Friday, October 22, 2010

Exerps from the Spirit of Ancient Egypt by ANa ruiz

nlike any other ancient civilization, women were regarded asalmost equal to men. They were highly respected in ancient Egypt; socialstatus was determined by rank and not gender. Egyptian womenenjoyed more freedom, rights and privileges even than those of Greece,and myriad goddesses were venerated throughout Egypt's history.Showing disrespect to a woman, under the laws of Ma'at, meant goingagainst the basis of Egyptian beliefs and ultimate existence.A woman could even be legal heir to the throne, although it wasthe man she chose as husband who became ruler and pharaoh. It washer duty to preserve and to pass on the royal bloodline.Women enjoyed many legal rights. They participated in businesstransactions and owned, managed and sold land and private property.Women could arrange adoptions, liberate slaves, finalize legal settlementsand execute testaments. They could testify in court and bringsuit against other parties, and they could represent themselves in legaldisputes, without the presence of a male relative or representative.Many "professional" positions were open to women, such asmourner, weaver, baker, midwife and advisor to the pharaoh. Theycould also hold high positions in the temple, as dancers or high priestesses— a highly respected position.It was neither unusual nor forbidden for the self-made woman torise in status and position. One remarkable non-royal woman was Ne

bet. She was the wife of a nomarch who lived during the 6th Dynasty. Nebet held the most prestigious administrative title of Magistrate, Judge and Vizier to the Pharaoh. Although much less frequently than their male counterparts, women did find work as scribes and as doctors. Records exist of female physicians, going as far back as the Old Kingdom. One such woman was Lady Pesheshet, who lived during the 5th Dynasty. She held the title of "Overseer of Physicians," according to the inscription on herstela (in an Old Kingdom tomb, discovered during the 20th century of our era). Lady Pesheshet is regarded by scholars as the first female physician in recorded history.

r (pyramid) were created with astronomy, geomitry and trig. They were stilyzed after the primeval mound. (where life originated) ex the Great Pyramid is situated so that the relationship btwn its circumference and its height is the same as the relationship btwn the earth's circomfrance and its radius at the pole. when Professor Charles Pazzi Smyth measured the pyramid's height the equation comes to at 10:9 ration resulting a measurement equal to the mean distance of the earth to the sun.

Female doctors exercised their skills and knowledge under thesupervision of Lady Pesheshet, the earliest female physician in history(5th Dynasty)

the spirit of ancient egypt

ana ruiz

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