Friday, October 22, 2010

Two Rants on Kemet

or what ever anyone wants to call it.

In the time I have spent here in ps and on chat, the mater of the origins or beginnings of the Kemetic movement seem to matter A LOT more to others. So I decided I would take the time to address this when I cared enough about it to do so. And I kind of do now, however, not enough to turn this into a debate. This is not a debatable issue. Should anyone wish to provide some relevant information that I dont care enough to look up or just flat out dont know, I certainly do appreciate it.

according to my several hieroglyphs dictionaries all of which have slightly similar names that I do not feel like writing out here and any book by Dr. Muata Ashby and The works of Rosemary Clark and my First Kemetic Teacher......

mdu ntr - or any variation of what ever vowels whomever is sticking in there - the words of god/ heiroglyphs. Sacred writing

Kmt - mdu ntr meaning the black land in reference to the flooding of the Nile and the black silt it leaves behind. The way in which the ancient dwellers of pharonic Egypt would refer to themselves and their country.

Tamry - mdu ntr - the blessed land, also used in referance to kmt.

Temple Horakhte was founded in 1975
I dont know when the kemetic orthodox church or Egyptian Yoga was founded.

I have been INFORMED that kemetic was just some word used by Afrocentric peoples in reference to the Reconstruction of Ancient Egyptian Ritual/Tradition and was started by some guy in the 80's. Or it was a movement formed in the 80's.

(see the above definition of the word Kemet)

There is a very good reason why I never cared enough to dig into the origin of the Afrocentric kemetic movement:

a. every reconstructionalist whether ritualistic/'religious'/ traditional ect ect of the modern era will refer to and quote from the following sources:

Ancient Greek such as Plutarch and Pythagoras,
(I know Im forgetting one ..or maybe two. just read about one of them the other day too.. any greek historian or philosopher that studdied in ancient egypt. They all did, and all for at least 15 years. They were under vows to not revieal certain things under pain of torture, never mind pain of death. Also keep in mind the Greeks were known for their 'fabrications' just in case you need a clue in to that, it means they made shit up when it was conveniant for them to do so. Any egyptologist will mention that, and then go ahead and quote one of them)

Ancient Text Translations

Any Egyptologist that is agreeable to that person's philosophy

Hindu/Buddhist Myth and religious practices

R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz ( and on occasion John Anthony West, to do both de lubicz and west is incredibly REDUNDANT, but I have seen people do it.

Lucie Lamie

The Greek crowd went the way of what is called The Hermetic Order -
Djuhuti was for some reason called both Thoth and Hermes Trimescus. The Hermetic order was founded on kmt wisdom text. You dont have to believe me or take my word on it, all you have to do is read the 24 tenants of Ma'at, the wisdom text and then any book on Hermetic stuff and you will see it quite plainly. (I have e-copies if anyone wants them)

Im pretty sure I dont have to sit here and discus the hermetic order any further, or the golden dawn or the oto. I figure connecting the dots is a no brainer.

THEN we see this tiney little man with HUMONGOUS issues of DOMINANCE by the name of Napoleon.... and Im really not going to blather about the begining of egyptology, I just wanted to take a jab and Napolion.... but it is kind of important when what's his name came on the scene.... ya know .... that guy... Alester Crowely ( not to mention all the crazies at the dawn of egyptology and Om Seti - who is highly regarded in certain circles)

as far as the Afrocentric practices, authors ect, no one really admits to reading his (A.C.) stuff. I have seen and heard them go on about the consistencies with Hinduism and Buddhism but never hermetics or Alester. I think I can understand why. If someone can't understand this I will refer back to the 42 Tennants of Ma'at and the wisdom text.

Alester was the guy who said everyone should dig into the secrets of Egypt.
and then there were the early 1900's urm ... mystics (Im just going to be polite with that one)

moving on....

and then there are conspiracy theories btwn Blavatsky and Baely and whatshisname? Edgar Casey.
That man has got to be one of my most favorite people. ALL of his prophecies were proven WRONG, yet he was so charismatic to this day people swear by his stuff. This makes my mind loop to the Edgar Casey Foundation. Both Zahi Hawasse and Mark Lehner received funding from ECF to go to egypt and dig around.... and uhm yeah so once they did their research they immediately separated themselves from the ECF. It could have been that they were so disappointed that they couldn't 'prove' what ever of Casey's they were supposed to or just disgusted. I imagine a bit of both... but that is just pure conjecture on my part as I have yet to come across an article in which either of those two prominent Egyptologists mention their previous ties.

Another person who seperated from Casey and hermetics and trying to prove they were correct was the renown Sir William Matthiew Flinders Petrie.

I mention the above people specifically for a reason. Petrie and his findings, as well as Breasted and a few other 'older' egyptologists including budge are still used as reference points in 'up-to-date-' and 'modern' spiritual / pagan/ heathen ect...ect... authors and other egyptologists. If you fail to see my points, when ever you see a book on Kemetic stuffything look in the bibliography.

R.A. Shwaller de Lubicz - interesting guy, but most importantly, from muata ashby to ra um nefer (Liberal to uhm oh out right RACIST exclusionaries) will quote from this man's works. I read this one afrocentric author who ripped off de lubicz word for word, but did NOT include him in his bibliography. I wouldn't have know had I not already read the works of Schwaller de Lubicz.

It may look like I have wandered off my topic. The Temple I studdy with, has a lovely bibliography in our text books, I collect them all !... the important part here, just in case someone missed it, is de lubiz and lammy. Of course hinduism and buddhism are important as well as shintoism as far as I am concerned for 'backward engenearing purposes. Or augmentation.

The Schwaller de Lubicz family, which includes Isha and her daughter Lucie Lammy spent 15 years in luxor copying things, taking photographs, measuring things ect ect This guy was actively lecturing on these topics in the 1950's and Lucie's book came out in '81. In the early 80's R.A. and Isha Schwaller de Lubicz's works were reprinted.

I just can not imagine ONE guy waking up some time in the 80's and just ALL of the sudden going YEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I got it !!! hey ! listen to this !!!! Egypt is in AFRICA... why are we paying attention to what these weirdo greek people say ... .I know... I will learn to read the mdu ntr myself and ALL ALONE start this movement thingie !!!!!!

The above is not plausible. I cant even begin to sift through the different teachings and schools of Egyptian yoga and when and where that started, but hey, Google away ! The people you will find either have doctorates or they have egyptologist backing if not both. There are plenty 'yogi' out there to discuss the more Afrocentric kemetic practices.

The kemetic Movement comes in all shapes and sizes. From the Orthadox Church, to Seperat Temples of Auset or Yoga or Original Qabalistic Teachings and on and on ... I even found one organization that meshed kemetic/hindu/buddhist unabashedly while employing all manner of extra consonants and vowels to the point where I couldn't even read what they were talking about, but the pictures were pretty !

The one thing they do have in comon is the tendancy to use the original (or as close to it as possible) mdu ntr, de lubicz and research. I got a 50 author reading list with a oh yeah and check out some more egyptolgoists, be varied in your studies and draw your own conclusions, meanwhile, let me tell you about this neeto ritual I just translated. Of course Ms Clark doesn't talk like that at all, but I think anyone still reading this will get the idea.

I have been asked if I think it is possible for the original message to 'truly' come down to us unbroken, something I find rather funny for any one who is uhm, spiritual, craftworking, metaphysical, hethan, pagan, wiccan traditional or non, to ask that; as if that concept makes my studies more or less relevant in their eyes.. I remember reading a christian Jaqc book and thinking wow, some teachings just never go away. ... Do I think hermeics is a waste of time? Hey if it floats your boat and speaks to you ... I think its a great choice, I find it very boring.... zzzzz zzzzz (I have e book... I will share !!!!) Im not going to say that there is nothing to learn from it either, as above, so below, in all the shadow realms ... ( yep yep ... some people, even today translate it to say shadow realm heehehe as a yugioh fan I fully support that)

I have been on this path since I was 23. There are many different kemetic traditions. Some, I know jack shit about. Im always open to talk to people of other kemetic paths about their ideas and beliefs. Im quite well awair of the fact that one temple/group has an entire different ranking system or learning schedule.

I hope this has cleared some of the air concering the meaning/definition of the word Kemetic. And if anyone knows who that ONE guy is that STARTED the kemetic movement in the 80's give me his name so I can research and read all about it !
if anyone wants any help or to exchange e book and/or research materials, web sites ect ect drop me a line.

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