Introduction to the 7 Chakras
Basic Explanation
Elemental Correspondence
Body and Organ Correspondence
Effects of Imbalance
Yoga Postures
What Are Chakras?
Chakra, pronounced with a hard ‘ch’ sound is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘disk’ or ‘wheel’. These ‘disks’ or ‘wheels’ are centers of energy that are located along the spine. Each vibrates at a certain lever therefore; an aspect of the color spectrum is associated with each one. The chakras regulate the energetic field of your body and psyche. An imbalance can cause not only health issues, but psychological ones as well. A good balance improves health and emotional / psychological stability. In light of that, it is easy to understand why understanding and maintaining your chakras is important.
Your chakras help you examine the various aspects of your life so that you can discover and even pinpoint problems and fix them. If your chakras are blocked it dampens your spiritual energy not to mention progress, it further distances you from your divine source. Your chakras are your spiritual progression, from basic survival to reunion with Brahman, the divine.
Your chakras are not stagnant energy centers; they are swirling with movement, which makes it easy to understand why they would be called ‘wheels’. It’s important to be mindful of this movement whether it is slow or fast as like the above mentioned blocks, this can also affect your emotional and physical life.
The Chakras
Within each chakra is a shape, deity concept, bija mantra and mantras for each petal.
In order to work with and understand each chakra it is necessary to have a basic understanding of the correspondences. In each lesion we will follow an outline that starts off with the name and the English translation of that name. There will be a short list that explains the body and organ functions. These may not agree with most western though of what an ‘organ’ is, the purpose of these lesions is to take from the original Hindu teachings.
We will discuss what happens when the chakra is blocked, or closed and how this affects not only your emotional well being but your physical health. Because there are deities associated within each chakra we are also going to discuss briefly each deity, the meaning with their symbolism and mantras for the deity.
Mantras can be described as ‘prayers’ or energetic recitations. They will be in Sanskrit. As chakras themselves operate on a vibrational level, it is important to use and understand the concept that the language of Sanskrit also works on a vibrational level, to use any other language other than the Sanskrit will not assist with fine tuning the vibration of each chakra. The mantras and their associations with each deity will strengthen and purify each chakra. The mantras are meant for improving the vibrational aspect. Each chakra itself has what is called a bija or seed mantra, when one begins working on balancing and cleaning the chakras it is important to know the bija mantra and to chant it as well as the bija letter on each petal.
Yoga and the Chakras:
For those interesting in a more serious and challenging practice I will include the yoga posture. Yoga is an important practice that also balances the body and the mind. I will include an outline and picture of each pose. These will be taken from the website : http://www.abc-of-yoga.com/yogapractice. It has an outline of how to get into the postures and a player to show you how.
Before one begins practicing yoga postures it is good to be in the proper mindset. Sit, eather cross legged or lotus. Breathing is important, it helps empty the clutter of your mind and retain your focus. You should breath in deeply from your diaphragm through your nose and clear your mind. I suggest taking a few minuts with this in order to get centered.
The Guayatri Mantra is to be said before starting the actual postures:
The sites I chose are ones that agree with the Elders who teach me.
“Gayatri Devi is an incarnation of Saraswati Devi, consort of Lord Brahma, symbolising the "shakti" (strength) and "dev" (quality) of Knowledge, Purity and Virtue. Saraswati Devi is held to be the patronness of the Arts, being a poet and musician, as well as skillful composer. In the form of Gayatri Devi, with the blessings of Lord Brahma, she is believed to have given the four Vedas to mankind.
Gayatri is depicted seated on a lotus. She is depicted with five faces representing the pancha pranas /pancha vayus(five lives/winds): prana, apana,vyana, udana, samana, of the five principles/ elements (pancha tatwas) earth, water, air, fire, sky (prithvi, jala, vayu, teja, aakasha). She has 10 hands carrying the five ayudhas: shankha; chakra, kamala, varada, abhaya, kasha, ankusha, ujjwala utensil, rudrakshi mala.
Gayatri, Savitri and Saraswati are three goddesses representing the presiding deities of the famous Gayatri mantra chanted thrice a day. Gayatri is the presiding deity of the morning prayer and rules over the Rigveda and the garhapatya fire. Every grihasta (householder) was expected to keep 5 or 3 sacred fires ( Five fires: ahavaneeya, dakshagni, garhapatya, sawta, aavasadha.) in his house to perform Vedic rituals.”
This is the Gayatri Mantra in Sanskrit.
Om bhoor bhuvassuvaha,
Tatsa Vitur varenyam,
Bhargo devasya dheemahi,
Dheeyo yonah prachodayat
This is how to pronounce it. Most hindu websites offer free mp3 for mantras, feel free to use your favorite search engine should you wish to hear it.
“Gayatri mantra is meant for realization of God and is regarded as representing the Supreme Lord. It is meant for spiritually advanced people. Success in chanting it enables one to enter the transcendental position of the Lord. But, in order to chant the Gayatri mantra, it is necessary for one to first acquire the qualities of the perfectly balanced person in terms of the qualities of goodness according to the laws of material nature. The Gayatri mantra is considered to be the sonic incarnation of Brahman and is regarded as very important in Vedic civilization.
Gayatri Mantra (the mother of the vedas), the foremost mantra in hinduism and hindu beliefs, inspires wisdom. Its meaning is that "May the Almighty God illuminate our intellect to lead us along the righteous path". The mantra is also a prayer to the "giver of light and life" - the sun (savitur).
Oh God! Thou art the Giver of Life, Remover of pain and sorrow,The Bestower of happiness,Oh! Creator of the Universe,May we receive thy supreme sin-destroying light,May Thou guide our intellect in the right direction.
Chanting of Gayatri Mantra removes all obstacles in our path to increased wisdom and spiritual growth and development. The teachings and powers incorporated in the Gayatri Mantra fulfill this purpose. Righteous wisdom starts emerging soon after Jap(recitation) of the Gayatri Mantra is performed.
The Gayatri Mantra is based on truth. For truth is based on strength. Strength is breath, and is based on breath. So, Gayatri protects (tra) the wealth (gaya) (the breath!) of those who speak it with earnestness and devotion. When one recites Gayatri on behalf of someone, it protects that person's breath too!
This entire creation is Gayatri. And the Gayatri is speech - for speech sings (gayati) and protects (trayati) this entire creation. Gayatri indeed is all this, whatever being exists. Speech indeed is Gayatri; for speech indeed sings and removes fear of all this that exists.”
Taken from the following website
The rest of the content of these lesions are taken from the following sorces:
My yoga instructor
The Local Vishnav and Shakti Elders and Practitioners
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