Friday, October 22, 2010

Amun / Ra: notes from various sources

no one knows what it means. Hence he is the hidden one.
He of course is a solar kind of guy and his name
can be taken as a seedy syllable meaning creative power.

he was Khepri in the morning
Ra at noon and Tem in the evening

The home base so to speak would belong to the Anunian Theology
Nu is the primeval waters of which RA arose from.
RA then created Shu, Tefnut, Geb and Nut.
RA gets to sail across the heavens on his barq usually with Ma'at.
Ma'at is the ORDER of the universe that creation may exist.
(skips tree of life of the anunian theology)

All other ntr come from Ra
Ra is the Lord of the Hidden circles

There are seven souls of ra, each on representing a level of consciousness int eh jniverse and psycho-spiritual consciousness... human personality. Because of this Ra is the Lord of Souls and Lord of Doubles.

RA is the fire of consciousness, the source. This is how we perceave time and space, how we interact with the univers.

The triple manifestation of Ra
Nuk ba Khepri em tuauu
RA en ahau-ef
Atum amit masheru
"I am khepri in the morning, Ra at noon and Atum in the evening"

was the great sun-god, to whom every king
pledged himself, by adopting on his accession a
motto-title embodying the god's name, such as
Ra-men-kau, ' Ra established the kas,' Ra-sehotepab,
' Ra satisfies the heart,' Ra-neb-maat, ' Ra is
the lord of truth '
; and these titles were those by
which the king was best known ever after. This
devotion was not primitive, but began in the
fourth dynasty, and was established by the fifth
dynasty being called sons of Ra, and every later
king having the title ' son of Ra ' before his name.
The obelisk was the emblem of Ra, and in the
fifth dynasty a great obelisk temple was built in
his honor at Abusir, followed also by others.
Heliopolis was the centre of his worship, where
Senusert i, in the twelfth dynasty, rebuilt the
temple and erected the obelisks, one of which is
still standing. But Ra was preceded there by
another sun-god Atmu, who was the true god of
the nome ; and Ra, though worshiped throughout
the land, was not the aboriginal god of any
city. In Heliopolis he was attached to Atmu, at
Thebes attached to Amen. These facts point to
Ra having been introduced into Egypt by a
conquering people, after the theological settlement
of the whole land. There are many suggestions
that the Ra worshipers came in from Asia, and
established their rule at Heliopolis. The title of
the ruler of that place was the heq, a Semitic
title; and the heq scepter was the sacred treasure
of the temple. The '
spirits of Heliopolis
' were
specially honored, an idea more Babylonian than
Egyptian. This city was a centre of literary
learning and of theological; theorising which was
unknown elsewhere in Egypt, but familiar in
Mesopotamia. A conical stone was the embodiment
of the god at Heliopolis, as in Syria. On,
the native name of Heliopolis, occurs twice in
Syria, as well as other cities named Heliopolis
there in later times. The view of an early Semitic
principal of Heliopolis, before the dynastic age,
would unify all of these facts : and the advance
of Ra worship in the fifth dynasty would be due
to a revival of the influence of the eastern Delta
at that time.
The form of Ra most free from admixture is
that of the disk of the sun, sometimes figured
between two hills at rising, sometimes between
two wings, sometimes in the boat in which it
floated on the celestial ocean across the sky. The
winged disk has almost always two cobra serpents
attached to it, and often two ranis' horns; the
meaning of the whole combination is that Ra
protects and preserves, like the vulture brooding
over its young, destroys like the cobra, and creates
like the ram. This is seen by the modification
where it is placed over a king's head, when the
destructive cobra is omitted, and the wings are
folded together as embracing and protecting the
This disk form is connected with the hawk-god,
by being placed over the head of the hawk ; and
this in turn is connected with the human form
by the disc resting on the hawk-headed man,
which is one of the most usual types of Ra. The
god is but seldom shown as being purely human,
except when identified with other gods, such as
Atmu, Horus, or Amon.
The worship of Ra outshone all others in the
nineteenth dynasty. United to the god of Thebes
as Amon Ra, he became '
king of the gods
; and
the view that the soul joined Ra in his journey
through the hours of the night absorbed all other
views, which only became sections of this whole
(see chap. xi). By the Greek times this belief
seems to have largely given place to others, and it
had practically vanished in the early Christian

Amen Re

consort is Amaunet. Originally a local Theban god..
was combined w/Ra in middle kingdomhat
His other consort is Mut
he is associated with the lunar god Khonsu (was worshiped as the son of Amun and Mut)
he is also known as Amun-asha renu (Amun rich in names)

The Concealed God
plurtarch quotes Manetho saying Amun is that which is concealed orinvisible.

One of his titles is 'mysterious of form'
he has an imperceptible nature.
Associated w/the power of the wind

As a Creator Ntr
member of the ogdoad...the 8 primordials (first I have seen of this)
He was worshiped as Amun kematef -- Amun who has completed his moment.
In the aspect of the creator he as in the form of a snake which 'renews' itself. It is sudgested that he was referred to as Kneph... the eternal self engendering Ntr worshiped at Thebes.

Amun created the universe through his thoughts.

As a solar Ntr
in the book of comming forth by day he is reffered to as 'eldest of the ntr of the wastern sky.

He rises as Horakthy, combining the hidden with the visible sun.

Fertility Ntr
12th dynasty Amun Kamutef --- Amun bull of his mother
He was self created...apon his mother... the cow who personified the Ntr of the sky and of creation... it also depicts the sexual energy of the bull. In regards to this he is associated with Min and is called Amun-Min.

Warrior Ntr
He received credit for victories all over the place...and I know as I was reading the ancient records the other day...... So he 'told' the Pharaos to expand territory, and he is given credit for protecting Kmt, and was called Lord of Victory and Lover of Strength. was also praised for granting people w/military strategy.

King of the Ntr
referred to as this in pyramid test 1540
and the 12th Dynasty White Chapel of Senwosret I
Ptolomes equated him w/Zeus.

Amun exsists in ALLLL things, making him a 'universal' Ntr. Sometimes refered to as the ba of all natural phenomena.

Source Material
The Book of Doors (I cant remember their names)
The Religion of Ancient Egypt (sir. w. f. Petrie)
complete gods and goddesses by Richard Wilkenson
Egyptian Mysteries book 2: encyclopedic Dictionary of Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses by Dr. Muata Ashby

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