Sweetness or One’s Own Place
The svadisthana has six petals, the petals themselves are supposed to be white. The relationship between the moon and water is symbolized here with the crescent with in the circle.
The psychological states of the petals are as follows--------------------------------------: affection, pitilessness, destructiveness, delusion, disdain and suspicion.
This is where the subtle energy behind sexual impulses reside. When we get to the ‘sexual’ aspect it goes hand in hand with the ‘creation’ aspect as well, with things such as anything mental or physical that you may want to ‘create’ aka art/music/ writing, building. So we go from propagation of the species and survival to creation on all its levels. This brings us to enjoyment and celibacy. Many wonder just what celibacy is ‘for’? Many religions support the idea because you channel this energy into your higher consciousness. However, if the practitioner is not ready to raise this energy, it causes all manner of issues and problems. Not everyone is able to do this, let alone understand why they should.
Problem Arias:
Preoccupation with sex and sensory pleasure; such as promiscuity and nymphomania. Any kind of overindulgence is covered here from basic materialism (greed). This can lead to being overtaken by ‘fight or flight’ philosophy, aka domineering others. A deficiency leads to lack of a sex drive or impotence, creative block, depression. These imbalances can actually be caused by having a preoccupation with sex, or when one develops guilt issues from experiencing any kind of pleasure. Also extreme self denial can be a destabilizer. Lastly puberty can have effects on this chakra.
List of Correspondences
Location: Between the pubis and the navel
Bija Mantra: Vam
Seed Letters : (on the petals) Bang, Bhang, Mang, Yang, Rang, Lang
Element: Water
Shape: Circle
Plane: Astral
Sense: Taste
Organ: Tongue
The Deities
Presiding Deity: Lord Vishnu of Preservation.
The symbolism of Lord Vishnu, the lord of preservation: His arms have several different meanings in and of themselves. The quest for knowledge, positive family life, meditative retreating, renunciation, duty and virtue, material success, pleasure, sexuality, enjoyment and Liberation.
He holds a conch, which symbolizes the primordial creative voice and is associated with the sacred sound of Om. He holds a discus which symbolizes the chakras, and like thoughts flow faster than the wind. The lotus sprang out of his navel, and it is identified with the sun, and creativity and fertility. The lotus also represents Laxmi, his constant companion and the feminine force that activates creative power. The lotus also signifies detachment. The Mace represents the power of time. Nothing can conquer time, and like time, the mace will destroy all those who appose it.
Shree Vinshu Mantra
I bow to Lord Vishnu the one Master of the Universe,
Who is ever peaceful, who reclines on the great serpent bed,
from whose navel springs the lotus of the creative power,
who is the supreme being, who supports the entire universe,
who is all-pervading as the sky, who is dark like the clouds and
has a beautiful form; the Lord of Lakshmi, the lotus-eyed one,
whom the yogis are able to perceive through meditation,
He, who is destroyer of the fear of samsara.
His energy is Rakini or Chakini Shakti
She has two heads, holds an arrow, a skull a drum and an ax
The two heads represent a loss of unity, this is the root of imagination / inspiration. The arrow is another dualistic symbol, this is also used by Kama, this is ‘desire/love’. The symbolism of the drum is rather straight foreword as it is rhythm. The ax is the energy to overcome obstacles; the skull is similar to saying ‘you wear your heart on your sleeve’.
The Vehicle: Makara
The motion of the crocodile represents not only the sensuous nature of a person, but trickery as well. It is know for its strength and sexual power and manipulative nature. o
Yoga Practice:
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