
"Perfectly well sir." she whispered in a way that made him loose the rest of his composure.
He froze, looking at the bruise around her mouth, feeling ashamed of hurting her. Again.
Her eyes, still amber looked into his, wanting.
waiting, unflinchingly
"I want you to wife."
"you belong to me." she whispered
she was right.
He was aware it was morning. They were intertwined. Her blood in his mouth, his still stained hers as well. She was looking at him. A soft smile played on her lips.
She was not cold.
He did NOT like visiting the (insert priestly title here) but it was rather unavoidable.
The man had stumbled around his excuses long enough. Nathan pulled out the all mighty bank notes.
It looked as if the man were now drooling as the golden trappings of his holy office shimmered in the afternoon sun.
The snow threatening in the air.
The man took the money
"In two days time."
It was agreed
The snow was dropping slowly from the sky. Nigel and Kale had accompanied them, wrapping Sophie with in an inch of her life in furs. The Church was close, but they wanted to take as little chance with her health as they could.
She shivered only just.
She wore a plane white frock, with one of his purple ribbons in her hair.
He removed himself from the bed. She opened her eyes. Her cheeks flushed, her skin still pale.
She watched him as he went to his writing table.
The letter, to her 'guardians'. Sophie having no desire to return to her father's estate had requested he allow them to remain there, and receive a stipend for the rest of her days.
She was much more kind than he.
He grinned. Wondering what the cast off fiance would do, knowing it, waiting for the man to arrive.
and he did. In a rage. The 'guardians' had demanded to see their 'niece.' which of course he denied for the time being, as Sophie's health did not permit such things.The man arrived, seething in rage to be denied his child bride.
He challenged Nathan to a duel of rapiers. Nathan had laughed in his face, accepting. The slothful man was no challenge. He sent the body back to the 'aunts' with a letter, informing them that should they annoy him further he would seaze Sophie's estate, which was technically his, sell it and turn them out
Things settled.
Three months slid by, almost without his notice.
In the spring, and probably due to the every other day letters of 'concern' from her 'aunts' she'd asked him to hold a dinner. He agreed to the logic. People would want to see that she was there of her own volition. He was aware of the rumors concerning the two of them.
She found them as amusing as did he.
She looked outside. It was close to time when the guests would arrive. Marie had finished assisting her in dressing. Kale had given her dose of medicines, herbs and teas for the evening. Of course there would be more with the dinner. Nigel had informed her that the players had arrived. She could hear them tuning. Nathan was still down below in his workshop. She sighed. He did tend to loose track of time when down there. There was nothing for it. She gathered up her skirts, down to the passage that would lead her to her husband.
She did occasionally watch him at his hobby. Hobby/ occupation. One in the same. Normally he did not loose his sense of presence, except when down below the house. She opened the door, careful to look at the floor. He did so love to remove parts. Of which she stepped over. She had no desire to get someone Ilse's blood on her dress, especially some one as unclean as would be found here. Her husband looked at her, saw in hand, blood dripping. He was gleaming with it. He looked at her, mildly disoriented.
"The guests will be arriving soon." she said over the groan of agony, the pleading....
"Hmmm." he cast a look back at the person on the table. Then sighed.
"If I must."
"It would be a bit odd for you to be late, as you are known to be here today." she reminded him softly.
He placed the saw down on the table.
"Very well."
He followed her upstairs.
He rode as fast as he could. He ran into the house, non stop until he reached the door to his and Sophie's room. Her 'aunts' were outside of the door. The doctor, covered in Sophie's blood.
"I arrived as soon as I received the message." He was out of breath.
The 'aunts' sneered at him.
"Its your fault." one of them stated.
He rounded on them. "You, ladies will go to the solar. You have done your best to destroy her, and are merely upset about your lack of inheritance. Go, before I remove you." He ripped open the door, a few people were still in the room tending to Sophie, almost drowning in her own blood.
her black eyes shining a light not yellow or white.
The Fae who had sustained the living, the Fae who had bread with them
creating a type of hybrid.
She and the other elders were the gods
she was the accolyte
as was Nathen.
Blood as the life force.
That which sustains.
"Every one OUT." he snarled at them. At first no one moved. He stalked in the room, bodily throwing out the first person he reached. They fled. The doctor had followed him in. Nurse Kale exited, throwing a glance toward Sophie over her shoulder.
"You.. understand... it may be too late...." He punched the doctor in the face, then threw him out of the room. He slammed and locked the door.
He stood for a moment. Starring at Sophie's unconscious form. blood everywhere.
She should not be like this.
Not her.
Not now.
He felt his knees weaken and somehow made it into the bed, next to her, gathering her up in his arms. For the first time, he cried. His body wracked with sobs he could not control. The Lady moved. He looked up at her.
"I will give you anything." she couldn't leave him. Not now. "my life." he again, sobbed, clutching her. More of her blood on him that he'd ever wanted... too much.
"you would be so selfish, as she lives for you."
He looked up at her, at a loss, what more could she want? What more could he offer?
"what ever you want." he ghasped
"In my time, in your time, half this life, half the next." she said
"yes." he answered.
He couldn't help it, as he took in her life fluid, it had always tasted better than any. It was habit now.
The sun's red rays cast themselves through the window, on her face, he stopped to look at her, her breath deepened. She slowly fluttered, then opened her eyes.
He kissed her as gently as he could.
She sighed.
She kissed him, softly.
Her eyes traveled to a towel, completely bloodstained, soaked, slightly bulging.
"three months." she whispered.
he rested his forehead against hers. He should have stayed.
Why did she not tell him?
"I knew. I could not carry your child." she said.
a sadness he had never heard, imbeded in her voice.
He looked to the cloth.
As did she.
"I want that," her eyes met his. "we should take that in." her voice so weak.
Yes, they should, he reached over, pulled the cloth to them.
Exerps from the Spirit of Ancient Egypt by ANa ruiz
nlike any other ancient civilization, women were regarded asalmost equal to men. They were highly respected in ancient Egypt; socialstatus was determined by rank and not gender. Egyptian womenenjoyed more freedom, rights and privileges even than those of Greece,and myriad goddesses were venerated throughout Egypt's history.Showing disrespect to a woman, under the laws of Ma'at, meant goingagainst the basis of Egyptian beliefs and ultimate existence.A woman could even be legal heir to the throne, although it wasthe man she chose as husband who became ruler and pharaoh. It washer duty to preserve and to pass on the royal bloodline.Women enjoyed many legal rights. They participated in businesstransactions and owned, managed and sold land and private property.Women could arrange adoptions, liberate slaves, finalize legal settlementsand execute testaments. They could testify in court and bringsuit against other parties, and they could represent themselves in legaldisputes, without the presence of a male relative or representative.Many "professional" positions were open to women, such asmourner, weaver, baker, midwife and advisor to the pharaoh. Theycould also hold high positions in the temple, as dancers or high priestesses— a highly respected position.It was neither unusual nor forbidden for the self-made woman torise in status and position. One remarkable non-royal woman was Ne
bet. She was the wife of a nomarch who lived during the 6th Dynasty. Nebet held the most prestigious administrative title of Magistrate, Judge and Vizier to the Pharaoh. Although much less frequently than their male counterparts, women did find work as scribes and as doctors. Records exist of female physicians, going as far back as the Old Kingdom. One such woman was Lady Pesheshet, who lived during the 5th Dynasty. She held the title of "Overseer of Physicians," according to the inscription on herstela (in an Old Kingdom tomb, discovered during the 20th century of our era). Lady Pesheshet is regarded by scholars as the first female physician in recorded history.
r (pyramid) were created with astronomy, geomitry and trig. They were stilyzed after the primeval mound. (where life originated) ex the Great Pyramid is situated so that the relationship btwn its circumference and its height is the same as the relationship btwn the earth's circomfrance and its radius at the pole. when Professor Charles Pazzi Smyth measured the pyramid's height the equation comes to at 10:9 ration resulting a measurement equal to the mean distance of the earth to the sun.
Female doctors exercised their skills and knowledge under thesupervision of Lady Pesheshet, the earliest female physician in history(5th Dynasty)
the spirit of ancient egypt
ana ruiz
bet. She was the wife of a nomarch who lived during the 6th Dynasty. Nebet held the most prestigious administrative title of Magistrate, Judge and Vizier to the Pharaoh. Although much less frequently than their male counterparts, women did find work as scribes and as doctors. Records exist of female physicians, going as far back as the Old Kingdom. One such woman was Lady Pesheshet, who lived during the 5th Dynasty. She held the title of "Overseer of Physicians," according to the inscription on herstela (in an Old Kingdom tomb, discovered during the 20th century of our era). Lady Pesheshet is regarded by scholars as the first female physician in recorded history.
r (pyramid) were created with astronomy, geomitry and trig. They were stilyzed after the primeval mound. (where life originated) ex the Great Pyramid is situated so that the relationship btwn its circumference and its height is the same as the relationship btwn the earth's circomfrance and its radius at the pole. when Professor Charles Pazzi Smyth measured the pyramid's height the equation comes to at 10:9 ration resulting a measurement equal to the mean distance of the earth to the sun.
Female doctors exercised their skills and knowledge under thesupervision of Lady Pesheshet, the earliest female physician in history(5th Dynasty)
the spirit of ancient egypt
ana ruiz
Past Life Rememberance : Seth 1950's maybe?
why cant I just have visions of Fox's past life, at least I know she is interested in knowing.
Athena's Echo - thank you for helping me think of the names ! Elain Meldon - officers Fields and Dalton.
Elain Meldon brushed off the dust from her blue-grey suit after getting out of her car. It had been a gift from her late husband. She started at it for a moment, its blackness shining in the setting sun. She clutched her briefcase hard in her hand and began the walk toward the large manner. She wasnt used to being near such opulence, and wondered if her suit too shaby. She was, after all, only a teacher.
She wondered how she got designated for this in the first place. Certainly Seth Nightingale had donated handsomely to every community charity conceivable, but he had also built a new library for the school. Somehow, the school had asked her to go thank him and he was to sign papers for something Elaine didn't know about. She carried them with her right now. She knew she could have looked at the papers, but truly didnt feel like doing so. It made her uneasy.
She suspected Mr. Nightingale made them more uneasy. The Bord members and the principle would always shuffle their feet and avert their eyes when talking about him. As if there was some terrifying secret lurking underneath the surface of the 25 yr old man's smooth and perfect facade.
Elain made her way up the sidewalk, gazing up at the massive structure. She had never been so close to such a manner. The walkway was swept clear and there was a butler waiting at the door. She began to get nervous - what was she doing here so late? She watched the blazing red of the sun disappear down the horizon.
Dalton pulled their dust colored car up the ridiculously long, extensive driveway. He was a simple man and the idea of this manner being about as large as a small town offended his sensibilities. What could one person possibly need all that room for? he could feel his partner eye him. Fields had been on the force for two years, but was very layed back. That is probably why they were assigned together. Fields didnt much like spying on the Manor or its owner - but he ddint complain overly much. They were surprised to find another car there.
This didnt sit well with Dalton. He'd already suspected Nightingale of 12 murders - problem was ... there was no proof. The only thing that connected Nightingale with the victims were that they were all assigned to the orphanage or group homes or even the foster parents Nightingale had lived. To him, this was a BIG connection, to his cheife however, it meant little - it was a mere coincidence -- though, it could mean that Nightingale had exposure to or knew the murderer. Dalton wondered on occasion, how this man became chief.
Seth sat in his leather chair. Behind his desk in front of a large window. The curtains were drawn back so that anyone who knew where his office was, would be certain to see him. he watched Elaine Meldon as she approached the door. Even from where he sat, he thought her rather lovely. He often wondered if he thought this way because she was different than most people. She was polite, kind and it always seemed to him that she had infinite patience. He pondered that it was her own personal light, the light of a pure heart that shone through her very skin. She wasnt overly beautiful as common standards went.
She carried herself with assurance and a bit of trepidation. He watched as she gazed at his manor, the woods. He wondered if she liked them. He took a deep breath, began to rise out of his chair when he saw the tan, dust colored car pull up. He had been interviewed by Dalton too many times not to recognize him. This was not a good time for a visit for either Ms Meldon or the two of them, for tonight, two of the most dangerous of his prey would arriving soon. Probably within the hour. His first priority was to get Ms Meldon to a safe spot, the policemen would be safest outside.
He continued to wait for one of his servants to tell him the teacher had arrived, pulling out a black onyx ball, gazing in it to see his inner demon. Long ago - when he was perhaps 8, he had found a text on how to summon - not fully understanding what he was doing, he'd followed the instructions. There was much he did not remember of the following years - except for the battle of 'dominance'. He did not win it precisely, however they had merged to form a cohesive whole. Two entities, intertwined, so much part of the other that the line of division was not clearly defined.
Using the onyx they could see each other and communicate as if they were still separate beings. As always bits of his childhood would flash before his eyes, usually when he was covered in blood - singing or laughing, playing amongst what ever victim had been chosen that time. Seth had stopped counting them long ago. There were only two left. Would that keep them both satisfied so that he could live out his life? Perhaps find peace? Or at the very least calm complacency. Could he ever close his eyes to the horrors of human kind - kept hidden in his Manner and social obligations knowing that half the people with whom the 'wealthy' associated with were just as debase as those he had removed?
'these last two will not be easy' his demon half said - they are the same as I - different than us.
In the Onyx he saw the two in question, had penetrated his Manor through the basement, and were setting it up, laying traps. He vaguely wondered if there was a reason for these two to hunt him this way. Perhaps they had made the same connection as the good officer Dalton. Seth definitely had a grudging respect for Detective Dalton and his, very tense, yet polite partner.
The door opened, his doorman asking where to put the teacher - he paused. not this room, it smelled to strongly of busines, but the lady wouldn't be comfortable in too informal a setting. The tea room he decided. It was comfortable, bu there would be a table in between them.
He took a last look in his onyx - then told his door man, that after tea was brought to the lady, that they should all leave. He wasnt in the mood to smell dead servant - it certainly was not on his agenda. In his onyx he saw their real faces, twisted. Not like us? he pondered for a minute on what that might mean.
he had not more time to ponder this - as he had to meet with Mrs Meldon.
Elaine watched the man walk in, ten years ago he had been her student. As he walked in the room, the temperature seemed to plummet, it was as if there was a presence behind his eyes, that reflected its own separate inelegance. She suppressed a shudder. She could not take her eyes of him. His every move was graceful as he made and poured tea, the was quite polite and fluid of speech as they talked. The papers, she found out was [insert something plausibly interesting ]
Seth felt the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. they had finished in the basement and now quietly making their way up through the house. He hadnt meant to keep Mrs. Meldon so long, but he had enjoyed talking to her. He had also wanted to dispel her fear of him. He could smell it rising off of her skin, though she did not betray it from her actions. Her voice only having a bit of a nervous edge. But he had kept her too long...
To her surprise, he took her to another room that was cavernous in nature to show her the charts and diagrams - explaining things to her as if she were important as a Bord member. He offered her dinner, though she didnt want to take it, she agreed. He was a very pleasant companion, though she felt as if something were going on just beyond her sight - something incredibly dangerous and sinister.
Dalton explained for what seemed the hundredth time, that they were just waiting to see what was going to happen. Fields was confused as to why they were so obviously in the long drive way, he refused to justify that - other than he was sure that if Nightingale acted - he wouldn't care who was there to see it. Dalton's informant had told him of two people hiking though the hills and woods behind the manner - Dalton suspected they were trying to get in it as subversely as possible.He had no basis for this assumption as Fields had pointed out.
There was a noise - Elaina couldnt help but jump - she looked around - Seth had looked around himself, but in a specific direction, concentrating. When he turned back to her, it was as if his face was a combination of something not of this world and his own. He took a step toward her, reaching her hand out and she instantly responded by stumbling backwards.
He stopped, a strange sadness filled his continuance. It was then that Elaine felt another presence. One should could only describe as heavy, large, mobile, but safe and comforting as well. It soothed her as if it were armor.
"Do not fear this one.' it told her "he is not the one you should fear. I will stay with you."
Tentatively she took his hand
Elaine looked at the detectives, not sure at all how she got outside, or where Seth had gone to.
Athena's Echo - thank you for helping me think of the names ! Elain Meldon - officers Fields and Dalton.
Elain Meldon brushed off the dust from her blue-grey suit after getting out of her car. It had been a gift from her late husband. She started at it for a moment, its blackness shining in the setting sun. She clutched her briefcase hard in her hand and began the walk toward the large manner. She wasnt used to being near such opulence, and wondered if her suit too shaby. She was, after all, only a teacher.
She wondered how she got designated for this in the first place. Certainly Seth Nightingale had donated handsomely to every community charity conceivable, but he had also built a new library for the school. Somehow, the school had asked her to go thank him and he was to sign papers for something Elaine didn't know about. She carried them with her right now. She knew she could have looked at the papers, but truly didnt feel like doing so. It made her uneasy.
She suspected Mr. Nightingale made them more uneasy. The Bord members and the principle would always shuffle their feet and avert their eyes when talking about him. As if there was some terrifying secret lurking underneath the surface of the 25 yr old man's smooth and perfect facade.
Elain made her way up the sidewalk, gazing up at the massive structure. She had never been so close to such a manner. The walkway was swept clear and there was a butler waiting at the door. She began to get nervous - what was she doing here so late? She watched the blazing red of the sun disappear down the horizon.
Dalton pulled their dust colored car up the ridiculously long, extensive driveway. He was a simple man and the idea of this manner being about as large as a small town offended his sensibilities. What could one person possibly need all that room for? he could feel his partner eye him. Fields had been on the force for two years, but was very layed back. That is probably why they were assigned together. Fields didnt much like spying on the Manor or its owner - but he ddint complain overly much. They were surprised to find another car there.
This didnt sit well with Dalton. He'd already suspected Nightingale of 12 murders - problem was ... there was no proof. The only thing that connected Nightingale with the victims were that they were all assigned to the orphanage or group homes or even the foster parents Nightingale had lived. To him, this was a BIG connection, to his cheife however, it meant little - it was a mere coincidence -- though, it could mean that Nightingale had exposure to or knew the murderer. Dalton wondered on occasion, how this man became chief.
Seth sat in his leather chair. Behind his desk in front of a large window. The curtains were drawn back so that anyone who knew where his office was, would be certain to see him. he watched Elaine Meldon as she approached the door. Even from where he sat, he thought her rather lovely. He often wondered if he thought this way because she was different than most people. She was polite, kind and it always seemed to him that she had infinite patience. He pondered that it was her own personal light, the light of a pure heart that shone through her very skin. She wasnt overly beautiful as common standards went.
She carried herself with assurance and a bit of trepidation. He watched as she gazed at his manor, the woods. He wondered if she liked them. He took a deep breath, began to rise out of his chair when he saw the tan, dust colored car pull up. He had been interviewed by Dalton too many times not to recognize him. This was not a good time for a visit for either Ms Meldon or the two of them, for tonight, two of the most dangerous of his prey would arriving soon. Probably within the hour. His first priority was to get Ms Meldon to a safe spot, the policemen would be safest outside.
He continued to wait for one of his servants to tell him the teacher had arrived, pulling out a black onyx ball, gazing in it to see his inner demon. Long ago - when he was perhaps 8, he had found a text on how to summon - not fully understanding what he was doing, he'd followed the instructions. There was much he did not remember of the following years - except for the battle of 'dominance'. He did not win it precisely, however they had merged to form a cohesive whole. Two entities, intertwined, so much part of the other that the line of division was not clearly defined.
Using the onyx they could see each other and communicate as if they were still separate beings. As always bits of his childhood would flash before his eyes, usually when he was covered in blood - singing or laughing, playing amongst what ever victim had been chosen that time. Seth had stopped counting them long ago. There were only two left. Would that keep them both satisfied so that he could live out his life? Perhaps find peace? Or at the very least calm complacency. Could he ever close his eyes to the horrors of human kind - kept hidden in his Manner and social obligations knowing that half the people with whom the 'wealthy' associated with were just as debase as those he had removed?
'these last two will not be easy' his demon half said - they are the same as I - different than us.
In the Onyx he saw the two in question, had penetrated his Manor through the basement, and were setting it up, laying traps. He vaguely wondered if there was a reason for these two to hunt him this way. Perhaps they had made the same connection as the good officer Dalton. Seth definitely had a grudging respect for Detective Dalton and his, very tense, yet polite partner.
The door opened, his doorman asking where to put the teacher - he paused. not this room, it smelled to strongly of busines, but the lady wouldn't be comfortable in too informal a setting. The tea room he decided. It was comfortable, bu there would be a table in between them.
He took a last look in his onyx - then told his door man, that after tea was brought to the lady, that they should all leave. He wasnt in the mood to smell dead servant - it certainly was not on his agenda. In his onyx he saw their real faces, twisted. Not like us? he pondered for a minute on what that might mean.
he had not more time to ponder this - as he had to meet with Mrs Meldon.
Elaine watched the man walk in, ten years ago he had been her student. As he walked in the room, the temperature seemed to plummet, it was as if there was a presence behind his eyes, that reflected its own separate inelegance. She suppressed a shudder. She could not take her eyes of him. His every move was graceful as he made and poured tea, the was quite polite and fluid of speech as they talked. The papers, she found out was [insert something plausibly interesting ]
Seth felt the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. they had finished in the basement and now quietly making their way up through the house. He hadnt meant to keep Mrs. Meldon so long, but he had enjoyed talking to her. He had also wanted to dispel her fear of him. He could smell it rising off of her skin, though she did not betray it from her actions. Her voice only having a bit of a nervous edge. But he had kept her too long...
To her surprise, he took her to another room that was cavernous in nature to show her the charts and diagrams - explaining things to her as if she were important as a Bord member. He offered her dinner, though she didnt want to take it, she agreed. He was a very pleasant companion, though she felt as if something were going on just beyond her sight - something incredibly dangerous and sinister.
Dalton explained for what seemed the hundredth time, that they were just waiting to see what was going to happen. Fields was confused as to why they were so obviously in the long drive way, he refused to justify that - other than he was sure that if Nightingale acted - he wouldn't care who was there to see it. Dalton's informant had told him of two people hiking though the hills and woods behind the manner - Dalton suspected they were trying to get in it as subversely as possible.He had no basis for this assumption as Fields had pointed out.
There was a noise - Elaina couldnt help but jump - she looked around - Seth had looked around himself, but in a specific direction, concentrating. When he turned back to her, it was as if his face was a combination of something not of this world and his own. He took a step toward her, reaching her hand out and she instantly responded by stumbling backwards.
He stopped, a strange sadness filled his continuance. It was then that Elaine felt another presence. One should could only describe as heavy, large, mobile, but safe and comforting as well. It soothed her as if it were armor.
"Do not fear this one.' it told her "he is not the one you should fear. I will stay with you."
Tentatively she took his hand
Elaine looked at the detectives, not sure at all how she got outside, or where Seth had gone to.
how to make fun of self 101-- the expression of my agrivation of the mediocre writing I have been producing as of late
this is old, but funny
The night
was as a blot of ink.... clouds could barely be detected
hovering menacingly above the schloss schlemmin castle
if one stoped on could probably hear the wind and the book
debating the comming electricity
as it playfully jumped from cloud to cloud
on an occaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasion, a quick bicker of thunder could be heard
reaming through the sky
the air was heavy, one could suspect it was keeping the rain at bay
perhaps in legue with the thunder
whial the grass of later autumn pined away with the leaves on the surrounding treeeee
a pitty it was
that durring these hourse the colors of the slow death of summer, could not be appreciated
only the impending rain was on the mind of the guard
as he stood stifely at his post
it would be correct if the reader assumed he was impatiently
waiting for the day a small building would be built in which to house him
he should have a small building ok yes small building
the small gard building, aproxamately the size of a poor man's one room hut
was stationed just inside the iron worked gate.
one could wonder
was the gate and the surrounding iron fence (not to mention the small gard unit) there to keep people out
or in
the vast grounds it ecircled
we should not let our attention wander like this
he squints his eyes in the apporaching lite of the car of which make and modle I have not clue to
but it is shiney and black
the headlamps blinding the irritable gard
and the scattered lighting reflecting off the glass of the screen
He was fully prepared to open the heavey
o\(with swear word accompanyment Im sure)
however, much to the small minded man's surprise
and he was a bit jumpy
must be all the electricity in the air
MUCH to his surprise, the car did not pull in to be receaved. It stopped and out stepped a man.
at first
quite unremarkable
no lighting flashed at his presance
no thunder accompanied his foot steps
the wind seemed to greet him, surround him
for a moment wrapping around him like a panting obnoxious lover who doesnt know when to get a room
His black coat flapped around him as he took off his hat, holding it in the same hand as he heald the BROWN and worn, obviously over used briend case
and since Im taking the time to discribe the breaf case with the copper locking system
I should take a moment to talk about the shine on his very polished, highly expensive shoes as well
his feet trod on the packed eath with out a problem regardless of the small rocks and pit holes littering it
quite an accomplishemt dont you think??
The newly arived man IN BLACk handed over his papers of introduction as well as his id just as the surely guard demanded them
The gueard however, is incredably distracted by The Man In Black's appearance
not because the guard fancies men,,,, no no nothing like that,
however I will skip this time to explane why the guard is destracted
I must make you wait
but at least you know now
that there eeessss somezing about zis man in size Nior attire
then the man, sure as you please
with the grace and confidance of a cat stalking its prey
he walks up to the Main door of ze castle
(the dictating voice in my head is alternating between russian/german and french accest I must make fun of this as well, so please excuse me whial I do so)
standing in the center of the doorway
is the Butler
he is an older man
and he is waiting for the MAN IN BLACK to become visible in this, the night of a dark moon (where a dark man waits for a dark purpose --- oh wait, that's alladin)
but at first the oooooooooooonly thing the bulter can see
is the palor of THE MAN IN BLACK's face. For that is the only skin showing you see
he wears gloves
this man
as he purposefully, yet, casually walks in the dead of night, in the begining of the storm with only the bickering elements for company blah blah blah with his long ankle leingth BLACK coat whipping majestically behind him
how this is seen by the butler in the darkness I do not knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww maybe a lamp post to guid cars is lighting the way
for this is a castle
not just any castle but one
in germany
(somewhere, I foggotted where it is exactly but you should see the pictures,,,, so pretttyyyyyyyyyyyyy)
The butler, stands asside to allowe THE MAN IN BLACK's passage through the door.
he does NOT offer to take his coat and hat
he is pondering THE MAN IN BLACK's appearance
he has not shown a bit of the surprise he feel due the wonderful invention of the intercom/phone system the guard used to contact him , to let him know of the immanant arivel of
now here is where I describe MAN
whiail the butler takes him to
The Mother
who is waiting with a dinner tray for two
in her personal study
on the second floor
east wing
he is six feet or sooooooooooo maybe an inch or two more
he has 'aristocratic cheek bones' (no idea what the hell that is sposed to mean)
a rectangular shaped face (as apposed to triangle)
I have yet to decide on his mouth shape hahahahaha
he has roman nose
strong french jawline
and eyes the shape of a hawk
non of these are the things that are causing startlement
untill you take in account his EYES
his eyes
they are an unnatural shade of dark emerald green
did I meantion he looks like he is 17 yrs of age???
they were expecting a full grown MAN not this
teeney boper creapy ass moving thing
dumdumdudmdudm (yes big brass drumssssssssssssssssssss)
Bulter is quesey and wishes nothing more than to get away from this man
who he strongly suspects is a borderline psychotic
and his wish is granded by his mmistress
the stron prominant looking OLD LADY
just in case I dont get the time to mention this
since I have yet to figure out how to place her minor charactor flaw
(clears throte)
she too is surprised by his lack of age
and here
dear reader I have completely failed to describe the path he walked, the starecase
(the author crieys to the heavens
so back to the walk from the foyer \foy er
foy a (long a sound) the way they pronounce it in spiderman gives me the fucking chills
a a spider ohhh I should put one in here
a cluster of them
wonderful creatures arent they??
(author stops for a short cigaret break to curse her damn writers block)
how far are the stares, should they be in the turret
hmm maybe its just better this way (sobs the author in frustration)
as they walk
through the quite of the castle
those nicely polished shoes make
but you can hear the butler
this of course makes the butler a bit more edgey
is rather thinley built... but not imanciated,,, forgot to mention that earlier
so at least he isnt pale and gaunt.... that would just be way to overdone and look at that
forgot about his hair
since I make it a point to reveal he is carrying his hat insted of wearing it
His hair
is cut kinda hitler youth of america like
with a cross of 90's skater boy, ya know, volume on the top enough for his bangs to fall in his eyes a bit but other than that very cleanly cut around the ears and very short, kinda shaved in the back
and his hair is of course BLACK and shiney and pretty curley
those pretty soft curls........... sighhhhhhhhhhh
they are walking
walking walking
down a corridor type thing that should be uh
(no mr jones wrong movie)
but there must be tapestries
this is a castle
(ok, fine, midevil restored tapestires down the walkway toward the stares)
due to the unavalability of the floor plan ..... I think I will be rather inconsistant about the inner structure of the castle on purpose just to convey my frustration with the matter
(can THE MAN IN BLACK wear a zute suit??)
wrong era dear, wrong era
*how innapropriate* snif
where the fucking hells are the smells
I have no smells
yes so they are walking
down a corridor
with very georgous bright gaudy blue carpet and vivid crusadian tapestries
then all of the sudden it hits them both
the smell of gently falling rain
a complete contradiction to the quabbeling of the elements outside
as there is of course a draft mr jones
then they mount this completely unrealistic spiral starecase that leads to the
back enterance of the Main Studdy of
there she sits. waiting patiently for
there is lamplight, placed stratigically on eather side of her massive white desk (what kind of wood is that again)
seated in a high back chair, in a pose so utterly regal you would think she was royalty
her hair piled tastefully apon her head, with a string of jewles, looking as if she came from another time period, perhaps renasaunce france
her gey eyes are small yet pericing, and she is emitting a massive amount of presance
she is not one with whom to fuck in other words
as old as she is
she posseses a vitatity that belays her age... hmm hows that sentace
she then dismisses the butler who wants nothing more than to get away from
(every time I type that I hear this really deep man voice and there is a slight echo)
She eyes him
not with suspicion
nor with curiosity
but a penatrating look as if she is attempting to discover his secrets
for even though he looks about seventeen
he has been known to THE FAMALIES for as long, as she can remember, even before her time
(there should be a crack of thunder followed by a ream of lightening,,, but so cleache)
*its actually raining like that rt now, which is why it keeps wiggalling its way in here)
The smells of the food (what ever is on the tray 0---- I know STUFFED PHEASANT -- apracot glazed
with a side of asparagus
two glasses have been provided next to a cherry bottle
has been called here because of his capacaty as the finest mentor
not to mention his knack for selective breeding through genetic manipulations
kinda like
if we were horses. or doggies
he pairs people
he also trains them
for what
you may very well wonder
Im NOT gonna tell rt now
you know there's more to it
he is there to train her successor
that she has a successor is entirely secret,
only three people now know
hubby, matron evil bitch and THE MAN IN BLACK
and i end it all there
he does prove his resourcefullness by bringing the gods be damned floor plans
and files on every person living in the castle
(more big brass drum roll)
the scientists,, doctors and sugjects
(maniacle laughter)
as he leaves
he throws away his attache case
takes his hat and coat
but puts neither of them on
did I meantion
he is wearing all black?
The night
was as a blot of ink.... clouds could barely be detected
hovering menacingly above the schloss schlemmin castle
if one stoped on could probably hear the wind and the book
debating the comming electricity
as it playfully jumped from cloud to cloud
on an occaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasion, a quick bicker of thunder could be heard
reaming through the sky
the air was heavy, one could suspect it was keeping the rain at bay
perhaps in legue with the thunder
whial the grass of later autumn pined away with the leaves on the surrounding treeeee
a pitty it was
that durring these hourse the colors of the slow death of summer, could not be appreciated
only the impending rain was on the mind of the guard
as he stood stifely at his post
it would be correct if the reader assumed he was impatiently
waiting for the day a small building would be built in which to house him
he should have a small building ok yes small building
the small gard building, aproxamately the size of a poor man's one room hut
was stationed just inside the iron worked gate.
one could wonder
was the gate and the surrounding iron fence (not to mention the small gard unit) there to keep people out
or in
the vast grounds it ecircled
we should not let our attention wander like this
he squints his eyes in the apporaching lite of the car of which make and modle I have not clue to
but it is shiney and black
the headlamps blinding the irritable gard
and the scattered lighting reflecting off the glass of the screen
He was fully prepared to open the heavey
o\(with swear word accompanyment Im sure)
however, much to the small minded man's surprise
and he was a bit jumpy
must be all the electricity in the air
MUCH to his surprise, the car did not pull in to be receaved. It stopped and out stepped a man.
at first
quite unremarkable
no lighting flashed at his presance
no thunder accompanied his foot steps
the wind seemed to greet him, surround him
for a moment wrapping around him like a panting obnoxious lover who doesnt know when to get a room
His black coat flapped around him as he took off his hat, holding it in the same hand as he heald the BROWN and worn, obviously over used briend case
and since Im taking the time to discribe the breaf case with the copper locking system
I should take a moment to talk about the shine on his very polished, highly expensive shoes as well
his feet trod on the packed eath with out a problem regardless of the small rocks and pit holes littering it
quite an accomplishemt dont you think??
The newly arived man IN BLACk handed over his papers of introduction as well as his id just as the surely guard demanded them
The gueard however, is incredably distracted by The Man In Black's appearance
not because the guard fancies men,,,, no no nothing like that,
however I will skip this time to explane why the guard is destracted
I must make you wait
but at least you know now
that there eeessss somezing about zis man in size Nior attire
then the man, sure as you please
with the grace and confidance of a cat stalking its prey
he walks up to the Main door of ze castle
(the dictating voice in my head is alternating between russian/german and french accest I must make fun of this as well, so please excuse me whial I do so)
standing in the center of the doorway
is the Butler
he is an older man
and he is waiting for the MAN IN BLACK to become visible in this, the night of a dark moon (where a dark man waits for a dark purpose --- oh wait, that's alladin)
but at first the oooooooooooonly thing the bulter can see
is the palor of THE MAN IN BLACK's face. For that is the only skin showing you see
he wears gloves
this man
as he purposefully, yet, casually walks in the dead of night, in the begining of the storm with only the bickering elements for company blah blah blah with his long ankle leingth BLACK coat whipping majestically behind him
how this is seen by the butler in the darkness I do not knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww maybe a lamp post to guid cars is lighting the way
for this is a castle
not just any castle but one
in germany
(somewhere, I foggotted where it is exactly but you should see the pictures,,,, so pretttyyyyyyyyyyyyy)
The butler, stands asside to allowe THE MAN IN BLACK's passage through the door.
he does NOT offer to take his coat and hat
he is pondering THE MAN IN BLACK's appearance
he has not shown a bit of the surprise he feel due the wonderful invention of the intercom/phone system the guard used to contact him , to let him know of the immanant arivel of
now here is where I describe MAN
whiail the butler takes him to
The Mother
who is waiting with a dinner tray for two
in her personal study
on the second floor
east wing
he is six feet or sooooooooooo maybe an inch or two more
he has 'aristocratic cheek bones' (no idea what the hell that is sposed to mean)
a rectangular shaped face (as apposed to triangle)
I have yet to decide on his mouth shape hahahahaha
he has roman nose
strong french jawline
and eyes the shape of a hawk
non of these are the things that are causing startlement
untill you take in account his EYES
his eyes
they are an unnatural shade of dark emerald green
did I meantion he looks like he is 17 yrs of age???
they were expecting a full grown MAN not this
teeney boper creapy ass moving thing
dumdumdudmdudm (yes big brass drumssssssssssssssssssss)
Bulter is quesey and wishes nothing more than to get away from this man
who he strongly suspects is a borderline psychotic
and his wish is granded by his mmistress
the stron prominant looking OLD LADY
just in case I dont get the time to mention this
since I have yet to figure out how to place her minor charactor flaw
(clears throte)
she too is surprised by his lack of age
and here
dear reader I have completely failed to describe the path he walked, the starecase
(the author crieys to the heavens
so back to the walk from the foyer \foy er
foy a (long a sound) the way they pronounce it in spiderman gives me the fucking chills
a a spider ohhh I should put one in here
a cluster of them
wonderful creatures arent they??
(author stops for a short cigaret break to curse her damn writers block)
how far are the stares, should they be in the turret
hmm maybe its just better this way (sobs the author in frustration)
as they walk
through the quite of the castle
those nicely polished shoes make
but you can hear the butler
this of course makes the butler a bit more edgey
is rather thinley built... but not imanciated,,, forgot to mention that earlier
so at least he isnt pale and gaunt.... that would just be way to overdone and look at that
forgot about his hair
since I make it a point to reveal he is carrying his hat insted of wearing it
His hair
is cut kinda hitler youth of america like
with a cross of 90's skater boy, ya know, volume on the top enough for his bangs to fall in his eyes a bit but other than that very cleanly cut around the ears and very short, kinda shaved in the back
and his hair is of course BLACK and shiney and pretty curley
those pretty soft curls........... sighhhhhhhhhhh
they are walking
walking walking
down a corridor type thing that should be uh
(no mr jones wrong movie)
but there must be tapestries
this is a castle
(ok, fine, midevil restored tapestires down the walkway toward the stares)
due to the unavalability of the floor plan ..... I think I will be rather inconsistant about the inner structure of the castle on purpose just to convey my frustration with the matter
(can THE MAN IN BLACK wear a zute suit??)
wrong era dear, wrong era
*how innapropriate* snif
where the fucking hells are the smells
I have no smells
yes so they are walking
down a corridor
with very georgous bright gaudy blue carpet and vivid crusadian tapestries
then all of the sudden it hits them both
the smell of gently falling rain
a complete contradiction to the quabbeling of the elements outside
as there is of course a draft mr jones
then they mount this completely unrealistic spiral starecase that leads to the
back enterance of the Main Studdy of
there she sits. waiting patiently for
there is lamplight, placed stratigically on eather side of her massive white desk (what kind of wood is that again)
seated in a high back chair, in a pose so utterly regal you would think she was royalty
her hair piled tastefully apon her head, with a string of jewles, looking as if she came from another time period, perhaps renasaunce france
her gey eyes are small yet pericing, and she is emitting a massive amount of presance
she is not one with whom to fuck in other words
as old as she is
she posseses a vitatity that belays her age... hmm hows that sentace
she then dismisses the butler who wants nothing more than to get away from
(every time I type that I hear this really deep man voice and there is a slight echo)
She eyes him
not with suspicion
nor with curiosity
but a penatrating look as if she is attempting to discover his secrets
for even though he looks about seventeen
he has been known to THE FAMALIES for as long, as she can remember, even before her time
(there should be a crack of thunder followed by a ream of lightening,,, but so cleache)
*its actually raining like that rt now, which is why it keeps wiggalling its way in here)
The smells of the food (what ever is on the tray 0---- I know STUFFED PHEASANT -- apracot glazed
with a side of asparagus
two glasses have been provided next to a cherry bottle
has been called here because of his capacaty as the finest mentor
not to mention his knack for selective breeding through genetic manipulations
kinda like
if we were horses. or doggies
he pairs people
he also trains them
for what
you may very well wonder
Im NOT gonna tell rt now
you know there's more to it
he is there to train her successor
that she has a successor is entirely secret,
only three people now know
hubby, matron evil bitch and THE MAN IN BLACK
and i end it all there
he does prove his resourcefullness by bringing the gods be damned floor plans
and files on every person living in the castle
(more big brass drum roll)
the scientists,, doctors and sugjects
(maniacle laughter)
as he leaves
he throws away his attache case
takes his hat and coat
but puts neither of them on
did I meantion
he is wearing all black?
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