Pure, Purification, Purity
The color is blue. The moon represents psychic energy; also represent purity.
This is the cosmic sound, your psychic energy, cleiravoyance, clairaudience aka communication with out words. Through this chakra, all the elements of the lower chakras, either, water, fire and air become pure. This is also the chakra of speech and communication; this is how the divine expresses itself, through language.
Psychological States: Are rather esoteric in nature, so far I have only found Sanskrit names for them, most of which have to do with mantras.
Problem Arias:
Too much energy: causes us to speak with out thinking. Our words are affectations and powerful, its an easy thing to forget. Another symptom is that one talks so much one doesn’t remember to listen to others. Also the ‘way’ one speaks is affected, exaggerating even to the point of lying, speaking harshly and abusively. Being overly critical.
To little energy: being silent when one should speak up, or just withdrawing into a non communicative state, the inability to express yourself. .
List of Corrispondances
Location: base of the neck
Bjia Mantra: Ham
Seed Letters: am, aam, im, eem, um ,oom, rim, rdim, lim, llim, ehm, aim, ohm, aum, ang, ahang.
Element: Eather
Shape: Crescent
Plane: Human Plane
Sense: Hearing
Organ: Ears
We have a couple of new symbols here, we have the heads which represent the five senses, and the meshing of them all. A divine untion, his drum (an old symbol) creates the sound of Om. His mala, links the physical body with the spirit to divine knowledge.
Guru Mantra
The Guru is Brahma (The God of Creation)
The Guru is Vishnu (The God of Sustenance)
The Guru is Shiva (The God of Annihilation)
My Salutation to such a Guru, who is verily the Supreme God
The symbolism of Shakini is the elephant staff, it controls the holy scriptures.
The animal of this chakra is the elephant, which represents understanding and intelligence.
Yoga Practice:
Matsyasana; the fish
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