Friday, October 22, 2010

Demon Notes

"having performed the a magical ceremony over her, the demon departed
from her and she was cured straightway. The demon addressed the god
saying, 'Greatful and welcom is they comming unto us, O great god, thou
vanquisher of the hosts of darkness ! Bekhten is thy city, the
inhabitants thereof are thy slaves, and I am thy servant; and I will
depart unto the place whence I came that I may gratify thee, for unto
this end, hast thou com thither. And I beseech they Majesty to command
that the Prince of Bekhten and I may hold festival together.' To the
demon's request Kohnsu agreed, and he commanded his priest to tell the
Prince of Hekhten to make a great festival in honor of the demon; this
having been done by the command of Khonsu the demon departed to his own

and then budge, proving his worth to me for the first time in any of the
books he has written that I have read says this, which also helps make
sense of part of our conversation on friday:

"in christian literature we find a number of examples of demonical
possession in which the demon who as entered the body yields it up
before a demon of greater power then himself, but the demon who is
expelled is invariably hostile to him that expels him, and he departs
from before him with every sign of wrath and shame. The fact that it was
believed possible for the demon of Behkten and the god Khonsu to
fraternize, and to be present together at a festival made by the prince
of the country, shows that the people of Behkten ascribed the same
attributes to spirits or demons as they did to men. The demon who
possessed the princess recognized in Khonsu a being who was mightier
than himself, and like a vanquished king, he wished to make the best
terms he could with his conqeror , and to be on good terms with him."

(then, much to my amusement he jumps right into dreams and how the gods
communicate with us in dreams ! haahaahaa)

This also makes me think on hekau and mantras. Hekau being 'sacred
words/the words of god' This is the 'power base' behind kemetic magic.
Mantras of course being the same but are generally explained as being
potent due to the 'vibrations of purity' they produce. (to me this is
really just exactally the same as how hekau works)

I have three or so more of these little books to read, so I will
continue to send you emails as I go. I will also post it in my blog, so
that I will have a record of it and dont forget.

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