Jeweled City or City of Jewels
Its color is yellow with ten petals. The triangle is the seat of fire within your body.
The psychological states are: spiritual ignorance, thirst, jealousy, treachery, shame, fear, disgust, delusion and foolishness.
This is the place of your personal/ psychological power and will sits. This is also your vitality as a result it is related to your immune system and general health. This chakra, in eastern philosophy is also called the Tan Tien and is believed to hold your ‘physical body’ and is the resting place of your chi. In a sense, this is how you assert yourself.
Problem Arias:
When there is to much concentration of energy this can make a person overly stubborn and willful not to mention closed minded. It over inflates your ego leading to arrogance. Pulse, you have a tendency to overestimate your own physical capabilities and end up overexerting yourself. This energy will burn out quickly and leave you exhausted and drained.
When there is too little energy, one gets lethargic and apathetic. Your self confindance lacks and you find that you are easily dominated.
List of Correspondences:
Location: solar plexus, above the navel
Bija Mantra: Ram
Seed Letters: (on the petals right to left) dang, dhang, nang, tang, thang, dang, dhang, nang, pang, phang
Element: Fire
Shape: Triangle
Plane: Celestial
Sense: Sight
Organ: Eyes
Presiding Deity: Braddha Rudra (Elder Shiva)
Braddha Rudra is a destructive aspect of Lord Shiva. The Tiger represents ‘the mind’. The trident is a symbol of power.
This particular image of Lord Shiva is his ‘wrathful’ form. This tiger represents the mind mired in desire.
Nataraj Mantra:
(Im using this mantra primarily because Nataraj dances to destroy the universe)
Natarj, Nataraja, jai shiva shankara nataraja
(this mantra is his names)
You could also use
Jai shiva shankara boom boom hare hare
( the boom boom represents the destructive aspect)
His energy is Lakini Shakti
The things she is holding are : the arrow that Lord Kama used, a thunderbolt, fire and finally her last hand is making the gesture of granting boons and removing fear, this is called mudra.
The Vehicle: The Ram. The ram represents power strength and vitality.
Yoga Practice:
Dhanaurasana- The Bow
This posture massages your solar plexus and helps with your digestion.
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