Procedures of healing for patient:
Procedure 1 Steps [Duration wk 1 & 2]: {Daily - 30 minutes x 2 times}
1. Draw energy from root chakra and bring up to the crown and back down in cycles. Mix the energies of all the chakras.
2. From the Ren 1 acupoint, bring energy up the Ren meridian. From the Du 1 acupoint, bring energy up the Du meridian.
3. As energy is brought up their respective meridian, make sure to gather as much energy from the Ren and Du meridian like a snow ball.
4. Bring the energy gathered from Ren and Du meridian to the crown chakra and let the crown chakra do it's work.
what really happens - after being told it would require intense concentration and energy I decided that since the chakras were in bad condition any way that I would, for the next two wks infuse the chakras with the vibrational and color needed to properly maintain them. Then I would choose particular 'songs' in sanskrit. As follows

This is a mantra for brahma
om prajapate na tvad etany anyo
visva jatani parita babhuva
yat kamas te juhumas tan no astu
vayam syama patayo rayinam
Seed letters (on the petals): Vam, Sham, Ssam, Sam
Bija Mantra: Lam

Shree Vinshu Mantra
Seed Letters : (on the petals) Bang, Bhang, Mang, Yang, Rang, Lang
Bija Mantra: Vam

Natarj, Nataraja, jai shiva shankara nataraja
Seed Letters: (on the petals right to left) dang, dhang, nang, tang, thang, dang, dhang, nang, pang, phang
Bija Mantra: Ram

Om Tryamlakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pusti - vardhanam |
Urva - rukamiva Bandhanan
Mrtyor - muksheeya Ma - amritat ||
Seed Letters: (right to left) Kang, khang, gang, ghang, nang, chang, chang, jang, jhang, nang, tang, thang
Bija Mantra: Yang

Guru Mantra
Seed Letters: am, aam, im, eem, um ,oom, rim, rdim, lim, llim, ehm, aim, ohm, aum, ang, ahang.
Bjia Mantra: Ham

Prapanca srsty unmukha lasyakayai
Samasta samharaka tandavaya
Jagaj jananyai jagad eka pitre
Nama sivayai ca namah sivaya
Seed Letters: (on the petals) hang. Kshang
Bija Mantra: Sham

The next part was spacifically for raising/storing potent and powerful energies - pluse I say these every day anyway.
Lotus of Light -
Vam, Sham, Ssam, Sam
Bang, Bhang, Mang, Yang, Rang, Lang
dang, dhang, nang, tang, thang, dang, dhang, nang, pang, phang
Kang, khang, gang, ghang, nang, chang, chang, jang, jhang, nang, tang, thang
am, aam, im, eem, um ,oom, rim, rdim, lim, llim, ehm, aim, ohm, aum, ang, ahang.
hang. Kshang
adi shakti -
adi shakti adi shaki adi shakti
namo namo srvah shakti srvah shakti namo namo
prytam bhagvati prytam bhagvati prytam bhavati namo namo
kundalini matun shakti matun shakti namo namo
Om bhuvbuhva swaha tatsavitur vardanyum
bhargo divasya demihi dyoyo na pratchodyat
shante prashante
shati preshante sarvabhya
um prashamani swaha shatin prashanti
shiva thandava stotram
Jatatavigalajjala pravahapavitasthale
Galeavalambya lambitam bhujangatungamalikam
Damad damad damaddama ninadavadamarvayam
Chakara chandtandavam tanotu nah shivah shivam .. 1
Jatakatahasambhrama bhramanilimpanirjhari
Vilolavichivalara ivirajamanamurdhani
Dhagadhagadhagajjva lalalatapattapavake
Kishorachandrashekhare ratih pratikshanam mama .. 2
Dharadharendrana ndinivilasabandhubandhura
Sphuradigantasantati pramodamanamanase
Krupakatakshadhorani nirudhadurdharapadi
Kvachidigambare manovinodametuvastuni .. 3
Jatabhujangapingala sphuratphanamaniprabha
Kadambakunkumadrava praliptadigvadhumukhe
Madandhasindhurasphura tvagutariyamedure
Mano vinodamadbhutam bibhartu bhutabhartari .. 4
Sahasralochanaprabhritya sheshalekhashekhara
Prasunadhulidhorani vidhusaranghripithabhuh
Bhujangarajamalaya nibaddhajatajutaka
Shriyai chiraya jayatam chakorabandhushekharah .. 5
Lalatachatvarajvala dhanajnjayasphulingabha
Nipitapajnchasayakam namannilimpanayakam
Sudhamayukhalekhaya virajamanashekharam
Mahakapalisampade shirojatalamastunah .. 6
Karalabhalapattika dhagaddhagaddhagajjvala
Ddhanajnjaya hutikruta prachandapajnchasayake
Dharadharendranandini kuchagrachitrapatraka
Prakalpanaikashilpini trilochane ratirmama .. 7
Navinameghamandali niruddhadurdharasphurat
Kuhunishithinitamah prabandhabaddhakandharah
Nilimpanirjharidharastanotu kruttisindhurah
Kalanidhanabandhurah shriyam jagaddhurandharah .. 8
Praphullanilapan kajaprapajnchakalimaprabha
Valambikanthakandali ruchiprabaddhakandharam
Smarachchidam purachchhidam bhavachchidam makhachchidam
Gajachchidandhakachidam tamamtakachchidam bhaje .. 9
Akharvagarvasarvamangala kalakadambamajnjari
Rasapravahamadhuri vijrumbhanamadhuvratam
Smarantakam purantakam bhavantakam makhantakam
Gajantakandhakantakam tamantakantakam bhaje .. 10
Jayatvadabhravibhrama bhramadbhujangamashvasa
Dvinirgamatkramasphurat karalabhalahavyavat
Dhimid dhimid dhimidhvanan mrudangatungamangala
Dhvanikramapravartita prachandatandavah shivah .. 11
Drushadvichitratalpayor bhujangamauktikasrajor
Garishtharatnaloshthayoh suhrudvipakshapakshayoh
Trushnaravindachakshushoh prajamahimahendrayoh
Samapravrutikahsamam pravartayanmanahkada sadashivam bhaje .. 12
Kada nilimpanirjharinikujnjakotare vasanh
Vimuktadurmatih sada shirah sthamajnjalim vahanh
Vimuktalolalochano lalamabhalalagnakah
Shiveti mantramuchcharan sada sukhi bhavamyaham .. 13
Idam hi nityamevamuktamuttamottamam stavam
Pathansmaranbruvannaro vishuddhimetisantatam
Hare gurau subhaktimashu yati nanyatha gatim
Vimohanam hi dehinam sushankarasya chintanam .. 14
Pujavasanasamaye dashavaktragitam
Yah shambhupujanaparam pathati pradoshhe
Tasya sthiram rathagajendraturangayuktam
Lakshmim sadaiva sumukhim pradadati shambhuh .. 15
venkatesa stotrum
1. Kamalakucha choochuka kunkumatho
Niyatharunithathula neelathano
Kamalayatha lochana lokapathe
Vijayeebhava Venkatasaila pathe
2. Sachadhurmukha shanmukha panchamukha
Pram ukakhila daivatha mouli mane
Saranagatha vathsala saranidhe
Paripalayamam vrishasailapathe
3. Athivelathaya thava durvishahai
Ranuvela Kruthairaparada sathai:
Paritham thvaritham vrishasailapathe
Paraya krupaya paripahi Hare
4. Adhivenkata saila mudaramather
Janathabimathadhika danarathath Paradevathaya gathithannigamai:
Kamaladayithtanna param kalaye
5. Kalavenuravavasa gopa vadhu
Sathakoti vrithath smarakoti samath
Prathivalla vikabhimathath sukhadhath
Vasudeva suthanna paramkalaye
6. Abhirama gunakara dasarathe
Jagadeka danurdhara dheeramathe
Raghunayaka Rama Ramesa vibho
Varadho bhava deva daya jaladhe
7. Avaneethanaya kamaneeyakaram
Rajaneechara charu mukhamburuham
Rajaneechara raja thamo mihiram
Mahaneeyamaham Raghuramamay
8. Sumukham Suhrudam Sulabham sukhadam
Swanujam cha Sukhayamamogha—
Saram Apahaya Raghudwaha manyamaham
Na kathnchana kanchana jathu bhaje
9. Vinaa Venkatesam nanatho nanatha:
Sadaa Venkatesam smarami smarami
Hare Venkatesa Praseeda Praseeda
Priyam Venkatesa Prayachha Prayachha
10. Aham doorathasthe padamboja yugma
Pranamechaya gathya sevam karomi
Sakruthsevaya nithyasevapalam thvam
Prayachha prayachha prabho Venkatesa
11. Agnanina maya doshaanaseshan vihithan Hare
Kshamasvathm kshamasvathvam
Aarti Devichi
Durge Durghatbhari Tujvin Sansari |
Anath Nathe Ambe Karuna Vistari ||
Vari Vari Janma Marnache Vari |
Haari Padalo Aata Sankat Nivari ||
Jai Devi Jai Devi Jai Mahishasur Mardini |
Survar IshwarWarDe Taarak Sanjeewani ||
Tribhuvan Bhuvane Pahata Tuj Aise Nahi |
Charhi Shramlo Parantu Na Bolve Kahi ||
Sahi Vivad Ghadala Padalo Pravahi |
Tetu Bhakta Lage Pavashi Lavalahi ||
Prasanna Vadane Prasanna Hoshi Nij Dasa |
Klesha Pasuni Sodavi Todavi Bhavpasha ||
Ambe Tuj Vachun Kon Purvil Asha |
Narhar Talleen Jhale Padpankaj Lesha ||
Mahisasura mardini stotram
Ayi giri nandini, nandhitha medhini,
Viswa vinodhini nandanuthe,
Girivara vindhya sirodhi nivasini,
Vishnu Vilasini Jishnu nuthe,
Bhagawathi hey sithi kanda kudumbini,
Bhoori kudumbini bhoori kruthe,
Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini,
Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe.
Suravara varshini, durdara darshini,
Durmukhamarshani, harsha rathe,
Tribhuvana poshini, Sankara thoshini,
Kilbisisha moshini, ghosha rathe,
Danuja niroshini, Dithisutha roshini,
Durmatha soshini, Sindhu suthe,
Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini ,
Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 2
Ayi Jagadambha Madambha , Kadambha,
Vana priya vasini, Hasarathe,
Shikhari siromani, thunga Himalaya,
Srunga nijalaya, madhyagathe,
Madhu Madure, Mdhukaitabha banjini,
Kaitabha banjini, rasa rathe,
Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini ,
Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 3
Ayi satha kanda, vikanditha runda,
Vithunditha shunda, Gajathipathe,
Ripu Gaja ganda , Vidhaarana chanda,
Paraakrama shunda, mrugathipathe,
Nija bhuja danda nipaathitha khanda,
Vipaathitha munda, bhatathipathe,
Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini ,
Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 4
Ayi rana durmathaShathru vadhothitha,
Durdhara nirjjara, shakthi bruthe,
Chathura vicharadureena maha shiva,
Duthatkrutha pramadhipathe,
Duritha Dureeha, dhurasaya durmathi,
Dhanava dhutha kruithaanthamathe,
Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini ,
Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 5
Ayi saranagatha vairi vadhuvara,
Veera varaa bhaya dhayakare,
Tribhuvana masthaka soola virodhi,
Sirodhi krithamala shoolakare,
Dimidmi thaamara dundubinadha mahaa
Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini ,
Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 6
Ayi nija huum kruthimathra niraakrutha,
Dhoomra vilochana Dhoomra sathe,
Samara vishoshitha sonitha bheeja,
Samudhbhava sonitha bheejalathe,
Shiva shiva shumbha nishumbhamaha hava,
Tarpitha bhootha pisacha rathe,
Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini ,
Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 7
Dhanu ranushanga rana kshana sanga,
Parisphuradanga natath katake,
Kanaka pishanga brushathka nishanga,
Rasadbhata shrunga hatavatuke,
Kritha chaturanga bala kshithirangakadath ,
Bahuranga ratadhpatuke,
Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini ,
Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 8
Oh! Mother, the source of sound, You rejoice at the movements of the
celestial dancers who dance to the rhythm of the sounds "thatatho
thatatho thatatho" and "kukutha kukutha kukutha" and "ga ga dha".
Their drum beats creates the sound "kuthu dhukutha dhimi"
________ 8.7
jaya jaya japya jayejaya shabda ,
Parastuti tatpara vishvanute ,
Bhana Bhanabhinjimi bhingrutha noopura,
Sinjitha mohitha bhootha pathe,
Nadintha nataartha nadi nada nayaka,
Naditha natya sugaanarathe,
Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini ,
Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 9
Ayi sumana sumana,
Sumana sumanohara kanthiyuthe,
Sritha rajani rajani rajani,
Rajaneekaravakthra vruthe,
Sunayana vibhramarabhrama,
Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini ,
Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 10
Sahitha maha hava mallama hallika,
Mallitharallaka mallarathe,
Virachithavallika pallika mallika billika ,
Bhillika varga Vruthe,
Sithakruthapulli samulla sitharuna,
Thallaja pallava sallalithe,
Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini ,
Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 11
Avirala ganda kalatha mada medura,
Matha matanga rajapathe,
Tribhuvana bhooshana bhootha kalanidhi,
Roopa payonidhi raja suthe,
Ayi suda thijjana lalasa manasa ,
Mohana manmatha raja suthe,
Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini ,
Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 12
Kamala dalaamala komala kanthi,
Kala kalithaamala bala lathe,
Sakala vilasa Kala nilayakrama,
Keli chalathkala hamsa kule,
Alikula sankula kuvalaya mandala ,
Mauli miladh bhakulalikule,
Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini ,
Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 13
Kara murali rava veejitha koojitha,
Lajjitha kokila manjumathe,
Militha pulinda manohara kunchitha,
Ranchitha shaila nikunjakathe,
Nija guna bhootha maha sabari gana,
Sathguna sambrutha kelithale,
Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini ,
Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 14
Kati thata peetha dukoola vichithra,
Mayuka thiraskrutha Chandra ruche,
Pranatha suraasura mouli mani sphura ,
Damsula sannka Chandra ruche,
Jitha kanakachala maulipadorjitha,
Nirbhara kunjara kumbhakuche,
Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini ,
Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 15
Vijitha sahasra karaika sahasrakaraika,
Sarakaraika nuthe,
Krutha sutha tharaka sangaratharaka,
Sangaratharaka soonu suthe,
Suratha Samadhi samana Samadhi,
Samadhi Samadhi sujatharathe,
Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini ,
Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 16
Padakamalam karuna nilaye varivasyathi,
yo anudhinam sa shive,
Ayi kamale kamala nilaye kamala nilaya
Sa katham na bhaveth,
Thava padameva param ithi
Anusheelayatho mama kim na shive,
Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini ,
Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 17
Kanakala sathkala sindhu jalairanu
Sinjinuthe guna ranga bhuvam,
Bhajathi sa kim na Shachi kucha kumbha
Thati pari rambha sukhanubhavam,
Thava charanam saranam kara vani
Nataamaravaaninivasi shivam,
Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini ,
Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 18
Thava Vimalendu kulam vadnedumalam
Sakalayananu kulayathe,
Kimu puruhootha pureendu mukhi
Sumukhibhee rasou vimukhi kriyathe,
Mama thu matham shivanama dhane
Bhavathi krupaya kimu na kriyathe,
Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini ,
Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 19
Ayi mai deena dayalu thaya krupayaiva
Thvaya bhavthavyam ume,
Ayi jagatho janani kripayaa asi
thatha anumithasi rathe
Na yaduchitham atra bhavathvya rari kurutha,
durutha pamapakarute
Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini ,
Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 20
Brahma Muraari Suraarchita Lingam
Nirmala Bhashita Shobhita Lingam
Janmaja Dukha Vinaashaka Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam
Devamuni Pravaraarchita Lingam
Kaamadaham Karunaakara Lingam
Raavana Darpa Vinaashaka Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sada Shiva Lingam
Sarva Sugandha Sulepitha Lingam
Buddhi Vivardhana Kaarana Lingam
Siddha Suraasura Vanditha Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam
Kanaka Mahaamani Bhushitha Lingam
Phanipathi Veshtitha Shobhitha Lingam
Daksha Suyajna Vinaashaka Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam
Kumkuma Chandana Lepitha Lingam
Pankaja Haara Sushobhitha Lingam
Sanchitha Paapa Vinaashaka Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam
Devaganaarchitha Sevitha Lingam
Bhaavair Bhakti Bhirevacha Lingam
Dinakara Koti Prabhakara Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam
Ashta Dalopari Veshtitha Lingam
Sarva Samudbhava Kaarana Lingam
Ashta Daridra Vinaashaka Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam
Suraguru Suravara Pujitha Lingam
Suravana Pushpa Sadaarchitha Lingam
Paraatparam Paramatmaka Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam
Lingashtaka Midam Punyam
Yah Pathet Sivasannidhau
Sivaloka Mavaapnoti
Sivehna Saha Modatheh
various genesh
heart sutra - sanskrit
"arya-avalokitesvara bodhisattva gambhiram prashnaparamitacharyam charamano vyavalokayati sma: panja-skandhas (asascha) shvabhavashunyan pashyati sma.
iha shariputra rupam shunyum shunyataiva rupam,
rupan na prithak shunyata(shrum) shunyataya na prithasag rupam,
yad rupam sa shunyata ya (shrun) sunyata tad rupam; evam eva vedana-samjna-samskara-vijnanam.
iha shariputra sarva-dharmah shunyata-lakshana, anutpanna aniruddha, amala avimala, anuna aparipurnah.
tasmac shariputra sunyatayam na rupam na vedana na samjna na samskarah na vijnanam.
na chaksuh- tra-ghrana-jihva-kaya-manamsi. na rupa-shabda-gandha-rasa-sprastavya-dharmah.
na caksur-dhatur yavan na manovijnana-dhatuh. na-avidya na-avidya-ksayo yavan na jaramaranam na jara-marana-ksayo. na duhkha-samudaya-nirodha-marga. na jnanam, na praptir na-apraptih
tasmac chariputra apraptitvad bodhisattvasya prajnaparamitam asritya vibaraty acittavaranah. cittavarana-nastitvad atrasto viparyasa-ati-kranto nistha-nirvana-
praptah.tryadhva-vyavasthitah sarva-buddhah prajnaparamitam asritya-anut-taram samyaksambodhim abhisambuddhah.
tasmaj jnatavyam: prajnaparamita maha-mantro mahavidya-mantro 'nuttara-mantro samasama-mantrah,
sarva-duhkha-prasamanah, satyam amithyatvat.
prajnaparamitayam ukto mantrah. tadyatha: gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha.
heart sutra - english -
When Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara was practicing the profound Prajna Paramita, he illuminated the Five Skandhas and saw that they are all empty, and he crossed beyond all suffering and difficulty.
Shariputra, form does not differ from emptiness; emptiness does not differ from form. Form itself is emptiness; emptiness itself is form. So too are feeling, cognition, formation, and consciousness.
Shariputra, all Dharmas are empty of characteristics. They are not produced, not destroyed, not defiled, not pure; and they neither increase nor diminish. Therefore, in emptiness there is no form, feeling, cognition, formation, or consciousness; no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, or mind; no sights, sounds, smells, tastes, objects of touch, or Dharmas; no field of the eyes up to and including no field of mind consciousness; and no ignorance or ending of ignorance, up to and including no old age and death or ending of old age and death. There is no suffering, no accumulating, no extinction, and no Way, and no understanding and no attaining.
Because nothing is attained, the Bodhisattva through reliance on Prajna Paramita is unimpeded in his mind. Because there is no impediment, he is not afraid, and he leaves distorted dream-thinking far behind. Ultimately Nirvana! All Buddhas of the three periods of time attain Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi through reliance on Prajna Paramita. Therefore know that Prajna Paramita is a Great Spiritual Mantra, a Great Bright Mantra, a Supreme Mantra, an Unequalled Mantra. It can remove all suffering; it is genuine and not false. That is why the Mantra of Prajna Paramita was spoken. Recite it like this:
Gaté Gaté Paragaté Parasamgaté
Bodhi Svaha!
Shurangama Mantra
na mwo sa dan two
su chye dwo ye
e la he di
san myau san pu two sye
na mwo sa dan two
fwo two jyu jr shai ni shan
na mwo sa pe
bwo two bwo di
sa dwo pi bi
na mwo sa dwo nan
san myau san pu two jyu jr nan
swo she la pe jya
seng chye nan
na mwo lu ji e lwo han dwo nan
na mwo su lu dwo bwo nwo nan
na mwo swo jye li two chye mi nan
na mwo lu ji san myau chye dwo nan
san myau chye be la di bwo dwo nwo nan
na mwo ti pe li shai nan
na mwo syi two ye
pi di ye
two la li shai nan
she pwo nu
jya la he
swo he swo la mwo two nan
na mwo ba la he mwo ni
na mwo yin two la ye
na mwo pe chye pe di
lu two la ye
wu bwo be di
swo syi ye ye
na mwo pe chye pe di
nwo la ye
na ye
pan je mwo he san mwo two la
na mwo syi jye li dwo ye
na mwo pe chye pe di
mwo he jya la ye
di li bwo la na
chye la pi two la
bwo na jya la ye
e di mu di
shr mwo she nwo ni
pe syi ni
mwo dan li chye na
na mwo syi jye li dwo ye
na mwo pe chye pe di
dwo two chye dwo jyu la ye
na mwo be tou mwo jyu la ye
na mwo ba she la jyu la ye
na mwo mwo ni jyu la ye
na mwo chye she jyu la ye
na mwo pe chye pe di
di li cha
shu la syi na
bwo la he la na la she ye
dwo two chye dwo ye
na mwo pe chye pe di
na mwo e mi dwo pe ye
dwo two chye dwo ye
e la he di
san myau san pu two ye
na mwo pe chye pe di
e chu pi ye
dwo two chye dwo ye
e la he di
san myau san pu two ye
na mwo pe chye pe di
bi sha she ye
jyu lu fei ju li ye
bwo la pe la she ye
dwo two chye dwo ye
na mwo pe chye pe di
san bu shr bi dwo
sa lyan nai la la she ye
dwo two chye dwo ye
e la he di
san myau san pu two ye
na mwo pe chye pe di
she ji ye mu nwo ye
dwo two chye dwo ye
e la he di
san myau san pu two ye
na mwo pe chye pe di
la dan na ji du la she ye
dwo two chye dwo ye
e la he di
san myau san pu two ye
di pyau
na mwo sa jye li dwo
yi tan pe chye pe dwo
sa dan two chye du shai ni shan
sa dan dwo bwo da lan
na mwo e pe la shr dan
bwo la di
yang chi la
sa la pe
bwo dwo jye la he
ni jye la he
jye jya la he ni
ba la bi di ye
chr two ni
e jya la
mi li ju
bwo li dan la ye
ning jye li
sa la pe
pan two nwo
mu cha ni
sa la pe
tu shai jya
tu syi fa
bwo na ni
fa la ni
je du la
shr di nan
jye la he
swo he sa la rau she
pi dwo beng swo na jye li
e shai ja bing she di nan
na cha cha dan la rau she
bwo la sa two na jye li
e shai ja nan
mwo he jye la he rau she
pi dwo beng sa na jye li
sa pe she du lu
ni pe la rau she
hu lan tu syi fa
nan je na she ni
pi sha she
syi dan la
e ji ni
wu two jya la rau she
e bwo la shr dwo jyu la
mwo he bwo la jan chr
mwo he dye dwo
mwo he di she
mwo he shwei dwo she pe la
mwo he ba la pan two la
pe syi ni
e li ye dwo la
pi li jyu jr
shr pe pi she ye
ba she la mwo li di
pi she lu dwo
bwo teng wang jya
ba she la jr he nwo e je
mwo la jr pe
bwo la jr dwo
ba she la shan chr
pi she la je
shan dwo she pi ti pe bu shr dwo
su mwo lu bwo
mwo he shwei dwo
e li ye dwo la
mwo he pe la e bwo la
ba she la shang jye la jr pe
ba she la
jyu mwo li
jyu lan two li
ba she la he sa dwo je
pi di ye
chyan je nwo
mwo li jya
ku su mu pe
jye la dwo nwo
pi lu je na
jyu li ye
ye la tu
shai ni shan
pi je lan pe mwo ni je
ba she la jya na jya bwo la pe
lu she na
ba she la dwun jr je
shwei dwo je
jya mwo la
cha che shr
bwo la pe
yi di yi di
mu two la
jye na
swo pi la chan
jywe fan du
yin tu na mwo mwo sye
wu syin
li shai jye na
bwo la she syi dwo
sa dan two
chye du shai ni shan
hu syin du lu yung
jan pe na
hu syin du lu yung
syi dan pe na
hu syin du lu yung
bwo la shai di ye
san bwo cha
na jye la
hu syin du lu yung
sa pe yau cha
he la cha swo
jye la he rau she
pi teng beng sa na jye la
hu syin du lu yung
je du la
shr di nan
jye la he
swo he sa la nan pi teng beng sa na la
hu syin du lu yung
la cha
pe chye fan
sa dan two
chye du shai ni shan
bwo la dyan
she ji li
mwo he swo he sa la
bwo shu swo he sa la
shr li sha
jyu jr swo he sa ni
di li e bi ti shr pe li dwo
ja ja ying jya
mwo he ba she lu two la
di li pu pe na
man cha la
wu syin
swo syi di
bwo pe du
mwo mwo
yin tu na mwo mwo sye
la she pe ye
ju la be ye
e chi ni pe ye
wu two jya pe ye
pi sha pe ye
she sa dwo la pe ye
pe la jau jye la pe ye
tu shai cha pe ye
e she ni pe ye
e jya la
mi li ju pe ye
two la ni bu mi jyan
bwo chye bwo two pe ye
wu la jya pe dwo pe ye
la she tan cha pe ye
nwo chye pe ye
pi tyau dan pe ye
su bwo la na pe ye
yau cha jye la he
la cha sz jye la he
bi li dwo jye la he
pi she je jye la he
bu dwo jye la he
jyou pan cha jye la he
bu dan na jye la he
jya ja bu dan na jye la he
syi chyan du jye la he
e bwo syi mwo la jye la he
wu tan mwo two jye la he
che ye jye la he
syi li pe di jye la he
she dwo he li nan
jye pe he li nan
lu di la he li nan
mang swo he li nan
mi two he li nan
mwo she he li nan
she dwo he li nyu
shr bi dwo he li nan
pi dwo he li nan
pe dwo he li nan
e shu je he li nyu
jr dwo he li nyu
di shan sa pi shan
sa pe jye la he nan
pi two ye she
chen two ye mi
ji la ye mi
bwo li ba la je jya
chi li dan
pi two ye she
chen two ye mi
ji la ye mi
cha yan ni
chi li dan
pi two ye she
chen two ye mi
ji la ye mi
mwo he bwo su bwo dan ye
lu two la
chi li dan
pi two ye she
chen two ye mi
ji la ye mi
nwo la ye na
chi li dan
pi two ye she
chen two ye mi
ji la ye mi
dan two chye lu cha syi
chi li dan
pi two ye she
chen two ye mi
ji la ye mi
mwo he jya la
mwo dan li chye na
chi li dan
pi two ye she
chen two ye mi
ji la ye mi
jya bwo li jya
chi li dan
pi two ye she
chen two ye mi
ji la ye mi
she ye jye la
mwo du jye la
sa pe la two swo da na
chi li dan
pi two ye she
chen two ye mi
ji la ye mi
je du la
pe chi ni
chi li dan
pi two ye she
chen two ye mi
ji la ye mi
pi li yang chi li jr
nan two ji sha la
chye na bwo di
swo syi ye
chi li dan
pi two ye she
chen two ye mi
ji la ye mi
na jye na she la pe na
chi li dan
pi two ye she
chen two ye mi
ji la ye mi
e lwo han
chi li dan
pi two ye she
chen two ye mi
ji la ye mi
pi dwo la chye
chi li dan
pi two ye she
chen two ye mi
ji la ye mi
ba she la bwo ni
jyu syi ye jyu syi ye
jya di bwo di chi li dan
pi two ye she
chen two ye mi
ji la ye mi
la cha wang
pe chye fan
yin tu na mwo mwo sye
pe chye fan
sa dan dwo bwo da la
na mwo tswei du di
e syi dwo na la la jya
bwo la pe syi pu ja
pi jya sa dan dwo be di li
shr fwo la shr fwo la
two la two la
pin two la pin two la
chen two chen two
hu syin hu syin
pan ja pan ja pan ja pan ja pan ja
swo he
syi syi pan
e mu jye ye pan
e bwo la ti he dwo pan
pe la bwo la two pan
e su la
pi two la
bwo jya pan
sa pe ti pi bi pan
sa pe na chye bi pan
sa pe yau cha bi pan
sa pe chyan ta pe bi pan
sa pe bu dan na bi pan
jya ja bu dan na bi pan
sa pe tu lang jr di bi pan
sa pe tu sz bi li
chi shai di bi pan
sa pe shr pe li bi pan
sa pe e bwo syi mwo li bi pan
sa pe che la pe na bi pan
sa pe di di ji bi pan
sa pe dan mwo two ji bi pan
sa pe pi two ye
la shr je li bi pan
she ye jye la
mwo du jye la
sa pe la two swo two ji bi pan
pi di ye
je li bi pan
je du la
fu chi ni bi pan
ba she la
jyu mwo li
pi two ye
la shr bi pan
mwo he bwo la ding yang yi
chi li bi pan
ba she la shang jye la ye
bwo la jang chi la she ye pan
mwo he jya la ye
mwo he mwo dan li jya na
na mwo swo jye li dwo ye pan
bi shai na bei ye pan
bwo la he mwo ni ye pan
e chi ni ye pan
mwo he jye li ye pan
jye la tan chr ye pan
mye dan li ye pan
lau dan li ye pan
je wen cha ye pan
jye lwo la dan li ye pan
jya bwo li ye pan
e di mu jr dwo
jya shr mwo she nwo
pe sz ni ye pan
yan ji jr
sa two pe sye
mwo mwo yin tu na mwo mwo sye
tu shai ja jr dwo
e mwo dan li jr dwo
wu she he la
chye pe he la
lu di la he la
pe swo he la
mwo she he la
she dwo he la
shr bi dwo he la
ba lyau ye he la
chyan two he la
bu shr bwo he la
pwo la he la
pe sye he la
be bwo jr dwo
tu shai ja jr dwo
lau two la jr dwo
yau cha jye la he
la cha swo jye la he
bi li dwo jye la he
pi she je jye la he
bu dwo jye la he
jyou pan cha jye la he
syi chyan two jye la he
wu dan mwo two jye la he
che ye jye la he
e bwo sa mwo la jye la he
jai chywe ge
cha chi ni jye la he
li fwo di jye la he
she mi jya jye la he
she jyu ni jye la he
mu two la
na di jya jye la he
e lan pe jye la he
chyan du bwo ni jye la he
shr fwo la
yin jya syi jya
jywe di yau jya
dan li di yau jya
je tu two jya
ni ti shr fa la
bi shan mwo shr fa la
bwo di jya bi di jya
shr li shai mi jya
swo ni bwo di jya
sa pe shr fa la
shr lu ji di
mwo two pi da lu jr chyan
e chi lu chyan
mu chywe lu chyan
jye li tu lu chyan
jya la he
jye lan jye na shu lan
dan dwo shu lan
chi li ye shu lan
mwo mwo shu lan
ba li shr pe shu lan
bi li shai ja shu lan
wu two la shu lan
jye jr shu lan
ba syi di shu lan
wu lu shu lan
chang chye shu lan
he syi dwo shu lan
ba two shu lan
swo fan ang chye
bwo la jang chye shu lan
bu dwo bi dwo cha
cha chi ni
shr pe la
two tu lu jya
jyan du lu ji jr
pe lu dwo pi sa bwo lu
he ling chye
shu sha dan la
swo na jye la
pi sha yu jya
e chi ni
wu two jya
mwo la pi la
jyan dwo la
e jya la
mi li du
da lyan bu jya
di li la ja
bi li shai jr jya
sa pe na jyu la
sz yin chye bi
jye la li yau cha
dan la chu
mwo la shr
fei di shan
swo pi shan
syi dan dwo bwo da la
mwo he ba she lu shai ni shan
mwo he bwo lai jang chi lan
ye bwo tu two
she yu she nwo
byan da li na
pi two ye
pan tan jya lu mi
di shu
pan tan jya lu mi
bwo la pi two
pan tan jya lu mi
dwo jr two
e na li
pi she ti
pi la ba she la
two li
pan two pan two ni
ba she la bang ni pan
hu syin du lu yung pan
swo pe he.
Day 0
ReplyDeleteDuring a regular maintenance I noticed the patient's chakra's had not only discoloration but distortion and stagnancy as well. The above and added comments are my Lessons in healing and my observations during the sessions.
Day One - Tuesday
Personal Thoughts - Since there seems to be so many things wrong with each chakra I decided there needed to be more done than just a simple kundalini movement as suggested above. This is why I have included the the mantras above.
My observations of the chakras -
Muldahara - seems a bit pale- sometimes a bit oozey and bloody looking. (this cant bee good)
Svadisthana - WOW this is crazy looking ! There is too much yellow and that snot color you hack up when you have pneumonia (green) and BROWN patterns - this is horribly frightening..... there should not be snake looking pasterns ....
Manipura - a rather lame shade of yellow. Its not particularly a large concern, certainly not as much as whats going on is the svathistana but there is quite a bit of white.
Anahata - this is way too dark, like forest green with black streaks - and again a reptilian pattern all throughout.
Vishuda - this is also rather pale-ish - still not as bad as the others instead of being a pale blue it is asajirou/kinda dark for turquoise though....
Anja - this is so odd... its shaped like an almond - and its purple - not indigo
I dont do the sahasra as it is one's connection with the divine, and really their busines
They were very stuborn and not moving or flowing- this is what they looked like AFTER I did work - as I don't look untill Im finished.
Kundalini did NOT feel the need to move either. Required intensive concentration
as for the dumai and renmai - it was close to impossible to get those moving. It was like ... pushing a car that has run out of gas up hill.
I was completely exhausted after this first session - I also became quite nauseous.
Session Notes - I got the above date wrong. I began sessions on monday 18 - so this would be
ReplyDeleteTUE - 10-19-2010 NOTES
This Time I decided I needed to 'protect' myself a bit more than previously. Because I have a sense of humor - I chose the Lingashtakam as the vibration I used for creating an energetic protective barier. All other singing is either geared toward the chakra maintinance itself or energy gathering for me to use durring the process of the chakra maintinance, the kundalini cleansing, and the moving of the dumnai and renmai.
I remember this day a bit more distinctly because after speaking with my instructor - he had made some specific suggestions - protecting my energetic self from the patient's toxicity. This had been mentioned before, however, I didnt think about it overly much until I collapsed into a heap of icky sick on my couch.
Muldahara - still a bit darker than it should be - and this is when I truly noticed they were not 'moving' I notated it above but this is when I noticed it. I was relitively stumped.. why isnt this thing moving??? THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO MOVE.
Svadisthana - this thing is just creepy. During the 'breathing' and the color infusion kept butting heads with the nastiness that is there. AND THEN.... I figured -- hey well I should just pull the 'infected energy out'.
The chakra then spiewed out that gross infected (pneumonia green) and brown scaly things it did look rather link vomit actually.
Manipura - still pale and white
Anahata - durring the first 'breathing' out - it vomited black tar-like substance - it gushed for a few moments - I then commenced with the color infusion
Vishuda - again, allong with the muldahara - are the least problamactic, today it was paler than it should be.
Anja - it is now oval - still purple insted of indigo.
Session 3 -
I had a migraine and decided to skip the preliminaries, apparently I didnt learn anything from day one.
I did not take the time to view the state of the chakras though I did visualize making them move after finishing the color therapy and kundalini movement. I performed the dumai and renmai moving - and then promptly fell asleep from 7:45am until 1:30pm - I was groggy all day.
Session 4
My attention was relatively scattered so I was unable to really focus to take notice of what they looked like more than a vague impression. After attempting to sing the sutra - moving the dumai and renmai was much easier. I still needed to force the chakras to spin and move - I did not take note of their particular colors today.
ReplyDeletecrown... as usual.. nothing so out of
third eye abit hollow...
throat ...shrinked to size but bit hollow or black
heart is ....out of shape
root ... basketball size huge and red
puny sacral chakra... needs more nutrition, bit out of shape
solar plexus... fine... just pale
ren and du... is still substainable... bit clear though.
Im getting mildly frustrated. It has never taken me this long to straighten chakras out. Though, I have only worked on mine.
ReplyDeletethe dumai and renmai moved eiser for me today - but it was very difficult to get it moving - once I did that it began to flow.
Chakras I did color infusion and kundalini movement.
muldarah - biger than it should be today - radiating, too dark and some black lines
svadisthana - snott green and yellow lines - wtf !? at least there's no more brown I guess.
Manipura - pale, pulsating wierdly -
anahata - the green is lighter, though still a dark green and there are some black lines, but they are not as thick -
Vishvuda- its glassy pale turquoise - ugh - and its shaped like a cats eye puple ehh
anja - it loosk closed off for themost part, and purple
I kinda kick started some movement - while overlapping the proper color and size
ReplyDelete1:00 chakra cleaning
2:10 east - kundalini movement - chakra movement instigation - healing (each mantra 3x rep)- since they are still so fuked up sing to Ram Das Guru - partrom of miracles for extra boost)
2:20 esp pm -Shiva Thandrava - for extra chakra healing
2:28 venkatesa stotrum purpose - along with the above is the invusion of the divine names as the venkatesha has vishnu and brahma and krisha - were as the above is more centered on shiva
2:34 - aarti devichi - kundalini is the feminine energy it is through Shiva and Parvati that our world is manifest - so it just makes sense to include this
2:36 - the
Mahisasura mardini stotram is incredably benificail and I say it every day any way.
had a strange vision after dhanuranu sanaga -- realy just odd 2:42
2:51 est pm Now to create the barier which the mahisasura is now part of - lignashtakam
2:56 ganash closing -
2:59 heart sutra - sanskrit
(I say heart sutra every day for all beings and since this excesize I have also decided upon Shurangama Mantra directly following.
3:10 Shurangama Mantra 3:19 Rei imed me ? followed by da bei mantra.
the dumai and the renmai moved relitively easy. the movement back down is of course qucker and it still requires a bit of a shove.
I moved the kundalini 3x today before taking a look at them
muldahara - still too dark
svadisthana - its now a kind of bland ickey orange
manipura -kinda vague yellow - slothfully moving
anahata - still too dark, still black lines - screw it, Im singing to radha and krishna -
vishuda- okish shape is bit off
anja- dark purple shape is still not right
Stand in abit for you. Throw him into the void realm. Move his ren du channels and mix his seven chakras with a stream of primordial energy taken from the void (yuan qi) from the hui yin acupoint and another stream of yuan qi from bai hui acupoint on top of the head. decide it's time to flush him out of those confused energy. The stream of yuan qi from bai hui to flush from above, the stream of yuan qi from hui yin stop using. open two slits, one on each of his foot for the yuan qi to drain out the confused energy. Saw his ignorant shadow shell and with a pound of yuan qi slams into it to shatter it and clear him. Send him back into his mortal body.
ReplyDeleteA whirlwind of qi is all that is stirring within him for now. So it's advisable to leave him as he is for the day.
This is call stripping the mortal body and changing the essence. It is a minor scale. Hopefully he wouldn't be so ignorant again.
Notes on possible sources and conditions: A universal event, such as cancer, can cause a catastrophic failure and illness in both the physical self and the essential self. It will manifest in the essential self before it is identified in the physical self, as our perceptions of the essential self are far more clear than our understanding of the physical self.
ReplyDeleteAlso, consider drug use, especially hallucinogens. Drug use, particularly heavy drug use, decimates the immune system. It also fractures the essential self, causing traumas and irregularities throughout the entire system. Finally, chemical effects on the mind can, over time, cause the subject to lose sight and interest in their own well-being, giving false sense of health and security, while it continues to detereorate mind, bodyu, and spirit.