Monday, August 31, 2009
Simple Beauty
nothing but greens parsley pepers cabages and celeray
your father said alright
but it wasnt quite
I caughthim in the autumn in my garden one night
robing me raping me
rooting through my arugula .....
that is from the Broadway play into the woods
but its that first bit that's getting to me
In the past
Life is a constant revisionary process. Yeah there were times when I was discussed and angry with Christianity in general. But at some point I kinda thought it was more asshole people than anything else. There was a time when I thought no sane coherent person would subscribe to such a thing, but now I just dont think its all that bad. Lets face it, a person is going to be stupid/idiot/asshole no matter what religion they subscribe to.
It kind of hit home today because a good friend of mine was apologizing on behalf of all the assholes of the christian community. It was so sweet and I wanted to laugh, not at her or anything but simply because she is a beutiful person. HAAHAA Im sorry that person I never met before nor had anything to do with was an asshole and they were christian and wow ... trying to right wrongs she didn't commit, and its such a lovely sentiment. I am truely honored to know this person, she is lovely and blessed by God.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Empty Compliments
"you are so beautiful lady when i saw ur face i felt that i will be in love with you you are so special"
"beautiful princess"
when its stained with ickey slimey gross nasty colors, it is way less than flattering. Its kind of like, some one gives you this lovely compliment and says wonderful things but there are shit dropping attatched. I know Im being incredably vulgar... however I see that no you really dont want positive interaction you want to psychologically dominate/ cripple me and you also want to play games with me and completely lack honesty and sincearity.
On one hand I find that its sad that people do this at all, and then Im rather outraged that people atempt this type of psychological manipulation and I truely dont have the time for it. I want nice positive interactions not to be mired is bs. I am not the type to allow people to get away with game play with me. I generally call people out, usually Im polite at first.
Like that one guy..... who wanted to foster a codependant relationship and help me with my 'issues' .....
I know what my issues are, and Im way to buddhist to allow them to affect my rationality. When they act up I recognise it, give it a bit o chocolate and put it in its shelf where it belongs.
It all starts with Only I am allowed to stalk Li~!
But seriously, Im always rather astounded at how people who play these manipulation games, on one hand there is the part of me that compasionately wants to assiste them get over this negitve/abusive and destructive behavior and the other part that believes that to allow it is just as bad as the action itself, so there are times when Im torn between being nice and being blunt.
First thing is making sure you maintain all of your chakras properly. Doing daily work with them is a must ! Only when they are properly balanced and swirling properly can a positive kundalini meditation be experianced. In a sense this is when, like a serpant the energy rises through each chakra, then out of your crown chakra to connect with the divine.
At first, since you need to concentrate on what you are doing it must be done slowely, but eventually, with work one can raise one's kundalini energy through the chakras with out a hitch to reach an enlightening and amazing experiance.
Sahasrara 07

This is your ‘connection with god’ this is the highest expression and the merging of Kundalini with Shiva. The sate described here is very much the way Buddhists describe enlightenment. The illusion of your ego is now understood, and all those psychological issues we have been talking about are desolved. You are now liberated.
Over stimulated: developing the ego/god ‘complex’, an inability to deal with the mundane.
Under stimulation: (more common) this is when you feel disconnected with people and your spirit and even god/universe. You are now separate from the divine, and usually a materialistic greed will ultimately manifest.
Location: crown of the head
Bija Mantra: aum
Seed Letters: recitation of the all the bija mantras
Plane: Truth and Reality
The Deities, there is no specific for this chakra, though some would say Brahma.
Anja 06

To Know or To Command
This chakra, your ‘third eye’ is associated with the part of your mind that is beyond the subtle elements, in general this means ‘consciousness’. This is a place of neutrality and balance, where you can see beyond your ‘normal’ two eyes. This is ‘true’ knowledge, where ‘power’ emanates from. The insights gained from working with this chakra are the understanding of the past, present and possible future. Once attained it represents one of the highest states of awakening.
There are only two petals and because this chakra represents a higher state the psychological states are not defined.
The Aspects of your chakra
Overactive: your thoughts get scattered and move very quickly, sometimes making no sense, this prevents serious meditation. It can also move toward arrogance and the blurting out of ‘perceived’ knowledge just for the sake of doing so. Also it’s like getting bombarded with the thoughts of others, if it’s open enough. Also it can lead to ‘false prophets’ or a belief in anything esoteric whether grounded or not.
Under active: lack of understanding, in general especially in the realm of that which is spiritual and healthy. This can also affect your memory; cause your judgment to be impaired and headaches.
List of Correspondences
Location: between the eyebrows
Bija Mantra: Sham
Seed Letters: (on the petals) hang. Kshang
Plane: Plane of Authority
The Deities:
Ardhanarishvara: shiva-shakti: Balanced polarity. In this photo we see a culmination of all the symbols we have covered previously, also to include the standing on the demon. This is to overcome your lower/base self in order to ‘rise’ spiritually.
Prapanca srsty unmukha lasyakayai
Samasta samharaka tandavaya
Jagaj jananyai jagad eka pitre
Nama sivayai ca namah sivaya
She dances to create the world, wile he dances to wind it all up, She is the mother of the Universe, he is the only father. I bow down to Shiva and Shivani
(ardhanarishwara stortra)
Hakini Shakti with her many arms and heads give us the understanding of universal awareness of the male/female, light/dark, causing these ‘dualities’ to disappear and become one universal consciousness.
This is for both the Anja and the Sahasrara Chakras. In doing the reaserch on this I found several ‘interesting’ postures, so since this is a beginner level; I would just suggest sitting lotus position with hands folded. Though I did find this picture, and really liked it so I will include it here.
VIshuddha 05

Pure, Purification, Purity
The color is blue. The moon represents psychic energy; also represent purity.
This is the cosmic sound, your psychic energy, cleiravoyance, clairaudience aka communication with out words. Through this chakra, all the elements of the lower chakras, either, water, fire and air become pure. This is also the chakra of speech and communication; this is how the divine expresses itself, through language.
Psychological States: Are rather esoteric in nature, so far I have only found Sanskrit names for them, most of which have to do with mantras.
Problem Arias:
Too much energy: causes us to speak with out thinking. Our words are affectations and powerful, its an easy thing to forget. Another symptom is that one talks so much one doesn’t remember to listen to others. Also the ‘way’ one speaks is affected, exaggerating even to the point of lying, speaking harshly and abusively. Being overly critical.
To little energy: being silent when one should speak up, or just withdrawing into a non communicative state, the inability to express yourself. .
List of Corrispondances
Location: base of the neck
Bjia Mantra: Ham
Seed Letters: am, aam, im, eem, um ,oom, rim, rdim, lim, llim, ehm, aim, ohm, aum, ang, ahang.
Element: Eather
Shape: Crescent
Plane: Human Plane
Sense: Hearing
Organ: Ears
We have a couple of new symbols here, we have the heads which represent the five senses, and the meshing of them all. A divine untion, his drum (an old symbol) creates the sound of Om. His mala, links the physical body with the spirit to divine knowledge.
Guru Mantra
The Guru is Brahma (The God of Creation)
The Guru is Vishnu (The God of Sustenance)
The Guru is Shiva (The God of Annihilation)
My Salutation to such a Guru, who is verily the Supreme God
The symbolism of Shakini is the elephant staff, it controls the holy scriptures.
The animal of this chakra is the elephant, which represents understanding and intelligence.
Yoga Practice:
Matsyasana; the fish
Anahata 04

Unstuck or Unstruck Sound
Here we have twelve green petals and two overlapping triangles. The one facing upward represents Lord Shiva the downward represents Shakti. This is an attained balance leading toward harmony.
The psychological states are: lustfulness, fraudulence, indecision, repentance, hope, anxiety, longing, impartiality, arrogance, incompetence, discrimination and finally being on the defensive.
This is where your emotional balance resides. When open you loose the attachment of the material. When this chakra is open you no longer need the acceptance of others and are able to drop all manner of psychological problems due to ‘acceptance’ or ‘rejection’. This chakra encompasses the aria of spiritual love, and when you have spiritual love you no longer ‘need’ it from an outside source.
Problem Arias:
When there is ‘too much energy’ your emotions tend to go into over active ‘blind faith’ and have a tendency to ‘fall in love’ at the drop of a hat, also this leads to smothering and stalking. Blind devotion is also a result, and even though it ‘can’ be a good thing, when you fail to use logic, these things are very negative.
When there is not enough energy this leads to closing yourself off from people, also it causes us to be apathetic, however, it can also cause one to be clingy, and be over obsessive in regards to gaining acceptance.
List of Correspondences
Location: above your heart
Bija Mantra: Yang
Seed Letters: (right to left) Kang, khang, gang, ghang, nang, chang, chang, jang, jhang, nang, tang, thang
Element: Air
Shape: hexagram
Plane: Balance
Sense: Touch
Organ: Skin
Here we have the symbolism we have come to know, the trident (power) the drum (creation/destruction/rhythm of the universe) Sitting on the tiger skin (sublimation of the ego) Least we not forget the ganga flows from Lord Shiva’s hair.
Om Tryamlakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pusti - vardhanam |
Urva - rukamiva Bandhanan
Mrtyor - muksheeya Ma - amritat ||
Om. We worship The Three-Eyed Lord Shiva who is fragrant and who increasingly nourishes the devotees. Worshipping him may we be liberated from death for the sake of immortality just as the ripe cucumber easily separates itself from the binding stalk.
Jai Shiv Onkara Har Shiv Onkara,
Brahma Vishnu Sadashiv Arddhagni Dhara.
Om hara hara Mahaadevaa...
Meaning: Glory to you, O Shiva! Glory to you, O Omkaara! May Brahma, Vishnu and the assembly of other gods, including the great Lord Shiva, relieve me of my afflictions!
Ekanan Chaturanan Panchanan Rajai,
Hansanan Garudasan Vrishvahan Sajai.
Om hara hara Mahaadevaa...
Meaning: Being the Absolute, True being, Consciousness and Bliss, you play the roles of all the three Gods - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. As Vishnu, you have but one face, as Brahma four and as Shiva five. They gladden the sight of all who behold them. As Brahma you prefer the back of the swan for your seat, as Vishnu you like to ensconce yourself on the back of Garuda (A large mythological eagle - like bird believed to be the vehicle of Lord Vishnu) and as Shiva you make the sacred bull your conveyance; all these stand ready. O Great Lord, pray rid me of my afflictions!
Do Bhuj Char Chaturbhuj Das Bhuj Te Sohai,
Tinon Roop Nirakhta Tribhuvan Jan Mohai.
Om hara hara Mahaadevaa...
Meaning: As Brahma, you possess two arms, as Vishnu four and as Shiva (Dashabaahu) ten, all of which look matchlessly lovely. No sooner do the inhabitants of the three spheres behold you than they are all enchanted. O great Lord Omkaara, pray rid me of my afflictions.
Akshaymala Vanmala Mundmala Dhari,
Chadan Mrigmad Sohai Bhale Shashi Dhari.
Om hara hara Mahaadevaa...
Meaning: You are, O great Lord Omkaara, wearing a garland of Rudraaksha, another of forest flowers the third of skulls; your forehead, glistening in the moonlight which it holds, is smeared with sandal-paste and musk. Pray rid me of my afflictions.
Shvetambar Pitambar Baghambar Ange,
Sankadik Brahmadik Bhootadik Sange.
Om hara hara Mahaadevaa...
Meaning: O great Lord Omkaara, your body is attired in white and yellow silken clothes and in tiger skin, while in your company are troops of goblins, gods like Brahma and divine seers like Sanaka. Pray rid me of my afflictions.
Kar Men Shreshth Kamandalu Chakra Trishooldharta,
Jagkarta Jagharta Jag Palankarta.
Om hara hara Mahaadevaa...
Meaning: O great Lord Omkaara, you hold akamandalu (the mendicants water-jar) in one of your hands and in another a trident; you bring joy to all, destroy all distress and sustain the whole world. May you rid me of all my afflictions!
Brahma Vishnu Sadashiv Janat Aviveka,
Pranvakshar Ke Madhye Yah Tinon Eka.
Om hara hara Mahaadevaa...
Meaning: The ignorant (unwise and stupid) know Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva as three individual gods, but they are all indistinguishably fused into a single mystic syllable ‘OM’. Pray rid me of my afflictions.
Trigun Shiv Ki Aarti Jo Koi Nar Gave,
Kahat Shivanand Swami Manvanchhit Phal Pave.
Om hara hara Mahaadevaa...
Meaning: Says Swami Shivananda, “He who recites this Arti to the Lord of the three gunas-sattva, rajas and tamas - attains fulfillment of his heart’s desire”. O great Lord Omkaara, may you rid me of my afflictions.
(same link)
Lakini Shakti
She is holding that which is necessary to attain balance, the sword which cuts through obstacles that block higher energy flow, the shield to protect from worldly problems, the skull for detachment from material concerns, the trident here represents balance between preservation, creation and destruction.
The gazelle reflects the impermiance of the physical.
Yoga Practice:
Ushtrasana – The Camel
Manipura 03

Jeweled City or City of Jewels
Its color is yellow with ten petals. The triangle is the seat of fire within your body.
The psychological states are: spiritual ignorance, thirst, jealousy, treachery, shame, fear, disgust, delusion and foolishness.
This is the place of your personal/ psychological power and will sits. This is also your vitality as a result it is related to your immune system and general health. This chakra, in eastern philosophy is also called the Tan Tien and is believed to hold your ‘physical body’ and is the resting place of your chi. In a sense, this is how you assert yourself.
Problem Arias:
When there is to much concentration of energy this can make a person overly stubborn and willful not to mention closed minded. It over inflates your ego leading to arrogance. Pulse, you have a tendency to overestimate your own physical capabilities and end up overexerting yourself. This energy will burn out quickly and leave you exhausted and drained.
When there is too little energy, one gets lethargic and apathetic. Your self confindance lacks and you find that you are easily dominated.
List of Correspondences:
Location: solar plexus, above the navel
Bija Mantra: Ram
Seed Letters: (on the petals right to left) dang, dhang, nang, tang, thang, dang, dhang, nang, pang, phang
Element: Fire
Shape: Triangle
Plane: Celestial
Sense: Sight
Organ: Eyes
Presiding Deity: Braddha Rudra (Elder Shiva)
Braddha Rudra is a destructive aspect of Lord Shiva. The Tiger represents ‘the mind’. The trident is a symbol of power.
This particular image of Lord Shiva is his ‘wrathful’ form. This tiger represents the mind mired in desire.
Nataraj Mantra:
(Im using this mantra primarily because Nataraj dances to destroy the universe)
Natarj, Nataraja, jai shiva shankara nataraja
(this mantra is his names)
You could also use
Jai shiva shankara boom boom hare hare
( the boom boom represents the destructive aspect)
His energy is Lakini Shakti
The things she is holding are : the arrow that Lord Kama used, a thunderbolt, fire and finally her last hand is making the gesture of granting boons and removing fear, this is called mudra.
The Vehicle: The Ram. The ram represents power strength and vitality.
Yoga Practice:
Dhanaurasana- The Bow
This posture massages your solar plexus and helps with your digestion.
Svadisthana 02

Sweetness or One’s Own Place
The svadisthana has six petals, the petals themselves are supposed to be white. The relationship between the moon and water is symbolized here with the crescent with in the circle.
The psychological states of the petals are as follows--------------------------------------: affection, pitilessness, destructiveness, delusion, disdain and suspicion.
This is where the subtle energy behind sexual impulses reside. When we get to the ‘sexual’ aspect it goes hand in hand with the ‘creation’ aspect as well, with things such as anything mental or physical that you may want to ‘create’ aka art/music/ writing, building. So we go from propagation of the species and survival to creation on all its levels. This brings us to enjoyment and celibacy. Many wonder just what celibacy is ‘for’? Many religions support the idea because you channel this energy into your higher consciousness. However, if the practitioner is not ready to raise this energy, it causes all manner of issues and problems. Not everyone is able to do this, let alone understand why they should.
Problem Arias:
Preoccupation with sex and sensory pleasure; such as promiscuity and nymphomania. Any kind of overindulgence is covered here from basic materialism (greed). This can lead to being overtaken by ‘fight or flight’ philosophy, aka domineering others. A deficiency leads to lack of a sex drive or impotence, creative block, depression. These imbalances can actually be caused by having a preoccupation with sex, or when one develops guilt issues from experiencing any kind of pleasure. Also extreme self denial can be a destabilizer. Lastly puberty can have effects on this chakra.
List of Correspondences
Location: Between the pubis and the navel
Bija Mantra: Vam
Seed Letters : (on the petals) Bang, Bhang, Mang, Yang, Rang, Lang
Element: Water
Shape: Circle
Plane: Astral
Sense: Taste
Organ: Tongue
The Deities
Presiding Deity: Lord Vishnu of Preservation.
The symbolism of Lord Vishnu, the lord of preservation: His arms have several different meanings in and of themselves. The quest for knowledge, positive family life, meditative retreating, renunciation, duty and virtue, material success, pleasure, sexuality, enjoyment and Liberation.
He holds a conch, which symbolizes the primordial creative voice and is associated with the sacred sound of Om. He holds a discus which symbolizes the chakras, and like thoughts flow faster than the wind. The lotus sprang out of his navel, and it is identified with the sun, and creativity and fertility. The lotus also represents Laxmi, his constant companion and the feminine force that activates creative power. The lotus also signifies detachment. The Mace represents the power of time. Nothing can conquer time, and like time, the mace will destroy all those who appose it.
Shree Vinshu Mantra
I bow to Lord Vishnu the one Master of the Universe,
Who is ever peaceful, who reclines on the great serpent bed,
from whose navel springs the lotus of the creative power,
who is the supreme being, who supports the entire universe,
who is all-pervading as the sky, who is dark like the clouds and
has a beautiful form; the Lord of Lakshmi, the lotus-eyed one,
whom the yogis are able to perceive through meditation,
He, who is destroyer of the fear of samsara.
His energy is Rakini or Chakini Shakti
She has two heads, holds an arrow, a skull a drum and an ax
The two heads represent a loss of unity, this is the root of imagination / inspiration. The arrow is another dualistic symbol, this is also used by Kama, this is ‘desire/love’. The symbolism of the drum is rather straight foreword as it is rhythm. The ax is the energy to overcome obstacles; the skull is similar to saying ‘you wear your heart on your sleeve’.
The Vehicle: Makara
The motion of the crocodile represents not only the sensuous nature of a person, but trickery as well. It is know for its strength and sexual power and manipulative nature. o
Yoga Practice:
Ch1 Muldahara

Muladhara - Foundation
This is your seat of kundalini. This is the root of your existence. It is right there at the base of your spine. . That square shows where your kundalini is seated in its unmanifested state. The square itself is earth, the four directions and dimensions. Your body is your physical vehicle and understanding this chakra, the negative and positive attributes allows for completion on all levels.
Earth itself is the densest aspect of manifestation.
Each petal refers to a psychological state; greatest joy, natural, pleasure, delight in controlling passions, and blissfulness in concentration.
Let’s take a look at the aspects seated in this chakra.
On the very basic level its survival, this can turn very quickly from 'taking care of things' to over aggression and greed. For example this is where your fight or flight / survival instincts reside.
Now imagine the imbalances, too much energy here will make you lazy and board with life. It will also cause a nice dose of insecurity regarding your physical body, which leads to all kinds of issues from weight disorders and unhealthy self concept... the over indulgence of food or exercise... you must look 'perfect'
Too little brings us, of course back, to the depression. You loose your excitement with life and become apathetic. More weight issues. Some annalistic behavior, when you don’t care about your own preservation/safety.
List of Correspondence:
Location: Base of the spine
Bija Mantra: Lam
Seed letters (on the petals): Vam, Sham, Ssam, Sam
Element: Earth
Shape: square
Plane: Physical Plane
Sense: Smell
Organ: Nose
The Deities:
Presiding deity Brahma: the lord of creation.
Brahma (divine knowledge) He holds a lotus flower which is a symbol of purity. The scripture is held to show the importance of learning and understanding. The vase he is holding contains the nectar of vital potency. His fourth hand is the Abhayana mudra: the gesture of dispelling fear.
This is a mantra for brahma
om prajapate na tvad etany anyo
visva jatani parita babhuva
yat kamas te juhumas tan no astu
vayam syama patayo rayinam
Indra (associated with the earth aspect) is the king of the gods and ruler of the heavens. He is the god of thunder and rain, lighting and a warrior, a symbol of courage and strength. His mount is the elephant Airavata and he also has a golden chariot drawn by ten thousand horses. He is as quick as the wind and carries a hook, sword, conch, noose, a rainbow and the much feared magic weapon Vaijra. There were times when Indra lost control over the heavens to the demons. So he became always watchful to destroy any man or demon that became too powerful.
This is a mantra for Indra:
yasman na rte vijayante janaso
yam yudhyamana avase havante
yo acyuta-cyut sa janasa indrah
The energy, or shakti, of Brahma is called Dakini. She holds a skull, a sword, a shield and a trident. These symbolize the forces of the creator, the preserver and the destroyer.
The chakra's associated animal is Ganesha, the elephant headed god. Ganesha is the lord of all beginnings and is invoked to bestow protection over all undertakings.
He has four arms to serve him while he acts as the destroyer of obstacles, lord of wisdom.
Ganesha is the son of shiva and parvati. He holds a ladu (a fragrant sweet symbolizing sattva, the most refined state of pure consciousness), a lotus flower, a hatchet. The fourth hand is raised in the mudra of dispelling fear.
Om gum ganapataya namaha
Yoga Practice
If you like using incense, cedar is recommended.
Intro To 7 Chakras

Introduction to the 7 Chakras
Basic Explanation
Elemental Correspondence
Body and Organ Correspondence
Effects of Imbalance
Yoga Postures
What Are Chakras?
Chakra, pronounced with a hard ‘ch’ sound is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘disk’ or ‘wheel’. These ‘disks’ or ‘wheels’ are centers of energy that are located along the spine. Each vibrates at a certain lever therefore; an aspect of the color spectrum is associated with each one. The chakras regulate the energetic field of your body and psyche. An imbalance can cause not only health issues, but psychological ones as well. A good balance improves health and emotional / psychological stability. In light of that, it is easy to understand why understanding and maintaining your chakras is important.
Your chakras help you examine the various aspects of your life so that you can discover and even pinpoint problems and fix them. If your chakras are blocked it dampens your spiritual energy not to mention progress, it further distances you from your divine source. Your chakras are your spiritual progression, from basic survival to reunion with Brahman, the divine.
Your chakras are not stagnant energy centers; they are swirling with movement, which makes it easy to understand why they would be called ‘wheels’. It’s important to be mindful of this movement whether it is slow or fast as like the above mentioned blocks, this can also affect your emotional and physical life.
The Chakras
Within each chakra is a shape, deity concept, bija mantra and mantras for each petal.
In order to work with and understand each chakra it is necessary to have a basic understanding of the correspondences. In each lesion we will follow an outline that starts off with the name and the English translation of that name. There will be a short list that explains the body and organ functions. These may not agree with most western though of what an ‘organ’ is, the purpose of these lesions is to take from the original Hindu teachings.
We will discuss what happens when the chakra is blocked, or closed and how this affects not only your emotional well being but your physical health. Because there are deities associated within each chakra we are also going to discuss briefly each deity, the meaning with their symbolism and mantras for the deity.
Mantras can be described as ‘prayers’ or energetic recitations. They will be in Sanskrit. As chakras themselves operate on a vibrational level, it is important to use and understand the concept that the language of Sanskrit also works on a vibrational level, to use any other language other than the Sanskrit will not assist with fine tuning the vibration of each chakra. The mantras and their associations with each deity will strengthen and purify each chakra. The mantras are meant for improving the vibrational aspect. Each chakra itself has what is called a bija or seed mantra, when one begins working on balancing and cleaning the chakras it is important to know the bija mantra and to chant it as well as the bija letter on each petal.
Yoga and the Chakras:
For those interesting in a more serious and challenging practice I will include the yoga posture. Yoga is an important practice that also balances the body and the mind. I will include an outline and picture of each pose. These will be taken from the website : It has an outline of how to get into the postures and a player to show you how.
Before one begins practicing yoga postures it is good to be in the proper mindset. Sit, eather cross legged or lotus. Breathing is important, it helps empty the clutter of your mind and retain your focus. You should breath in deeply from your diaphragm through your nose and clear your mind. I suggest taking a few minuts with this in order to get centered.
The Guayatri Mantra is to be said before starting the actual postures:
The sites I chose are ones that agree with the Elders who teach me.
“Gayatri Devi is an incarnation of Saraswati Devi, consort of Lord Brahma, symbolising the "shakti" (strength) and "dev" (quality) of Knowledge, Purity and Virtue. Saraswati Devi is held to be the patronness of the Arts, being a poet and musician, as well as skillful composer. In the form of Gayatri Devi, with the blessings of Lord Brahma, she is believed to have given the four Vedas to mankind.
Gayatri is depicted seated on a lotus. She is depicted with five faces representing the pancha pranas /pancha vayus(five lives/winds): prana, apana,vyana, udana, samana, of the five principles/ elements (pancha tatwas) earth, water, air, fire, sky (prithvi, jala, vayu, teja, aakasha). She has 10 hands carrying the five ayudhas: shankha; chakra, kamala, varada, abhaya, kasha, ankusha, ujjwala utensil, rudrakshi mala.
Gayatri, Savitri and Saraswati are three goddesses representing the presiding deities of the famous Gayatri mantra chanted thrice a day. Gayatri is the presiding deity of the morning prayer and rules over the Rigveda and the garhapatya fire. Every grihasta (householder) was expected to keep 5 or 3 sacred fires ( Five fires: ahavaneeya, dakshagni, garhapatya, sawta, aavasadha.) in his house to perform Vedic rituals.”
This is the Gayatri Mantra in Sanskrit.
Om bhoor bhuvassuvaha,
Tatsa Vitur varenyam,
Bhargo devasya dheemahi,
Dheeyo yonah prachodayat
This is how to pronounce it. Most hindu websites offer free mp3 for mantras, feel free to use your favorite search engine should you wish to hear it.
“Gayatri mantra is meant for realization of God and is regarded as representing the Supreme Lord. It is meant for spiritually advanced people. Success in chanting it enables one to enter the transcendental position of the Lord. But, in order to chant the Gayatri mantra, it is necessary for one to first acquire the qualities of the perfectly balanced person in terms of the qualities of goodness according to the laws of material nature. The Gayatri mantra is considered to be the sonic incarnation of Brahman and is regarded as very important in Vedic civilization.
Gayatri Mantra (the mother of the vedas), the foremost mantra in hinduism and hindu beliefs, inspires wisdom. Its meaning is that "May the Almighty God illuminate our intellect to lead us along the righteous path". The mantra is also a prayer to the "giver of light and life" - the sun (savitur).
Oh God! Thou art the Giver of Life, Remover of pain and sorrow,The Bestower of happiness,Oh! Creator of the Universe,May we receive thy supreme sin-destroying light,May Thou guide our intellect in the right direction.
Chanting of Gayatri Mantra removes all obstacles in our path to increased wisdom and spiritual growth and development. The teachings and powers incorporated in the Gayatri Mantra fulfill this purpose. Righteous wisdom starts emerging soon after Jap(recitation) of the Gayatri Mantra is performed.
The Gayatri Mantra is based on truth. For truth is based on strength. Strength is breath, and is based on breath. So, Gayatri protects (tra) the wealth (gaya) (the breath!) of those who speak it with earnestness and devotion. When one recites Gayatri on behalf of someone, it protects that person's breath too!
This entire creation is Gayatri. And the Gayatri is speech - for speech sings (gayati) and protects (trayati) this entire creation. Gayatri indeed is all this, whatever being exists. Speech indeed is Gayatri; for speech indeed sings and removes fear of all this that exists.”
Taken from the following website
The rest of the content of these lesions are taken from the following sorces:
My yoga instructor
The Local Vishnav and Shakti Elders and Practitioners
God Under The Bed E-mail
GOD Lives Under The Bed
I think this is perhaps one of the BEST email 'forwards' I have ever read. I hope you will enjoy it half as much as I have!!
Don't start reading this one until you've got more than a minute to just 'scan' over it. It deserves some time for reflection.
I envy Kevin. My brother, Kevin, thinks God lives under his bed. At least that's what I heard him say one night.
He was praying out loud in his dark bedroom, and I stopped to listen, 'Are you there, God?' he said. 'Where are you? Oh, I see. Under the bed...'
I giggled softly and tiptoed off to my own room. Kevin's unique perspectives are often a source of amusement. But that night something else lingered long after the humor. I realized for the first time the very different world Kevin lives in.
He was born 30 years ago, mentally disabled as a result of difficulties during labor. Apart from his size (he's 6-foot-2), there are few ways in which he is an adult.
He reasons and communicates with the capabilities of a 7-year-old, and he always will. He will probably always believe that God lives under his bed, that Santa Claus is the one who fills the space under our tree every Christmas and that airplanes stay up in the sky because angels carry them.
I remember wondering if Kevin realizes he is different. Is he ever dissatisfied with his monotonous life?
Up before dawn each day, off to work at a workshop for the disabled, home to walk our cocker spaniel, return to eat his favorite macaroni-and-cheese for dinner, and later to bed.
The only variation in the entire scheme is laundry, when he hovers excitedly over the washing machine like a mother with her newborn child.
He does not seem dissatisfied.
He lopes out to the bus every morning at 7:05, eager for a day of simple work.
He wrings his hands excitedly while the water boils on the stove before dinner, and he stays up late twice a week to gather our dirty laundry for his next day's laundry chores.
And Saturdays - oh, the bliss of Saturdays! That's the day my Dad takes Kevin to the airport to have a soft drink, watch the planes land, and speculate loudly on the destination of each passenger inside. 'That one's goin' to Chi-car-go! ' Kevin shouts as he claps his hands.
His anticipation is so great he can hardly sleep on Friday nights.
And so goes his world of daily rituals and weekend field trips.
He doesn't know what it means to be discontent.
His life is simple.
He will never know the entanglements of wealth of power, and he does not care what brand of clothing he wears or what kind of food he eats. His needs have always been met, and he never worries that one day they may not be.
His hands are diligent. Kevin is never so happy as when he is working. When he unloads the dishwasher or vacuums the carpet, his heart is completely in it.
He does not shrink from a job when it is begun, and he does not leave a job until it is finished. But when his tasks are done, Kevin knows how to relax.
He is not obsessed with his work or the work of others. His heart is pure.
He still believes everyone tells the truth, promises must be kept, and when you are wrong, you apologize instead of argue.
Free from pride and unconcerned with appearances, Kevin is not afraid to cry when he is hurt, angry or sorry. He is always transparent, always sincere. And he trusts God.
Not confined by intellectual reasoning, when he comes to Christ, he comes as a child. Kevin seems to know God - to really be friends with Him in a way that is difficult for an 'educated' person to grasp. God seems like his closest companion.
In my moments of doubt and frustrations with my Christianity, I envy the security Kevin has in his simple faith.
It is then that I am most willing to admit that he has some divine knowledge that rises above my mortal questions.
It is then I realize that perhaps he is not the one with the handicap. I am. My obligations, my fear, my pride, my circumstances - they all become disabilities when I do not trust them to God's care.
Who knows if Kevin comprehends things I can never learn? After all, he has spent his whole life in that kind of innocence, praying after dark and soaking up the goodness and love of God.
And one day, when the mysteries of heaven are opened, and we are all amazed at how close God really is to our hearts, I'll realize that God heard the simple prayers of a boy who believed that God lived under his bed.
Kevin won't be surprised at all!
When you receive this, say a prayer. That's all you have to do. There is nothing attached. This is powerful.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
"the dead wander at night - the ones with thier faces turned backwards."
Daily Life in Ancient Egypt
Barbara Mertz
copyright 1966, 1978, 2008
One of the Titles for the Queens of Egypt was "She for Whom Anything She Says is Done."
Nefertiti is shown doing 'kingly' stuff such as bashing people over the head in pharonic 'style' there are many who believe she held title of king.
Taururt occasionally had the title of king.
Sobekenefru is another
according to greek documentation so is niticorus
"durring the late dynasties, certain royal women aquired a new position, which probably imlied a certain degree of political power. This position was signified by the title of "Gods Wife" which was orriginally a relitious title belonging to the queens of the New Kingdom. Presumably it referred to the intimate relations of the queen with the god Amun, who was the real father of her royal son The later princesses who held the same title may also have been brides of Amun Ra, but they did not present him with ofspring. They lived in Thebes, where they assumed some of the powers of the high priests of Amun. Since the capital of Egypt durring this period was in the Delta, the king thus secured a valuable viceroy in the south - all the more valuable because she could rule as his representative, but never as pharoah. The gods wife, also known as 'the adorer of the god and the god's hand' may or may not have been celibate, but he office was passed on by adoption, not by birth. When a new king ascended the throne he send his daughter to Thebes, where she was adopted by the current Gods Wife, whom, in due time, she succeded."
"May she flow away - she who comes in the darkness
who enters in furtively
with her nose behind her, her face turned backward
failing in that for which she came!
Have you come to kiss this child?
I will not let you kiss him !
Have you come to harm him?
I will not let you harm him !
Have you come to take him away?
I will not let you take him away from me !
and this is, by far, the most interesting view of the heru -set myth I have ever seen
"As for the stories, there is only one which was almost certainly regarded as a com9ic tale -"the Contendings of Horus and Set", which we will conside in detail in another chapter. It is a broad, bawdy story which pays scant respect to the immortal gods, and much of its humor is of a visual nature. The divine assembly of the gods brawls and bickers like a group of spoiled children, Isis bustles about playing tricks on her enemies, and Astarte gets the supreme god Re out of a fit of the sulks by exposing herself to him. These touches are not especially subtle, and they are certainly meant to be funny. Some other other tales are not so easy to diagnose. Take the story of Wenamon for isntance."
The idea of slaves in ancient egypt is a bit differant thant what you usually think of.
"... they were better off than the ordinary peasant. They were entitled to food and lodging, clothes and ointment, and those who worked in great shousholds might rise to positins of considerable importance. We know that some were emancipated and others married into the families of the owners."
Yuya, I really like this name. Yuya was Queen Tiyes dad (she was a commoner *ghasp*and even worse, the mother of the heretic king. But enough about her, what about Yuya? He was an officer of charioteers. The big deal here that even there there is *no* physical evidence people believe YuYa is an immigrant. He had a chariot in his tomb.
Also it seems the author agrees with me about the 'race' of the Anceint Egyptian. They were Egyptian. End of discussion. We all know how they started out, but by 1st Dynasty, they were hodgepodge.
As ms Mertz is discusssing the conquering of thutmose, she brigs up a nice point
"Judging from his accounts, clemancy was the order of th day, not a brutal ack of the conquered city. Since it now belonged to the pharoah, with all its people and thier possessions, the common soldiers could not be allowed to loot it. Perhaps this is why the poor soldier in our quotation had to carry the Syrian woman insted of leaving her to die by the wayside, but it would be nice to think that compassion had something to do with it."
"Some of the conquered peoples chose or were chosen to serve the conquerors as soldiers rather than slaves. They could earn freedome and promotion."
For a scorpion bite
I am the King's son, the eldest and first, Anpu; my mother Sekhmet-Auset came after me forth to the land of Syria, to the hill of the land of Heh, to the nome of those cannibals, saying "Haste, haste, my child, king's son, eldest and first, Apu.." --- lick the bite while its still bleeding, then you recite to some oil, then recite to it seven times, put it on the bite daily; soak up a strip of linen you put it on.
(that just looks very vague to me)
"Set's position is an usuaual one, and it is still imperfectly understood. Whether or not it is understandable in our terms, is another matter."
The Contendings of Heru and Set
"In the beginning, everyone except the president of the court seems to agree that Heru ought to inherit his father's throne. Ra is in favor of Set, perhaps because that god helps him repel his snakey enemies durring the trip through the underworld -and while his authority is not enough to overrule the rest of the counceil, it is strong enough to create a deadlock.
" Set's plea is more notable for rhetoric than reason. "As for me, I am Set, great of strength among the Ennead. Daily I slay the enemies of Ra, I am in front of the Bark of Millions; no other god can do this. I should receive the office of Asar.
"The fickly Ennead immediately bellows: Set is right! Djehuti is almost the only consistent one. he speaks up for his candidate, Heru, but his reasoned arguments are submerged in an exchange of insults , which ends with Auset getting up and cursing the whole Tribunal. Her threats terrify the immortals; they assure her that everything will be fine, everyone will get what is due him. Set promises to kill one god a day unless judgement is given in his favor, and he refuses to discuss the matter any further unless Auset is thrown out of court. In desperation, Ra suggests that they all move to an island where they can debate in peace. Strict orders are given to the ferryment not to take any woman accross the water.
"Anti the ferryman, is just as irresponsible as his betters. When Auset appears, disguised as an old woman, he lets himself be bribed into taking her to the island. Sneaking up , Auset sees the Ennead at dinner. She changes her form into that of a beautiful girl and strolls back and forth outside the window until Set catches a glimps of her. It is love at first sight; he rushes out. "Beautiful maiden, I am here with you !" he anounces rapturously.
"Auset slyly presents him with a fictiious case. She is the widown, she says, of a poor herdsman, and a foreigner has come and stolen all the cattle from her son, the heir. Set, inflamed by love, or basically stupid, exclaims indignantly, "shall the cattle be given to the foreigner while the son of the man is still alive? Auset turns herself into a bird and flies up into a tree, cawing triumphantly. "It is your own mouth which has said it; it is your own cleverness which has judged you !"
"Set burst into tears. Weeping copiously, he returns to the tribunal and tells them the whole story. "well," says Ra, " in effect, "now you've done it." Even the supreme god has no choice now but to decide in favor of Heru.
"Stubborn Set refuses to accept the verdict; he demands a trial by combat. Changing themselves in to hippopotami, the two plunge into the river to see who can stay down the longest. Auset pacing up and down in agony of concern for her son, finally can stand the suspense no longer. She heaves a harpoon into the water - like the heroinces of modern thriller fiction who try to bat the villain on the head while he is wrestling with the hero. Naturally, her weapon misses and hits Heru; he has to come out of the water and tell her to take her magic weapon out of his hide. Next time Auset manages to his Set, but when he emerges, appealing to her as his sister, the inconsistent woman frees him too. This annoys Heru who cuts of his mother's head to teach her a Lesson.
"After a time, Ausets unpleasant condition dawns on Ra "Who is this woman who has no head?" he inquires. Djehuti, who knows all, tells him, and Ra decides that Heru shall be punished. In the meantime Set finds the boy asleep and gouges his eyes out. Heru is cured by Het-her's magick, and once again, the Ennead goes into exectutive session to try and settle the case.
"The story goes on and on. There is one bawdy episode in which Set tires to play a sexual trick upon his nephew, but it is turned back on him by the wiles of Auset..."
(is it just me or is Auset always pulling heru's ass out of the line of fire... oh wait... Im not wrong)
"There are battles , and more hippopootami, and endless ranting in the tribunal. THe issue is finally decided by a threatening letter from no less a personage than Asar; Set concedes to heru, Heru is crowned, and Set is consoled by Ra's promis that he shall 'thundar in the sky and be feared.'
"Obviously this story is not official dogma. It is rude, insulting, and frivolous, and I think there is no doubt that the Egyptians regarded it as a humorous tale. It is a far cry from the solemn ritual wich casual students think of as the only manifestation of the religious attitude in anciet Egypt. Yet, frivolity was not the sole alternative to ritual, nor does the Heru and Set story represent the cecret cynicism of the people as opposed to the official piety of the court. We know relatively little about popular religion in its day by day manifestions. But the few sources we do have give a third, and very significant picture of religious attitueds.
"... The Gods...... lived.... as forces which could command the awe and devotion of living men."
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Morning Prayers for Peace, Prosperity, compassion ect Kemetic, Hindu, Buddhist
Clean out those chakras ! They are dirty !
Sit nice and lotusey
Close your eyes
Breathe in Red
deep breaths
Sing Lam
Breathe in Orange
deep breaths
Breathe in Yellow
deep breaths
Sing Ram
Breathe in Green
deap breaths
Breathe in Light Blue
deep breaths
Breath in Indigo
deep breaths
some say white others gold/ do what you are comfortable with
some say om
some say all the above
Lam, Vam, Ram, Yam, Ham, Sham Om
(slowely at first)
Try a nice singing bowl if you have one
usually you can tell how icky or out of tune your energy is by how out of tune your chanting is aka if it screaches against your energy.
Adi Shakti !
(mantra girl, only .99 on itunes)
Adi Shakti 3x
Namo 2x
serba shakti 3x
Namo 2x
Pritam bhagavatee 2x
Namo 2x
Kundalini mata shakti mata shakti
namo 2x
This mantra evokes shakti the primal feminine power and the creative energy of the divine mother
Dhan Dhan
(mantra girl Warning: adictive)
Dhana dhana ramadasaguru
jina siria tinaii sivaria
Pooree hoee kara mata aapa
sirijanaharia daharia
evokes the energies of Guru Ram Das
one f the 10 sikh gurus one of the gurus of miricles
and lets face it who doesnt need some of those
(now you better be AWAKE)
I know the cats are now spazing and running all over the place
PRAIS KHEPRI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Kheper-RA)
YAY !!!
Dua Khepri
Iau en ek kheper Ra nub
Mes es su tenu duait
Per em khet mut-ef nen abu
Iu en-ek itery em kesu
Di sen en-ek iau en weben-ek
set hen en-ek tau em iamu hau ek
Neteri ti em sekhem imy pet, neter menheh
Nesu en heh nub shesep
Heka hedjut heri neset-ef em mesketet
Ay-a khau em mai en djet
Hu en neteri iauau en heh
Utet su mes su dhes-f
Dua tu pesdhet aya-et henu en-ek pesdjet nedjset
Muk-ef Khepra em tuauu, RA en ahau-f, Atum amit masheru
Dua seten tu em iru-ek nefer
so this is of course giving praise to khepri
This is the form of RA in the morning
my favorite part here is You are Khepri in the morning ! RA at noon, Atum in the evening !!!!!
this leads me to my other fav morning prayer
I actually love the litany of Ra but I dont have the time every morning to do all that, so I do this one insted
Anedj hra-ek Ra, shenu ur, hku khi
Are enti es, qemam unenet
khent sa hekperu
tef em tefu mut em mut
renep et ra tcha
neter ankh neb meret
ankh nhra nebu persed-ek
Anedj nek ami tchet-ek
heq-ef neteru nebu
dja ek heret ta ra neb
seshep-ek aut ab em khen kara-ek
Nema-ek hert em hotepiu
sekher khefta-ek
Nema-ek hert em hotepiu
Sekher khefta-ek
hotep-ek na
Udha-a tep ta maa a neferu-ek
next, because I talk to people all day
tekhu, shep-es, asten khenti, mehi hab An
Rehehui, aashep-es khemenu, asten khenti mehi
hab djehuti
djehuti iu aper em peh-ef kher utu aat em maakheru
this is another, for speaking and writing
nuk mesethci-ek
se ari na nek pese
neb djed ne auabu, neb maakheru
rekh merkhet
nekheb enut en neteru nar-et shuja uadjat
sheten, djehuti neb hapu iem en-i
and depending on what season it is
and rt now Sopdet just rose !(ok, on the 2nd) So its the New Year !!!!!!! Its the solar month of Djehuti, its the full moon YAY for Shiva !
Shiva Chalisa
Shiva Stuti
Sacred Morning Chants by Shiv Bhakt
"Karpura gauram karunavataram
Sansara saram bhujagendra haram
Sada vasantam Hridayarvinde
Bhavam Bhavani sahitam namami."
I bow to Bhavani as well as as to Lord Shiva who is white as camphor, who is compassion incarnate, who is the essence of the world, who wears a garland of a large snake and who always dwells in the lotus like hearts of his devotees.
Karacharana Krtam Vak
Kayajam Karmajam Va
Sravana Nayanajam Va
Manasam Va Prardham
Vihitam Avihitam Va
Sarvame Tat Kshamasva
Jaya Jaya Karunabdhe
Sri Maha Deva Shambo
Shiva Thandava Stotram
Sri Lingashtakam
Hanuman Chalisa
Aaeti Devichi
Durge Durghatbhari Tujvin Sansari |
Anath Nathe Ambe Karuna Vistari ||
Vari Vari Janma Marnache Vari |
Haari Padalo Aata Sankat Nivari ||
Jai Devi Jai Devi Jai Mahishasur Mardini |
Survar IshwarWarDe Taarak Sanjeewani ||
Tribhuvan Bhuvane Pahata Tuj Aise Nahi |
Charhi Shramlo Parantu Na Bolve Kahi ||
Sahi Vivad Ghadala Padalo Pravahi |
Tetu Bhakta Lage Pavashi Lavalahi ||
Prasanna Vadane Prasanna Hoshi Nij Dasa |
Klesha Pasuni Sodavi Todavi Bhavpasha ||
Ambe Tuj Vachun Kon Purvil Asha |
Narhar Talleen Jhale Padpankaj Lesha ||
Jai Mata Di !
(I just like to listen to this one, I cant sing it yet, probably cause I dont have the phonetics to help me out)
Venkatesa Stotrum
Sri Mahisasura Mardinin Stotrum
(I suggest the on sung by Sri Kurinamayi)
om bubuvaswaha
tetsavitur varanium
bargo devasay demahi
dyoyama prachodyat
Shanti (for peace)
shanti preshanti sarvabhaya
Laxmi Mantra (for prosperity)
Om srim hrim klim
kamalay kamalayah
prasidha prasidha
srim hrim klim
Om srim Maha laxmi namaha
(say on mala)
Ganapati Ganapath
om ganana um twa ganapti gum
hava mahay govin govina
jai shtaraja bramhanbramhana sptataanum
chunvun nudibicedesadanam
om mahaganapatay namaha
(eee I did that phonetically)
Dai be zou
Great Compassion Mantra
Heart Sutra
(I can sing it ok in sanskrit but I doupt that could possibly type the phonetic out)
Diamond Mantra
To turn everything to dust
and turn parts into the whole
helps aliviate xin mo
Jin gang jin
in the olden days china, souls/spirits that were wrongly being dispel by stupid sorcerers , by chanting this - their soul is heal and back together
some myths even claimed to resurrect
you can also use this to dispel blackmagics
the emptiness, nothing is real, the difference between real and unreal
Shinsengumi Roster 1
To start off, here's the July 1864 roster-- around the time of the Battle of
Ikedaya. You'll all find this very interesting, I'm sure...I've converted
all dates from Old Japanese to the Gregorian (Western) Calendar.
By the way, remember how we were wondering if anyone got cold feet right
before Ikedaya? It turns out that the answer is yes...
Kyokuchou-- Kondou Isami
Sochou-- Yamanami Keisuke
Fukuchou-- Hijikata Toshizou
Fukuchou Jokin (Captain/Assistant to the Fukuchou)-- Okita Souji, Nagakura
Shinpachi, Harada Sanosuke, Toudou Heisuke (PMK fans-- notice how those 3
followed each other? ^_^), Inoue Genzaburou, Saitou Hajime, Ogata Shuntarou,
Matsubara Chuuji (Tadaji), Andou Hayatarou, Takeda Kanryuusai, Tani
Kansatsu (Surveillance Operations/Spies)-- Shimada Kai, Kawashima Katsuji,
Hayashi Nobutarou, Yamazaki Susumu, Asano Kaoru
Gochou (Corporal)-- Kuzuyama Takehachirou
Kanjuugata (Accounting, I think)-- Oseki Yahei (Also "Okan Yahei", according
to Serizawa's website), Kawai Kisaburou, Sakai Hyogo
Hira Taishi (Ordinary Soldier/"Patrolman")-- Sasaki Kuranosuke, Aritoshichi
Gonosuke, Nakamura Kingou, Hosokawa Takumi, Okuzawa Eikichi, Abe Juurou,
Yamanohachi Juuhachi, Aritooru Jingorou, Shukuin Ryouzou, Ozeki Asajirou,
Matsuzaki Shizuma, Shinodzuka Minekura, Yanagita Sanjirou, Mishina Nakaji,
Iki Hachirou, Kinouchi Minefutoshi, Matsumoto Kijirou, Takeuchi Gentarou.
As of January 1864: Takeda Kanryuusai
As of May 1864: Asano Katsutarou (Kaoru)
As of July 1864: Tani Sanjuurou, Tani Mantarou, Tani Shuuhei (Later adopted
by Kondou Isami), Kuzuyama Takehachirou, Mishina Nakaji, Iki Hachirou, Sakai
Hyogo, Kinouchi Minefutoshi, Matsumoto Kijirou, Takeuchi Gentarou.
As of August 1864: Oseki Yashirou
Assassinated in the Yagi Mansion on October 16, 1863: Serizawa Kamo
(fukuchou), Hirayama Gorou (fukuchou jokin), Hirama Juusuke (fukuchou
Assassinated in the Shin-Chikashigi Mansion in Gion (The other pleasure
quarters aside from Shimabara), on October 13, 1863: Niimi Nishiki
Assassinated in Maekawa Shouji's mansion in Kyoto on January 27th: Noguchi
Kenji (Fukuchou jokin).
Killed while dressing their hair in the barracks (?? Looks like Kyoto was
more dangerous than I thought) on October 28th, 1863 (possibly): Onkura
Isetakeshi, Arakida Samanosuke (both kokujitansakugata).
Killed above Harada (?!!) on October 28th, 1863: Kusunoki Kojurou (Hira
On October 18th, 1863: Matsume Ryuutarou, Matsume Shinjurou (brothers? Both
hira taishi)
On October 28th, 1863 (Certainly was a bad day for our guys, huh?):
Matsunaga Chikara, Matsui Ryuujirou, Echigo Saburou (all kokujitansakugata).
Around July 5th, 1864 (All of the following men were hira taishi. This was
the day before Ikedaya, so I'm not surprised.): Hamaguchi Kiichi, Umakoshi
Ootarou, Hijikata Tsushima (dunno if there's any connection), Mori Rokurou,
Fujimoto Hikonosuke, Itou Yohachirou, Ueda Kingou, Wada Hayato, Kannou
Rokurou, Nakamura Hisama.
Shinsengumi stuff saitou, okita, kondou
I've finally finished looking up Ichinose Denpachi's footprint, transcribing the work of Tetsuya Ito. For those of you wondering what happened to Saitou Hajime immediately after the Boshin War and how he ended up in Tonami with Yaso, this might interest you.
Aizu clan surrendered on Sept 23, 1868. The New Government Army gathered 1700 soldiers of the Aizu clan who fought outside the castle besides the women young and old in the castle, ordering Shiokawa into penitence. Yamaguchi Jirou (Saitou Hajime) who had led the Shinsengumi in the Aizu war was included in that. After losing the fight at Buddha Hall (Temple), he was not able to enter the Aizu-Wakumatsu castle but submitted in defeat after fighting outside the castle. The new fight of Jirou begins here. Jirou’s footprint from Takada penitence to Tonami has been a mystery until now. (Note: His footprint in Tonami I had already posted, it is actually his days with Shinoda Yaso his wife located here part 1 and part 2 ).
After the surrender and opening of the castle of Aizu feudal clan, the Bureau of Social Welfare of the New Government Troops decided that the feudal soldiers who fought inside the castle were to go to Matsudai clan in Shinshu to undergo “penitence” (to atone for wrong doing). However the Sanada house of the Matsudai clan refused and favored penitence in Tokyo, the feudal soldiers who fought outside the castle was decided to do penitence in Echigo, Takada han and the Sakakibara family. The Takada clan was not able to refuse the request of the Meiji government because it was indebted for it’s assistance on the Eastern Army. Yamaguchi Jirou is the same Shinsengumi Taishi (feudal soldier). The sick who were to undergo penitence were left at Aizu Wakamatsu and was to follow to Tokyo after their recovery. Jirou however even though he fought outside the castle did not sustain any injury. Jirou and the others who were assigned to the Takada han penitence group goes to the castle town which is known today as Joetsu-shi (Joetsu City) Niigata.
The Takada penitence group of Jirou and others prays at Amida-ji Temple on January 4, 1869 to be able to migrate to Takada safely. The Bureau of National Welfare of the New Government gave each person one gold ryo. A lot of old documents record this migration, on January 5 one group were divided into six groups (pairs?) and migrated to Takada after several days. There was an advance force that originated from Aizu Wakamatsu on January 3 that went to Takada too. It is necessary to pay attention to the arrivals and departure times and movements of day of the Takada penitence group between the old documents and books published in recent years.
An old Aizu feudal soldier Aida Kakuzaemon in "Kaihan Hokuetsu Takada Kinshin Jinmei" records on January 5 in the Takada confinement, there at Sueki Ganji (sp?) there was the same Jirou who was in kishin (penitence), who originated from Aizu Wakamatsu. Saitou whose name was in Kaihan Hokuetsu Takada Kinshin Jinmei was at present in Higashi-honganji temple in Takada (Joetsu City) in those same days too. In the old documents there are records that the departure dates from Aizu of the Takada penitence group to Takada was from January 3 to the 15, which was wide ranging. When Jirou Yamaguchi departed from Aizu he changed his name to Ichinose Denpachi. The name Ichinose in the Aizu han was a family name of many distinguished families but it was suitable to use to escape the eye of the New Government Army. Echizen feudal soldiers guarded Denpachi and a lot of other Aizu feudal soldiers, they stayed at various posting stations until they arrived to Teramachi (Temple Town) of Echigo Takada (Niigata Prefecture). Many old Aizu Taishi broke down from this process because of malnutration and died. However it is understable how Denpachi's body was strong to withstand this. 1,745 people from the Takada penitence group of Denpachi were divided into six groups and arrived at Takeda via Aizu Wakamatsu from Shiokawa. The date when the Takada penitence group left Shiokawa is January 5 according to the "Sakakibara Bunsho (Sakakibara document)" of the Takada clan. The days are recorded as the 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th and 15th day. The party is divided into the Sanroku (36? unsure if number or place!) Buddhist Temple in Teramachi near Takada Jouka (near the Castle), it then became the Takada penitence group from Aizu. In Higashimoto Temple, Denpachi is held in penitence with Shimizu Ukichi who also fought in the Shinsengumi back in Kyoto. Shimizu Ukichi was a Shinsengumi regimental soldier. As for Higashi-honganji temple, it was the largest Buddhist temple in Takada Teramachi and the old Aizu clan leadership was also penitent there. This is the situation which makes to inquire about the status of Denpachi's penitence group being on top (higher status). The possesion of this conviction will be described in the latter half.
Old Aizu fedual soldier, Aida wrote in "Kaihan Hokuetsu Takada Kinshin Jinmei" that by January 5 they went to Takda Echigo from Aizu Wakamatsu. The above mentioned list of names whose author is Aida who was penitent with Denpachi et. al in Higashi-honganji, it is probably an assignment of the number of men in penitence done in advance. First of all, Aida was penitent in Higashi-honganji temple and it had recorded Denpachi and Shimizu as
"Shimizu Ukichi
(note that Saitou was in the Phoenix troop; Suzaku translates to red bird, the Japanese Phoenix). It mentions the present Takada temple branch Higashi-honganji. Aida who writes the record, also writes thus about Ichinose Denpachi, was not a Kyoto Sakidzume (sp? I believe Sakidzume is "comrade") but was an old Aizu feudal soldier. However Saitou Hajime's false name is Ichinose Denpachi.
Saitou Hajime's footprint will remain as recorded sentences by these list of names in future generations contrary to his intention of trying to hide his history from the Meiji government. Denpachi, with the exception of old acquaintances/friends had kept concealing his identity Saitou and Yamaguchi including to his relatives etc. It need not be described that it is correct to have used the false name Ichinose Denpachi not Ichinohe Denpachi. The Meiji government gave Denpachi the ration of two person's stipend to start his penitence life. A lot of old Aizu feudal soldiers died of sickness in Takada Echigo and there were a lot of escapers too. Those who were arrested for escaping were decapitated by the Meiji government and there were a lot. However Denpachi who had attained a certain endurance did not drop out of penitence and held his own to the New Government.
Denpachi's meals were recorded as follows.
Menu of Penitence place
Simple meal in the morning
pickles, one person - miso paste with weight of 20 momme (3.75g) divided in half.
One greens in daytime
3 pickled vegetables
One greens in the evening.
If there was time Denpachi was said to hold conference meetings for old Aizu feudal soldiers despite of poor life. Denpachi and others buried a lot of old Aizu feudal soldiers who died in sickness in Takada in an Aizu grave yard called "Ookami-dani (Wolf valley)". On September 2, the Meiji government permitted the old Aizu feudal soldier's Hokkaido migration and permitted the right to bear a surname and wear a sword, it was pardoned. The continuation of the Matsudaira family of Aizu was permitted.
On September 28 the Aizu daimyo Matsudaira Katamori, parent and child, his councillor who served the Aizu clan was excluded from the pardon. Although this will get across to the Takada penitence group, Denpachi did not forget that he is the person whom received benefits from Katamori during the age of the Shinsengumi in Kyoto. The villagers from the Wakamatsu Prefecture went to Tokyo to appeal for the commutation of Katamori's sentence. The Meiji government on November 3 gave Katamori's only child (biologically speaking), Matsudaira Kataharu 30,000 Koku and the 4th district of Hokkaido. The next day Kataharu of the noble line received 30,000 Koku from the Meiji as a gift and the following year in July would move to what will be called the Tonami han (domain). It was the start that aimed for a new land for Denpachi and the others.
Recently Denpachi has been recorded to have stayed in other buddhist temples, the one "Takada Hyougi Azukarike Hitobito Betsu" in "Takada Kinshin Chuu Zakki" exists. The original which Saitou was recorded to be in penitence in Takada is lost, only a 1916 manuscript exists.
Sagashuu Tera Yoriai Sonau (Sonae?)
Dou Jichuu Joutokuji Kikaihou
Ukichi Shimizu
Souji Tera Suzaku Yoriaitai (Sooji temple)
Ichinose Denpachi
(Takada Kinshin Chuu Zakki)
This says that Denpachi was penitent not in Higashi-hongaji temple but Souji-ji (Teramachi). It is possible that at that occasion Denpachi have changed residence to the Souji temple. Moreover in Iouji in the same Teramachi, Tomiyama Yahee, one of those who tried to ambush Kondou Isami was buried there but it's not thought that Denpachi would've visited. However near the same Iouji temple the possibility that Denpachi stopped at the nearby temple where a lot of Aizu feudal soldiers were in penitence near Higashi Honganji at Teramachi cannot be denied. Returning back to the subject... In the Meiji 2, on the fifth day of January the government had exempted the old Aizu feudal soldiers, pardoned them with Katamori's son Kataharu and gave them 45,000 Koku. Denpachi remains in Takada at this time although a lot will migrate to Hokkaido the next month. Moreover in April 8, 1870 when the penitence was called off in "Echigo Takada Tsumemeisai Yuujin Chou", it was not about what temple they were held in penitence, but it was a table according to the force that fought in the Boshin war from a certain "Onogi", an old Aizu feudal soldier's writing which was transferred (conveyed) to Fujisawa Kuranojou a former Aizu feudal soldier. In this document by "Onogi", Denpachi and Shimizu who were of the Shinsengumi is recorded as follows;
"Jissouhou Janin" (sp?)
Shimizu Ukichi
Suzaku Rokuban Yoriai-kumi
Saitou Hajime Koto
The list of names and the records of war were done while most was in penitence. The "Echigo Takada Tsumemeisai Yuujin" which classifies the penitence group according to the roster, is where we see Denpachi's name along with the Suzaku Yoriai corps. There are a lot of historical records which concludes that Denpachi fought outside the castle during the Aizu war. Takeshi Kato from Echigo Fukazawa recorded the "Aizu-han Takada Yuushuu Meibo". Denpachi is recorded as follows although the date of the record by Kato is unclear. Denpachi was
Hongaji Kakesho (Hongaji place)
Ichinose Denpachi
"Aizu-han Takada Yuushuu Meibo"
Denpachi was penitent with the same force in the current four list of names and is confirmed.
When the migration started on the 19th of the same month, 300 Tonami fedual retainers went as a group from Edo going by sea route to Hachinohe, after that the Tonami migration started one after another. Those who were confined in Takada were divided into 4 sets, the group who were Takada resident, the group returning to Aizu Wakamatsu, the group that migrates to Tonami from Niigata and the group which goes to Tokyo. Kurasawa Heijuemon to whom Denpachi was indebted to went to Takada from Tokyo and commanded the migration. Kurasawa was said to be engrossed to act like an older person during the Boshin war, he was known as Uhyoe at that time. Denpachi who was liberated from penitence decides to join the migration to live by way of a Tonami feudal soldiers life. However there is a theory that says Denpachi goes to Tokyo in a hurry before the Tonami migration via Wakamatsu, it returns to Takada and is said to have gone to Niigata and boarded. His Shinsengumi comrade Shimizu Ukichi goes somewhere but his whereabouts is unclear.
On May 2 the Meiji government also released the family members of the Aizu feudal soldiers and allowed migration to Tonami. On the 14th of the same month Kataharu was appointed the Tonan-han Prefectural Governor. The ship with the initial 300 group of people embarked on the land of Tonami (Tonan), do not forget that a lot of old Aizu feudal soldier left Tokyo and Niigata towards the migration destination. It is possible that Denpachi leaves with these Tonami feudal soldiers. And in this migration Ichinose Denpachi uses the false name Fujita Goro. The theory is that he entered the Fujita house, an old Aizu feudal soldier's family, as an adopted son since there were a lot of Fujita family names in Tonan and it was for precaution, although the reason is obscure it is clear that Matsudaira Katamori did not appoint the name.
(Kizu's note: Suzaku is translated in Japanese a red bird and I think in Chinese it's more specific to the Phoenix. Remember Saitou was in the Phoenix troop during the Boshin war. LOL... Anyway, at least we do know that he stayed with the Suzaku group while in Kinshin (or penitence). Tetsuya Ito tried to retrace the steps of Saitou Hajime while he was a POW and I so love him for this time in Saitou's life is one that I've had many questions with before. It's great to see a little bit of what he did while in "Kinshin" and who he was with. I've made an edit on "Suzaku" since after looking it up, Suzaku and Phoenix represent the same thing and while going more into this transcription, it was basically pointing out that Saitou's record in the Boshin war and the group he stayed with while in penitence coincided with Suzaku or rather the Phoenix troop. Anyway it was interesting (although not surprising) how he tried to conceal his identity and how he failed and succeded. The retracing itself was very confusing to me at first especially since the places mentioned are now different and territorial boundaries have changed and the temples too. For those a little confused on why Saitou would be allowed to go around, if you pick up the book "Remembering Aizu" there is some description there that the POWs were allowed to go out and that they only needed to observe curfew. Of course those who broke the rules got punished by the Meiji(as described above). Make no mistake though life in "Kinshin" (penitence - to atone for your sins etc. etc.) was no cake walk either. According to the Fujita Family history (only read about in other japanese fansites), they say that the name Fujita Goro was a gift from Matsudaira Katamori). It looks like Tetsuya Ito disagrees, taking a look at the dates I tend to agree. It wouldn't be the first time a family record would turn out differently in research, I can name a few other cases but that's beyond the scope of this. Well anyway, another interesting thing is Kataharu, the new prefectural governor of Tonami... He was born 1869, so... The governor was only a child, heh -barely- a child. Meiji politics at work if you ask me. Of course this is just transcription, usual disclaimers apply. Hope you found it useful or at least interesting. Very Happy
There is an account that Okita Souji womanized according to the diary of Inoue Genzaburou's elder brother on April 22, 1863. Something about a forward woman who had liked him back in the Shieikan who was Kondou's adopted daughter... However aside from this, there is no other record of Okita womanizing and Kondou and Hijikata throws "considerable" opposition (confusion?)
According to Kondou Yuugorou, *Okita was in love with a certain doctor's daughter in Kyoto. Isamu however opposed this heartily, telling Okita to sever his connections with the daughter because of their circumstances. Yuugorou goes on to surmise that it was probably because of the idea that they could meet their end anytime soon.*
During the Ikedaya raid Okita expectorated blood and had to be carried outside. According to Matsumoto Ryojun who examined the members of the Shinsengumi in Nishihonga-ji Temple, there was one person with tuberculosis. This was probably Okita.
Okita might have met this doctor's daughter while he was going for treatment. Yuugorou said that Okita did speak to him about this doctor's daughter too.
There is a theory that there was a child born out of this relationship. It comes from a "Capital Newspaper" dated July 22, 1937 owned by the Kojima Resource center in Machida City. Apparently during a house cleaning (it mentions Tachikawa (remember that Tachikawa is also a Shinsengumi who decided to settle in Tama in his old days), I'm not sure if it's his house that they were cleaning or Okita's) they found a lot of documents and letters. It talked about a popular young fencer who fell in love with a doctor and had a child. However most consider this article written out of "curiosity" and is highly inaccurate that it was hard to believe.
Another story about Okita's love life is that he is related to a woman whose death register was found and contained "Okita's relation". When they examined the Kaimyo (Buddhist name given at death), it is concluded as an "elder sister" and that she was a "samurai's woman". Okita was cited to be the chief mourner and it was guessed that it was either the doctor's daughter or Akesato (Yamanami's lover).
However recently it turned out that the person was the wife of a Shinjo clan Gokajishi head, Zaemon of Sakai (unsure if the name is Zaemon or Sakai) according to Kawanishi Masataka in Shinsengumi Clarification". This person was born a year before Okita and had lived in Mibu and most probably Okita's "woman", it is cited (and noted as boldly reasoning) that this woman divorced most probably of because of Okita, the woman is described as having a child or children (from what I gather, these are children/child in the previous marriage). The death register's additional letter mentions a son-in-law taken into the family afterwards.
Not to be taken seriously..
Kizu playing devil's advocate...
There is an account by Kondou Yuujurou about Okita mentioning a doctor's daughter... What if Okita Souji actually disguised the older woman, who has his name on her death register, as a doctor's daughter to be safe and not garner disapproval from other members especially the officers of the Shinsengumi? Remember that the older woman, had a husband and it seems with children... What if Kondou and Hijikata found out about this, I believe both would make Okita break off the relationship, but to safeguard Okita's reputation they will go along with the doctor's daughter story for the same reasons Okita disguised the wife of Zaemon (Sakai?) to Yuujurou. Ah... But either way... What a mysterious and highly interesting story ne?
I've seen Okita's love life described from him being "clean" or a virgin, an innocent love with a doctor's daughter... And now a mysterious (and sounds like passionate) love with a married woman. Wow... And I thought only Saitou loved older women (reference to Yaso). *snicker*
For anyone who’s been looking up Saitou Hajime, we all know that he’s had quite a few names. His real/birth name was Yamaguchi Hajime then changed to Saitou Hajime, which was used in his Shinsengumi (Kyoto) years until he once again changed it to Jirou Yamaguchi, some say it was used to gain entrance back into the Shinsengumi (a technicality use I guess, but still kind of dis. There’s a name he used while in confinement (sort of like a penitence prison) Ichinouhe Denpachi and of course the one supposedly given to him by Matsudaira Katamori, Fujita Goro.
Well my favorite name will always be Yamaguchi Hajime (for personal reasons. LOL), but let’s discuss the last two names, Ichinouhe Denpachi and Fujita Goro.
It was said before that Jirou Yamaguchi stayed in Aizu to fight to the bitter end. Not surprising really. He was with the “Phoenix” troop, I think the Japanese is Suzaku (spelling?) and fought mainly outside the castle. Actually it’s said that the fighting outside continued for a while as they didn’t know that Aizu surrendered already. Feel free to strike that out as I’ve not confirmed it by a better source, I think I got it somewhere along the web, messageboards and what not. It’s probably true though since in one of the books I read (painstakingly LOL), it did say he submitted himself and was not able to triumphantly enter the castle. The POWs were then led to the Takada clan (at least those who weren’t badly injured) in several migrations from January 3 to January 15. During this time in order not to be noticed by the new government army he used the name Ichinose Depanchi –not- Ichinohe Denpachi. I’m not sure how the name Ichinohe came down, I do know that Akama had used the name in her novel and others followed, just look around and you’ll see a lot of references to Ichinohe Denpachi, even I’ve used it before and in this site too. But definitely the name is not Ichinohe as proven by the transcript “Takada Kinshin Chou Zakki” (see pic below, name is with red marking) where Ichinose is recorded along with another Shinsengumi, Shimizu Ukichi. It’s said that he took a lot of precaution not to be exposed conceiling from relative and even Shinsengumi comrade, makes sense of course. But why did he pick the name? Apparently the surname Ichinose was used by a lot of distinguished families from the Aizu clan. I’ll not describe the conditions in the penitence camp we’re just talking names here after all and I’m sleepy. LOL…. But many POWs though died there because of sickness and lack of sustenance (well aside from some of them escaping and being caught and decapitated).
Now Ichinose-san uses the name Fujita Goro when he migrates to Tonami, we know he used it for sure during 1871 because his family register when he married Shinoda Yaso in August 25 1871 is already Fujita. I’ll not go into Yaso either (for now) as that’s going to take me forever. LOL. It is theorized that he used the surname Fujita as many there were a lot of “Fujita” surnames in the southern part of the clan territory, which does coincide with what Akama mentioned before in Nazo. As for why he’d change his name again, we can all just guess or maybe it’s for the same reason. It seems that our wolfie really is a very cautious man. It goes on to say that Matsudaira did not appoint the name which is surprising (maybe my transcription is wrong but I doubt it since the paragraph structure is made to support that it was not an “officially” bestowed name by Matsudaira). Depending on when specifically he used the name, it cites that shortly at the time of migration he will use the name Fujita Goro. If this is before September 1870, the time when Matsudaira came to Tonami then they are probably right. We do know that on May 2 an advance party was sent to Tonami, Kurasawa was a councilor who helped the POW migrate and that the migration for many people was completed in June… I think it’s been said time and time again that Matsudaira bestowed the name to Saitou because of his service to the Aizu han and even goes on to say that Saitou treasured it and so forth. I would venture to say that the origin of the name is in question as it’s only recently that we have a better footprint of what happened to POW Saitou (which again isn’t discussed in detail here. Gomen…), but Matsudaira’s appreciation of Saitou is seen also in other ways like that haori and it’s said that he met with Saitou many times while he was in Tonami. Saitou even goes out to accompany him (be his guard) when Matsudaira had to go to Tokyo to facilitate the abolition of the Aizu clan, but take note it wasn’t just Saitou who went with him, it was also many other clan retainers who also received “gifts” from Matsudaira.
Ah well just letting you guys know what I stumble upon. As usual Kizu make no claims. Heh. I mean if they can’t decide… I can’t either. LOL… This is just to stir your mind. Oh most of this comes from Saitou no Nazo and Subete.
Part I - Early life in Gonohe Tonami
IMO Shinoda Yaso is probably one of the most elusive figures in Fujita Goro’s life. As we all know Fujita Goro is Saitou Hajime. Not many people have heard of Shinoda Yaso until recently and some may not have heard of her at all. A long time ago I found her name in a –favorite- site of mine now known as . Nowadays I don't heavily rely on websites but I still do like that one. The problem was usually I'd only find very short blurbs on Yaso. Anyway, not much is known about her still but let me tell you about her as I’ve finally deciphered some info from Rekishi Doukohon, Saitou Hajime Subete and Saitou Hajime no Nazo.
Shinoda Yaso was of samurai lineage, if we recall only samurai lineage had the right to keep a surname but her evidence of being of samurai ancestry is evidenced by her father Shinoda Naizo who was an Aizu Honshizoku (warrior group). Before the fall of Aizu and the displacement of the Aizu han, her father was receiving a stipend of 400 Koku and their residence was at Yoneshiro Ni Choume (2nd district I think). Her father died of illness while her eldest brother "Iwagirou" died in the Kinmon incident. Many people including Saitou moved to Tonami – Aomori (northern Japan – Shimokita peninsula) as refugees, she was one such person who moved along with her brothers to the house of Shichiro Ueda in Gonohe village.
Saitou after his release from the Takada clan - Echigo, proceeded to Tonami under the name Fujita Goro in the year 1870. It is recorded that most of the immigration was completed by June, although I’m not sure when Saitou actually reached Tonami, all we know is the year. Kurasawa Hieimon (sometimes I got “Heijiuemon”) was an advisor/councilor and directed the immigration of the POWs. He and Saitou were acquaintances from Kyoto, which probably explains why Goro came to stay at Kurasawa’s household. It’s important to note that not only Saitou stayed there but many other people, aside from Tokio whom Kurasawa had adopted prior to going to Tonami. Yaso met Saitou around February 1871, most probably because of Kurasawa since Kurasawa was the one who arranged/sponsored their marriage. Saitou married Yaso on August 25, 1871 the very day that he was scheduled to go to Tokyo to guard Matsudaira Katamori. Many other Aizu soldiers accompanied Matsudaira, they left to start the abolition of the Tonami clan. To be honest I found this to be quite funny as it’s like a soldier marrying his sweatheart just before he goes away. But as to why he couldn’t wait till he got back, I have no idea. LOL. It’s probably just me.
So after their marriage, they setup house in Gonohe-son 132 residence. The address of Kurasawa as Saitou was already living there. They were married by self-declaration under the term “Shizoku”, meaning of samurai antecedents but really their life was more like “merchants”. It is during this time that the life in Gonohe was very hard, it was hard to harvest and develop any type of industry as Tonami is described as a barren land. The settlement most probably according to Subete did not face the sea and thus fishery was not an option. Saitou according to Akama “peddled” (yes the work of a merchant) but I’m unsure as to what. Saitou and Yaso’s life were seriously poor and there was a lot of death from malnutrition and the harsh elements. It’s said that during the time 10% of the immigrants were sick and it got so bad that the Meiji government was forced to send them some “relief” money.
The truth of Yaso’s existence is when Akama was looking over the Kansoku register (scholars agree that there are many mistakes in this register. I think it was also called “Jitsuru”)... In January 1872 a population census(Kansoku register) was required by the Meiji government and her name and Fujita Goro’s came up. In Fujita Goro’s family registry, it is recorded “Fujita Goro 27 wife Yaso 31. 132 residence”. There is a mistake here in that Yaso is said to be born in 1842 this means that Goro should’ve been born 1846 but we all know he was born 1844 January 2, via his record in the Police Department Bureau (later known as the TMPD) Akama had written that there was a woman who was able to enter a girl’s school with Yaso’s help. She mentions that this woman is still alive albeit –very- old. She is a master in calligraphy. The name is not mentioned from what I see (If I just missed it please let me know). Our last record of Yaso is that she moved to 269 residence Gonohe-son on July 20,1876. This was the address of Kurasawa Jikan 78 yrs old, who at the time was living with his son (Hieimon 47 yrs old –mentioned earlier) and Jikan’s wife 71 yrs old. What she did afterwards is not yet known.
According to Shizuko Akama there is the possibility that Fujita Goro (Saitou) was already working for the Police Bureau as early as 1871. It is commonly thought of that Kawaji Toshiyoshi from Satsuma was probably connected to Goro’s entry into the police because during the time he was recruiting former Samurai to hold public positions, but the definite record we have of Saitou joining the police is his record where he got sent off to the Seinan war, otherwise known as the Southwestern Rebellion under the police and not the army.
Anyway during the time he and Yaso was living with the Kurasawa, he also helped setup a school. I’m not sure if this is the same school that the girl whom Yaso helped went to. Saitou also headed the penitence group on the same day he and (presumably) Yaso changed residence on February 10, 1873. The reason for the relocation was because Kurasawa and his family, which I would guess includes Tokio had also changed residence.
Goro and Yaso would then live at 812 residence at the Ueda household. This was the same house that Yaso lived in prior to marrying Goro. It is described as “tenement” style. The question comes to mind is why would Goro and Yaso move in Ueda Shichiro’s house? How did they secure residence there again and why did they not live with Kurasawa? The answer here I think can be found by examining Yaso and Kurasawa Hiejieumon’s relationship to the Ueda house. Yaso had already been living at the Ueda house so there’s no surprise there, however it is mentioned that Kurasawa himself was an adopted son of the Ueda’s. This would explain Kurasawa’s connection with Yaso, and why he would sponsor the marriage between the two. Kurasawa also would’ve been able to secure lodgings for Goro and Yaso once again into the Ueda house. It is not mentioned why Kurasawa would opt Goro and Yaso not to move in with them at Kurasawa's new residence.
Sometime after this, Takagi Tokio, Kurasawa’s adopted daughter is sent to Tokyo. The reasons are unknown. After over a year of living in the Ueda house, Fujita Goro goes to Tokyo on June 10, 1874, the reasons for Goro’s arrival in Tokyo is unknown as well but Akama seems to think that Goro has been in and out of Tonami several times. Anyway Goro eventually marries Tokio. The marriage arrangement between Fujita Goro and Tokio is thought to have been made in fall with Sagawa Kanbee (Kambei? and Yamakawa Hiroshi as lower go-betweens and Matsudaira as higher sponsors.
What can I tell you about all this? Nothing really that you don’t already know since I basically spilled everything. LOL. There was a theory that came out because of rekishi dokouhon that made it look like Saitou divorced Yaso and that perhaps Kurasawa had a hand in it. Please note that I have not read Rekishi Doukohon personally (but I did get a copy of it so I might update this with corrections or something). The theory went something like, to spare Tokio from further “hardship” her adopted father had arranged things and that the marriage of Saitou to Tokio was done even before Saitou went to Tokyo. With the relationships as it is, I sincerely doubt Kurasawa would request such a thing considering they had already lived in Tonami for quite some time plus why would he break up a marriage he sponsored in the first place? Much less a marriage of a woman whom Shichiro Ueda took into his care, remember Kurasawa was adopted into the Ueda house. Tokio had already been living in Tokyo earlier before Saitou got there, so that pretty much throws out the idea that the marriage was encouraged so that Tokio can be taken away from the harsh life in Tonami. All of this came from the assumption that Kurasawa wanted to safeguard his daughter, which is why Kurasawa took Yaso in eventually out of “guilt”, but considering the fact that the clan had already been pardoned and some had left Tonami much earlier… And anyway why pick someone who was already married to someone else? Simply to me this whole theory does not make any sense.
There is another “theory” that Yaso died from harshness in the life of Tonami… I am not sure where this theory comes from, although sometimes it is cited that there is no record of her after 1876 where she moved back to the house of the Kurasawas… I have not heard of accounts of her being fragile and just because one stops being on someone’s family register does not mean they died that year. It is possible she "relocated" and from what I know family registers are changed many times especially when living in a new area. And even if she died that year, that’s still two years from the time Goro left so it does not explain the separation.
From what I read though, researchers are not certain of what happened in between the time Saitou (Goro) left for Tokyo and he got married to Tokio. They are asking the question did Goro abandon his first wife? Because there is no divorce papers and the fact that Yaso at the day he left for Tokyo, saw him off, most probably indicates that she had no idea she would never see him again. I think the question is what happened –after- Goro arrived in Tokyo. It wouldn’t be uncommon to think that Goro would visit Tokio, considering he was good friends with Kurasawa. It’s not even unfair to think that Kurasawa himself might’ve asked Goro to visit Tokio from time to time to make sure she’s okay. What happened in between… I don’t know.
I’d like to think just like Akama that Saitou was not a cold man… Akama even goes on to theorize that Saitou might have made Yaso his mistress and might’ve participated in his work in the Police (remember she is also the one who theorizes that Goro has been working for the police as early as his Tonami days). I must say though that perhaps that’s just a way for Akama to reconcile this rather puzzling event. It’s very much like when one assumes Yaso dies of illness, was a bad woman or cannot bear a child… Or that Tokio was clearly the better choice. The list goes on really on how and why Saitou would -presumably- "abandon" Yaso but the truth is we don’t know –yet-. Did Saitou abandon his wife Yaso? Did they separate willfully? Or did circumstance bid them to part ways? Those are questions still being answered by Japanese researchers. We do not know if he infact abandoned Yaso or was forced to. If he was forced to, we do not know the circumstance and by whose hands. Feel free to speculate, most of the researchers I've read have speculated to no end.
This adopted daughter seemed to have had a "manly" temper and always carried a dagger in her bossom. Then one day she decided to "confess" to Okita about her love since Okita wasn't "aware" of her like for him. She asks to marry him and Okita flatly refused and because this adopted daughter felt ashamed she stabbed her throat. Fortunately the wound was not too deep and she was able to live. The adopted daughter goes on to say that she's married another person afterwards. This event was a well-known event in the Shieikan. However the author wonders if this is indeed true considering Kondou himself would only be in his 20s and to adopt at such a young age seemed unnatural. However in the Kojima diary in Onoji-son there is a passage about Kondou's adopting this daughter. It goes thus; July 3, 1864: Kondou adopts a daughter and is good. The appearance is about 13 years old. If looked in the context of the Edo period then the document is also persuasive although the circumstances are unclear.