Monday, August 31, 2009

Simple Beauty

In the past when your mother was with child, she developed an UNUSUAL apitite
nothing but greens parsley pepers cabages and celeray
your father said alright
but it wasnt quite
I caughthim in the autumn in my garden one night
robing me raping me
rooting through my arugula .....

that is from the Broadway play into the woods
but its that first bit that's getting to me
In the past

Life is a constant revisionary process. Yeah there were times when I was discussed and angry with Christianity in general. But at some point I kinda thought it was more asshole people than anything else. There was a time when I thought no sane coherent person would subscribe to such a thing, but now I just dont think its all that bad. Lets face it, a person is going to be stupid/idiot/asshole no matter what religion they subscribe to.

It kind of hit home today because a good friend of mine was apologizing on behalf of all the assholes of the christian community. It was so sweet and I wanted to laugh, not at her or anything but simply because she is a beutiful person. HAAHAA Im sorry that person I never met before nor had anything to do with was an asshole and they were christian and wow ... trying to right wrongs she didn't commit, and its such a lovely sentiment. I am truely honored to know this person, she is lovely and blessed by God.

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